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New Contest: A Quest Unknown!


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 new foe
one day where i was fighting to help my brothers and sisthers someing weird happend all trun black my brothers was gone i look for  they all over veuns didnt find no one  i keep fighting when i hear a voice crying for help i run the fast i could and found weird tenno i never see so thinking he was friend i help him  take him tosave place take care off him  he tell me his stoy  he tell me he was taken by the Corpus  long time go*
me:how did u get out did u see my brothers and sisthers 
???_yes the corpus take they to the void  to did what they did to me
me:i need to help they  now i cant let the corpus hurt my famliy*starts to walk*
???:u need to help me take me with u
i take the weird tenno with me  to get my brothers and sisthers in the void

he take me out from the back take me where all are tie me with the others when i wake up i haer the voices or my brothers and they yelling i use my powers to get out free all my famliy we fight the corpus to get to the weird tenno who take us the to void lab do test to us the void was soo big we fight for days  in big fight i broke my arm could badly use my powers my famliy help me all the away we find him 
???:soo u are back nova tenno  i see u got ur famliy with u i dont care i will kill u all if i need to and drink ur blood  
me:i will not let u to hurt no more tenno 
???_u are useless u could never got this far if was not from ur brothers with that broken arm i will  kill u 1st!
me:try it  i will not run from my famliy i will never leave they to fight alone  this the tenno away
???:hahhahahhaha! the tenno away all lies  i was tenno once  one off u soo call brothers leave me to die corpus save me soo they are real famliy
me:no we are  we would never leave tenno they are playing with ur mind think we are ur famliy
???:shut up !! all lies is all lies !!!!!! be ready to die tenno  
we fight him  pass some time he was all most dead i was holding my gun to his head with one hand
???:do it u all tenno are killers!! 
me:no i will not kill u*puts the gun down*
???:i try too kill u 
me :u part of my famliy  i could never hurt other tenno cant hurt my famliy
corps was about to shot  me to kill e he put in my away got shot
me:*crying*why u save me ?
???:u are famliy  like u say i could not let part of my famliy die
me:*crying still`*but now u will die i dont kown ur name 
???:mu name.....is sky
me:plz hold on will get u home save u
sky:is too late i will die here just got one wish take me home 
me:*crying*i will i promse
sky dies in my arms we all take him home give him 
me:soo sorry i could not save u but i keep my word u home with us reast ur soul we  will keep fighting soo what happend to u my brother will never happend again they will pay from ur dead 
we keep fight  TO PROTECT THE GALAXY soo what happend to sky never happend again ..... we fight him like foe but in the end he die like hero he protect his famliy  soo in the end he was friend  and part off us 
soo i tell u this story  to all new tenno like me wake up to protect the galaxy and they famliy soo what happend will never happend again ....never give up on ur famliy and friends.....


P.S.:Sorry for my english if i wrote wrong some where.I don't know english very good.Sorry again and thanks for read my story:D

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==================================Ghosts of the past===========================================

Background №1:
Was the universe, there were people who are not as we imagine, and others, those who have no name, no family, no relatives there and they are only for one purpose - to enslave the whole, they confronted similar myself, but renounced and more superior "race", clean, pristine people, not cloned wishing to reveal the secrets of their existence...
Background №2 :
A member of an elite Corpus squad led by Frodo Beck.
Position - Captain.
Real name - is unknown.
Nickname - "Frost" in connection with how coolly he kills his enemies.
Marital status - an orphan , has no burden to the opposite sex, parents were killed when stripping Saturn by Grineer faction, he fled (ran to the shelter with a teleporter (not included in the story)), because of what was promoted to his rank.
(You may add that he remembered the face Hek because he was different from the others)
P.S. You can add something.
Chapter I, Memories.

Captain, said a mechanical voice, it will not be easy, so we entrust this task to you, according to our scouts have Grineer has a rare instance of secret technologies Orokin, grab it and bring to the evacuation zone as soon as possible in the sector cluster numerous enemy soldiers, as there was seen "Punitive Squad" ...
Yes, Punitive Squad, said to himself hoarse voice Frost, often I come across it, but I could not manage to completely destroy it... Hek (Hek was a member of punitive squad, in the past participated in the clean-up of Saturn, and it was he who killed Frost's parents, but in the future, due to the numerous injuries was dismissed)...
Heavy footsteps, the sound of the door opening, Frost puts on a suit and pulls Snipetrone and raised his Fragor. The doorbell goes soldiers and said that the time to act.
Chapter II, Inexplicable feeling.

Bright lights, engine noise, a few days passed quickly.
The landing was far from the camp of the enemy, so they were unnoticed.

Captain Frost felt something was wrong, he remembered what happened on Saturn, the same feeling.
Squad must overcome snowy expanses of the desert of Sedna.
Chapter III, After the first loss.

So, it took several hours after landing, in our squad two corpses, they were torn XXX during rest (here it is necessary to insert something original, I don't know what to call the local fauna), eight of us left, appeared interference, it may be Grineer's Muffler, so we should be careful, the closer we came to the object (meaning cryo (they do not know what it is)) .

Chapter IV, Thoughts (on ​​behalf of Frost).

We're coming in about two days, link to the ship finally broke, most equipment, including camouflage suits, doesn't work, it's a strange feeling still has not passed, but rather enhanced, left a few kilometers, but most likely it will be my last operation, Frost remembered the faces of their parents and their killer, he wept, but immediately pulled himself together and accelerated.
Chapter V, Calm before the storm (here on behalf of Frost too).

And then we got to the approximate location of the object, but of the promised units Grineer nobody was only their "echoes" and dozens of corpses, we found a strange locked building, decided to go and we hit a shower of bullets, I found among the enemy commander and remembered his face, it was Hek, he was guarding a strange container, the one for whom I have hunted so many years, was at a shot distance, "Punitive Squad" not for nothing had such a name, was a fierce battle, my fighters died honorably, in battle, several kills later, I left Hek alone. His ammo already gone and I had the last one, saved it for myself and challenged him to a duel on the old customs (meaning about the battle on a cold weapon). After several collision I felt with a terrible pain, Hek stood over me with a smile, but the last bullet, laid up for myself, has been fired him exactly in the eye. I wanted to know for what I fought, with the help of which I was able to achieve retribution. I crawled to the container and opened it, legends, Tenno, descendants Orokin, warrior of the honor and discipline. My eyes veiled darkness... And then I heard a voice, female voice, unlike women Grineer, it was pleasant, like the voice of a mother and remarked that my mission is not finished yet, too much injustice in our universe, the voice said that from an early age she was watching me, for my actions, my victories, the last thing I could hear "now you're with your family, now you're one of us" and I felt the cold, it grew stronger, velvety voice still ringing in my ears and awoke weapons retribution and justice, I am one of Tenno, I am first Frost (this means that it is usual, not Prime model a kind of).
P.S. Sorry if somewhere it isn't clear, explanation - Google Translater.

Edited by Muxailo
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The Sins of the Past



  It was one of those days, everything seemed to be going accordingly. The system was coming into full view for the Tenno, soon we would make it better. Of course the Grenier and Corpus weren't going to make it easy. I had just returned to our dojo for some R&R when I got the Call from the Lotus.





