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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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FAQ: https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-parasiteviral-type-update-kabuto-03042014/?p=2405436

Note: Tysis and Typhus are two very different things. Compare the Following: TYSIS is an infected pistol, the name of which is derived from - Ptysis, which is spitting up of matter. TYPHUS is a parasite/viral Warframe Concept. The Information is listed in a spoiler in the OP.
I revamped the character, the Locust (now known as Typhus, meaning of the name↓)

Typhus is any of several similar diseases caused by Rickettsia bacteria. The name comes from the Greek "Typhos" meaning smoky or hazy, describing the state of mind of those affected with typhus. The causative organism Rickettsia is an obligate parasite bacterium that cannot survive for long outside living cells. Typhus should not be confused with typhoid fever. While "typhoid" means "typhus-like", the diseases are distinct and are caused by different species of bacteria.
The first reliable description of the disease appears during the Spanish siege of Moorish Granada in 1489. These accounts include descriptions of fever and red spots over arms, back, and chest, progressing to delirium, gangrenous sores, and the stink of rotting flesh. During the siege, the Spaniards lost 3,000 men to enemy action, but an additional 17,000 died of typhus.
Some of the symptome include:
Extremely high fevers
Boiling blood
Severe muscle pain
And death.

He is a parasite/viral-type Warframe that uses organic cutting tendrils and viral compounds to take the power of the enemy and turn it against them, bolstering his own inherently weak Armour and shields with the bodies of his victims. Typhus is a leech, a parasite that knows only how to take from those around him to support himself, rather than his allies.
Typhus is inspired by parasiticism; the result of incorporating more biological matter into the operation of the Warframe. The Warframe enters into a mutual parasitic bond with the wearer - Typhus not only feeds off Void Energy in order to manifest its abilities, it also makes use of the Tennos own biological matter to do so, and in return replenishes the Tenno using biological matter from their foes.
Typhus is, however, as far removed from the Infested as can be; where the Infested seek to consume all biological matter and mutate it as a way of reproduction, Typhus leeches the biological matter off enemies, only to support the wearer.

The infested are the all consuming flames; desolating all in its path.

Typhus is the controlled fire, searing away the weeds so the forest may grow strong.


Full Samurai version




Red Why did you change it back?

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Ok so... Yeah...

Why haven't I been informed about this Epic Warframe????

Duuuuude this is literally the coolest frame ever

Why is this not in the game yet?

Why add a lame water frame instead?!

Why didn't you hire this good man yet, DE?!

look at the drawing... And the details

Look at all those ability concepts!

This must be the next frame... Srsly

EDIT: ok so the only thing I don't agree with is the constant pain he is in caused by the worms

This is counterintuitive because a person in such immense pain would go mad and kill everything around him even try committing suicide

Edited by CryoClaw
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EDIT: ok so the only thing I don't agree with is the constant pain he is in caused by the worms

This is counterintuitive because a person in such immense pain would go mad and kill everything around him even try committing suicide

It's fluff, man. Geez.


You must be great fun to have in a D&D party or at a 40k game :P ...


For seriousness, though, it's reflected in his low-health, and armour. Also, consider that darkSector is Canon now, and if Hayden Tenno is the precursor to the Tenno order (Assuming they have some of his genetics) it is quite possible that the Tenno have Congenitive Analgesia, a near immunity to physical pain.


EDIT: I knew I could find something if I looked hard enough. Think of Typhus as a Blood Knight, or a Combat Sadomasochist The pain he feels bolsters his own strength, making him fight harder and more effectively. If I had to think of an example it would be the Necromongers of the Chronicles of Rid$&*^. You have to remember that Typhus' entire combat style and approach is sacrificial. He sacrifices himself so that his team can live. SO that he can do more damage, hence abilities like Boiling Blood being a charge-type attack (I think... I haven't read the OP in a while :P) that uses HP. The more HP it uses, the more powerful the attack. That's why his first ability heals him, and his third ability bolsters his defenses. Is it starting to make a little more sense now?


EDITEDIT: Also, Gurkhas slice their off-hand, across the palm, with their Khukri before going into an engagement to get their adrenaline flowing. Same idea.

Edited by Teqnologyque
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I'm going to say right now, Congratulations on the popularity of your hard work. And I will be genuinely surprised if this does not become the next warframe.


Wish I could give 100 votes instead of 1.


I hope they keep the neat ideas of the armor in when they add this. 

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Love the design, the abilities, the bio, everything. Except:
His helmet, from the front, looks very similar to Ash, in terms of the mandibles and the (mostly) smooth, rounded skull shape.


Before I say anything, I'm aware you probably didn't base the helmet design on Ash, but considering Ash's default helmet is also bug like, they appear to look quite similar.


The grooves do help add some difference to it, but the resemblance is still quite close. Might I suggest making it slightly more cut inwards, to give it a slightly more human shape? You want it to look like an exposed skull right (By all means correct me if I'm wrong), so it might be better adding in a slight cut where the nose would be?


You might intend for it to be more ridged and raised than Ash's, that's fine. The picture I'm looking at for comparison is:


Looking at that, and the rest of the sketches in general, it does look rather close to Ash's default helmet.


The back of the helmet is just beautiful though. The idea of the mouth is also very interesting.


Just something to consider.

Edited by DecapitatingJim
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Love the design, the abilities, the bio, everything. Except:

His helmet, from the front, looks very similar to Ash, in terms of the mandibles and the (mostly) smooth, rounded skull shape.


Before I say anything, I'm aware you probably didn't base the helmet design on Ash, but considering Ash's default helmet is also bug like, they appear to look quite similar.


The grooves do help add some difference to it, but the resemblance is still quite close. Might I suggest making it slightly more cut inwards, to give it a slightly more human shape? You want it to look like an exposed skull right (By all means correct me if I'm wrong), so it might be better adding in a slight cut where the nose would be?


You might intend for it to be more ridged and raised than Ash's, that's fine. The picture I'm looking at for comparison is:


Looking at that, and the rest of the sketches in general, it does look rather close to Ash's default helmet.


The back of the helmet is just beautiful though. The idea of the mouth is also very interesting.


Just something to consider.

Ermm... not really...


The helmet has changed a little since that concept, but even then, while I do see some similarities, Ash has a smoother face-plate, and a smoother scalp. Typhus also has longer, more jaw-like (With teeth... gotta watch out for them pointy bits...) mandibles, whereas Ash looks more insectoid. Another comparison to make would be like... an Ant's head (Ash), to a Hornet's head (Typhus).


There ought to be a post further back (Page... 18 or something, I don't remember) that explains this, as someone else had already noted the similarities.

Edited by Teqnologyque
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Ermm... not really...


The helmet has changed a little since that concept, but even then, while I do see some similarities, Ash has a smoother face-plate, and a smoother scalp. Typhus also has longer, more jaw-like (With teeth... gotta watch out for them pointy bits...) mandibles, whereas Ash looks more insectoid.


There ought to be a post further back (Page... 18 or something, I don't remember) that explains this, as someone else had already noted the similarities.

If they've been mentioned before and the concept art has changed then that's fine, I'm honestly not going to read all 45 pages xD. I was just pointing those out in that, they are quite similar in theme and shape. Not identical, there are definitely differences, but I did mention the smooth skull shape with attached Mandibles is very similar to Ash's design, which is why I gave the suggestion if making it slightly less rounded/smooth to make it take on a different shape to Ash.


Again if that's been changed, then I have no argument. The Frame is very unique and creative and I genuinely love the idea and design behind him/it. It was just that one little thing I noticed that was bugging me (no pun intended).

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