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Coming Soon: Devstream #22


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Currently, invasion missions are just not fun at all. Spamming a node and doing the same 5 missions repeatedly is just so... agonizingly dull. Especially since everyone is in rush mode during them.


Are there any plans to make invasion missions more enjoyable?


I would love to see a multistage invasion that flows from one to the other as you progress.


Maybe something like:


Mission 1 - Spy mission to gather intel on the area

Mission 2 - Sabotage the core to leave them defenseless

Mission 3 - Assassinate a boss to take out the leader of the node

Mission 4 - Deception to take full control

Mission 5 - Exterminate remaining forces


Don't get me wrong, I love running and gunning, but I really have to

force myself to complete these invasion missions 5 times in a row.

I agree totally with this. Add a name to the node and store the invasion missions in Lore section.

Grineer assault on Xini.

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Dear DE don't take this the wrong i love warframe so much that i dreamed about being married to nova, which is kinda creepy i know, 


Q 1: when are planing on releasing the KUNAI prime?

Q 2: when is new prime frames gonna be released?

Q 3: when can we expect world peace?

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Hi to All of you from Argentina.

First: i want to say thanks for this amazing game.

Second: sorry for my English.


So here we go...:


1: We know u guys are working on Stealth/Sneak missions so i wonder if u guys, have plans to bring us some ship/station/Planet with a great darkness place and if u bring to us something like "night vision" in order to have a more realistic gameplay?


2: Are you thinkin in put some music in the stages? i mean... sometimes when you're on the "lobby" window u just hear the "uuuuh uuuuh uuuh" thing and is like if u have ur ears buzzing.


3:In Primary weapons We have Lasers, Sniper, Bow, Rifles, Launcher, Shotgun... what about a heavy machine gun?

Melee: Sai's, nunchako's/ dual nunchako's to have more ninjas weapons.


4: With update 12 we played in the new darvo "adventure" and the new "forest" here, can i ask if u guys are considering in bring some more realistic weather like rain, sandstorms, snow.... and day/ night missions?


5: For Guilds, can u improve the guild system with a "Postulate members" how it works... one member postulate to "xx" guild and the leader or ppl with invite can give him/her the "ok" or the "decline", what u think?


thanks for reading...

thanks for this amazing game and "saludos de Argentina" =)


Edited by VonWagner
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With the doubled Harvester spawn chances hit the game a fair number of updates/hotfixes ago, and, of course, a community'e ability to grind an RNG pool to no end(that new year's lesson...haunting). The game's solar system has lost it balance to Grineer forces very heavily. The Grineer, not counting boss nodes, control all but Venus(likely to benefit new players) and are sharing Sedna, Mars, Phobos, and Jupiter. The Corpus are down to little Venus and Pluto, and, as of 5am 02/7/14, it's first 2 planets nodes are under conflict. Are there any plans to rectify what the community has done to the Corpus?

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Just three questions:


Will you make stealth missions more rewarding and complex than the average mission where you go do the objective and get out? (Like giving more Affinity and increasing drop chances for rewards and loot in unalerted missions.)


Will you give unalerted enemies distinct movement patterns and patrol patterns that will make a small puzzle game for the Tenno? (Somewhere in Splinter Cell where you kill enemies in a designated effective order and timing.)(Similar to the Stealth Tests in ranking up from 8-9.)


Will you add maintenance crew as enemies? (They're basically the crew that maintains the ship's or facility's integrity. And as such, killing them will have an effect on the environment the Tenno are currently progressing.)


Bonus question:


When will you make a rework on Tyl Regor?! He is even more broken than Sergeant Nef Anyo!

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Are there any planes to make a market sort of system, as in a place that you could go to setup a shop and sell whatever and make it open only on certain days to increase the amount of people. Secondly i was just wondering if there could be a leader board sort of thing in the obstacle course so that there is some sort of incentive to do it more. Finally i wanted to know if in the future there would be a way of increasing slots in a weapon or Warframe from 8 to 9 or 10, something like a piece of forma but you stick it in and it adds a slot. To even it out you could even make it really hard to get.


This was meant to be a 2 line post XD. Keep up the good work guys :D

Edited by blackcat556655
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Alerts and invasions with valuable rewards like reactor, forma or rares, in my timezone (GMT+1), happens either when Im at work or late at night. Its easy to assume that for a LOT of players from GMT-1, GMT, GMT+1 its the same...