  "Tenno, out past the reaches of Europa we've had reports of vagrant ships floating aimlessly. These ships show signs that they might be Orokin. Get a team and go investigate; this could be what we need to sway the war. Good Luck."


  In my youth I would've jumped at the chance to make my mark, but I knew better now.






  The team was assembled, I grabbed any Tenno I could find. We approached the entrance to the vagrant ship which was a nice change from all those damned air-ducts we always find ourselves in. It was dark, dank, and overgrown; the air was foul but still. We searched the room for anything useful. Just as I found some Orokin hieroglyphs one of my Tenno compadres gave a shush and whisper.

"Did you guys hear that."






  A clamoring off in the distance!  We turned to each other, as the sound grew louder we prepared for the worst. I had little time to think as this gnarled beast lunged through the door. Before I could say a word it was perforated thoroughly by my Tenno mates. We gathered near the beast and took note of it's decaying, nearly poisonous flesh. There was no time to study as droves of foul beasts were upon us. We slashed and blasted our way through the poisonous and exploding filthy creatures. It seemed we had cut through most of them when behind us we saw hulking long-limbed monsters. They moved slowly at first but once they caught wind of us they charged swiftly. I turned to my fellow Tenno and ordered them to extraction, I would stay behind to slow the enemy.






  The Tenno tried to reason with me, but I had none of it.Left alone against these monsters, I summoned the dead to my side. I took all of them but one; I made my move but with a swift stroke it grabbed me and sucked me dry of all my energy. There wasn't much hope left. Just then I heard something in my head; the monster was communicating with me. In a deep crackling voice it spoke.

"We are the Infested, we are the punishment for the sins of the past!" I was released from it's grasp. The Infested were coming fast and I was the one who was to tell the solar system. Over the coming days more vagrant ships entered our space and crashed into multiple planets. The Infestation had spread and our system would never be the same.




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It was the end of a routine operation, with only a few stragglers in pursuit. Aim, squeeze, assess…it was all routine, efficient, precise killing as the final enemy fell. The Lotus came on, “Well done Tenno, you are now being re-assigned. Nekros, Nova you will proceed to a front line defense operation. Valkyr, Rhino you are to be diverted for assessment.” Assessment meant our performance was unsatisfactory, but I felt no concern. To be honest I felt nothing since awaking from cryo.



We came to a desolate ship and awaited orders, Rhino gestured to a box meant for me. Its contents were a pair of bonds that locked into my wrists. I did not understand; they had no significance to me, so I waited for The Lotus to explain. Rhino true to his name charged into the ship. As I lost sight of him I heard his weapon unleashing fury at a rapid pace, he must have received instructions separate from mine.

The Lotus finally came online, “Tenno, when we retrieved you we had concern with your mental state, we have subdued and repressed information we thought may prove detrimental to you. We were wrong, I have made adjustments to your life support system, Proceed to the Nav coordinates undetected and await further order.” You did not question the Lotus so I proceeded quietly, wondering what the meaning of all this was. The Nav coordinates led to the ceiling of a vast open room where I sat and waited.



The silence was broken when Rhino came crashing into the room with infested in pursuit. Rhino was managing with deadly efficiency until his iron skin shattered and he begun taking more damage than his frame’s shield could endure. The Lotus returned, “Tenno you will use only your melee weapons to eliminate all targets….Begin”. I assessed the situation, it would be impossible to eliminate the targets and save Rhino. We were being sent to die, just then the Lotus returned, “Also Tenno, I am disabling your shields.” I hit the ground and immediately began my task, for the first time I felt angry.



The claw of a charger raked the back of my frame, my world instantly shot red I envisioned being shackled in a Corpus lab, laser scalpels cutting at me, talks of pain thresholds, peeling away layer after layer. I remembered that moment when fear and terror turns into hate, anger, and power; but I was not shackled here. I was pulled back to reality by The Lotus; “We are Tenno” is all she said. I was screaming in rage when I realized the infested were eliminated. I began to reboot Rhino’s life support and repair systems, I felt alive and refreshed.

At extraction, The Lotus came back, “Excellent work Tenno”. Rhino glanced at me, “You are a warframe of death, but thank you”. But he was wrong, I am a warframe of pain and suffering, Nekros can keep the dead. We are Tenno, but now I am unleashed.



PS. Sorry for lack of pictures, actually wanted to write it while it was fresh and im at work so no warframe for another 4 hours :(

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For as long as I can remember, Tenno worshipped the season of the passing. In where the souls of fallen Tenno take their rite of passage into the void, to join the past, the future and the present that never was. It is my solemn duty that the souls of our fallen and tormented Tenno kin are delivered to their peace.


For every battle I enter. I mutter these words: “Thou hast delivered unto me the empty corpses of our brethren. Fear not the rampaging souls the bodies once housed in their sacred temple, for I shall soothe their sorrows, calm their hearts, and shield them from the plight. They shalt not know fear, as fear has run a flee. Thy enemies will shed crimson tears for every fallen brother and sister they hath slain.” 


I sit on top of my spire singing a song of silence. I spy into the void, watching the Corpus’ experimentation on the girl: Valkyr. My scythe sings through the air, taking away the humanity its foes meet; hollowing them from the inside out. With the skull of Alad at my leisure, I make my way to Valkyr. Oh tortured soul of Corpus, you too will know my silent song.



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Darvo’s cuisine project




Good news, Tenno! Some of my closest associates just offered these amazing deal that can make lots of money, and you won’t refuse my request.


There is a Corpus Style Cuisine that is very famous in the solar system. Have you ever heard that before? Now, let me tell you, it is a Desert Skate in Corpus Style….

Fried Desert Skate with Greedy Milk!


I don’t know how to make it, but I don’t need to know. It’s got a massive profit I can’t miss it. I need you to collect something for me: Greedy Milk and Desert Skate’s Meat. Greedy Milk is easy to find, find it in the Corpus’s Container and Storage, that’s it. The bigger problem is Desert Skate’s meat. There are Grineer Frontier Force on Phobos.


We are friends, Tenno. A friend would not refuse another friend’s request, right? Just hunt some Desert Skate, and you wiil get your reward.


Good luck, my friend. I wiil be waiting.


Frost: Enough Greedy Milk I think.



Frost: That’s was easy, time to leave now.



Loki: I am going to get some Desert Skate’s Meat.



Loki: That’s it, I find them!



Loki: I feel so sad while I kill them, really sad….


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This will be my entry for the "A Quest Unknown" contest, do note the screencaps for the appropriate paragraphs will be linked under each paragraph, as they are Steam screencap links. I do not know the exact word count as I sadly don't have a fancy word program, so I apologize in advance,  but I believe the length is appropriate. I wish everyone who enters this contest luck, and let's all have fun.



Shadowed Answers


Like so many of us, I slept, I woke, in a time not my own, among brothers and sisters; we, The Tenno. The Lotus, our guide and 'saviour', helping us, guiding us on the path of balance in this solar system. Yet I feel doubt. I remember nothing of my past, my true name, only the name I have been given; Vauban. The trapper, controller of the field of battle. For much time, I served, and at the same time, I pondered.




