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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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Scott was playing pretty carelessly because he had unlimited life and was just showing it off. He didn't even bother to dodge most attacks from what i remember.


An experienced player should be able to easily avoid stuff like that and keep the flow of battle going.

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You can reflect knockdown, it was said in this Devstream, listen carefully.

I believe that's how Reflection mod works, or/and new ones

So, there is a way to defend yourself against knockdown with block. And also you can use stagger/combos with CC to prevent them from using this attack.


The problem with that is that we're forced to rely on a mod to overcome something that should be avoidable through core mechanics, like a timed block/parry. That and I'm not worried about the heavy gunner so much as I am the other 20+ nearby Lancers who'll continue to gun me down as my ninja turtle tries to flip over.


As for rolling/back-flipping, it sort of works and I take every opportunity to be flashy with a side-flip, but it's unreliable at best due to how clumsy rolling can be and the fact that enemies like Heavies, Ancients and Shield Lancers have their hit-box detection issues, which leads to getting knocked down anyway unless it's the most perfectly timed roll ever and there's no lag.

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My Saryn with 7 forma is ready, i think melee 2.0 + Contagion will be OP as FCK, so im happy because now i can use a more variable build now and not a "Miasma only" build, but in what i have an indecision is about "what melee weapon would synergy well with Saryn + Contagion". Never tried Contagion .


Im thinking to try with "Fang Prime" and Orthos Prime" first. The Scoliac is good enough? 

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I just realized something... somehow my post became the "original post" after all the thread merges... and has been edited to death to keep it up to date by mods lol...

It's like your talking to yourself, asking for a summary then giving yourself a detailed explanation. XD

Edited by Darkmoone1
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Greetings and welcome


I thought to myself with melee 2.0 comming this day, how will blocking be compared to another melee attack? Will we see a mix marshall arts going on? Or will the "parry" just let that attack come? Thoughts on this? 


Blocking a attack with melee is essential and I do hope u13 deliver some what this kind of future, but if not I hope they add it later on in the weeks that follow.  From what we have seen "block" or "parry" is two things, "parry" is when you deflect bullets. 

But deflect or block incomming melee attacks from players (dojo pvp for example) or even a enemy in general that pulls out their melee for a nice 1v1 battle with you. When they "melee" hit you while holding weapon to "knock" you back thats different in some way. (Just like how you "hit" in crysis with gun to do a melee kill there, how the enemy does it when you get close in warframe).


So my big question is, will there? And how about when you are in melee vs. melee, will attacks have a solid mesh? Will they collide (just not register) with each other because this implementation is not there? These are my bigges questions so far upon this.

(hope you understand even tho my thinking can come off as little missunderstanding here and there)


I know melee 2.0 will change the history of warframe's future with this. And doing a 1v1 with a guy for example, mob or tenno. Having a battle that can last for more than one lucky hit! Imagine a battle with incomming melee blocks and attacks toward eachother. Im thinking of "chivalry medieval warfare" right now, that shows some of the most battles out there with blocks and attacks. But those are manual! Here we talk about automatic implementation towards a manual disposal of what you do. The whole block and attack is manual, but auto block attacks until stamina or stagger. Then the lethal blow is at you'r disposal. 



Im hoping for this in the future if not in u13, it's nothing that I think is worth a delay (so you dont see this and go, lets delay. We need that.) 



A lot of things have been said here, but not deeply explained. So try to understand most of it, even tho it's most keywords upon the matter. Hope someone from DE can see this and answer or look into the idea of it. If im just thinking out an idea that comes, then it happens alot. I think of amazing things for warframe, next update they are there. It's like knowing the answer before the question is asked. #reallifeproblem


Kudos for reading! And as always, take care Tenno.




(Might be some spell checks, but just want it out there for now.)

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I know there are plenty of threads about this out there but i just had to make this.

DE my body is so ready i already have a full stamina build on my volt with max vigor and shield recharge and my baby's (dakra prime and scoliac) are also prepared. Yesterday i did several 20 min survival runs on appolodorus with nothing but my brand new scoliac (that i finished and leveled yesterday to 30 without any boosters) only on appolodurs just to sharpen up my melee skills a bit.

And while all what ive said my sound noobish i don't care melee is the only reason i came and stayed in warfame and this is like a dream come true.

Also my gf said if i dont calm down soon she will put me in a nut house >_>

(ps. parry reflect mod is gonna wreck house now)

Edited by Alinna
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And here I am thinking about how underwhelming Melee 2,0 probably will be and how many game-breaking bugs and broken weapons that will follow Update 13.

Also not looking forward to all the new levels of grind and farm that will be necessary to get all the new stuff.

I am looking forward to all hate threads, though, because they offer good reading. 

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And here I am thinking about how underwhelming Melee 2,0 probably will be and how many game-breaking bugs and broken weapons that will follow Update 13.

Also not looking forward to all the new levels of grind and farm that will be necessary to get all the new stuff.

I am looking forward to all hate threads, though, because they offer good reading. 

Great reading and the opportunity for much trollin

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So I'll be running Ash (his abilities will finally be worth something) with the fastest weapons in the game - the Fangs with max speed/berserker. I'm curious to see how that will fair with the new animations and such. Also, Energy Syphon or Steel Charge for the new Channeling System? I can't decide.

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And here I am thinking about how underwhelming Melee 2,0 probably will be and how many game-breaking bugs and broken weapons that will follow Update 13.

Also not looking forward to all the new levels of grind and farm that will be necessary to get all the new stuff.

I am looking forward to all hate threads, though, because they offer good reading. 

What is the point of having new stuff if you don't have to work for it?

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lol at those people already complaining about melee.

No one will force you to use it.

No one will take your precious soma away

No one will preventing you from spamming your 4.

Actually, that's pretty sad.

You should be prevented from spamming "4". 


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