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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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im gonna go do something else so u guys can keep arguing but i already said that im not gonna fight i said nice artwork and concept the way the frame looks now just dosnt have much seance


I got two words for you Sonny Jim: Pirate Warframe.

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u do relies that tenno is a japan's word meaning "heavenly emperor" so space ninja actually does make seance



but im gonna stop any argumint that may or may not start


so  nice art and concept the new artwork just dosnt really make seance 



im gonna go do something else so u guys can keep arguing but i already said that im not gonna fight i said nice artwork and concept the way the frame looks now just dosnt have much seance

For the love of all that is holy, it's "SENSE"! I'm sorry, but I just kept seeing you make that same mistake and my inner writer was crying.

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Make Typhus a Tank, NOW!!!!!




Today I got PM'ed by a guy, stating it as a fact, that he thinks my Warframe concept will never be implemented into the game, because, according to him, the concept is flawed in such a plethora of ways, that DE will never accept it. Basically, he was adamant that I would have to change everything about Typhus; change him into a tank, change his art-style to be less organic, change his powers, remove and relocate some of the old concepts out of the current thread, and so on and so forth, or DE would not even notice it.


Basically, and I'm paraphrasing; If I didn't color within the lines, Typhus would never make it into the game.

I welcome constructive criticism, but I strongly urge people to voice their criticisms in the thread, so that any criticism can be properly discussed. I have my own visualization of my concept, and discussing it with me alone, won't do much in terms of altering that initial vision - nor will adamantly insisting that I fundamentally change it, just to live up to someones subjective views of how things are and should be, seeing as such feedback leaves little room for discussion.

Everyone has a right to voice their opinion, but I'd much rather see feedback that doesn't just consist of "This way or no way", because it brings nothing to the table. Least of all a higher chance of DE taking notice of the concept.

Bear in mind I did send a link to this thread to DERebecca and DEDracie and DEDraice said that he loved it and has sent it along to his bosses to be looked at. So it looks like a very good chance we might see him sometime in the future. If you all dont believe me I can give a screenshot for proof.

Edited by Senketsu_
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were did u learn that samurai and ninjas helped each-other im pretty shure your not a history teacher and u probably got it off the internet that they helped each-other 

um in history class, I learned that, Im also going to be studying Japanese history, culture and Language in college. Samurai often dressed as ninja, and were helped by ninja's. maybe in earlier history what you said is true, but in later history, when the Shinobi was actualy a practiced art, they worked together.

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I seriously don't understand how people expect more variety in the game, but do this stuff.


If you honestly think the Warframes are ninjas, you should take a look at a few of the frames. Maybe at the MOST, three of them are anywhere near ninjas. Most of the time they go murder mode rather than be ninjas any ways.


I know the tagline is Ninjas Play Free, but i think that is just an attempt to get more players in, seeing as ninjas are pretty "mainstream," compared to "Space warriors"


Space Warriors Play Free just doesnt sound as good.

actualy just because they are modeled differently, the tenno are pretty muh ninja's. in the last devstream the devs even stated. "we put the ninja back in Warframe." so yeah ninja's, but that dosnt mean they need to all look like ninja's, look at booben a fudging french guy lol.

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Good things come to those who wait, needless to say I'm pretty sure that the DE's will release this around the time we see the permanent infection mechanic. Infested update so infested warframe (I KNOW ITS A PARASITE/BIOLOGICAL WARFRAME I'm just saying it gears towards the sort of carnage the infested bring).




Pretty simplistic ideology but I like to think It would work that way.

Edited by Mask_DeMasque
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Hey Red! Did you unintentionally pay homage to one of the greatest alien designs of all time with the new samurai helmet?

If you look at the shape the Predator itself resemble a samurai helmet :)

Never realized it before.


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Loving the art so far - keep it coming. I'm sure with the amount of support this is garnering, DE will leave most of the concept alone when implemented.
*gives DE a friendly yet stern eyeballing*

Edited by Santiak
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I gotta say, if they do release Typhus as a Frame i hope they make it the one after the next one(Due to Male->Female->Male cycle) I'd rather DE not mess with the Artwork too much on this one like they did with Zephyr, if they did release it as female, it'd probably just look like a modified Saryn anyways

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I of course support typhus being released after the next frame, only to preserve his design, but don't object to a parasitic female samurai. As for talk of typhus as a tank, thats just silly, a parasite themed frame, wouldn't work as a tank and we already have 2 tank frames (frost and rhino) we don't need more.


And for those that always whine about this game and not being as ninja as it should, frankly warframe has never felt like ninjas to me, and I never played it for the ninja thing, hell I main oberon because he feels like a noble celtic knight not because he feels like a ninja.


Back to typhus, real excited to see how the render goes, and where the new image goes, part of me is torn between loosing the horns, but at this point I trust the designer every change he makes with this I go from skeptic to loving it, so keep on going with it eventually DE will hopefully contact you and instead actually telling you their putting the frame in the game, bring Red on board as a temporary Dev only for making Typhus.

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Hey Red! Did you unintentionally pay homage to one of the greatest alien designs of all time with the new samurai helmet?

If you look at the shape the Predator itself resemble a samurai helmet :)

Never realized it before.



Holy S***! your right!

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Bear in mind I did send a link to this thread to DERebecca and DEDracie and DEDraice said that he loved it and has sent it along to his bosses to be looked at. So it looks like a very good chance we wight see him sometime in the future. If you all dont believe me I can give a screencap for proof.

Okay, go ahead. Screencap.

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I've just got to say, congratz to the OP with the success so far, and how jealous I honestly am of it.


.. What I would give to be artistically skilled to assist my own concepts.  Oh well.



I hope things with DE go through and that maybe we'll see your frame in the next update! (or the one after, development constraints depending.)

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