We live in a time full of pain, and suffering. We are frowned upon, looked down at. In our Clan Tower, I stand in a garden of calm and peace, but clench my fists in frustration and shame. The Grineer consider us a people to be conquered and put into servitude. The Corpus view us as 'Betrayers', and see us as nothing but animals to be slaughtered for profit. The Infested, well, they are sadly bound by their nature, to consume all. Yet one foe, I cannot fully fathom.




The Stalker, who is he? What is he? He wears the armor we are bound to, yet his actions are the opposite of what we do. He hunts us, stalks us, hurts us, and kills us. In the name of 'justice', for crimes which we remember nothing of. His weapons and techniques have evolved. Now, he is one to be feared, for we now, are the ones at a disadvantage against his power. My clanmates and I researched his codex entries in our clan archives, of what history we know. We are from a time of The Orokin; we were saviours from an old war we won. Yet, in his log, we were the ones who brought down the Empire. Why? Who were The Low Guardians? How long has he been hunting us? How long has he wandered the worlds? How long have we slept?




Now, I stare upon the holographic representation of the solar system. I ponder, to ask The Lotus "Who is he? You have the answers, why won't you tell us about our pasts?" Darvo, who we rescued not long ago from The Corpus, also was hunted by The Stalker. Darvo said "We are not the betrayers". If we aren't, who is? I look upon each world, wondering where The Stalker is. He is out there, somewhere, and if The Lotus will not give us answers, The Stalker can!




Now! I stand with brothers and sisters! Who share the same thoughts on the matter. We cannot wait anymore. If we are to understand this world we live in, and bring balance, we MUST also understand ourselves! Our goods! Our ills! Our actions of bravery, even crimes we may have commited. We cannot bring balance to the world we live in, if we cannot find balance within ourselves! The Stalker is out there, and we will find him! He has the answers we seek, and we will make him speak! We, the hunted, are now the hunters!


Edited by Zeorymer
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I don't have any pictures but here's my story.




Darkness, the thing this creature or so called “one of us” dwells in. It lingers in it; it bathes in the darkness, Preying on unsuspecting tenno that have recently emerged from their ageless slumber. It strikes when they least expect it, but when they realize what has followed them in the dark depths of the solar system, their fate has already been sealed. Oceans of blood follow in its wake, only wanting more, the spilled blood of the innocent, but not to him, to him, we are all guilty; guilty of something we cannot remember no matter how hard we try.

It’s funny, the one piece of information we need to save our lives from this thing forgotten. It’s been what seems to be a year, a painful, lonely year of running from it, but somehow it manages to find me wherever I go. I can’t do it anymore, I can’t keep running from it, I’m tired, exhausted, and I have used up all my resources available to me trying to run away from this thing. Iv'e had enough of this; I’m going to end it right now. It’s the only way.

I drove my ship to the outer rim of Saturn, waiting for him. I yelled for him to come “Come face me! I’m right here you coward! I’m open!” Yet he didn't come. It puzzled me, but in a moment’s notice, the lights began to flash, illuminating the hallways of the abandoned corpus ship, a ship that was taken in gradivus, but I’d rather not visit that memory right now. But in an instant he came right in front of me, but before I could gather myself of what had happened milliseconds ago, it was already too late. I felt it, I felt the cold steel of a blade forged in darkness, but oddly enough, I felt relief, it was all over now. But to him I was just a check on a list. A list longer than the solar system itself, written in the blood of his victims. But here is where my tale ends, I shared the fate of everyone else, the fate of the one they call “stalker”.

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Mission of The Lotus:
Sometimes you've just got to do things yourself....
Or at least that's what I said earlier. Now I'm being held to my word, and I'm really starting to regret saying that, seeing as now I'm stuck on this stinking ship, doing the dirty work, while the Tenno just sit back and laugh! I'm the Lotus! This is not my job!

Calm down....just calm down. I can do this. All I've got to do is buckle down and get this done....then it's back to the safety of my ship.*CREAK* Wait....what was that? This ship isn't loaded with Grineer, is it...? And I'm a long way from home...aren't I....? I think I'm gonna need help, Tenno...

*Another sound is heard, this one more like a snarl.* O-oh no....I better get outta here! *The Lotus begins running, but stumbles with a loud Oomph* Damn legs! Why do you not work like you're supposed to! *The Lotus gets up, but is confronted by a Infected Charger.* Oh S#&$....

*Just as the charge is about to attack, it falls to the floor. Appearing in front of the Lotus is a black shadow. In a flash, the Lotus is back on her ship* What the.... *Looking around, the Lotus sighs.* Thanks, Stalker...



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The Clock

Time is running out, Tenno.

Things USED to be good for you...The Tenno USED to dominate the solar system… The Tenno USED to be a force for good...Are they now?


NO. Why you might ask? Because of HER...Because of YOUR actions. You’ve made terrible mistakes…


You’ve KILLED too many people...Caused too much DESTRUCTION...RUINED what was once a cause to be praised…BLOOD now stains the hands of EVERY Tenno...And for that you must be ERASED…


And I’LL be the one to do it...I’ll come at you with all my HATE...All my DESPAIR...And you will DREAD my very existence...You will SUFFER Tenno…


You can’t RUN from your past...There is no place to HIDE...I know your EVERY move...I am your RECKONING...And REMEMBER…

Your actions have CONSEQUENCES, Tenno...

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This idea came to me on a Fluke


Play this melody and sing with the lyrics below.... have fun. (193 words)




The Fresh Princess of Fire


Now this is a story all about how

My life got flipped- turned upside down

And I’d like to take a minute

Just sit right there

And tell you how I became the Tenno in a Frame called Ember




In the west of a Dojo born and raised

in the gardens where I spent most of my days

Chillen’ out maxn’ relaxin’ all cool

And runnin’ some Parkour outside of the school




When a couple of Infested

Who were up to no good

Startin making trouble in the neighborhood

They started one little fight and the Lotus got scared

She said "You’re have to clear the infestation in the whole secter"




I whistled for a Team and when they came near
There was Loki, Banshee and a Ash with Miter?
If anything I can say that this Team is rare
but I thought “Now forget it” – “I’ll grab my Ember”




We cleared out the infestation about 7 or 8

And I yelled to the Phorid “Go home smell ya later”

Looked at my Warframe

I was finally there

To sit on my throne as the Princess of Fire



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Chaos in Doubt


     He knelt over the flower bed, draining the water from his pale into the soil. This was his favorite pastime. At the end of each day, after he had slaughtered countless Grineer and Corprus. This was how he honored their deaths and expressed himself. He came here to seek solitude whenever his thoughts troubled him. Tonight however his mind was burdened with a greater worry. His tension was almost palpable, which would explain why his second in command would have the courage to be walking up to him.




     The woman stood by him, one could tell she was anxious. "My Shogun, what troubles you this evening?" The man stood and turned to her. "Do you ever count?" He asked.The woman cocked her head. "Do you ever count the number we kill each day? Grineer and Corprus, we slaughter them by the thousands. Has anyone ever stopped to count?" The woman suddenly regretted bothering him. 


