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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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Wtih no news about the topic I would say no. When they release melee 2.0 I think it will be a huge event on the fourms/in game, and they want people to know that its out. 


That said it had BETTER not be next week because I will be playing diablo 3 all night and day for at LEAST a week :P.

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Does this have to pop up every Wednesday?


I mean, i know we all want it and stuff.. but come on guys..

This is a little different, last few weeks didn't have a chance, this week there may be a possibility. I mean it should be 12.5 this week and for PC they delayed the update that would've come last week....

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It is coming next week. There is nothing that implies it comes today. They shall delay it as long as possible so it meets standards and has as little issues as possible. So it shall be here next week. If it were today, there would have been a hint by now so since there is no hint on any website, no grand update today, No 2.0.


And I won't be eating these words.

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And I have stated this which means I was correct. It's next week.


As I've said in the past, whenever you're trying to calculate the arrival date of melee 2.0, or any such system, think of the latest possible date that seems reasonable - then add 2 or 3 weeks.

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As I've said in the past, whenever you're trying to calculate the arrival date of melee 2.0, or any such system, think of the latest possible date that seems reasonable - then add 2 or 3 weeks.


Nah. Despite the wait we've been through up 'til now, theres actually a very good chance that we'll finally get it before August(aka next week). 

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