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[Warframe Concept] Typhus - The Parasite Warframe


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Stop-stop-stop i'm not from English-speaking country so i can't express exactly. Concept is great but i just write about my opinion why we havent got this idea in game. Ash's prototipe in myphology have similar element (insects). And i think Typhus realy cool but he looks like daemon not like wf (so rude i dont know how explain it better). In game he can looks like white crow.

P.S. Dont resent this is just supposition.

I am not native in english either. Let me guess what you mean.

You mean that because De already have a insectoid warframe in the game, ash,

You fear they would change the design of Typhus if implemented?

If this is what you mean I see the point, they strive for uniqueness.

But lets be honest. Look at Oberon, and Hyberion (?) The water frame can never remember the name, are very similar in appearance and even resembles Nekros if you look at siulettes and such.

Any way they would change it regardless.

Is... this what you meant? If not this is just mad ramblings.

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Stop-stop-stop i'm not from English-speaking country so i can't express exactly. Concept is great but i just write about my opinion why we havent got this idea in game. Ash's prototipe in myphology have similar element (insects). And i think Typhus realy cool but he looks like daemon not like wf (so rude i dont know how explain it better). In game he can looks like white crow.

P.S. Dont resent this is just supposition.  

what is your definition of a demon and how they look because if I think of a demon I think of this. zLofgYq.jpg


it was the best one I could find on the first column of google images :3 

He looks nothing like a demon, he truly looks like a kick arse samurai with more insect features. and if you look at . https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-parasiteviral-samurai-type-update-11042014/?p=2601382

you will see he fits perfectly fine with all current warframes, Heck he fits better then most. *coughs* Hydroid *coughs*


and to give you another looks how about this https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/176524-warframe-concept-typhus-parasiteviral-samurai-type-update-11042014/?p=2567987 minus the panties of course. 

Edited by Senketsu_
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Stop-stop-stop i'm not from English-speaking country so i can't express exactly. Concept is great but i just write about my opinion why we havent got this idea in game. Ash's prototipe in myphology have similar element (insects). And i think Typhus realy cool but he looks like daemon not like wf (so rude i dont know how explain it better). In game he can looks like white crow.

P.S. Dont resent this is just supposition.  


While we may all have opinions as to whether or not any warframe can be in the game, that fact is still very much up to DE to decide. Some people have very unique concepts for their warframes, and feel that a given concept fits in with the game; the fact is, we have no set "recipe" for what's a fitting warframe - there's a plethora of designs floating around. From the smooth lines and curves of Nova, to the plated look of Ash, to the menacing look of Nekros, and so on.

I do not appreciate anyone telling me that my concept does not fit into the the game, especially when their own concepts are - from the view of others - arguably not fit for the game. You have an opinion, fair enough. But please, do not be fatalistic in your opinions; this is not a binary yes/no, it's a discussion.

Bottom line is, we've not seen the last Warframe yet, so the options for design are wide-open, and because none of us are DE, we can't say whether or not something is fit for the game.


Edited by RedSkittlez
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"I am the sword of Vengeance.

My enemies dare not whisper my name


Well here we are, almost three months ago I posted the Typhus concept thread. With more than 50,000 views, 1,000 comments, and 600 upvotes, I can't believe its actualy gone beyond what I thought the concept would get in such a short amount of time. Your support is greatly appreciated.

This is my thank-you to all those who stuck by and supported the idea.



So thank you.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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"I am the sword of Vengeance.

My enemies dare not whisper my name


Well here we are, almost three months ago I posted the Typhus concept thread. With more than 50,000 views, 1,000 comments, and 600 upvotes, I can't believe its actualy gone beyond what I thought the concept would get in such a short amount of time. Your support is greatly appreciated.

This is my thank-you to all those who stuck by and supported the idea.



So thank you.


well this is becoming my new phone wallpaper. Thanks so much :3

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Extremely gory and awesome concept, +1.


Question: Boiling Blood will deal health damage to yourself when used, would Rage mod be OP on him?


Well, to be frank, it would be quite difficult to pull off. If he used Boiling Blood, and then spammed his healing ability, he could in theory have unlimited energy. But the problem is that it would severely cripple the player's combat aptitude because it would limit him/her to those two attacks.

Also, DE could probably change up Rage so that it only works on damage from ENEMY attacks, rather than Self-Inflicted damage, such as from skills such as Boiling Blood.

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"I am the sword of Vengeance.

My enemies dare not whisper my name


Well here we are, almost three months ago I posted the Typhus concept thread. With more than 50,000 views, 1,000 comments, and 600 upvotes, I can't believe its actualy gone beyond what I thought the concept would get in such a short amount of time. Your support is greatly appreciated.