     "Not only that, but have we ever questioned why we kill them? My answer to you is yes! We all have asked this question. Why do we commit these acts. Each day more and more Tenno question their own resolve and ask why we do what we do. Many say it's loyalty to the Lotus, others say that it is to uphold the balance of the Solar System. Others however..." The woman stood straight and looked at him replying, "The one in darkness....the Stalker..."


     "The one who hunts us!" He interrupted, "The one who claims to know a truth about us which would tear down all our beliefs and create chaos among our numbers. But what troubles me is he is succeeding. I have felt the growing tension among the great clans. We serve the Lotus, yes, but our own self doubt  will eventually lead us into chaos and what then?" The woman stepped forward, her own doubt was apparent. "But surely the Lotus!....". "The Lotus can not do a thing! She knows she can not risk losing the loyalty of the Tenno by forcing her hand. We follow her out of love for awakening us, but that loyalty can only hold for so long! How long before the ties that bind us break apart and shatter!?"




     Silence invaded the room now. The woman took a few steps back and looked down at the flower bed which had been so tenderly cared for. The man turned his back to her and contemplated his next words. "A war is coming, a war none of us wanted to admit was possible. A time when Tenno shall kill one another, and the solar system will once again be plunged into a bloody conflict. The question I have for you though is this. Will we be ready? Will you have the resolve to defend your clan and brethren, while killing your brothers and sisters?" The woman was shaking now, she was trying to find the words in her mind. "Maybe...", she paused, "Maybe we are the betrayers..."



~Fin   ^///^

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The last I can recall, DE's stance was that we have a bunch of warframes that we send out on missions.


The Battle Master


Got a call from the Lotus again today, said there was this big infestation outbreak on Sedna. I checked it out and it looks like the grineer are getting stomped over there. They were willing to trade a detonite injector for some reinforcements though. Suits me just fine. I sent over Ember over to Scylla to burn out the infestation.




I got back to working over the new gear I'm building up in the foundry, you know, combining orokin cells with guns so the frames can hold them in both hands- the usual. Then I got to work on modding the paris prime, considering using another forma on it. That would make Nova happy, but I decided against it. I'd gone through a lot of formas with the new clan-tech research they'd been bringing in blueprints for lately.




Anyway, I was about done with the bow when I got another call from the Lotus. A Tenno captured on Venus this time. There wasn't much pay in it, but I couldn't leave a fellow Tenno in the hands of the corpus. It wasn't too dangerous an area and almost everyone else was already out, so I sent Valkyr. She looked terrified. Guess I have a soft spot for her, always feel bad when I have to send her outside. “It's only V Prime,” I explained softly, “here, take the soma, just to be safe.” She nodded and left.




I wasn't even back to the weapon storage when the next call came in. Not someone I was expecting, Darvo of all people. Seriously freaky guy, and I don't want too get to cozy with the corpus, but his under the table discounts are just too good to resist.


He needed help. Unlike most missions, he didn't elaborate. Nothing but a locator to follow. I took the job to Nova. Since this wasn't a normal job, I reinstalled her modifications on the spot. Looks like she was serious too; she took her all her prime gear. Even took her misa syndana prime along, haven't seen her pull that thing since she ran out to rescue Valkyr without permission.




With everyone gone, the base was pretty quiet. About lunch time. Well, for me anyway. I still didn't know how the frames lived without any sort of sustenance, they were still Tenno in there, weren't they? I tried not to think about it.


Some warframes arrived back at base after lunch. The ones I'd sent out yesterday. But no Nyx. I sent her to Psamathe on a scouting mission, she should have been back first, not last. I sent an emergency signal to Nova. “You have to get back here fast,” I instructed her, “I need you to go to Psamathe and look for Nyx, I think something happened.”


“I know, that's where Darvo is,” she told me, “I need help.”


Nova, asking for help?


“Volt, Mag, Oberon,” I called, “Go to Psamathe. Nova needs help. Now.”



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Bonjour, mon histoire fait 807 mots, désolé ^^’


Warframe : un combat de toute une vie 


Il existe une légende contant l’histoire de la terrible bataille qui ravagea la planète Terminus.

Cette légende raconte que cette planète, autrefois fertile et riche, était dirigée par plusieurs empereurs et protégeait par des valeureux guerriers appelé Gardien.


Malheureusement, cette richesse fût perçue par l’œil avide des Grineer et attira l’attention de la cupide corporation des Corpus. Ces deux factions envahirent alors la planète et livrèrent bataille.



Ne disposant pas d’alternative diplomatique, les Empereurs n’eurent d’autre choix que de se défendre et demandèrent à  leurs guerriers de protéger leurs cités et leur planète.

Les Gardiens, en dépit de leur force et de leur bravoure, voyaient leur défense tomber peu à peu sous les assauts répétés de l’ennemi qui ne cessait de croitre.

La situation était désespéré et la victoire, semblait-il, été acquise par les envahisseurs.


Néanmoins, on pouvait encore voir encore sur le champ de bataille un Gardien qui continuait à se battre. Il était seul, au milieu de ses frères tombé au combat et des carcasses de ses adversaires vaincu, faisant face à l’ennemi. Il se battait avec courage, et ses adversaires tombèrent les uns après les autres sous ses coups. Néanmoins, il fut rapidement submergé par le nombre d’ennemi et vit que sa fin était proche.

Mais soudain, un guerrier qui lui était inconnu arriva à ses côtés et le secouru.

Il s’agissait d’un Tenno revêtu d’une armure warframe Excalibur.



Puis d’autre guerriers Tenno arrivèrent peu à peu sur les différents champs de bataille.

 Les forces combinées des Tenno et des Gardiens eurent raison de leurs opposants qui durent quitter la planète.

Cependant, même le goût amer de la défaite ne put faire fléchir l’avidité d’un général Grinner.

S’il ne pouvait pas voir le contrôle de Terminus personne ne l’aurait.

Il proposa alors un marché aux Corpus qui acceptèrent voyant  une autre chance de pourvoir à leur intérêt.


La combinaison de la technologie Grineer et des artefacts d’Orokin récupéré par les Corpus  leur permis de créer une arme encore jamais construite à ce jour, une arme capable de contrôler les exo-armures warframe.


Sur Terminus, le peuple exténué mais heureux, commence la reconstruction de leur Empire.

Quant au Tenno et au Gardien qu’il avait aidé, ils devinrent  amis.

Afin de remercier les Tenno pour leur aide, les Empereurs organisèrent en leur honneur un cérémonial Naga.

Cependant, devant suivre son devoir, le Tenno dû partir suite à une convocation urgente de Lotus. Le Gardien, quant à lui, resta sur sa planète afin de veiller sur elle.


Lotus, suite à un  décryptage de fichier grineer  volé, fût au courant de viles manigances de ses ennemis et elle envoya quatre de ses meilleurs guerriers au bord du vaisseau du général grineer craignant le pire.



Malheureusement, même si le général avait été vaincu, l’arme fût activée. Elle envoya un signal sur Terminus paralysant pendant un instant les Tenno tandis qu’elle prenait le contrôle des warframes.

Sur la planète le cérémonial avait déjà commencé et seul le Gardien remarqua le comportement étrange des Tenno… mais il ne pût rien faire.


