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New Hud Feedback


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I love this game. Have invested so many hours on it and probably will more, I could actually say this is my favorite game of all time. But man, is this UI giving me a huge headache - it literally is making me not want to play that much! Makes me realize how important a smooth UI is to any interactive software. I'll just summarize what I think are the biggest issues, and many which have already been said but I just feel a need to keep bringing this up:


-Feels clunky, too many clicks for simple things, unnecessary camera movement; the UI atm is the only section of the game where my framerate drastically drops. Ease of use has been sacrificed for a flashy console look; the concept of immersion shouldn't override practicality.


-Solar System chart is no longer Solar System chart - all planets look exactly the same, there is no real distinction between them. Going inside a planet locks you in that planet as opposed to the previous way where you could navigate all the nodes when zoomed in.


-Headache inducing parallax effect. Looks cool the first time, the 2nd and consecutive times it becomes really annoying.


-Too much! Less is more... Now the old ones seems like a real minimalist approach that was much better.


DE, thanks for making a great game, you've taken money and time from me... There are so many good things I could say about your game, but at the moment, I honestly have nothing good to say about the UI update.

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New UI looks great, but could definitely use a few tweaks. Too many things are only accessible from the escape menu.


If the matchmaking setting could be moved a conspicuous location in the navigation screen/solar map, it would make it a lot easier to change that between missions.


Add communications to the right hand console in the cabin. I get that you want a big shiny advertisement for the market in the ship's cockpit, but accessing the console could still the give options for mail, friends, clan, and the market. It could still display the market the rest of the time, if you want.


Inventory should be accessible in the rear cabin, somewhere. Myself, I'd put it in the same machine as the mods.


Speaking of mods, this is the one place where I'm going to suggest an outright reversion to the old system. (Though, I do prefer the old solar map.) People should be able to fusion, transmute, and sell all from the same screen.


THANK YOU for moving the arsenal UI to the camera side of the warframe! It was almost impossible to outfit my sentinel and its weapon, with the warframe between the UI and the camera.

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I find this difficult to read:




before it was like a table, numbers on the right, much easier to read

In addition that the info is not displayed in a way thats easy to grasp, theres also not enough info.

I mean, warframe builder is showing what info is good, eg. secondary stats such as total cost redcution on warframes. Why should I go to that website and build my warframe? Right now because the ingame UI doesnt help me as well.


If someone doesnt appreciate what exact stats all mods together produce there could be easy/advanced mode.

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haha, I just realized we hijacked this hud thread because there is no other official pinned one towards the ui. sorry my posts are not about hud, I hope the feedback finds its way to the right people anyways.

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It's horrible and the most horrible part is Mods Menu divided on 4 parts, moved from arsenal (well where I actually use mods), it blackens...


Next horrible thing is the map. Sometimes i waste at least twice time to get to the needed planet and like x10 to get to the needed node even when I'll get used to there positions I'll still waste time to rotate it where it needs to be and the void menu is just looks like badly overflown I have at least 1 of most of the keys and it's just a mess. I don't use gamepad in this game and don't plan to and I think most of the PC and even console players prefer keyboard and mouse why would you adapt pretty much main menu we had for gamepads?...


Next one is smaller but still it disappoints me a lot. Character is overlapping everything but arsenal and map... Most of the "screens" are constantly twitching moving and changing my line of sight on them just for moving cursor. I don't won't to be punished for moving cursor and prefer clear UI over looking how my frame follows cursor with his head...


Changing type of matchmaking which was clear and had easy access now are hidden and needs at least two moves to get to it from the map (And I do like to change it a lot)


Leaving the squad now takes like x5 time then before.


I thought well to hell with it I'll use esc menu but still it won't give me a clear understandable UI it just moves me to thous screens (If I know there should be a clearer, faster menus I expect them to be rly clearer and faster not just a bunch of buttons that still needs pretty much same time to navigate and gives me same twitchy overlapping gamepad oriented menus)

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After some days using it it's definitely a beautiful UI, but I think it will need adjustments for the PC because of the mouse.


