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The Melee 2.0 Anticipation Megathread


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Guest CrimsonCrown

I use thrak better for tanking, even though its low health boost to base vigor and vitality both increase it which is why i prefer it to speed u dont always use speed u always use health and i dont spam iron skin yes i use it but not all the time i have stomp aswell u see i use frames with only 2 moves so i get 2 extra for mods makes me able to focus build to a playstyle better.


Need help understanding how to properly use these?

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Guest CrimsonCrown

On the contrary, it needs both of them.

Take Duration and Snowglobes will last forever. Mind you, the enemy does not attack the globe but players inside. Without a timer, a globe holding no player inside will last forever.

Take Strength and you have no way of making the globe more resilient. If it is using HP what annoys you, well, remove HP from the globe and you will have invencibility again. It will not be balanced. We will be back at square one.


The best solution would be to remove the globe and use other skill. A skill that scales decently.

Take Duration out, I can slap Fleeting and Blind Rage combo, also making me a more useful damage frame.

Thought about that?

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Balance is not a democracy. The more balanced, the better, no matter how much the crowds cry.

In the end, people who cries today end up learning how to play and acquiring skill and then they enjoy the game much more than they would if they had stayed in the noob-imba-spammer stage.


Rather than opinions let's just check the facts: is very rare to end up in a party with no Rhino, no Nova and no Frost.

This should speak about the current balance across warframes.


It's even stranger to find a Rhino player who having both helmets,  will use Thrak over Vanguard most of the time.

It simply doesn't happen.

It's almost as if the facts speak for themselves :O


Blatant irrational outbursts of hysterical fanboisim like the one which attacked you is more or less why Rhino has remained as is for so long I imagine.  

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Melee 2.0 tomorrow or next week?

Somehow i have a feeling that Melee 2.0 is something that someone proposed and everyone else assumed. 

I haven't seen any official announcement about this =.=. And even if it's coming than it won't be anytime soon, considering that they finished U12 (one or two weeks ago? I lost track of time). They need a bullet proof idea, then execution will also take time... and if they are considering to remake attack "style" they will have to retouch the animations for every weapon. 

Seriously.. it won't even be next month if Melee 2.0 is real. 

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Take Duration out, I can slap Fleeting and Blind Rage combo, also making me a more useful damage frame.

Thought about that?


You don't understand. It's about making the game more balanced, not to give you the ultimate warframe.


The globe needs to be limited by both time and HP or it becomes just too powerful.


You can try a caster Frost, it looks like a fun build to play with the mods you suggested.

I would try it but I have no patience for slow movers. Might give it a go though, sonds fun.

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Guest CrimsonCrown

You don't understand. It's about making the game more balanced, not to give you the ultimate warframe.


The globe needs to be limited by both time and HP or it becomes just too powerful.


You can try a caster Frost, it looks like a fun build to play with the mods you suggested.

I would try it but I have no patience for slow movers. Might give it a go though, sonds fun.

So, it's better to have a Globe which doesn't last long, gets crushed after a few hits just for the sake of nerfing.

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Guest CrimsonCrown

OK this thread has degenerated so fast ,........now all of you are talking about balance , how about how M . 2.0 will affect the frames?

It won't in the near future.

It's gonna get delayed.

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Balance is not a democracy. The more balanced, the better, no matter how much the crowds cry.

In the end, people who cries today end up learning how to play and acquiring skill and then they enjoy the game much more than they would if they had stayed in the noob-imba-spammer stage.


Rather than opinions let's just check the facts: is very rare to end up in a party with no Rhino, no Nova and no Frost.

This should speak about the current balance across warframes.


It's even stranger to find a Rhino player who having both helmets,  will use Thrak over Vanguard most of the time.

It simply doesn't happen.

you see. Even if they aren't popular frames anymore due to nerfs. What will be the next abused warfrane? And then you will start saying that they will need a nerf, SERIOUSLY your like the first guy in months to even SUGGEST rhino gets nerfed. He is honestly balanced enough. A very good solo frame. Why bother changing what is already working? I am sorry if your ash or excalibur can't keep up with AoE abilities. In the end. There will always be something more effective to use. The more effective the better right? Why are you complaining to nerf a balanced warframe? An effective jack of all trades balanced warframe? There is other waframes that should work just as fine. Frames that could work even better. And from what I can sum up about what you said is: OMG so many rhino's... Y'know... I got an goooood idea! Just nerf him! And again. RhinoNerf2013 showed that even with a MAJOR nerf he was still the most used. Your just asking history to repeat itself.

and why isn't there any rhino users with normal helmets that have the plain ol' one? Why do they use alt helms so much?? BECAUSE THEY CAN

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Somehow i have a feeling that Melee 2.0 is something that someone proposed and everyone else assumed. 

I haven't seen any official announcement about this =.=. And even if it's coming than it won't be anytime soon, considering that they finished U12 (one or two weeks ago? I lost track of time). They need a bullet proof idea, then execution will also take time... and if they are considering to remake attack "style" they will have to retouch the animations for every weapon. 