Sur Terminus, les rires et les chants furent bientôt remplacé par les hurlements et les pleurs.  Personne ne fut épargné. Les Gardiens restants demeurèrent  impuissants.

Au bord du bâtiment grineer, les Tenno ne sachant comment stopper l’arme décidèrent de détruire le vaisseau.  Cette opération fut un succès.


Seulement, elle fut accomplie bien trop tard.

A présent, sur Terminus on n’entendait plus les bruits des tambours, seulement le crépitement des flammes qui ravageait les cités. 



L’Empire n’était plus et le monde s’était éteint avec lui. 


Les Tenno désemparés quittèrent cette terre à présent désolée.

Pourtant, un corps sorti de sous des débris. Il s’agissait du Gardien qui s’était lié d’amitié avec un Tenno.

On dit que la discipline et la chevalerie sont les valeurs qui guident les Tenno. Est-ce encore vrai aujourd'hui ? Pas pour ce Gardien.

Désormais, c’est avec le cœur rempli de haine qu’il va traquer et chasser les Tenno en semant le désespoir et l’épouvante, ceci afin d’assouvir sa vengeance. Il leur fera payer ce qu’ils ont fait et pour ce faire il deviendra leur juge et leur bourreau. On le connait encore aujourd’hui sous le nom de Stalker.



Le Tenno qui était autrefois son ami essaya de le raisonné, mais le stalker ne voulut rien entendre et un combat eu lieu.



Le Tenno en sortit victorieux. Le stalker préféra fuir.

Afin qu’une telle tragédie ne se reproduise jamais,  Lotus décida de mettre au point des armures plus puissantes que celles déjà existantes. Elles furent nommées les Primes.



L’alliance entre les Grineer et les Corpus fut rompue.


Cette légende sombra dans l’oubli, mais restera gravée pour toujours dans la mémoire du stalker.


Cependant, il arrive parfois que lors de sa quête de vengeance il croise le chemin d’adversaires tout aussi impitoyable. 




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Burning Bright


She was never openly liked among the Tenno.  As a Dropship pilot, and one of the few non-Tenno, she only found solace in her assigned passenger, a female Tenno in Nova-class Warframe, whom after a long while of awkward, one-sided conversation, resigned to being called "Sil".  She, on the other hand, was simply "Pilot" to the few who addressed her.


Sil had protected her from the very beginning, and she didn't know why.  They were found together in adjacent cyropods by a Tenno cell sent on a rescue mission.  Pilot's memory before entering cyrostasis was damaged, a fate common to many, and when she awoke, the Tenno that stood around her were cold and alien, and seemed intent on leaving her behind.  Sil quickly came to her defense, an exchange carried out in utter silence that ended with Pilot's rescue.


That was many cycles ago.  Pilot was assigned as Sil's Dropship pilot, and since then they fast developed a mutually awkward relationship.


Now they were assigned on a solo spy mission within Mars space, a mission following countless, daring raids by the duo against the Corpus in the past solar orbits.  However, their conquest had not gone on unnoticed, as eyes watched on, greedily from the darkness.


"This is it, a Corpus merchant ship on the outskirts of Mars space, suspected to be linked with Alad V's mad projects.  Information came from an anonymous tip-off in exchange for a paltry sum of Credits."  Pilot read the briefing overview outloud.

Text popped up on a screen in front of her, translating Sil's thought's into tangible words.


Pilot smiled.  Among the broken, one word sentences that Sil often directed towards her, it was always pleasing to see some hint of personality under that stoic suit.

"Well then get in there, and good luck.  Establishing radio silence."  Pilot opened the pod on the underside of the dropship onto the hull of the Corpus ship, and a white blur quickly found its way through an exhaust vent and into the belly of the beast...


This was a stealth mission, there were suspected non-combatants aboard, so enaging enemies was relegated to only the most dire of situations.  The first access point was nearby, and Sil swiftly made her way to it.  The ship was eerily quiet, even the security cameras were inactive.  Soon she found her first point, and hacked into the terminal.  No response.  No datamass.  A voice came into her communicator.  It was the Lotus.

"Change of plans, it seems this was a trap.  Your new objecti---"

"Heeheehee...We've been watching you, little bird."  The communication cut abruptly, and a voice came over the ships intercom.

"Your powers are...intriguing.  However I feel they have not reached their full potential.  Allow us to..help you."

Sirens shattered the eerie silence.  A Moa deployment pod across the room opened, and immediately a bolt from Sil's Cernos pierced the chassis of the Moa within, pinning it to the inside of the pod.


"Fly little bird, fly~"


Sil was off.  Pilot, on the other side of a small asteroid, was monitoring the situation, and was panicked.  She recieved another message on the screen.  "Trap."

"That damned informer, the Lotus should have known better then to act so recklessly."  Pilot thought to herself.  Initiating her ships extraction protocol, she began to make her way towards the designated extraction point.

Sil ran with legendary Tenno agility, quickly leaving behind the canned sounds of Crewman's voices and the clanking of Moa talons on hard metal.  She was met with a locked door, and quickly started the ovveride, turning around to check her pursuers.  There were at least two dozen Crewman, and even more Moa.  She was vastly outgunned, as she had only prepared for a stealth mission - however she was not overpowered.  The door began to open excruciatingly slowly, and seeing her chance, Sil created a wormhole through the slight opening in the door and dove through, followed the sound of super-heated plasma impacting the solid door.

"YOU IMBECILES, AFTER HER!!"  Boomed the voice on the intercom.


Sil was running out of breath, barely two thirds of the way to the extraction point.  Pilot was a few minutes from the Corpus ship, flying as fast as she could without being detected, she fought with paced breaths.  Another message popped up: "Hurry."

"Damnit, damnit, damnit - Just hold on Sil, I swear, I'm getting you out of there..."  Pilot thought.


Sil dashed through an open door, and found herself cut off by a group of Crewman and Moa, all their weapons pointed towards her.

"Now now, there's no need for us to damage that beautiful Warframe of yours, give up now, and I promise - It will be quick."  Said the voice on the intercom.

"You can trust old Alad...heeheehee~"


Sil defiantly nocked an arrow, but before she could even draw back the string, a barrage of plasma forced her to roll to the side and take cover.  Waiting for an opening in the barrage, she popped up and quickly buried a bolt into the chest of a Crewman, who's body was propulsed backwards into a Moa, knocking it over.  Sil quickly ducked back behind her cover and sent a frantic message to Pilot: "HURRY."


The dropship docked quickly to the hull of the Corpus ship.  Pilot could hear the wails of the Corpus alarms and felt even more worry.  "I'm here, I'm here, make your way to the extraction point, now!"


Sil rose up from behind her cover, another arrow set to fly.  Then it hit her.  A Railgun shot pierced clean through her left shoulder, and Sil dropped backwards onto the floor, dropping her bow.  The stabbing pain was met by a loud crash, and suddenly all sound had drowned out.  The Railgun had shattered a window on the ship and depressurized the entire chamber.  All of Sil's assailants staggered as the ship itself felt like it was being rocked, and seeing her chance, Sil quickly dashed through a closing door, which sealed off the breach - and her assailants - behind her.

"Hull breach detected" A female voice came over the intercom.  Pilot heard it and felt a growing sense of dread.  The screen lay dormant, no messages were coming in.