Are the rewards time of occurance random? Can something be done to make it more even across the baord?

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Does sniper game play currently fit the state of the game?


This post is a result from the discussion that originally took place here:




As the game is right now, it is a general consensus that sniper game play does not fit the current state of the game and that it is heavily outclassed by every other weapon in the game. Some of the reasons for this are the sniper's current problems:


 - fast paced, in you face game, not suited to slow pace and tactical use of snipers

 - loads of enemies, that overwhelm you, thus making snipers unrealiable

 - the majority of the maps are very small, not making snipers usefull

 - snipers have a very slow fire rate, which then greatly mitigates their DPS and thus their usefulness

 - punch through mechanic is a small fix, but very unreliable because most of the time the enemies are not perfectly aligned and you cannot find a way to have them do it

 - the scopes have a terrible visibility problem

 - If you find a good sniping spot, you are better off using an Ogris or an AOE weapon in that spot instead of using a sniper because such AOE weapons do not require precise aiming and kill/damage a lot of enemies per shot.




Anyway, how can we fix snipers? A few suggestions from this discussion and others:

 - have bigger maps with specific sniping spots. This would benefit snipers and weapons like Ogris, but it would be useless for everything else and it would limit DEV creativity on scenarios. It would also benefit the AI however by giving them more cover/sniping spots.

 - Fix the scopes. This is a must IMO. Furthermore, scopes could have an auto-aim feature to facilitate hitting moving targets. If you have a scope you might as well make use of it.

 - Make snipers have bonuses against heavies that no other weapon has

 - Make snipers have more special mods that only work for them

 - Give snipers a signature benefit, such as super crit, or super status chance

 - Make snipers ignore the corpus headshot resistance


Also suggested by noneuklid:


1) Give them truly absurd burst damage or a unique damage type that ignores defenses when hitting a weak spot (same net effect) and make bullet-sponge heavies with "extra weak spots" (5-10x damage on their small vulnerable location) that have long "tells" or predictable pauses in their attack chains (like the Grineer Heavy's fist smash).  When I say "truly absurd," I mean like 10K on weak spot hits after mods.  An instakill in all but name.


2) Give them some other benefit; eg, enemies killed by one sniping weapon explode in a toxic cloud and deal aoe damage, while enemies killed by another sniping weapon have guaranteed energy drops.  Or at least, sniping weapons have a ~100% status application chance.



And finally, by 00zau:


Maybe make some mini-boss level enemies, even rarer than the heavy units, with slightly improved offense over the heavy units, but slower movement, and massive, massive hitpoints. Give snipers enough damage per shot to basically one-shot even these super heavies hitting a weakpoint (which would probably take a couple seconds of Soma fire in a non-weakpoint to kill). Basically give snipers some new really tough targets that it's worth bringing a sniper rifle to kill. Because of the low fire-rate on snipers, giving them a massive damage per shot won't make them OP, even if they can one-shot lvl 100 heavies.


Alternative, add enemies similar to shield lancers with their shield slit; enemies immume to damage except in a weakpoint. Maybe not immune, but something like a 90% reduction. Imagine the corpus hear armor covering everything but the head of a grineer walking tank. Anything but headshots is going to be a waste of ammo, even if you do eventually kill it. Reward precision, and thus snipers.




Ok, this is the result of the last few days of work talking about snipers with the community. This set of problems/solutions is also meant for bow weapons, but it does not take into consideration the recent buffs that bows got (they got it like yesterday ...)


I honestly hope that someone mentions this topic in the DEV stream today, as I feel it is important and that it should at least be discussed in a public and open way.


But then again ... with 14 pages of posts, I very much doubt that any one will bother reading my post ... guess I will have to wait and see.

Edited by Fl4m3Ph03n1x
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Hm, about the hush hush end game ideas, any idea when the first one will be implemented? Further news on Vors prize? what's the deal with the Ember Prime backstory in the codex?


^Result of 20 mins intensive head scratching to condense the loud noise that came out when told to think of questions.

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1. DE i would like to know why you put keys to the void and why defense still can reward us with cores/credit cache? So now what is the point going to the void?  This seems pretty much like adding more and more dilution to the tables.