As a mouse user it seems the old UI's stillness was less startling. Now whenever I move the mouse and the interface moves too  it's kinda tiresome, needs an extra effort. Not only I gotta keep track of the mouse cursor, but I also need to take in consideration the screen position that keeps changing. Double effort, repetitive and kinda makes me jump a little :). Maybe for a joystick it makes sense, but for PC&mouse an optional still alternative would be much appreciated.


Scrolling Planets feels like a mini-game I don't want to play. Before I knew the planets by size, position and name. Now I can only rely on it's color/texture. An option to show the planets names right away wouldn't look so neat  but sure would avoid some friction.


Right-click inside the ship could open the game menus. Console players don't have this problem because they have everything at hand. Reaching Esc everytime you want to access something can be annoying. Mouse is the PC joystick, always at hand, so the whole game should be accessible by the mouse.

Edited by iamah
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Thoughts after playing with the UI some more.



-- There are no components for Inbox or Inventory. Inbox component could be located to the left of naviagtion, opposite the News? Inventory could be added between Foundry and Arsenal, or on the desk with the Codex?



--ESC menu is useful but nested menus are a problem. Consider restoring some version of the Arsenal/Foundry/Market/Inbox/Clan ribbon from the old UI. This functionality is sorely missed.

-- Warframe's shoulder being in the way of menus is a problem in Foundry and Mod menus. Narrow the foundry columns and remove the leftmost column from the mod menu, and tweak Warframe slightly to the left, so entire UI is visible at all times?

-- UI sway is a bit much, give us an option to scale the movement down like in-mission UI?

--Bug: When in Arsenal>Kubrow upgrade>Mods, "Equipped" mod tab does not display mods equipped to Kubrow.

--Bug: When in Navigation, clicking the menu button beside player's avatar and selecting Arsenal doesn't lead to Arsenal immediately. One must press ESC first. Causes difficulty when preparing for missions.



--Give us an option to label the planets.

--Show resource drops when mouse hovers on planet.

--Vary size of planets to make them easier to identify at a glance.

--Seriously consider scaling planets to reflect their relative positions in space. Let the Tenno be the sun and have the planets orbit them, perhaps. The planets don't have to move like the old Star Chart, but the relative positions of each was useful and is sorely missed in this update.

Edited by Varzy
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I'm not sure this is the right place, but a small UI bug I found:


When you press escape and go to your profile and portrait, when you click to edit the portrait you get a window with the old ui and you can't click the icons to chose a new picture. Then the entire UI seems to lock up and you have to force-quit the game and restart it.


Side note: The UI in many places doesn't flow well imo. The little back button at the bottom right for example, for some windows doesn't exist, so you have to press escape... breaking the flow. If that makes sense. Not game breaking, but some feedback from me. :)


P.S> When mousing over a planet it would be really great if it could produce a tooltip of sorts showing what components drop there, the level range, the bosses,  etc. clicking from planet to planet to find the right level missions or the right components is tedious.


P.P.S> After completing a mission via matchmaking, there is no button to leave the squad, you have to back out, press esc, go up to your profile, then click leave squad. Putting a Leave Squad button next to the Exit button would be better.

Edited by Samuels
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Some basic issues I have with the new UI.




-Character models in front of menus, particularly the mod menu. Is very annoying when trying to synth mods when you character model covers half the screen.

-On the subject of the mods menu, sorting isn't working, if I sort by duplicate I want to see all duplicates, not just the unlevelled mods. Having to switch menus to sell / combine excess duplicates after synthing the ones I want to keep is just annoying.

-No easy way to see invasions from the Liset.




-The foundry windows are too big, reducing width by 1/3 (3 per row as opposed to 2) would help when sorting through a large number of recipes.

-Add an option to sort mods into a 3 columns system, with a single mod type per row. organised maxxed ][ levelled ][ unleveled

-Shrink the reticule a bit and add a bit of transparency as a lot of the time trying to snipe the reticule actually obscures the target  


As yet I have not seen any events (I am aware there was one close after release but i may have missed it) , but would like to see where the info about the events like duration etc. for them is displayed

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This has probably already been mentioned...but i want to make sure.

Most of the new UI windows are simply too big and zoomed in...my screen(5:4) cant fit any of the new windows and even for those with 16:10 screens stuff at the bottom gets cut off.

So zooming out a little should help.