Pilot broke radio silence.




"What's this?"  Alad's voice came over the intercom.

"Another Lotus vermin, I see...trying to escape...well then, we can't have this, can we?"


Sil was in the center of a open room, doors all around her - sealed shut by the hull breach.  It was only a matter of time before the Corpus were upon her again, only a matter of time before the Corpus triangulated the position of the dropship, only a matter of time before her wound...


A lone message popped up on Pilots screen.

"...What..No, I can't, I won't!"  Pilot screamed at the screen, she began to choke on her voice.  "You got me out of a tight situation, and I doing the same for you, I-"



"Damnit Sil...you know I...you know we can't let it end like this..."




Pilot felt her heart skip a beat.  Sil had never shown much empathy or feeling in any of her messages.  But this one word, this one utterance carried a weight greater than anything Pilot could ever know.  She felt the tears stream down her cheeks, felt herself choking on her own pained breaths, felt the fear melt into dread and pain.  The crushing weight of defeat pressed her fist into the console, initiating the take off sequence as she screamed at Sil:


The ship pulled off slowly from the Corpus ship's hull, and the pod closed on itself, empty.  A final message came through and onto Pilot's screen.


"Thank you, Amata."


Something coursed over her, like a splash of cold water that ran swiftly down her spine.  Suddenly, she remembered.  She remembered the stars, how brightly they shone that night.  She remembered how frantically they had rushed to the cyropods.  She remembered the rush of the ejection mechanism as she fell into a deep sleep.  But most of all, she remembered her...remembered her sister...


"S...Ce..Cecilia?"  Escaped from Amata's mouth.


Cecilia sat seiza in the center of the open room, and the doors all around her opened simultaneously, revealing numerous Corpus figures, all poised and dangerous.


"I've been waiting for this moment"  Alad menaced.


A white blue energy coursed over her Warframe.


"Now be a good girl an surrender..."


Leaving pain behind, Ceclila stood up, enveloped by a swirling radiance.


"Nowhere left to fly, little bird..."




Shattering the Tenno's silence, Cecilia raised her right arm as high as she could as she cried out.  The energy that exploded out from her was blinding, and she slammed her open palm into the floor with the finality of the judge's gavel.


Amata stood in her chair and turned frantically to look back at the ship as the dropship flew fast and away.


"Cecilia?? Cecilia?!!"


Before she could utter another word, the dropship began to initiate it's jump.  But as she looked back, she saw the ship begin to burn in a blue white light.  And the stars that filled the sky were the same that she looked upon that night so long ago, but now these stars could not outshine this dying light.


And even if only for a moment, Cecilia was the brightest star in the night, burning strong - Burning Bright.



Epilogue  (optional)


Amata stepped down from her ship, alone.  She was met by a number of Tenno, all lined up, their heads bowed as a sort of salute.  Amata remembered her sister, how she was changed by some unknown force, how she chose to save both of them from a war that was not theirs, only to have them thrust into another.  Her sister, whom she cared for so deeply, who she protected so often when they were younger - now the roles were reversed.

Why did she keep it a secret until now?  What would letting me remember hurt anyone?


Why did she have to wait until now...


Suddenly, a voice came over Amata's communicator.

"We have you're new assignment."  It was the Lotus.

Amata was furious.  How could the Lotus brush this away in such an uncaring way?  How could the Lotus be so cruel, so cold, so -

"We have Alad V's location.  You're going after him."

- so satisfyingly vengeful.






Okay, so I may or may not have gone over the word limit there...a little bit...a lot... and online image hosting sites may have been failing to let me upload screenshots, but I just started writing this story out of a whim and let it flow - so here it is.


I always wondered about the Tenno's relationship with the Dropship pilot - if such an entity exists.  I just imagine how it was in the very early videos showcasing Dark Sector where Haydn was in an Excalibur style suit and the drop ship was being piloted by another person, so I wondered if it stayed the same in Warframe.  Perhaps the Dropships are just drones?  Who knows, I'm pretty excited to see more and more of what DE has in store for Warframe, both in terms of gameplay and lore.

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It was just another mission for Oberon. Get inside the Orokin Derrelict, and defend the cryopod. He had done this many times before, but his real objective was to collect resources for his clan's research. He knew that it would involve the slaughter of hundreds of Infested, but that was the last thing on his mind. They were just soulless mounds of flesh, that to him, deserved to be exterminated. 


The cryopod was eventually damaged by the waves of attacking Infested, so the squad decided to give it time to repair. Only one enemy remained; an Ancient Disruptor. Oberon glanced at the monstrosity, anxious to unleash a torrent of bullets on it from his pristine Orokin weapon. One of his squad members, a Vauban, got too close to the Disruptor. It chased him after him, flailing its limbs around in an effort to attack him. The Vauban passed by Oberon, and as the Disruptor came closer, it stopped.




If it had eyes it would be staring right at Oberon. "Why won't it attack you?" asked the Vauban. Oberon ignored the question and slowly moved toward the Disruptor. It stood completely still, its noodle-like mouth parts glowing an even brighter red than usual. Oberon took his finger off his gun's trigger, filled with emotions for a creature he had barely noticed moments before. He felt that there was something in the creature, a remnant of whatever it was before it became infested.


"Stop messing around and kill it! shouted the Vauban. The cryopod is repaired already." Oberon took one final, solemn look at his noodley friend and blasted it with his weapon. He took one more look at it as it disintegrated and felt a sharp pang of regret.




He urged his comrades to accept a reward and leave soon after, barely paying attention to the resources he had come to the Derelict to gather. Oberon's last thought before he left was of all the Infested he had killed, especially the Ancient Disruptor. He vowed to free as many Infested as he could, and uphold the balance he was created to keep. His quest for resources didn't matter as much to him anymore.


P.S: Rest in peace Noodlez!

Edited by (PS4)cubone285
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Many Say that the Corpus are greedy, willing to bet high stakes, willing to lose it all, or win big, Many Say that they are Insane, Alad V's new Toys that walk out of the facility only lead to destruction, Well they are wrong. My Name is Vauban, a tenno, who was left behind by the lotus, left to the mercy of the Renowned Captain Vor, in those few moments, I felt adrenaline  pump through every vein in my body, hate towards all, that was until, the Corpus saved me, they risked their lives to save a potential threat, and from that day, I became the most feared, yet Respected Sniper on the Grineer enemy lines.

That was 5 years ago, Today, we strike Phobos,Rumors of old Orokin technology Lie in its derelict buildings, but thats not why Im hear, It is believed    that Captain Vor and Lt Kril have arrived to boost the Morale of the Grineer troops that are posted on this planet, it is also believed that Tenno Reinforcements have arrived to take out these two military leaders, I call this, killing two birds with one stone.

My Lanka Is charged for the hunt, I lie in wait with a few crewmen and ospreys to ambush and kill Vor and Kril and the Tenno, hours pass. Night turns to day, and Vor and Kril are ready to patronise the troops here, about the Queens presence and Grineer glory. The Tenno arived within a few moments of the Speech, Every Tenno that stepped into broad daylight faced the cold death of my Lanka, first came an Excalibur, the first and the last to die, his head exploded within a few meters of Kril, Terrified screams came from the troops as the mighty kril fell to his knees and died in shame, Vor on the other hand was Captured to become Alad V's Test subject for his new Zanuka project, the Tenno that Escaped, were the bringers of despair as news quickly spread of my presence, as to never cross with the Corpus again.

