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[Rant] De Screwed This One Up...


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Oh look everyone!! Another angry baby (the OP) trying to dictate how the rest of the world plays the game!


Seriously, get a damn life already. IT'S A CO-OP GAME!!!!! Who cares what other players are doing??? As long as they kill Grineer/Corpus/Infested, they can buy whatever they bloody want.

Edited by (PS4)kyussmanchu
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The jelly is strong in this one

I'm not jelly, I don't understand whats up with people. I hate the idea of being able to just get prime parts so easy. Prime was supposed to be those weapons that are super good and super hard to get for a reason. Now we are going to see 200% more prime gear than we did before. It ruins the integrity of the game.

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Because that can still be a personal challenge.


Exactly. Might as well say "why not buy every item in the game store, since you can?"...lol. I have friends who bought the Grand Master package like I did, and haven't spend any plat except on potatoes and extra slots - they farmed for every warframe and weapon just because that is what this game is to them, and what is fun. They have thousands of plat just sitting there, because the pretty much only buy cosmetic stuff with it. Some of us like to just play the game.


Me, I'm impatient. I farm for some things, but then something like Zephyr shows up and I go "ooh shiny!" and I buy her, lol. Buying her was even silly for me, being that my clan had her available to build in a couple days. But NO RAGRETS! (as the wise tattoo says).

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I'm not jelly, I don't understand whats up with people. I hate the idea of being able to just get prime parts so easy. Prime was supposed to be those weapons that are super good and super hard to get for a reason. Now we are going to see 200% more prime gear than we did before. It ruins the integrity of the game.


Please explain how this game becomes unplayable as a result of people having easy access to prime gear?  As it is now, any weapon can be modded into elite status with the right mods and forma...

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It ruins the integrity of the game.

Videogames and integrity in the same sentence? It's entirely possible that you take videogames too seriously.

Inez's pro tip of the day: Play video games to have fun, not to be a special snowflake.

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I understand your view point here, but I can agree with that. But the problem is, it makes older players say to themselves, "Wow, all that prime farming is a waste now." People who are lazy as all get up, don't feel like farming and have ton of money can just buy them now.

I have farmed, I think, all farmable prime gear in the game before this update. It doesn't bother me in the slightest that people can trade for that one illusive item that RNG denied them the ability to acquire.


What does bother me is, DE hasn't setup a good system to handle the volume of trade that this type of update would result in. An auction house like  'World of Warcraft'  would get rid of a lot of this useless spam chat, and it would let people just list items for small amounts of platinum and forget about it.


I can't stand trade chat spams or having to deal with chat to sell stuff. I like being able to just set what I want to trade or sell for and do something else.

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I just think it's funny that DE originally said  no trading, talking about how annoying trade chats are, and even global chats. They gave people what they wanted, and they still complain because now they can trade too much, lol. Those of us that never wanted trade in the first place get a chuckle out of this.


DE was right in the beginning about adding trade, but people begged for it, got it, still complain.

Edited by nefrai
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P2W? You don't need the best and fanciest weapons or frames to win. You don't even need the best mods to win. As far as "Winning" in this game goes, you can do that with mediocre gear at best.


And while we want to talk about P2W, can we talk about how you don't have to spend a dime to get a Nova, and all she has to do is press 4 to win? Just food for thought. 


They're working on the endgame, but a lot of good that does when people will just bumrush through it in hours and then resume their spot on the forums anyway.


But yeah, no. It's not Pay 2 Win. You can get almost anything without spending a dime. The fact that people spend money just to rush weapons (like me) are kind of wasting their money. It's investment of time over investment of money. And that investment of money doesn't directly hurt anyone. The game's easy enough, and you don't have to pay to beat it.


Hell, having to buy reactors and slots is more P2W than prime trading.

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One way to "beat the game" in a easier way is to place mods on weapons, those, including fully ranked mods were traded for a long time and while the complains were valid, thing is, it happened, for some this means they have an extra way to "be better", while for others this meant that no more plat purchases would be required.