Seriously.. it won't even be next month if Melee 2.0 is real. 

Bro do you even livestream? lol 


They've talked about it and even showed some off in the past two streams and said, in the last one, that its coming end of this month.

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Guest CrimsonCrown

Bro do you even livestream? lol 


They've talked about it and even showed some off in the past two streams and said, in the last one, that its coming end of this month.

See, it used to be one week after u12, then two weeks, and now end of the month.

Next's gonna be end of the year.

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you see. Even if they aren't popular frames anymore due to nerfs. What will be the next abused warfrane? And then you will start saying that they will need a nerf, SERIOUSLY your like the first guy in months to even SUGGEST rhino gets nerfed. He is honestly balanced enough. A very good solo frame. Why bother changing what is already working? I am sorry if your ash or excalibur can't keep up with AoE abilities. In the end. There will always be something more effective to use. The more effective the better right? Why are you complaining to nerf a balanced warframe? An effective jack of all trades balanced warframe? There is other waframes that should work just as fine. Frames that could work even better. And from what I can sum up about what you said is: OMG so many rhino's... Y'know... I got an goooood idea! Just nerf him! And again. RhinoNerf2013 showed that even with a MAJOR nerf he was still the most used. Your just asking history to repeat itself.

and why isn't there any rhino users with normal helmets that have the plain ol' one? Why do they use alt helms so much?? BECAUSE THEY CAN

Not sure if troll or snow day at the local middle school >_>

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Punctuation, do you use it?

And he got nerfed.

Snowglobe now uses as a base Strength AND Duration. Bad combination.

2 moves buffed 1 nerfed hhhmmm he got more buffed than nerfed soo he was buffed and that combination allows u to choose  how u want to use it i prefer the max narrow minded with lvl 5 blind rage and streamline, it shrinks glob to a size that can avoid fire and as long as u cover pod only no players then it lasts a long time u. U see it was nerfed in a way that weakened it for the misuse builds and buffed for intended uses which theres a couple 1 above is 1 i prefer. 

The main issue is not the nerfs is people who cant think for themselves who go on wiki and copy cant think of a way to change it and just ask and moan for old ways back, never ever going to happen guy incharge of the balencing even said he does not like the way its being used so can u stop maoning and use your time working out a new build for yourself.

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See, it used to be one week after u12, then two weeks, and now end of the month.

Next's gonna be end of the year.

Well they mentioned they were hung up on getting the parrying to look just right iirc - ppl always say they'd rather DE delay and release it nice :3


(It's still going to not be perfect, that is just how things are [insert deal with it meme])

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Guest CrimsonCrown

2 moves buffed 1 nerfed hhhmmm he got more buffed than nerfed soo he was buffed and that combination allows u to choose  how u want to use it i prefer the max narrow minded with lvl 5 blind rage and streamline, it shrinks glob to a size that can avoid fire and as long as u cover pod only no players then it lasts a long time u. U see it was nerfed in a way that weakened it for the misuse builds and buffed for intended uses which theres a couple 1 above is 1 i prefer. 

The main issue is not the nerfs is people who cant think for themselves who go on wiki and copy cant think of a way to change it and just ask and moan for old ways back, never ever going to happen guy incharge of the balencing even said he does not like the way its being used so can u stop maoning and use your time working out a new build for yourself.

Punctuation, ffs.

I made my own build.

1st skill of frost still suffers from CHS syndrome[Can't hit S#&$ syndrome]

4th just got an animation rework.

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Guest CrimsonCrown

Well they mentioned they were hung up on getting the parrying to look just right iirc - ppl always say they'd rather DE delay and release it nice :3


(It's still going to not be perfect, that is just how things are [insert deal with it meme])

Delayed to 2016.

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OK this thread has degenerated so fast ,........now all of you are talking about balance , how about how M . 2.0 will affect the frames?


Sheldon said here


that melee 2.0 was "a month or so" away, and that was almost a month ago.


How will melee 2.0 affect warframes? No way to know it until you try it. The only thing I know for sure is: it will be riddled with bugs.

So far, Digital Extremes has been completely unable to release a single patch that didn't sport some bugs.

Not even a simple gun like the Grinlok was free of them.

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Sheldon said here


that melee 2.0 was "a month or so" away, and that was almost a month ago.


How will melee 2.0 affect warframes? No way to know it until you try it. The only thing I know for sure is: it will be riddled with bugs.

So far, Digital Extremes has been completely unable to release a single patch that didn't sport some bugs.

Not even a simple gun like the Grinlok was free of them.

Doesn't matter , this proves that it's stil l a beta  , that's what we're here for :) 

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Meelee 2.0 will be released soon. It will have many problems.

What it will mean for the game?


Here are some  guesses.


1.) Allow for weapon combos and parkour+movement combos.

2.) People will finally use Block, since now it makes sense.

3.) Mods mods mods. Get them or you die.

4.) New enemy-types + enemy attacks based around weapon choice.

5.) Melee only levels. I dare dream this is the first step to Stealth 1.0

6.) New warframes with bonus to melee will come soon after.

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