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I Think We Had A Pretty Good Reason To Betray The Orokin...


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Yeah, I've been working on the assumption the 'Sentients' are a group (whether a whole civilisation or not) of AI of some sort. They might not end up being so but as Nainsidh points out the name is a big marker. I have wondered what the connotations of not calling them the 'Sapients' are though. Was it just a conceit of the Orokin, in hubris imagining their nemesis couldn't possibly be as mentally advanced as them? Or maybe it's accurate and the Sentients don't actually display any traits that you would attribute to a sapient being.


It's not about capability at warfare but maybe the Sentients were (are?) an enemy that cannot be reasoned with due to the way they are.


All this makes me really excited to see what the new race will look and act like ingame! The 'least human race so far' I believe DE_Steve said.


Daikatana, by the way, would be going a bit far don't you think? The Orokin might've been desperate but you don't often torture one of your own like that :p

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I'm still thinking the sentients are some sort of consciousness based entity rather than an actual life form. The way they can turn all the Orokin's technology against them, even a virus, kind of suggests that to me. What started as a biological weapon is now an autonomous hive-minded plague, always telling you to assimilate and stuff. I'm thinking that once the sentients took over the virus and became the infested, the Tenno where created to combat them in this new biological form. I'm also thinking that they didn't actually win, and the sentients managed to "assimilate" the Tenno somehow, making them kill the Orokin. I also think thats why the Tenno where frozen, and I'm suspecting that our return will also usher in the return of the sentients, likely as the new faction in the works. They did say it was the least humanoid of all factions and that "infested ship" concept art Steve teased a few streams back seems like it would fit in with this. I mean it was all ethereal and purple, didn't look like it had much to do with the infested we have now. Also the name sentients to me implies that they are something that normal wouldn't be sentient, or that sentient is essentially all they are.

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All this makes me really excited to see what the new race will look and act like ingame! The 'least human race so far' I believe DE_Steve said.

I know, right? I'm trying to imagine what it'll be like given how alien the infested are already.


Daikatana, by the way, would be going a bit far don't you think? The Orokin might've been desperate but you don't often torture one of your own like that :p

You do if you're the ultimate evil.

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- An accident with the Technocyte virus and a strange FTL jump stranded several people in the Void. The only one who stayed sane (and kept their form) became the first of the new Tenno, getting granted the Excalibur frame.


Holy sh**. Infested Ancients/Bosses are failed Tenno.

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Maybe not necessarily failed Tenno but almost certainly failed experiments with the TCV. What I've got from the lore so far is that Tenno was the name given to people who came back from the Void twisted, touched, changed, whatever word you wanna use. Void-touched?


New race? Any info on that :) ?

That was basically it, sadly. It was on one of the livestreams fairly recently.


Anyone remember which livestream Steve set off the new race bomb?

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First I thought, meh. But then I thought about it and had to came back.


A military organisation of the Orokin likely sent kids into the void knowing or at least having theories about the state they will come back. Build a warframe around them and sent them to war against the Sentients and his arsenal of weaponry it used against the Orokin.


Those kids never had a chance to grow up and mature!


When the Orokin wanted to celebrate the victory of the (remaining?) warframes against the Sentients, they simply payed them back for what has happened to them. I mean thats the response you get when you abuse kids and put them the most powerful state imaginable. They rebel.


Well, then they fell into a deep sleep for how long? After waking up in a new chaotic universe which is what they had left after killing the Orokin civilisation (they also most likely sent their remaining ships into the void after what happened to save what was left of them) all that was there was the Lotus to guide them.


The Lotus is literally a mother figure in disguise :)


The Lotus again is probably some kind of last living Orokin survivor that hides her true origin in order to seize control over those lost kids again and bring order to the universe. Maybe there are even remains of the Orokin civilisation somewhere hidden that wait until the universe is safe again while they manipulate and keep all Warframes under their order.


I mean with the Grineer that want to make the Orokin Warframe technology their own and the Corpus that want to use them for profit there is nothing that gives the Tenno comfort. They are after all still kids that never had a chance to grow up a normal life.



And now Darvo enters the play with his daddy issues and makes the Tenno help him out in exchange for discounts.

To conclude: The Lotus must hate Darvo :D

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Interesting. Then, I wonder who Lephantis was, and imagine if he succeed, damm how overpowered of frame he could become.


Well, Lephantis seems to have originated from at LEAST three different hosts fused together. But who knows, maybe there's an original head that isn't among the ones that we fight.


Edit: now that I look at the fight again, one of the three heads in an "ancient".

Edited by rapt0rman
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I'm somewhat surprised so many of you think of using kids as incredibly evil, and that the kids would ofcourse rebel against their masters.

The idea is not really that rare in science fiction and fantasy, isolating kids from what you would call a normal childhood, indoctrinating and training them from as early as possible to turn them into fighting machines? Without thinking too hard i can come up with a nice list of them, Halo's spartans, the Hitman games, the Battletech Clans, Clone Troopers, Dark Angel (the tv series), a Shadowrun novel. And thats just what pops up in my mind without actually searching.

Hell, just google "agoge", thats the spartan education system, and likely the inspiration for most of the examples up there, and it really existed!

They took the kids at age seven, and turned them into the best soldiers of their era.


So, take a bunch of kids, most likely war orphans (remember, you're losing a war), indoctrinate them, train them, tell them its their fate to save the world if they survive, turn them into Tenno somehow, let them loose, sit back and watch the carnage.

The Tenno "betraying" the Orokin must not have anything to do with that process, most armies are pissed enough at the politicians as is. Maybe it wasn't even the Tenno who started it, governments have the ugly tendency to want to get rid of the weapons they created when they aren't needed anymore.

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It doesn't really matter how often its done, I still consider it a S#&$ty thing to do to someone. You say that it probably has nothing to do with the Tenno revolt, but then you go on to say that the Orokin could have done something like trying to dispose of them when they were no longer useful. So, what happens when you're taken in as a child, raised to kill without question and leave the thinking to the higher ups, and then one day you find out you're no longer needed, or you find out the ACTUAL ugly reasons that you've been fighting for all your life (or any number of things that could have finally triggered a revolt).

Edited by rapt0rman
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you guys say the ones who stayed sane are tenno, I'm sorry but the tenno don;t seem sane to me.  Yes they can function, but only as killing machines who feel nothing of there countless murders. they are silent with the exception of banshee and Valkyr, these traits show no evidence of sanity, the tenno are Inhuman they don't behave like us and they don't see a need to.  they follow orders from a mysterious woman without questioning it.  Humans Think more than this

That's only the parts we play. We can't assume that is all the Tenno do, but to make the rest of it playable would be a big undertaking and probably really boring to play.

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