To bad that no-one knows my true identity, not even the corpus, but they spared me, so I Worked for them. Everyone that kills those that only try to help others face my wrath, for I am the Stalker, the last face that you will want to see before you die._.

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The Infested hordes are striking back! In this latest mission Lotus tells you to defend some not reactivated Warframes, which are still sleeping in their cryo-chambers. As you start the mission, you notice that this location is covered over and over in organic substances and protected by many heavy infested monsters. 




You fight your way forward, till you find the empty cryo-chambers but no sign of the lost Tenno. 




During research for the fate of the lost ones, you find evidence that the former tenno were surprised, defeated and corrupted while they were in cryo sleep. 


Now they are part of the infested hordes and have turned into strong stalker-like enemies obeying the big swarm.




You have to seek and destroy this new threat, to prevent more warframes from becoming infested. Prepare for hard missions against lots of powerful enemies (evtl. 250-400 infested) including bosses and (maybe 4 to 8) infested Tenno which are similarly fighting and acting like the Stalker! Other bosses similar to Phorid, Lephantis or the golem might also be possible. 

Enjoy the missions Tenno! - Wario666oiraW




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Lore: You're being watched.



I was awake to help this world. In my rescue, they said "We are Tenno, we are the balance in this universe." Balance? With war? You cannot ease the pain with more pain...


Mission: Capture  /  Faction: Corpus

Me and my squad find a way thought the Corpus Ship. I need to capture someone that they say: "He has some important knowledge to us, bring him safe and alive." We reach him, and he tried to espace, I run full-speed ahead to stop and get him to extration, but I was slow... All my squad was shooting him. They bring he down and absorved him while he screams agonizingly slowly as he disappeared. Lotus state that the target has already been escorted safely to extraction. There is no justice...


Mission: Assassination  /  Faction: Grinner  /  Target: General Sargas Ruk

"We got to kill him? Why?" I asked. "He had been raiding and annexing Tenno-controlled dig sites in the region. He is also the main Artifact Hunter of the Grineer faction." I said no, but they have pressed me and they accept the mission and we arrive in that ship to bring him down. But I don't accept it. There is no proof of his crimes! They shoot, cutted and burned him violently to his death. I can't accept it... So I said "The blood of General Sargas Ruk is on your hands. Did you really think there would be no repercussions?"


I've decided... I changed myself. I'll not just stay in silence. Someone needs to stop all of them. I gonna stop all of them. The justice needs to be served... They can't run from their past. Murderer, will not go unpunished. They'll try to run. They'll fear me. I know their every move. Their sentence, is death!




Good luck for everyone!!!

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Here's my submission:  Origin

It was a pretty standard mission: go to an infested orokin derelict, clean out any infestation that could pose a threat to the Tenno or their ships, and then take as many valuables from the drifting grave as possible. Our operative cell was arranged at the clan headquarters.  I was in charge of recon and supporting fire due to my mobility, a Rhino class named Arkogron was the cell vanguard, Terpon, a Loki class I had worked with prior, was our field intelligence officer, and finally a newly awoken Ember class named Confla was along for combat acclimation. We were on the last part of the mission when we came across a cryopod. Unlike the large majority of cryopods I had seen in these infested wrecks since my own awakening from cryosleep, this one still had a living Tenno untouched by the infestation for a radius around the pod. Terpon, suggested that it was likely that the cryosleep was uninterrupted due to the different design of the pod disguising it from less than an analytical infested senses.  I almost missed the infested barreling down on us, my attention almost completely transfixed on this unusual sight.  Incoming! I shouted to my cell mates and we each took our positions to defend the pod. I reached my killing perch just in time to let loose an ogris round into the first small group of infested reducing several to a mush and maiming several more. Terpon, in his usual style, rendered himself invisible to the tsunami of flesh allowing him to pick and choose between letting loose an arrow for convenience, or weaving in and out of their reach slicing them to ribbons with his unidentifiable blade. Arkogron, as if on queue, raised his third skin and roared in fury.  Confla to my surprise was actually the first of us to actually score a kill throwing a kunai with such precision you would think she already knew where each vital point was at any given moment. Either she was one of the most elite amongst us prior to our long sleep, or she was acclimating frighteningly quick to an enemy she's never fought before. As we fought on the lotus engaged the cryosleep deactivation for the jet black pod. The pod opened almost like a blossom, which is surprising that I even remember what a blossom looks like, amidst the onslaught, as if it were sating itself on the flesh of the fallen. The Tenno inside emerged with an almost triumphant air about him. It turns out I would see three things of importance that day, I saw an infested horde the likes of which almost defied imagination, I saw technology that even the Lotus was hesitant to use, and I saw a Tenno that scared an infested hive-mind to the point of retreat.  What I heard next trumped all three of those things combined.  As we looked on, flabbergasted, the Tenno emerged and spoke his name, a name that raised even more questions to this unusual venture, my name is Hayden Tenno.

Edited by Irorone
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No Longer Human


Three figures waited behind a simple table. A fourth walked in, her name was Kalia, a brilliant scientist and a valued asset in the war against the Sentients. But the figures were not for Kalia, they were here for her daughter, Nobia.

"Your daughter is void positive, she will survive the training and enhancement," an elderly woman said, "we expect her abilities to be quite strong. Normally we would ask for your permission, but we are desperate, you were brought here to hear her fate, not to decide it. She leaves tomorrow at dawn." Before Kalia could protest, the guard took her from the room.


That night Nobia was told that she was going to the void. "They take you to a special place" Kalia said, "and when you come back, you become a special person with special gifts." "Will it hurt?" Nobia asked. It will hurt more than daggers and burn hotter than a thousand suns when you travel through the void and back, Kalia thought, but she simply said "no". "I'll miss you mommy" Nobia whispered as she cried in bed and her tears fell and soaked Kalia's shirt.


Nobia went into the void, and the void flowed through her. She felt the pain of daggers and the heat of a thousand suns. and when they pulled her out of the void the void never left her. They called it electromagnetic manipulation of antimatter, Nobia called it special gifts. They built a frame as a conduit for her affliction and sent her to fight an army. When her enemies' guns flashed, the void shielded her, when the shield failed and she fell, the void picked her up, and when her gun flashed back, the void amplified her bullets with the pain of daggers and the heat of a thousand suns. She cried in battle, the void twisted her tears into null stars and drops of antimatter fell upon her enemies and soaked the ground with blood and ash.


The three figures were at the simple table when Kalia returned. "Your daughter has survived her first mission, she had to revive herself once, but all Tenno are able to do that at least four times a day." The woman said. "Can I see her?" Kalia asked, "it's been five years, she must be missing her mother by now". "Memory loss is a side effect of her training and enhancement Besides, she is a daughter of the void. She is no longer human, her body is no longer human, her mind is no longer human, so why would she miss her human mother with her no longer human heart?" "What is she then?" Kalia said, in a small, terrified voice. The old woman signaled for the guard to take Kalia away. "She is now a Nova class Warframe."