2. Market 2.0? Do you plan doing something with the market and imbalanced prices?


Edit: Bad writing

Edited by Nieplujaca-Lama
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Any plans to allow us to select a different rank on a mod we have maxed. This way we don't need 3 fleeting expertise for various builds.

Also, will we ever be able to forma each set of a frame differently? As in set A has different polarities than set B.

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Melee 2.0 is gonna bring yet another new button to push in my keyboard.

Are the dev's considering key combinations or alternate methods to lower down all this buttons spreading into my keyboard?

Quick melee blocking is already something I never use, nor I never see nobody use.

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Hey. I have some re-run questions(STILL WANT TO KNOW!), but there's a few new ones in here as well.

1. The berserker frame is named "Valkyr", after angelic, spear-wielding warriors who tend the honorable dead. This name really doesn't fit the frame at all.

There's some community consensus that it would be better named "Erinys", after the flesh-shorn, claw sporting, whip wielding physical embodiments of vengeance who rend the wicked limb from limb in the prisons of hell.

Considering how startlingly close the actual frame is to this in skills, appearance, and lore, wouldn't this be a far better name for it? Since weapons, skills, and frames have been renamed in the past, this wouldn't be without precedent, and it would also free up the name "Valkyr" for use on a future female warrior frame, one more in line with whole angelic, honorable spear thing.

2. Equilibrium is still not in the codex. Nor is guardian. I'm not sure if any other mods were missed specifically, but it appears the name checking needs another pass.

 3. The codex badly needs more interactivity--for example, if you see an enemy has a mod, you cannot check what it does or who else has it, without changing pages. There's also lists of weapons and frames, but, despite this being the PERFECT point-of-sales for them and their blueprints, you require significant navigation to find them.

4. Can we get better info on the market pages? It's currently quite painful and needlessly complex to sort through which blueprints you own, and which weapons you own. I should be able to determine, without swapping pages, whether or not I own a galatine, or a galatine blueprint, or both, and how many of each. This currently requires a minimum of 3 different pages viewed, and that's a bit absurd.

5. It's been hinted that ability mods will be leaving drop tables some time soon. As there is no reasonable way to get duplicates for effective build management, will we be getting access to ability mods through some other means, or will players actually be expected to make the up to 15 additional warframes of each type that they'd require?

6. It's been suggested in the past that PS4 players and PC players could play together when "the rainbow bridge aligns". However, the PS4 players are also noted to be currently behind the PC players on the update schedule. With the introduction of standardized invasion, how will this be handled? Would PS4 players have their node ownership changed to align to the PC players? Would this not cause problems if a certain side proved more popular in a given battlefront on PC than on the PS4? If they did not have their node ownership changed, would this not cause many/most nodes to be eventually platform-exclusive, despite the "rainbow bridge" existing?

7. Armor mechanics for warframes is currently quite pitiful. The berserker frame can easily get over 1,200 armor, but is still kind of flimsy. Will there be future tweaks?

8.Will we be seeing new types of extractors, besides titan/titan prime, in the future?

9. Planets now drop resources that make no sense, such as the almost entirely grineer planet of eris dropping 3 different brands of infested body parts. Will this continue?

10. Will melee 2.0 allow us to use the current system of being able to launch melee attacks without changing our equipped weapon? The current system is quite useful in that regard, but the previews shown seem to suggest that will be going away. As a player who almost exclusively uses melee attacks, the change is rather disturbing--being able to use either gun or blade on whim allows for poetic combat using great comboes of the two, which is completely lost with the weapon swapping system, as demonstrated by trying to swiftly combine attacks from both primary and secondary weapons.

11. The new "HUD 2.0" seems like a huge step back, and looks embarassingly like something you'd expect a game to have in alpha test, before the actual, finished HUD came out. Is there actually a HUD 3.0 in our future, that this is just the foundation of, or is this seriously the end of the line?

12. Is the new "HUD 2.0" a canadian april fool's day joke? I know you guys celebrate a lot of holidays early just to be different. If so, great prank.

13. The HUD rework is very strange. The vast lighting and color changes presented by frames and enemies and environment make it hard to view, as it has no backing. The layout changes serve no readily apparent reason.

