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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Lame...Here's to hoping this'll be considered for the next frame ):


I kinda actually am hoping mios isnt in this update because it will be heart breaking to see such a fantastic design in the hands of magnificent max, sorcerer of supreme disappointment

Edited by Melos-mevim
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Too advance for this game? (That's like me saying that Arkwing is too advance for this game)  It's already implemented with the Corpus crewman, which you could blow off their armour pieces, hence of the missing helmet. But hey, it's just an idea if DE does not want to implement it that's fine.

Corpus are a defined race. When you blow off a corrupted head its another head of corrupted Meaning that its probably a place holder for when Corrupted get actual skin but right now its just to advanced. Archwing is a Whole other thing though And Is Being implemented as a Whole Update and Will most likely get fixes.

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Corpus are a defined race. When you blow off a corrupted head its another head of corrupted Meaning that its probably a place holder for when Corrupted get actual skin but right now its just to advanced. Archwing is a Whole other thing though And Is Being implemented as a Whole Update and Will most likely get fixes.


how about this for you the new frame will be able to take of his hat according to devs, so that abiltiy to have frame that take themselves apart is possible

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Corpus are a defined race. When you blow off a corrupted head its another head of corrupted Meaning that its probably a place holder for when Corrupted get actual skin but right now its just to advanced. Archwing is a Whole other thing though And Is Being implemented as a Whole Update and Will most likely get fixes.

actually its not to advanced, many other games have that, its just a matter of coding, and percentages 

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Corpus are a defined race. When you blow off a corrupted head its another head of corrupted Meaning that its probably a place holder for when Corrupted get actual skin but right now its just to advanced. Archwing is a Whole other thing though And Is Being implemented as a Whole Update and Will most likely get fixes.


Not really, the mechanics are ready there, it's not really a hard to actually applied that to anything else.

And the point still stands about Archwing, it's a whole new big system and you're saying that DE don't have the capability to add chip away armour.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Look at it this way:

Archwing release, Proxy Wars , space travel.

Void Wizard fits pretty well.

Next big update will likely feature the new and improved Infestation, the return of Alad and Phorid.

I expect a new Quest will involve some choice among the Syndicates as we go up against the new enemies.

Now, that is a real nice fit for the tormented Typhus to enter the fray.

Think Mags push was cool? Wait till Typhus gets his hooks into the little guy.

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Ability ideas:


Ultimate ability:

Cannibalism: Typhus loses control of his brain, the parasites in his armor and body taking control of him, a gore filter appears on the borders of your screen, and Typhus gains a new melee weapon, a type of samurai sword, painted all black, and using your melee key, he will do lots of damage to any enemy in his way. More enemies you kill, the lower duration these defects have on you: Your stamina bar is emptied, a 1 second stun, and delayed shield recharge.


1st Ability: Cripple: Typhus will select an enemy and will weaken a certain factor of that enemy (either decreasing armor, speed, damage, shields, or even health) 25 energy, duration mods affects duration of debuff, and damage mods will affect effectiveness of debuff


2nd Ability: Infect: Typhus will choose a random target to cover in the flesh of Typhus's previous kills (in other words, the amount of enemies you killed affect the duration of the flesh covered up, a max of 5 kills) That target will be stunned and go insane, attempting to get the flesh off. Teammates or Typhus shooting at the target will drop health orbs depending on the amount of damage dealt. [if Typhus can give buffs and debuffs, there should be at least something for his teammates staying 25m away from him :P]


3rd Ability: Shadow: Typhus will gain more skin, increasing health max, but will do the following:

Stealth: The skin will blend in with the environment, decreasing the field of view of your enemies, only allowing you to be detected if they bump into you, stealth killing them

Combat: Will frighten the enemy, and will force them to instead charge forward and or taking cover, they will retreat and take cover, holding a position, or pack together and hold up an area


These ideas may seem either useless or OP, but these are just ideas I could brainstorm because of this amazing character that MUST BE IN THE GAME, DE. WE WANT IT NOOOOOOOOOOOW

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I like. Nothing tops Mandalorians in my book. Saw Fett at 8 years for the first time. My life changed forever :)

Edit: Man you just made me dig out Dark Empire again. And I now have an itch to draw dark troopers. That was a looong time ago:D

Edited by arch111
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I like. Nothing tops Mandalorians in my book. Saw Fett at 8 years for the first time. My life changed forever :)

Edit: Man you just made me dig out Dark Empire again. And I now have an itch to draw dark troopers. That was a looong time ago:D

lol Boba fett was my favorite starwars character back when I first saw episode 6.

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Look at it this way:

Archwing release, Proxy Wars , space travel.

Void Wizard fits pretty well.

Next big update will likely feature the new and improved Infestation, the return of Alad and Phorid.

I expect a new Quest will involve some choice among the Syndicates as we go up against the new enemies.

Now, that is a real nice fit for the tormented Typhus to enter the fray.

Think Mags push was cool? Wait till Typhus gets his hooks into the little guy.

But please don't turn him into a female. He's fine the way he is. .-.

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I've been thinking about it, and there is some serious potential for Meat Shield to replace Cannibalize Armor - especially paired with Boiling Blood.


Consider this:

Meat Shield is moved to his 3; toggled and allows the user to grapple the target onto himself, temporarily adding the target's remaining health to Typhus' own (any damage the target receives is subtracted from this maximum) until toggled inactive (wherein he tosses his ragdolled shield aside) or the target is killed. Self-healing does not restore the Meat Shield.


Because it adds to his maximum health, the damage that would be taken by Typhus when casting Boiling Blood is instead transferred to the target, allowing him to bypass the cost.

God help you if Boiling Blood were modified to work like Paralysis and drain a percentage of Typhus' current health. It'd be like spamming Demi all over again... and rather fits, given the Viral-like effect.

Edited by Archwizard
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U15: Frame Limbo (the gentleFrame).. REALLY?!? no typhus for U15 ;-;

I would rather see limbo now and save Typhus for later updates. limbo would show up update 15, a new female frame will show up during either 15.5( if they do that .5 frame release like Oberon)  or update 16. It would be cool if Typhus shows up in update 17 or whenever J3-Golem returns. I would like to see his parts coming from J3 like other frames coming from a boss, not a simple quest. By fighting J3 and completing his full set, you feel rewarded for your work. (of course have fun as well.) Now this is my opinion and I'm not stopping anyone from sharing theirs. P.S. Red, thank you for sharing your amazing work. I really hope to see it in the game soon.

Edited by Yungviet32
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