Also: i heartily second the request for an option to turn off the "UI-wobbling"

Oh and while I am at it...i found a bug in the esc menu that was not fixed when you guys fitted it to 4:3 and 5:4 screens, namely the partybar at the top still vanishes on the left screen border.

And one more thing...the Arsenal UI fonts look kinda weird in 5:4...i get the feeling they get distorted instead of being properly scaled...i checked some videos and there it looks fine...so i guess this is just another 5:4 related issue.

Edited by Sharien
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This is not game breaking but, on the star-map, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune are missing their rings.


The star-map does look very nice and all, but it doesn't really make sense in a level progress/story progression way. You don't really know where you are supposed to go next.


And, the planets and moons are all the same size, and are not in the correct places. Having the moons around their planets, and click-able to zoom in on them, would be better imo.

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     There is no longer an inventory. I cant see the stuff I own, for example warframe helmets, weapon skins and skins among other things. To be honest that annoys me, there was just an alert for a valkyr alt helm and I had to go to my arsenal equip valkyr then go to appearance and see if i had the helm already made, nope i didn't. Oh!! but maybe I have the bp from a past alert, I have to leave arsenal now and go check my foundry for this. Very inefficient. would be nice to have an inventory option in my arsenal again.

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Things I like:
Its pretty, I have a planet viewer showing Zentradi command ships floating around.

I can interact with nodes that make me feel like I'm doing stuff somewhat useful.

Things that annoy me:
Old ui gave me speed, yes yes yes hit esc, but is this a GRAPHICAL ui or dos menu ui? Did the client detect my mouse or not?

The inability for most menus to fit on my screen without the need for the menu itself to pan left or right, brings in one extremely key issue for me, the text in most cases is horredously tiny. I will not go purchase a 32" screen to play this game, just to read the text.

Your nav screen alert icons, NEED to have a back blackground so they are legible. Go view any subtitled foreign movie to see how this is done (or done incorrectly).

In ship, the display over nav, can be completely obscurred by the light outside making it nigh impossible to even read, no matter what angle one moves into.

The functionality of squads has not changed, so why MUST I hit esc to then select "start"? I thought this was a graphical UI.

Reliance on esc to do anything fast. Is this a graphical UI or a simple text UI?

While I DO like the equipment mod screen, I miss the ability to give MY final commit to changes - or at least a final way to revert. (Unfortunately the text on the mods are teensy, so I can't see what I am using, with any speed, unless I see the picture - which is also small).

Has anyone noticed the ship pickup/deployment area, does not correspond to anything inside the ship? Oh yes there is something similar near the aft of the ship, but not in the correct position when the outside of said ship is viewed. I also noticed the scale of the ship is a bit off (more room internally then externally).


When I come out of a mission and group breaks (sometimes it doesn't need to break) Why does my chat channel default to trade? Surely it can default to the last channel I was in?

UI things that peeve me, that are not related to this UI change:
Sentinal weapon mods. I am completely fine with them using the tenno weapon mods, I am not happy with the inability to quickly see HOW IT IS IN USE, why cant we have a second completely different looking icon somewhere on the same card that says this?

Weapon Modification Screen, old UI never showed what was in use, current one still doesn't show what is in use, why?


Edited by Tarrot
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I like the direction the new hud and UI has gone but the mod management screen still leaves a lot to be desired. WIth the addition of the "sell all duplicates" button, a lot of time can be saved as long as you don't care about some of your duplicates but the ability to lock mods so they can't be sold should be added.


Say for instance i want to never sell any of my corrupted mods, I can tell each one to lock so that mods matching that name will never sell but my 300 ammo drum's will still sell all but the ranked and one unraked. :/


A search feature should also be added. Being able to search by what is typed rather than just view by "category" would be really nice.

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This new UI is so clunky, terrible, and otherwise unwieldy that I've not bothered to log in more than a few minutes in the past week.


Abandon your PC platform in favor of the console one, thanks.

Glad we can be your beta test bed for the consoles.


Its clear who DE is designing for now.

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Hey I discovered a bug.

When you're customizing your weapon in the color selection screen, and you scroll to see the other color palettes, the menu gets stuck, and I cant do anything but close the game once the menu gets stuck.

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