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Question For The Community: If "passive Skills" Were Added Which One Would You Want?


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So De was talking about a focus thing I still don't get how it's gonna work  but when they were talking about Banshee's sonar they mentionned something about all frames having a specific "passive power"


So if it were to be added , which passive would you want for which frame? 



here are my ideas :


Excalibur : slightly more melee damage

Ember : Innate 50 % fire damage resitance + immunte to burning proc

Frost:  25% resistance to lasers , 50% resitance to freeze damage  , does not lose shields at ultra cold temperatures , does nut suffer from speed loss from freezing 

Ash, small chance to insta kill any enemy whatever the level ( except bosses)

Loki, chance to auto evade an attack ( naruto wodden log style,) 

Rhino, Chance to knock down enemies when simply running into them 

Nyx , chance that when an enemy hits her , th eenemy becomes confused ( like chaos effect)

Saryn : immune to poison , melee attackers can get poisoned 

zephyr : already has one = lighter than all the frames

Volt = SMall chance to gain some energy when attacked

Vauban: small chance to consume no energy when using an ability

Banshee : I have no Idea XD

Nova: small chance to emit a shockwave ( like heavy impact) when hit by a melee unit 

Edited by Deidaku
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Oh that was close I almost leaked DC information sense I'm not aloud to talk about it here I've heard from even Mods that you can read some DC info on redit. But for the post I'd want a stealthier passive for my Loki or one for less agro on him. 

Edited by Sasoka
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Embers fire damage should spread when enemies touch eachother.

excalibur should have increased melee damage.

valkyr should have passive health absorption from melee attacks.


I might update this later on. 

holy balls the valkyr idea makes so much sense I don't now why XD

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Loki-> Doesn't draw as much aggro/reduced detection range. 
Rhino-> Falls faster. He is the heaviest warframe after all. His jumps would reach the same height but he would land significantly quicker. I know this isn't how gravity works, but this is a video game. 
Saryn-> Ignores DoTs
Excalibur-> Increased melee range. 
Nova->Looks cuter, joking! I don't really know what to give her. Maybe she can have a small chance to prime enemies with weapons? Might be Op. 
Vauban->Already has one. Facial hair. Joking again! 
Ash->minor Increased critical chance. 

Just some ideas. 

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I would love there to be an actual tree of skills similar to the Sphere Grid in FFX




For those of you unaware it's literally a skill tree where you can choose multiple paths which lead to different upgrades and powers based on who's path it is. EG if it was a mages path you'd see more MP upgrades and magic skills.


Hopefully DE won't gimp the system and force you to go down 1 path and be stuck there, I'd like to "multi-class" and go off in a variety of directions and fill up the whole damn tree if I could, just like in FFX.... Seriously you ever seen Yuna hit 99,999 with a physical attack? It's glorious.


EDIT: To answer the original topic question (my apologies) I think auras should be replaced with passives that effect the team, eg energy siphon rifle amp etc.

Edited by (PS4)Xuiryus
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Oh that was close I almost leaked DC information sense I'm not aloud to talk about it here I've heard from even Mods that you can read some DC info on redit. But for the post I'd want a stealthier passive for my Loki or one for less agro on him. 

dammit XD okay i'll check out reddit 

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No... When did I say that?


Procedure: Enemy attacks you, Proc is applied to you, for each second that the Proc is active, energy is regenerated.

oh sorry misunderstood, so any proc? bleed knockout , puncture and toxic gives you energy?

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Nova: Unpredictability Drive - There is a tiny chance that an enemy would ether be primed, teleported to the sky/ceiling and get knocked down, or get completely replaced by another unit from an alternative universe when attacked.

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oh sorry misunderstood, so any proc? bleed knockout , puncture and toxic gives you energy?

That's the idea. I've noticed actually some proccs last for a while even while the effect is done which could be interesting. Shock procc should happen instantly but the electric effect and indicator linger despite not doing anything. 


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