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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Hydralisk fangs

I-... I Don't see it...


The mandibles aren't a reference to anyting. Its just a bit from something Typhus ate a while ago that came back to haunt the memories of every living thing that tries to fight Typhus... and his Dentist...

Edited by Teqnologyque
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I-... I Don't see it...


The mandibles aren't a reference to anyting. Its just a bit from something Typhus ate a while ago that came back to haunt the memories of every living thing that tries to fight Typhus... and his Dentist...


see it now

Edited by Sasoka
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Im just saying it looks like it not saying it was stolen

While I can, of course, see a similarity between the two, there are vital differences between the two, for me personally.

The Hydralisk jaws are many times more pronounced, serve a different purpose (delivery of its urticating hairs, I believe), and are inspired by a snakes lower jaw, if I recall correctly.

Meanwhile, Typhus' easthethic, while similar, is not nearly as pronounced, and - as RedSkittlez pointed out - a cannibalization of his victims bone-structure, serving a different purpose than either the Hydralisk (offense) or a snake (ingestion), being purely defensive in nature.

Regardless, I can't really see how Typhus would be able to add protection to one of his most vital areas (read the part about how he percieves the world), for example by adding the entire lower jaw in its complete structure, without either comprimising that function itself, or looking like an agitated bulldog with a pronounced underbite:


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I see a giant slobbering monster.


You're drawing connections that aren't there.


Just because something looks similar to one person, does not mean it looks the same for everyone else. For example, when I see Typhus, I see:


I would post the circled pictures if I could but look at the parts on the side of the face and look at the first picture that's on this front page showing the front view of the frame and look on the helm it has fangs like that, that's all I was saying nothing more I wasn't saying the frame was identical to the picture just that one detail reminded me of it

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Bah, nothin wrong with similarity (seen The Guyver ever?) ! Not worth debating here. 'Skittlez art is sick & the concept itself is solid. Anything in game would go through DE artist and design filters anyway (like Zephyr) ...lore too! We're just feeding ideas.

So we should just talk up what we like, or suggest toward what we might alter! Keep feeding the creative engine, don't stall it :)

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Bah, nothin wrong with similarity (seen The Guyver ever?) ! Not worth debating here. 'Skittlez art is sick & the concept itself is solid. Anything in game would go through DE artist and design filters anyway (like Zephyr) ...lore too! We're just feeding ideas.

So we should just talk up what we like, or suggest toward what we might alter! Keep feeding the creative engine, don't stall it :)

Agreed. :)

Speaking of which, the concept seems like the perfect oppertunity to implement idle animations that incorporate other aspects of the frame than just the power or stance. I can't, for example, look at the Repose helmet, and not imagine the jointed appendages opening up, and Typhus then proceeds to "test" the air. A small thing, of course, given Idle animations so rarely come into play to begin with - perhaps more when the hubs come along.

Of course, the possibility to also have it be a random occurance while moving is also an option.

Wondering if that could be incorporated with the other helmets, or other parts of his anatomy, as well.

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Well, you know what? A Hydralisk's lower jaw reminds me of a Snake's jaw, Or a Wolf's jaw, Or even a Lynx's jaw. http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2014/067/6/0/wip_by_redskittlez_da-d543shh.jpg (And don't worry! I've added red outlines to this reference just in case you can't see it.)

It's hard to be original these days, most people don't even bother trying. All I've done is take something familiar to me (I.E. Different bone structures and various insect parts with a dash of Guyver for that fresh Warframe smell) and try to make it my own. And don't get me started on the Hydralisk design! It looks like the bastard child of an Alien Queen and a Predator.

People need to stop making these comparisons. Yes it looks like one thing or another, but that's because if you squint hard enough, everything kinda looks the same anyway, or has similar elements.

Also; Does Ash remind you of anything? http://fc06.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2014/067/d/1/wip_by_redskittlez_da-d61i55o.jpg

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Well, no, Boiling Blood is percentile; the more health you use, the more damage it does. It plays into Typhus' high-risk/high-reward play style, and the more you use it the more you chip away and eventually have to heal.


Edited by RedSkittlez
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It looks like Zerg. I mean what gave him an idea about infested warframe?


It's on the first post.  Typhus is based off of certain bugs.  It's not Infested either, more like a parasite.  It's a pretty big difference.  ^-^


If you want to say that it still counts as Infestation, I'd like to direct you to this post:




Pretty good information that separates Typhus from the Infestation and links him to the other Warframes.  :D

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Zerg? Is that some kind of new Predator? /rhetoricalsarcasm


I think the concept is great. I was thinking of a Dark Knight (Final Fantasy Tactics, sacrifice/steal HP) style frame and just the other day wondered how Guyver (if Warframe were to have an anime equivalent?) would do as a warframe archetype, but this is better than both.

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