At the very least, can we have this be customizeable? The ability to add a backing is sorely needed, particularly for players with visual impairments such as colorblindness, and being forced into the new layout seems problematic and silly. It would make more sense to allow us to at least choose our personal preferences of where we'd like different HUD elements positioned.

This allows us more freedom, AND allows us to self-correct for problems--I had one friend who always redid a game's HUD when possible to put all the info on the left side of the screen, as she had lost her right eye. Other visual problems have their own unique needs, and giving us custom positioning would help immensely with them, while also give us the benefit of selecting the best "workflow" for our own eyes and playstyle.

15. Do you think you should have perhaps released oxium several weeks in advance, so that we'd have a surplus built up, to avoid the knee-jerk reaction of "THOSE COST WAY TOO MUCH!" that came with only having a single week pre-release? Isn't this kind of the same issue that came with u10 and the golem? Players freaking out because they hadn't had enough time to collect things to make the prices seem reasonable? Will future releases be stepped back further to avoid the panic this induced?

16. Is oxium/oxprey here to stay? That fact wasn't made entirely clear.

17. The corpus are going extinct. At the time of this question's writing, they owned less than 4 dozen nodes, out of almost 20 dozen nodes in the game, and the few planets they do own are under invasion. Is this intentional, or can we expect something to counter-balance the additions of oxium and the detron as rewards for conquering them? Unchecked, at the current rate, they are unlikely to own any non-boss nodes by valentine's day, and will definitely own no non-boss nodes by the end of the month.

18. Will boss nodes ever be susceptible to regular invasions, or only infestations?

19.  You've stated that you don't know where to put the grineer shipyards. As the real-life europa is a near-perfect sphere of water, and the grineer currently own all but 1 node of europa, it would make a perfect location. Would you consider this? If not, why not? As a bonus, this would allow the corpus to use the raptor as an invasion-specialty boss.

20. It was stated that melee 2.0 will be "just the beginning". It was also once mentioned possibly having more complex moves available. Can we ever hope to see some advanced combat tactics and manuevers(including, perhaps, a second melee button), similar to games like Dynasty Warriors or Mortal Kombat?

21. Melee 2.0: Not here yet. How far off?

22. Will melee 2.0 include the badly-needed status chance buff to melee weapons? It seems odd that hitting a guy with a 6-foot, razor-sharp galatine only has a slight chance to make him bleed before it makes him die.

23. Will infested and grineer be getting similar strip-away armor to the corpus?

24. Do you think the strip-away armor was a good idea to give the corpus in the middle of their extinction? It kind of speeds things up a little.

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Is there a possibility you guys could do a contest for ideas on how to "fix" currently underused frames? (I.E Volt & Ash)


Edit: Also next frame is obviously a male time lord, but if you were to give us say...a number.. what could we expect from it?

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25. Can we expect changes to the interception game type? Right now it's kind of boring, but the basic game style has been done quite interestingly in other games. I imagine we have lots of suggestions for improving it, far more than can be said by the lovely lotus in the span of one quick q&a question. Is this the final draft?

26. Is interception really meant to replace mobile defense? Mobile Defense seems to be a highly-popular game type, it seems strange that it would be on the chopping block.

27. Will we ever see actual treasure chests(similar to vaults) show up in the existing secret areas, including keys and the like, to alleviate potential future dillution?

28. It's been suggested that most/all future weapons will be crammed into dojo research. Are we really going to have vast quantaties of stuff put there? It's okay, but the whole "wait 3 days" thing takes a lot of the excitement out of new updates.

29. Is Darvo younger now? He looked/sounded much older before, he now appears to be a teenager. Is that intentional?

30. How far off is the new faction?


31. Can we expect more faction-specific resources like oxium in the future, especially now that the political landscape of the game changes so rapidly? Will old, faction-implied resources ever become faction specific?


32. Will we ever get alchemy to allow us to transmute resources?


33. How are the auto-installs determined for mods? I attempted it on every single type of gear(sentinels, weapons, warframes), and always got comically bad builds out of the deal. Is that intentional, or is it just a quirk with the mods I own and the levels they happen to be at?


34. Will the future hold shifting node types? Right now, all corpus "mobile defense" missions are still mobile defense. It would be interesting if the game type a node presented changed based on who owned it.

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