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Legendary Core Use



So I got a couple of these Legendary cores and I'm wondering what mods I should use these on so I'm not wasting them for when I wish I had them for some harder to level up mods I receive. Like just a list of mods I should prioritize its usage on vs anything else. Appreciate the response.

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18 answers to this question

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Most people will probably suggest mods with ten ranks which take larger quantities of cores to max.


Thing is, you're realistically going to have to forma the item at least one extra time to fit one of those at max rank anyway. I'd say use it on something that you want maxed really badly but don't have the cores or credits for, but which you know you will actually USE once you have it maxed. Otherwise the core is wasted.

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So yeah I figured both my 1 from the top Hornet Strike and Serration should not be on the list as I can def. get those done over time. Heavy Caliber I was considering on getting a fresh one so I could possibly apply so I can alternate between that and my 4 from the top one if i was getting tired of the poor accuracy. I do have a Narrowminded but is it normally maxed out all the way, like are there any Frames that wouldn't use a full maxed narrowminded besides Valkyr hysteria build? Also what about Blind Rage in the same situation as Narrowminded, should it be maxed all the way for every frame that would use it?

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Blind Rage especially has builds using it at lower ranks, as the sacrifice in efficiency usually isnt worth it when you could just cast the ability twice.


Narrow Minded I can only think of Vauban who might want it partially ranked, other builds which require range are generally better off not using it. Trin Blessing Spam, Loki/Ash perma invis and Valkyr Hysteria builds generally want it fully ranked.


I dont even like HCal on most of my weapons, but I'll drop a core on it just for the few I'd use it on.



Saving a core or two in case a new mod comes out is probably a good idea. If you're willing to work with just-under-fully ranked mods those are gonna be really cheap the next couple of days - buying them and ranking them to full might be a worthy endeavor for extra fusion cores.

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You get the most use out of producing Rank 10 Rare mods-- which are worth exactly double of what Serration and Hornet Strike are worth in terms of fusion value.


But yeah, save 'em. They'll inflate with time, and the undercutting has already begun.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Most people will probably suggest mods with ten ranks which take larger quantities of cores to max.


Thing is, you're realistically going to have to forma the item at least one extra time to fit one of those at max rank anyway. I'd say use it on something that you want maxed really badly but don't have the cores or credits for, but which you know you will actually USE once you have it maxed. Otherwise the core is wasted.

Terrible advice. Forma on things like heavy caliber/narrow minded/blind rage, you will be thankful down the road. 1 potato is enough to use

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I'd use maybe just one for now, max out a 10-rank rare or uncommon mod (blind rage, narrow minded, heavy caliber, serration, hornet strike, magnum force, redirection, vitality, those are useful ones that people will likely buy) and maybe make some quick platinum. otherwise, save the cores and assume it'll be useful down the line for a new mod (safe assumption, I'd say). eventually, these cores will run out because people will use them for the above, so keeping some just as a long-term investment may be wise as well


I'm tempted to max out something like tainted mag/shell or reflex guard because I'd never use them, but I kinda do want to max them. those are also rare 10-rank mods, but like sentinel 10-rank mods, people don't buy them as often, because they aren't super useful. everyone wants more weapon damage and those other standard mods, and they get expensive to max otherwise. but selling these mods right now, or the cores right now, is probably a poor choice. fine for quick plat, but I expect the market to stabilize in a week or so, and hopefully typical prices will be higher than they are now (selling these cores for less than 500 Pt just seems ludicrous right now. but whoever's buying them at 300 and under will make out like bandits once prices return to "normal"). for the same reason, I regret selling some of my prime parts at fairly low prices, because people will be willing to pay a lot more once the market isn't flooded with so many people trying to sell them to make a few quick plat


so if you can, hold tight, don't make rash decisions. but if you do get your hands on some 10-rank corrupted mods that you've needed for a while, I don't think it would be too bad to max one or two, depending on how many cores you have. serration, hornet strike, and warframe redirection and vitality are also good ones. I have redirection and vitality at rank 8 (because I also have copies at ranks 0-7), so I may warp a fresh one of those two mods to the end, just to finally have that maxed out, but if you are looking to make a profit on the legendary cores, you'll want to use them on narrow minded, blind rage, heavy caliber, or magnum force

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Personally, I used my Legendary cores on a fresh Hornet Strike and a fresh Redirection, mostly because the the optimal mods that I could use it on, I had already done a lot of work on them (got Rank 9 Serration, Rank 7 and a half Heavy caliber-one I need at 8 and the other I need at 4, Narrow Minded was rank 8, but it sounded too wasteful using a once in a lifetime Legendary core on a mod 2 away from the top, among many others).


Redirection was some needed defense that most, if not all, of my frames could use at this exact second. Hornet Strike I had a Rank 8 one I was taking to 10, but I realized I needed some kinda damage, and my Sentinel Pistol needs the mod too, so I cored a fresh Hornet Strike, and that was the end of it. If I had 2 more I would do Blind Rage and one more, my Ember Prime needs to hit hard....Equilibrium maybe?

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Ranking Heavy Cal from R9 to R10 will cost the same as ranking Redirection from R0 to R10.


Personally I'm holding on to them, although considering using on for HCal. my 9/10 uncommons I'd rather rank up traditionally and I've no use for a maxxed NM or BR, as I cant think of many optimal builds using them, usually you want range or efficiency.

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Personally, I used my Legendary cores on a fresh Hornet Strike and a fresh Redirection, mostly because the the optimal mods that I could use it on, I had already done a lot of work on them (got Rank 9 Serration, Rank 7 and a half Heavy caliber-one I need at 8 and the other I need at 4, Narrow Minded was rank 8, but it sounded too wasteful using a once in a lifetime Legendary core on a mod 2 away from the top, among many others).


Hmm.. Hate to break it to you, but the cost to bring Narrow Minded from 8 to 10 is much, much higher than the cost of bringing Redirection from 0 to max.

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You can look at it this way: You'll get far more use outta a maxxed Redirection/Hornet Strike than you would Narrow Minded which is really only good for 1-2 frames.

That was kinda my reasoning tbh. Redirection and Hornet Strike are the core of most of my secondary and warframe builds. Narrow minded is good for Trinity in my arsenal, but it would only add about 3 seconds to my Blessing and none of my other frames need a maxed out Narrow minded right now.


So yeah, I went with based on what I needed more than what I would need in the future, as these 2 would get me more gas mile-age than just the Narrow Minded, imo.


Also thanks for the vote of confidence =)

Edited by Barnacle_Ed
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