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Alright, 481 words and I hope y'all enjoy! :D



G~Con's Wilted Orchid



"People always have something to fight for, I fight for my wilted orchid."- G~Con


The Corpus are a sick, warped group of sadists, who delight and thrive on the

destruction and experimentation of our brothers and sisters. I raid these ships

to free our people and send the Corpus to hell. Unfortunately, I felt empty inside.

I felt no reason to have any fun or repose. Until an average raid on a Corpus ship

reprioritized my mind.





That raid led to the discover of my true inner peace and affection for another:

A woman named Catalina. She was a rebellious and wild one. She was without

fear, limits, or complacency. She stayed close to me and was extremely wary of

every aspect of life, not trusting anyone besides me. Her presence made me

feel... at peace. I had a deep love for her, I finally felt an urge to live, a cause

to fight for.




We began to lay siege to the Corpus together. She grew fond of me as the raids

continued. Every time I would open fire on the Corpus or steal their equipment,

She would be right there with me. We fit in together like a magnetic bullet in the

brain of a Corpus Crewman. She would always say "No matter who seeks to kill

us, our love will never cease." Nothing in my existence mattered aside from her.




However, one fateful day ruined my mind. I received a message that Catalina

was pinned down on Jupiter, aboard a Corpus Gas Station.

 Almost immediately, I flew to her location. A group of Tenno were already there,

looking to capture a Corpus commander on the station.I led them to the area

where she had a distress beacon. All I saw were bullets flying

and her body falling to the ground. I ran over to her and she looked at me saying this:

"I knew you would never forget our love, even though I am now a wilted orchid. She

died right there in my grasp. I ran away from that group of Tenno with her body and

left the station after killing the Corpus commander.




I lost all that I held dear that day. My sense of morality shattered like a Grineer skull.

I now live in hiding on Earth. My purpose now is to help our brothers and sisters who

get lost in the thick foliage of the planet and give them a place to stay at the ruins

of an abandoned Grineer outpost. Now I wait for the time when I can damage the Corpus,

in the way they have damaged my mind. All I have to remember that day is the head of that

Corpus commander. Mark my words, the Corpus will pay the ultimate price for their murder

of the only one I have ever loved. They took my white orchid and turned her blue.










Hope y'all liked it and Good Luck fellow Tenno! :D


- G~Con

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Hace muchos años atrás un tenno tuvo la posibilidad de ser alguien más, algo más, seguir los pasos de sus ancestros los cuales manejaban el warframe Loki durante los siglos del linaje de su clan. El quería continuar esa tradición pero su padre lo alejo de esto ya que no quería que viera todo el sufrimiento y dolor que estas guerras causan por lo que al irse dejo al jóven tenno en la aldeas de su clan.




Al joven tenno enterarse de que la guerra terminó, fue a esperar a sus padres, sentado, solo y luego de varios días de esperar, llega la noticia de que sus padres murieron; Un anciano del clan lo encuentra triste, húerfano y le dice “conocí a tus padres y me apena mucho su muerte”, él lo miro con los ojos llenos de lágrimas y el anciano le dijo… “ Yo te cuidaré ”, te enseñaré a honrar a tu warframe y serás un gran guerrero. Al oír esto el joven tenno decidió dedicar su vida a su entrenamiento y a ser un maestro del warframe




Años después de mucho entrenamiento y meditación, al convertirse en adulto, el anciano le dijo que ya era hora de partir hacia un viaje en la búsqueda de un secreto del clan, un warframe legendario escondido en el vacío por los antiguos sabios del clan para así alejarla y protegerla de aquellos que tuvieran malas intenciones con la misma. Y ahí se dio cuenta de que era uno de ellos, por lo que muy intrigado le pregunto cuál era y el anciano se rió; “El antiguo y  legendario warframe Loki Prime” exclamó.




Emocionado por esto, no podía esperar más, sin embargo el anciano lo llevo a una habitación secreta de su casa en la cual un arsenal se encontraba ahí y en el medio; su warframe bajo la luz, sus colores eran negro y dorado tenía muchos rasguños se veía que fue un soldado el cual luchó muchas veces en feroces batallas, el sabio tomó un rifle, una pistola, una espada y se las dió al ansioso tenno, “las necesitaras”, le dijo.




Ahora que ha comenzado su camino en busca de esta legendaria armadura se encontrará con grandes retos y batallas, ha visto muchas cosas, ha recorrido el vacío en busca de este warframe legendario el cual no ha podido encontrar aún, mientras que los Grineers y Corpus retrasan su búsqueda con esta nueva guerra y así como una solitaria sombra recorre el universo buscando completar su misión





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I hope this original enough for the contest, it takes place within cannon lore. This is the story of a Tenno's quest for identity. 500 Words (ignoring title):


Wherefore Art Thou Tenno?


He couldn't remember what had started it all, but then he couldn't even remember his own name. The first things to greet him in this world were the voice of a guardian angel and the bullets of the enemy.




The voice said "You must run, Vor is coming" and he ran, right into the degenerate face of a monster. The thing before him was a gross parody of a man, twisted and grotesque. Where it's own atrophied limbs ended in stumps, crude mechanical contraptions acted as leg and hand. The creature sneered at him and spat the same name the angel had whispered only moments before "Tenno".




Without hesitation the creature ripped a device from it's chest and lashed out at him. The Tenno fell in paralyzing agony as energy from the device tore through him. It couldn't end this way, he had only just awoken, only just begun to live again. He struggled in vain against the debilitating pain and the unconsciousness that threatened him with every breath. As everything faded to black three almost familiar figures descended on Vor.....




......That was six months ago. Now he was stronger, faster, better equipped. He knew his purpose and the purpose of the others like him. He had learned the name of his angel; his Lotus. He had learned of his enemies too; their strengths and weaknesses, their name: Grineer. He had carved a bloody path through their ships; augmenting his arsenal with their own.  He had taken a Hind from the very first Elite Lancer whose throat he slit and cleavers from the Butchers who had cut up his squad mates. He had even turned a pair of Grineer nail guns stolen from their shipyards into weapons of destruction. Yet no matter how many missions he completed for the Lotus, his own identity remained just out of reach; glimpsed only in dreams and locked behind Vor's laughing face.




Then he received the message from Lotus that he had both dreaded and desired. The time to end Vor had come. As he prepared himself for his mission he could barely stop his hands from shaking. He would have the chance to silence that laughing face once and for all, the chance to finally understand who he was. With the Lotus's gentle guidance he tracked Vor to a Grineer asteroid base in the orbit of Mercury. Intel said Vor was there to inspect the base. The Tenno readied his weapon and cleared his mind. There could be no mistakes, no alarms. A few shots from his silenced Hind made quick work of the workers and the Lancers shadowing Vor. With the path now clear to his target the Tenno dropped down and drew his cleavers. The first blade struck the small of Vor's back incapacitating him, The second was poised to slit Vor's throat. "Who are you?", Vor Demanded. For an instant the Tenno froze. Then he unflinchingly drew his blade across Vor's throat, forever silencing the question. "I am Tenno."



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