Weapons are not game breaking like mods are and while this is a loot game, everything is pretty much common, meaning there is plenty of spares for those that are unlucky and lazy.


Yes trade chat is something that would scare anyone, i usually use the forum for an auction, keeps things more organized without having to despute prices, especially when i pretty much give away mods and parts.

If players feel happy for having "anything" prime then let them have the parts for free, heck, they might enjoy the game a little bit more.


The only thing i don't understand is how is this profitable, when you buy anything in the market, plat is lost so you need to trade for more plat, this means that at some point, someone needs to insert plat into the economy, thing is i believe most players simply trade plat for mods and mods for plat, they never actually end up wasting the plat or end up purchasing plat.

Not that i'm complaining, trading makes the game trully FTP, if you struck gold with effort and a specific mod, you can have plat that willlast you a lifetime.


Still the main core of the game is the actual gameplay, you can't buy your way into beeing good, but you can buy your way into having fun.

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I feel its another step in the direction of a PAY2WIN game.

To be blunt, your feelings in this particular instance are bad and wrong. There's not much difference between this and normal guns.

PAY2WIN is exactly that, paying gives you an advantage over free players, something they can't reasonably get. Last I looked, every piece of prime gear is farmable ingame.

This? It's PAY2GRINDLESS, and I find it extremely difficult to feel bad about anything that reduces the grind.

Yes, yes, I did hundreds of runs for my frost prime back in the day. I earned that frame. But do I mind that some newbie can spend 40 plat on the market and get one? No. Why should I mind that others don't have to suffer like I suffered to get a shiny bling frame? Why should I mind that free players now have more ways to get plat and thus can actually potentially buy slots without spending a cent?

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Players complain not enough Grind.

Incorrect, people are complaining that there isn't enough gameplay, but since the only "gameplay" in this game is grinding, well DE have shot themselves in the foot on this one. The community too.


PAY2WIN is exactly that, paying gives you an advantage over free players, something they can't reasonably get. Last I looked, every piece of prime gear is farmable ingame.

This? It's PAY2GRINDLESS, and I find it extremely difficult to feel bad about anything that reduces the grind.

Absolutely correct. The purpose of prime access is to pay money to not play the game.

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What I would suggest is some extra cosmetic feature for those who actually got all of their prime parts from the void by farming instead of buying.


Like making a Burston Prime with all parts that you got yourself would give you a special little skin for it, just so people can know that you didn't just buy out for a part on the market.


I farmed every single Prime item from the void, and when this update happened it kind of killed me inside, thinking of all that time I wasted trudging through void missions.


The problem that I have (and I think most people who have farmed prime weapons) is that the weapons you worked so hard to get are no longer really special because just about anyone with money can get them now.


That's why I suggest giving us a skin or something for the people who actually put the work into getting a prime item. Like any parts that you trade or receive from a trade would lose this special "tag" and not grant you this exclusive cosmetic feature when you build the item.

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This is not a Pay to win situation. It is a pay for convenience situation. What someone chooses to do with their money is their choice and does not affect you in the slightest. If you want to sit on your &#! and farm for weeks for a prime part, you can still do that; nobody is stopping you. Nor should you feel as if you're pressured to go buy it. It is your choice. I'll still farm the void for new primes and parts, but if I spend more than 4 days and no go? Guess what, I'm going to buy it. Why? Because I'm not spending that much time for a friggin prime part because RNG is terrible. Learn to adapt. If not, don't complain. This is a blessing to those who spent too long grinding for something and feeling the like the game became a job just to get a part for a weapon they might like.


I for one hope it stays.

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What I would suggest is some extra cosmetic feature for those who actually got all of their prime parts from the void by farming instead of buying.


Like making a Burston Prime with all parts that you got yourself would give you a special little skin for it, just so people can know that you didn't just buy out for a part on the market.