This is my thank-you to all those who stuck by and supported the idea.



So thank you.



DE, let's face it this guy is going to be put in, but if it is changed in any way you will disappoint us to unbelievable extents.


Warning being over, I'd like to thank you for making this concept Red.

Without you this frame and those that love it wouldn't have been around. It's a wonderful concept and you deserve every scrap of recognition thrown your way and more.


Again, thank you.

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"I am the sword of Vengeance.

My enemies dare not whisper my name


Well here we are, almost three months ago I posted the Typhus concept thread. With more than 50,000 views, 1,000 comments, and 600 upvotes, I can't believe its actualy gone beyond what I thought the concept would get in such a short amount of time. Your support is greatly appreciated.

This is my thank-you to all those who stuck by and supported the idea.



So thank you.



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A tad gory!?






I don't know what game you've been playing, but Warframe is a little more than a "tad gory", consider what the other Warframes can do. Do you need examples? How about Excalibur's Slash Dash, which can bisect enemies messily. Or Rhino Charge, where if Rhino actually hits a target, it explodes in a shower of dismembered limbs and blood. Or how about Saryn, who horrifically melts an enemy's flesh right off their bones while they're still alive. Or how about Ember, who burns enemies alive? I can list other examples for days, my friend. I don't really think that Typhus is too gory for the game...

Ok I have to admit I'm not too keen on gore, and I imagine some other players aren't too. I have it turned off, so I usually don't see what certain abilities do to enemies. Warframe is actually the only M-rated game I play, aside from BF4. I know the game is pretty gruesome, but I feel like this is a little too much. For example, Boiling Blood. You explode in a shower of blood and insides. Some players don't like this kind of stuff, making this Warframe not suited for everybody. You said things about Saryn and Ember "horrifically melts an enemy's flesh right off their bones while they are still alive", but they just disappear into a bunch of particles, however I imagine these abilities would be a huge gory explosion reserved for only the hardcore M rated games. Call me a baby all you want, but I think this is over the top.


Edit: I guess many people like this idea a lot, so I guess I have to just deal with it if it becomes an actual Warframe. But maybe you should tone the abilities down a little.

Edited by GlacierH20
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Ok I have to admit I'm not too keen on gore, and I imagine some other players aren't too. I have it turned off, so I usually don't see what certain abilities do to enemies. Warframe is actually the only M-rated game I play, aside from BF4. I know the game is pretty gruesome, but I feel like this is a little too much. For example, Boiling Blood. You explode in a shower of blood and insides (Red: I never said that, just blood). Some players don't like this kind of stuff, making this Warframe not suited for everybody. You said things about Saryn and Ember "horrifically melts an enemy's flesh right off their bones while they are still alive", but they just disappear into a bunch of particles, however I imagine these abilities would be a huge gory explosion reserved for only the hardcore M rated games. Call me a baby all you want, but I think this is over the top.


Edit: I guess many people like this idea a lot, so I guess I have to just deal with it if it becomes an actual Warframe. But maybe you should tone the abilities down a little.


Or maybe, You shouldn't play a game with M rating of Blood, Gore and Violence.


And yes if you had the gore on, you will see Ember over cooking her enemies into a slag of black charcoal, and Saryn, you will actually see her enemy being dissolve alive by using her toxic gases.


But like you said you can just turn it off. Problem solved.

Edited by RedSkittlez
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Ok I have to admit I'm not too keen on gore, and I imagine some other players aren't too. I have it turned off, so I usually don't see what certain abilities do to enemies. Warframe is actually the only M-rated game I play, aside from BF4. I know the game is pretty gruesome, but I feel like this is a little too much. For example, Boiling Blood. You explode in a shower of blood and insides. Some players don't like this kind of stuff, making this Warframe not suited for everybody. You said things about Saryn and Ember "horrifically melts an enemy's flesh right off their bones while they are still alive", but they just disappear into a bunch of particles, however I imagine these abilities would be a huge gory explosion reserved for only the hardcore M rated games. Call me a baby all you want, but I think this is over the top.


Edit: I guess many people like this idea a lot, so I guess I have to just deal with it if it becomes an actual Warframe. But maybe you should tone the abilities down a little.

I dont think Typhus actually explodes. How about you think of it as this, if you have gore turned off, the frame wont change, his boiling blood would pretty much look kind of like saryn's acid. Now for my personal opinion. Typhus isnt going to make the game any less or more gory, if you dont like the frame dont play it and. Deal. With. It. you are saying a game with a HUGE gore factor needs to tone it down. dude its an M rated game, with the tags of Blood, Gore, and Violence. You are saying they should try to bend to please their non target audience. You should know what you are getting into once you see the rating.

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