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The Prime Parts Trading Discussion Megathread


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I told them to do it. De Fails Hard~


Please send all hatred to me instead of DE.


More relevant than ever:



Huge issue right now is that prime weapons are actually cheaper than their normal counterparts. It's so obvious, yet apparently nobody saw it coming (myself included).

Edited by SortaRandom
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This game now is kinda dumb you can buy parts now? I spent 7 days grinding for one part I felt pretty dang happy when I got it ,then on the same say 2 hours after getting it find out I can buy it... :L Grinding for stuff one of the only things to do on this game if you aren't grinding for something you're Lving up but you lv up when you grind so whats the point? Now you can't feel good about yourself when you get stuff    "where did you get that latron prime!" 
                        " I bought it, yup cost me a hefty 300 plat in total"
                         "...Oh :L I had to work hard for mine..."
Now theres very little point to the game. 

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So ???

Now you tell us that your work have been wasted, tell us how much you wanted to get the primes for money, if you do then be happy now you can spend a S#&$load of money getting any new prime, if you, on the other hand would not spend the money... You can still void farm, i see no problem, you are just immature.

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Well first of all, thank you for being so ... articulate.

Also, since you're so all knowing from all your ranting, give some constructive criticism. And it makes it really easy for beginners to make get all these new weapons require a forma.

And on the notion of trading, who the hell would trade these kind of things for so cheap as to allow a noob to trade? What kind of noob would have anything that someone with those parts want?


you can buy frost prime (complete, the four parts) BP's for 60 plat, right now, in the trading channel, go!!!

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Waaaah. I obtained my prime parts the hard way, everybody who ever plays the game should have just as hard of a time as I did.


Translation: For some reason them obtaining the parts easier than me affects the fact that I already have it.



They should take out void key trading too!


That way you can run a defense or survival...RNG a void key, RNG check to see if it's the key you need, run the key, RNG check to see if you get the part you need...


Yeah! RNG! That thing nobody complains about.

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It also makes us older players who have gotten all of these prime weapons and warframes subject to scrutiny from fellow players on whether or not they were bought or earned.


A little while ago I finally earned the Reaper prime blade I was grinding for for ages. Now I can run around with my shiny new Reaper prime to show off to everyone else. Now let's say one of my clanmates mentions that he's just completed his by buying that blade which I worked so hard for.


Do I care? Not in the slightest. I worked for mine, hours upon hours, and I'm proud that my hard work was finally rewarded. Does that mean that I think anybody who hasn't done EXACTLY the same amount of hard work to earn the same therefore doesn't deserve it? No.


It's almost laughable how selfish you people are - and then it isn't funny anymore because I realize you're being serious.

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While I dislike anything that leads to more trade spam. making void keys not drop in t2 and t3 is a major help to the drop tables. I'm still going to grind for the damned burston prime barrel because i'm not gunna pay some over priced trade chat value for something i can get on my own. The only way DE has slapped us latetly is with the damned market clantech weps. Its either clantech or market. not both. 

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First it was control modules and rubedo.


Then it was warframe farming.


Then it was mod and fusion core farming.


Then it was prime part farming.


What else can DE possibly take away?


They even said so themselves. Warframe should generally be a grind. Not refill your plat and hope to exploit the dozens and dozens of free players desperately selling their spare items.

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Yeah selling my stack of extra prime parts and making bank like crazy... what a slap in the face... this free plat I'm getting now by helping people who don't want to grind... wow... what a horrible situation... Those jerks should have to do all the things that I came to the forums and complained should be changed for the better of the future, before they can use these!

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Lol you get pride from video games hahaha

I went for an interview for a QA position at [insert famous Scottish developer responsible for games about stealing cars here], and one of the questions they asked me was "What was your proudest gaming moment?"


I totally froze. "Proudest gaming moment? What?"


I didn't get the job.

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Whining that they improved the game because YOU had to do it the hard way back in the day is ridiculously petty and you should feel ashamed .  I say this as someone who has been playing this game for over a year and has a bunch of stuff that was a giant pain to unlock. People getting items with less of a hassle now does not have any negative effect on you aside from pointless E-peen boosting.

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Waaaah. I obtained my prime parts the hard way, everybody who ever plays the game should have just as hard of a time as I did.


Translation: For some reason them obtaining the parts easier than me affects the fact that I already have it.



They should take out void key trading too!


That way you can run a defense or survival...RNG a void key, RNG check to see if it's the key you need, run the key, RNG check to see if you get the part you need...


Yeah! RNG! That thing nobody complains about.

Making Prime parts tradable has its huge downsides, but ^^this is a truth that is undeniable and unavoidable. I think that making the Prime parts tradable was a huge blow to the game, but at the same time a good first step in the right direction.


Hopefully they can follow it up with a half-decent Step 2-- fixing the damn marketplace prices so that Prime weapons aren't cheaper than their regular counterparts, and so that average players who know all about the game are still tempted to buy them. Right now the marketplace revolves largely around tricking the less-experienced playerbase; if they want to keep the economy flowing as it is, they're going to need to change their target buyers.

Edited by SortaRandom
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