I farmed every single Prime item from the void, and when this update happened it kind of killed me inside, thinking of all that time I wasted trudging through void missions.


The problem that I have (and I think most people who have farmed prime weapons) is that the weapons you worked so hard to get are no longer really special because just about anyone with money can get them now.


That's why I suggest giving us a skin or something for the people who actually put the work into getting a prime item. Like any parts that you trade or receive from a trade would lose this special "tag" and not grant you this exclusive cosmetic feature when you build the item.

You shouldn't be treated specially because you farmed for it normally. They have no reason to give you anything. You farmed for it, you spent hours/days/weeks/months getting an item. You chose to do this. Why should they slap something special on you because you spent time on it?

That's silly, and just does nothing but attempt to stroke your epeen. "Hah! Behold, you impatient fools! I have this shiny badge of dedication! What dedication you ask? This badge is the sign that I spent a great deal of time farming for this item! BECOME ENVIOUS OF ME." in reality it's more of a badge that you have too much free time on your hands, and that isn't something to be proud of. Just like Hardcore Raiders in WoW, big whoop; you killed a raid boss you spent 9 hours or more day nonstop getting down the mechanics of a boss. I'm sure your parents are proud.

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I do agree to this. I'm not saying its ruining the game though, im just saying, in the long run, Warframe is a game which consists of extreme grinding and struggles and effort to get these certain parts. Now that these parts are so easy to obtain, by just "buying" it, it takes the fun out of actually trying to work for your own weapon. 


-What do you do after you buy a weapon? You're happy.....for a little bit. You level it up, happy as hell, and once you hit 30, well, you might still like it but theres a possibility of you getting tired of it, because you didn't work that hard to obtain it.


-Remember going through Hell, trying to find certain parts for certain weapons? Always grinding everyday, on "recruit chat" trying to find parties to actually find these parts? And once you do obtain it, you sit back in your chair and say "omfg, i actually got it...", with the biggest smile on your face?? Well all that is gone.... One of the hardest primes to get, is now just a couple clicks away.

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You shouldn't be treated specially because you farmed for it normally. They have no reason to give you anything. You farmed for it, you spent hours/days/weeks/months getting an item. You chose to do this. Why should they slap something special on you because you spent time on it?

That's silly, and just does nothing but attempt to stroke your epeen. "Hah! Behold, you impatient fools! I have this shiny badge of dedication! What dedication you ask? This badge is the sign that I spent a great deal of time farming for this item! BECOME ENVIOUS OF ME." in reality it's more of a badge that you have too much free time on your hands, and that isn't something to be proud of. Just like Hardcore Raiders in WoW, big whoop; you killed a raid boss you spent 9 hours or more day nonstop getting down the mechanics of a boss. I'm sure your parents are proud.

If I knew that trading was going to be implemented, I defenitely would not have spent all that time farming. I farmed all that stuff under the impression that that was the only way I could get that item. And now that they just added trading all of a sudden, it's like a big F*** you, you wasted all your time.


If I knew this was going to be a thing 2 months ago, I would not have spent all that time and effort farming things.

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I do agree to this. I'm not saying its ruining the game though, im just saying, in the long run, Warframe is a game which consists of extreme grinding and struggles and effort to get these certain parts. Now that these parts are so easy to obtain, by just "buying" it, it takes the fun out of actually trying to work for your own weapon. 


-What do you do after you buy a weapon? You're happy.....for a little bit. You level it up, happy as hell, and once you hit 30, well, you might still like it but theres a possibility of you getting tired of it, because you didn't work that hard to obtain it.


-Remember going through Hell, trying to find certain parts for certain weapons? Always grinding everyday, on "recruit chat" trying to find parties to actually find these parts? And once you do obtain it, you sit back in your chair and say "omfg, i actually got it...", with the biggest smile on your face?? Well all that is gone.... One of the hardest primes to get, is now just a couple clicks away.

Exactly. I would not have even bothered with all that bullS#&$ if I knew trading would be possible int he future

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