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New Hud Feedback


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Good day,


I believe it is safe to say that while players would welcome a cleaner HUD during fast-paced matches, most would still like to see how effective their abilities and weapons are during said matches.


I suggest the option to disable affinity numbers and damage numbers should be split in two, disabling one or the other, or both, but not preventing players to see their damage ingame if they choose to remove some of the visual clutter (clutter here used in a non-derrogative manner) from their screens. That is, if this is not in some way contrary to the game design the company making it has in mind.


Thank you for your time if you choose to read this post.

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DE, a big majority of all players really dislike the new mod UI, please, pleeease could you at least give us an option for the old alternative? like you did with the color engine? 


The the major problems with this UI change in u14.5 is that mod images are nearly non-existant. so there's no way to remember how the mods looked like, scrolling from the side doesn't help here at all, and lastly you can't recognize a mod just from the name. Modding is almost 3x slower and more infuriating then pre-u14.5. 


Another glaring error in this UI is the new dots to see if you have upgraded a mod or not, they're almost just 5 pixels big and no new player will notice: "oh I can probably upgrade these mods" since the dots just looks like they're a fancy detail to the card! 

Also, color blind people have an even harder time to see if how far they have modded a card. 


Please DE, give us an alternative to change back to the old UI.

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I remember before update 14... 
you could see what mods were equipped on what frame or weapon...

now i don't even know what are equipped mods and what are not...


for example... >  Serration Rank 8 (mouse over the mod) 
and it says...

             Equipped on: 

            PARIS PRIME ... etc..


and then i known that i need to upgrade that Rank 8 Serration, so that equipped guns get stronger...

now the indicator for Ranks on mods is Okay...
but i really want to see what mods are equipped and what are not... 

i know it's a little bit to much ... like it will overlap the UI or something like that...
but when we had that... i was finding mods quicker like that...

pls bring that back :)


If you have, say, 2 max rank serrations (one for main wep, one for sent) the game can end up fitting them both to the same wep on different loadouts, with no indication that it's done this (as per the OP's point)

Also, if you're like me, you have multiple levels of many mods to facilitate weapons levelling, and often you get told that you can't fit one due to it already being on a sentinel's wep, even if you are not actually using that sentinels wep or even a sentinel at all.



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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

When on your ship there are symbols that appear in the top right corner. What do they represent? Is there a list or page containing a hud description anywhere. Seems like there is a lot of empty space in that corner, text would help with the symbols.


I'd rather have a bar that scrolled text than a meaningless symbol... "2 Foundry items formally known as Prince" done?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I want you to take a look at this example of what a Air Combat Hud should look like at time code 16:09 notice the red arrows those are the enemies and from what direction they are coming from, not the lock on's that the current hud shows then disappear. These arrows are continually on as long as their are enemies on the screen and as you turn towards one of those arrows they lead you to your target. This is not a issue with the corpus since it is essentially inside and down corridors but when fighting the Grineer in open space it is virtually impossible to spot them and don't get me started about trying to find dropped mods in this vast area. I like the design of this hud because it is clean and everything is where it needs to be. Here is the url for this hud example, 

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- I hate it, bring back the old HUD -> This is not really something we can or want to do, we want to look forward and make this the best HUD we can, so we will definitely seek out and listen for feedback to make it better.







Why did you have to put that awful system? I will not acknowledge that awful new UI, WE DONT SEE MODS CLEARLY and that awful horizontal mods presentation sux a lot.



Edited by Redhux
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27 pages mostly of ppl screaming about UI in the HUD feedback :| Hopefully this is both read and helpful. 

Anyway as Trin it would be useful to see my allies Energy level as well, and maybe make it more alarming when an ally's health is low.


I also feel that the left hand side of the screen is rather empty.


Way-points need better describers, both auto (like the mods,) and player chosen *Like: look at this, come over here, don't touch the pressure plat* etc. And once description is in place, we will need the ability to put down at least one of each type of way-point *infinite mod way-points* (right now you can only place 1 way-point at a time)


Player re-sizing/ picking of the various hud parts, I know it would be difficult to code.. but we would love y'all for it. 
Basically with this you would have various HUD modules that would be able to be turned on/off and placed in different places at different sizes. Y'all would still design both the elements and the default options, but players would have wiggle room.  *bonus points: allow for a separate window with useful info for us multi-monitor, windowed mode types. 


In all this HUD is both cleaner and slightly more useful then the old HUD, GG and may the rng be with you. 

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  • 2 weeks later...



Compartilho com você algumas das minhas idéias de informação de HUD.


Primeira ideia que compartilho é sobre Buffs recebidos de aliados como mostra a imagem abaixo:


OBS:Chaves dragão e status sofrido ja existe no jogo porem coloquei ali para especificar como ficaria caso receba os debuffs


Segunda ideia é sobre a informação do Nome de tenno, informando também seu escudo e saúde como mostram as imagens  abaixo:



aqui mostra como ficara quando o tenno estiver parado



e aqui como ficara se o tenno estiver em movimento



Terceira ideia é sobre a posição das especificações (Nome/ Level/ Saúde) dos inimigos no HUD segue as imagens abaixo:

Quando a mira estiver se aproximando do alvo mudara a transparência da especificação



Quando estiver totalmente mirada no alvo aparecera mais forte a especificação como mostra a imagem



Como ficaria em Boss



Aqui esta o HUD Final como todos as informações citadas acima:




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  • 2 weeks later...

As abilities have now been added to the tenno loadout screen - could we add the profile icon here as well so when the warframe is selected the profile icon will change for the warframe as well.


Tenno Loadout





Profile Icon



It makes more sense here than its current position in Esc -> Profile -> Profile Icons.



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  • 2 months later...

Sorry if it was asked before ,but what about putting ability timer just near the sight?I think it would be very helpful.Or move capsule healthbar/oxygen from left to the right side :3

I think we need options like these available, HUD needs much more customization than it has right now.

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 5 weeks later...

What I see in the heat of battle



How I want to see it


Especially the thicker health bars for squad, twice, even thrice as thick as they are currently.

Because the character is on the left side, and I look between the character and the reticule, which is on the right side from the character, because I'm right-handed and it's more comfortable when the reticule is on the right-hand side from the character, and since I'm using a 24" widescreen display, I literally don't see what's happening on the right side of it. It's very hard to simultaneously watch my own hp, watch my squad hp, watch how much longer the Link will last, watch 20 enemies on all sides and sometimes even watch the level of air on survival.


So please, make the UI fully customizable so I could move anything to where I want to see it, like the chat window can be moved. Not necessarily during the mission, but at least through main menu.

Edited by Bouldershoulder
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  • 2 months later...
  • 1 month later...

id like to be able to change the  reticles in this game 

+1 As I said in the other post I would like to have different reticles or crosshairs for the different weapons. Corpus, grinner, infested, tenno, prisma, prime, vandal, wraith. Something simple and as an option not obligatory if anyone doesnt like it.

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