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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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I just want everyone to know that with the introduction of prime trading I've decided to continue only playing for maybe a day or two at a time, then go back to not playing at all until something new and interesting pops up, which I've been doing since U10.

You all obviously care and are affected by my absence and playstyle, so I knew it would be important to inform you all. I'll keep posting information on my personal gaming life whenever I feel like it.

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Yup, now rich little 12 year olds with mom's credit cards can have the same stuff as people who worked for it. gg no re de

If it makes you feel any better, you are playing a free videogame that literally anybody can pick up. Nothing in this game means anything, which puts everybody on common ground.This game is also ridiculously easy.

@OP I may not have "earned" dakra prime (according to your standards) but I sure as hell earned the parts I traded in for it.

oh! And the guy who I traded with benefitted as well! How about that?

Edited by Legion-Shields
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100% Disagree. Yes, They used to mean something. But so what?


I farmed a /bunch/ for my prime weapons and items. This trading thing eases the pain. I don't see how it effects me that other people could buy Parts, Or trade for them. Good on them. Infact, Good on the WF Economy.


You could say it 'Decreases the longevity of the game' But, I don't agree with that either. I played WF For a bunch even when I had no new Weapons I wanted to grind for or level. Why? I like playing the game. Prime trading isn't going to change that. Either will it change someone not liking the game to liking it.


If anything, Ya'll should be complaining about how the game needs more content to do things with. But the trading? That's a nice help imo. It feels like a step in the right direction. A step, Mind you. Not a sprint. We don't have all the parts yet.

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Platinum sales are what keeps this game funded and free to play.  


In my opinion a hefty tax in credits should have been placed on Prime Part Trading, so that it would be used sparingly and people would be getting parts they really need.


Also, the supply of parts will dwindle soon.  Remember the surplus of parts available right now are from people who've been collecting parts since the void was introduced...  That was quite a while back.  Once that supply of parts is consumed, things will be working as intended.

Edited by sushidubya
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Frost Prime stopped being special a very very very long time ago.  This was just a grind reduction effort while giving F2P ppl a way to get slots.  If the worst thing that was hurt by this change was your ego, then I think DE did an alright job and have no complaints. 

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RNG never feels  like an accomplishment,  you either get it too early or much later than the moment you deserved it. It has bên this way for me all the time, so idc about people who have a particular frame or whatever. also it's co op....doesnt matter...


I'm the same way.

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This patch made me happy for a bit. But then, I used 24 plat and crafted ember prime, braton prime, fang prime and glaive prime.


I got myself thinking... what's there to grind now? What's my purpose here? I turned off my laptop and went studying. oh boy

Edited by LEFTNUT
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You're right, we shouldn't have to put up with a horrible RNG system. I completely agree. Therefore, I'm not going to put up with it anymore and buy and trade whatever I please, and others should do the same. Problem?


Sarcasm, or for real? I'd be more inclined to trust buying and trading (remember, though, someone has to farm) as it'd be more consistent than blind farming for parts (as, with RNG, it's basically blind fishing).

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This patch made me happy for a bit. But then, I used 24 plat and crafted ember prime, braton prime, fang prime and glaive prime.


I got myself thinking... what's there to grind now? What's my purpose here? I turned off my laptop and went studying. oh boy


You could just play the game because you think it's fun, rather than grinding just to grind.

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Yes people will get used to it, but it still doesn't change the fact without having to grind for primes, Warframe is going to become very boring very fast now. 

I hope they've got some endgame content coming soon. 

So make your own goals. Don't buy the parts. Other people that want to invest the time in the game will. Some people don't have the time to sit at their computer and grind away. They indeed do have end-game content coming. Calm yourself. People are happy. The grass is growing, and it's nice and green. Come over to the other side of the fence and graze a bit.

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You could just play the game because you think it's fun, rather than grinding just to grind.

And I think the game is fun, else I wouldn't even play it in the first place. I think this trading thing, from the beggining, is nice overall  (mostly for the game itself) but not so good for the players. As they can just farm a few mods and sell them. And those things you always thought were really hard to get and that I would call objectives are now only a few plat away. This made the game a bit "pointless" for me.

Edited by LEFTNUT
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After 4 months and at least 70 runs of T1 Capture with zero luck... now that I can trade, I finally got to build the paris prime.  Is it a little silly that low level players now have access to this stuff?  A bit, yes... but I really don't care.  I hate RNG with a burning passion, because I ALWAYS get screwed over by it, and any measures being put in place to help bypass it are A-Okay in my book.


I really can't believe people are complaining about lost exclusivity.  This is a freaking co-op game, better equipped teammates = more successful missions.  Leave your ego in competitive games, this is supposed to just be fun for everyone.  The fact that RNG makes people into winners and losers with a dice roll totally destroys the spirit of the game the first place.

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So now 12 year old kids with their parents' credit card can get it.


As opposed to before when only people with the free time of a 12 year old kid could get it. And as for Frost Prime "meaning" something, that's all it meant: that you had a lot of free time and a slightly above average boredom threshold. Good for you. I'm impressed.


Fact is that complaining about options being available to people in different circumstances is nothing but selfish.

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