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We Are The True Villains In Warframe


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Aren't we just weapons told to shoot wherever we're pointed or do we have a limited amount will, given that we can choose to side with the Corpus or Grineer, which is really about the only thing we can do.


What actually binds us to The Lotus is what I want to notice, does she have something that she can use against us, why the heck was were we frozen in the first place?


The Stalker has all the answers I bet, it seems like The Lotus isn't even aware of his existence or maybe he's really just a hallucination from our past sins?


Why is the lore so bare? Or is it like Dark Souls where we have to find it?

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Why does everyone think the Lotus is evil >.> 


She is literally our only friend in this world filled with gore. (Darvo wants our money)


What makes her our "friend"? She controls us like puppets.


She cares for us no more than an engineer cares about a wrench.


It maybe an awesome wrench. Maybe even his favorite tool. But alas, still just one tool among many in his toolbox.

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SInce the battle pay system has gone in we do look like Bad guys or Mercs.


I mean there a massive massive war and we fighting on both side of it because of greed.


Here's hoping that Hayden Tenno is Stalker and he's here to put us in our place.

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"Good, bad... i'm the guy with the gun!"


Chivalry era is gone with along with the Orokin. We need power and money for survive in this world. Right here, right now. I don't care, who pays. They can buy our guns, but not our souls.


We are Tenno. We are fighting against a common enemy, loyal only to each other.

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My warframe makes me see everything as rainbows, lollipops, and unicorns. My "gun" shoots rainbows and tickle beams, the enemies just fall from all the pain of laughter, so hard it hurts their spleens. I haven't done anything bad, I just spread the fun. :D

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Why does everyone think the Lotus is evil >.> 


She is literally our only friend in this world filled with gore. (Darvo wants our money)


Really?  Why then, when I was a newly awakened Tenno, did she send me, armed with a MK1 Braton, and a Lato, against powerful corpus units, knowing full well that I had no good Orokin technology, I was armed with no more than an Ammo Drum, and a Point Strike.  She sent me to certain doom.  What kind of sick leader thaws out a soldier, hands him a pellet gun, and tells him to charge San Juan Hill?


At the VERY BEST, she's Stalin reincarnated.  At the worst, She's Stalin reincarnated, AND SHE SMELLS BAD!


Oh, and as for crewman Steve here?  I'll have you know that I hacked into the computers to check his records, and Crewman Steve had numerous incidents involving Fuzzy Adorable Kittens, and lighter fluid.  In Fact, over 90% of the Corpus rank and file soldiers are retrained ex-convicts.   Their crimes are too numerous to list.





My warframe makes me see everything as rainbows, lollipops, and unicorns. My "gun" shoots rainbows and tickle beams, the enemies just fall from all the pain of laughter, so hard it hurts their spleens. I haven't done anything bad, I just spread the fun. :D

+rep for you sir.  Very well played.

Edited by EvilKam
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I'd like to point something out: Levels.


You get levels here like you get them anywhere else.


The only things you meet here that are level 1 are grineer--things born with implanted memories of slaughtering others to drive them forward.


Everyone else is level 2 or more.


Think about that.

What level was Steve? 2? 3? 50? How did he get off of level 1?


We all know the universe starts you off at level 0. The only level 0 things you ever meet in our travels are fellow Tenno who have yet to travel down our bloody path.


The rest are more.


So Steve, Bob, Tim, Alad V, all of them... not a single one is level 0. Not a single one of them is an "innocent".


They are killers. They are murderers and thieves and brigands, slaughtering the unwashed masses of the universe. They did not get off of level 0 by being friendly to others. They shed blood, in the name of profit, in the name of domination, in the name of insanity, but they spread it.


Do not weep for the wicked. They would not weep for you.

Levels are an artificial part of the game that just helps you feel like you are systematically progressing. They don't really exist. That's why bosses scale with your weapons/mods.


Steve was an A******.. I'm glad he's dead. I'd do it again actually.

I'm sure Steve thought worse of you. You sure do have a lot of emotions towards a being so much weaker than you. Pent up childhood issues?


My warframe makes me see everything as rainbows, lollipops, and unicorns. My "gun" shoots rainbows and tickle beams, the enemies just fall from all the pain of laughter, so hard it hurts their spleens. I haven't done anything bad, I just spread the fun. :D

I call my Excalibur "The Lizard" because of the way I color schemed him. He just likes to jump and swirly around with his pokey stick. He has no idea he's in a war or killing, no concept of profit etc. He just likes the "pow pow" noises his guns make and the part where the funny-men go to sleep.

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only person that has a character like this.


Guys, maybe if we help create better living-environments for the corpus they'll just GIVE US their resources and tech. Guysssss... 


I think I'll adapt my opening post into a story for the lore competition.


Finally guys. Even Sergeant Ruk of all people had the sense to recognize us for what we are. While he's wrong about the corpus, he has a point. 

  • Are you just mercenaries? Fighting for scraps? Where is this so-called Tenno honor?
  • You Tenno, you fight for treasure. You are just another Corpus machine to me!
Edited by adoomgod
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Seriously now, Tenno, isn't this all a bit much?


Any decent lunatic would've quit after Gradivus.


I heard you chipped the lab director in half.


Old habits die hard eh Tenno? But now here you are, the child soldier, fighting for the profits.


What do you really except to accomplish out there?


Play savior to a dying galaxy... and what? Earn a medal?

Think about it Tenno.

No matter how many Corpus, Grineer we save or cut up, the gods look away.

No one gives a damn.


Not the media, not the politicians... certainly not our average joes.

Too busy fretting over, profits, earth, religion, fame.


Ah but you're a tenno on a mission aren't you?

Gonna fix everything, just you and your little sword there.

Solve everything with violence, is that it?


You think they all just did their duty right down to the dotted line of their war contract?

Of course they're no strangers to war.

In fact many times they already lost a limb or two.


Many times they were out of work and starving on the streets.

So yes... They sign up to fight gods knows where.

How else would you provide for your family when your country's embroiled in a never ending war?


Pain receptors shut down...

Pumped full of fear inhibiting drugs...

And sent right into the blender... your blender.


But they made their choice right?

Open your eyes and see, Tenno.


Listen to the voices of the Innocent, Tenno.


Listen closely now.~



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My warframe makes me see everything as rainbows, lollipops, and unicorns. My "gun" shoots rainbows and tickle beams, the enemies just fall from all the pain of laughter, so hard it hurts their spleens. I haven't done anything bad, I just spread the fun. :D


Great, the TF2 Pyro became a Tenno...

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Edit: Fu***** random text color change.


In nature, if a wolf is hungry and seeks to feast on you, do you stand their and try to teach it peace? The Wolf will starve without food, and you will die for the wolf to eat. In the end, there is no good or evil, there is only you and the hungry wolf. Who deserves to live is decided by the victor.


Tenno are wolves who have accepted the "normal" humans into their pack, and the Corpus and Grineer are rival packs starving for power. I say let the weak stand their and debate the silly concept of "good and evil," while the strong move forward onto the future we think is best, carrying those along who we deem worthy, for our strength gives us the right to choose.


We are Tenno, we have survived and we will continue to survive as long as our strength allows it. So fight for the future YOU want. For you are Tenno, and you are strong.

Edited by Actriaz
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