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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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This isn't fair.. I farmed hard for many months for my credits and fusion cores to be able to max Serration. And this exploits gave these people an instant benefit with barely any effort at all. Man, I don't feel like playing this game anymore. What's the point of putting in effort when this kind of stuff happen? They get million of credits and thousands of fusion cores worth in a day, when I worked months for mine worth.

Edited by ZT0100
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I'm just quitting the game if they dont rollback those legendary cores and give everyone an appropriate amount of cores to compensate for the steel charge.

Right behind you, man. I am not going to play this damn game when my months of effort is S#&$ on like this. I can barely max out a rank 10 corrupted mod after months of farming, and then these people get instant max out because they saw this 4 hours heads-up and took advantage of this. All my hard work and this happened. Ridiculous..

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Yeah. I read the post regarding Steel Charge early in the morning. I promptly went into trade to buy a couple Steel Charges for 20 plat each and proceeded to rank 5 of them to rank 6.


I now own 10 Legendary Cores.


Wouldn't it have been foolish for me to not take advantage of that while it was available? I really despise that it ever happened like this in the first place but I wasn't exactly going to sit back and conciously ignore it.

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This isn't fair.. I farmed hard for many months for my credits and fusion cores to be able to max Serration. And this exploits gave these people an instant benefit with barely any effort at all. Man, I don't feel like playing this game anymore. What's the point of putting in effort when this kind of stuff happen? They get million of credits and thousands of fusion cores worth in a day, when I worked months for mine worth.

Serration is 4096 fusion power to rank 10. Rare 10 mods take 12276 fusion power in order to rank 10.


For 30 common 3 cores I was able to receive the equivalent of 24542 fusion power. That is much more than the 4096 fusion power of a max Serration.


For less than an hour of work I managed to obtain 122710 fusion power. Not sure exactly how people complaining about this are being looked down upon.


The current guess is that the upcoming Legendary mods will take double the fusion power to max that a Rare rank 10 would.


Soooo that would effectively double the fusion power that I have gained today during an hour of work to 245,420.


245,420/4096 = 59.9


The equivalent of 59 Max Serrations for ONE HOUR OF WORK.

Edited by Dominus_Tenno
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hmm so what? some ppl bought 20 steel charge auras and got them to rank 6 and have now million legendary cores, guess the game is ruined, because it really affects me enormously, yea i'm gonna go and kick some puppy


the only thing that was not fair was for those that actually did put the effort to max it and got same LC as those that got it only to 6

Seriously, you guys are funny.


I guess we should just take out mod leveling entirely since apparently it adds nothing to the game anyway. Clearly the fact that these players just bypassed hundreds or thousands of hours of grinding means nothing, and since it means nothing, by extension it adds nothing to the game either, so why not just take it out?


I wonder if you guys ever read your own posts sometimes.

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Yeah. I read the post regarding Steel Charge early in the morning. I promptly went into trade to buy a couple Steel Charges for 20 plat each and proceeded to rank 5 of them to rank 6.


I now own 10 Legendary Cores.


Wouldn't it have been foolish for me to not take advantage of that while it was available? I really despise that it ever happened like this in the first place but I wasn't exactly going to sit back and conciously ignore it.

I don't blame you. If others did it, then you were right for doing it. I am just pissed off at DE for making my months worth of effort look like something that can be passed out just like that.

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IMO what would have been great (admittedly I am quite in a butthurt) is:

each player gets 1 or 2 legend cores regardless of steel charge.

Then, add the cores like just now.

This way, each player will have at least 1 legend core.

I know people with up to 40 Legendary Cores right now, so it doesn't exactly put everyone on the same footing, it just takes a little bit of the sting away.


All they needed to do was give the cores after the announcement was made to whoever had Steel Charge at rank 6 or higher BEFORE the announcement was made.


While it would definitely be better, there's still a [massive difference](http://www.reddit.com/r/Warframe/comments/1yf010/the_steel_charge_fiasco_in_a_graph/) between what people used for a Steel Charge 6 (or even a Steel Charge 10) compared to DE's "refund".

Edited by HvcTerr
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All they needed to do was give the cores after the announcement was made to whoever had Steel Charge at rank 6 or higher BEFORE the announcement was made. Simple. They could still have given 2 cores per Steel Charge that way, because it would have been totally fair and void of any exploits. If you ranked a Steel Charge to rank 6 or higher before the announcement, then you would have gotten 2 cores. If you ranked a second one (for whatever reason, as you wouldn't have done it just to exploit for more cores because you wouldn't have known they were going to compensate you before the announcement was made), then you would have gotten 2 more. Again, SIMPLE.


But, alas, they allowed for exploits. At least they let the community know beforehand, but yeah, it was definitely not the smartest idea they've had.

I fundamentally disagree.


Rank 6 Steel Charge did not and does not warrant several hundred or thousand times the cost in legendary cores. That is an insane overcompensation and the forums would STILL be rife with complaining if they did things that way.

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Serration is 4096 fusion power to rank 10. Rare 10 mods take 12276 fusion power in order to rank 10.


For 30 common 3 cores I was able to receive the equivalent of 24542 fusion power. That is much more than the 4096 fusion power of a max Serration.


For less than an hour of work I managed to obtain 122710 fusion power. Not sure exactly how people complaining about this are being looked down upon.

My bad, I thought Serration is pretty high. My actual worth is just about a maxed corrupted mod rank 10 and I saved all these months worth of fusion cores just to be able to do that.


The point is, a rank 6 steel charge being compensated with millions of credits and thousand of fusion core worth is ridiculous.

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Hate to say it, but yeah, pretty much. The original intent was to give some sort of compensation to players who spent millions of credits ranking it up to max.


Sure reimburse people that's fine. But allowing a small few to take advantage of the public announcement (http://i.imgur.com/CKczpMX.png) just boggles my mind. Why not patch the cores in and let people find out through the patch notes?

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I fundamentally disagree.


Rank 6 Steel Charge did not and does not warrant several hundred or thousand times the cost in legendary cores. That is an insane overcompensation and the forums would STILL be rife with complaining if they did things that way.


True. But it at least wouldn't be as bad as now, with all those people who farmed up multiple steel charge mods in an obvious economy exploit, fully endorsed by DE_Steve.

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You guys are right that if people hopped on it, a bunch of "rank 6" legendary core is still worth a lot.

I was thinking in order for a "rank 6" legendary core to equal a "rank 10" legendary core, one would need 16 "rank 6" legendary cores. I know they have their experience counters in the code so they could workout the math exactly but they could scale the experience appropiately.

Edited by ninja2koo
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I didn't hear about till... now. 9:30 PM PST. 


What the hell DE?


I enjoy this game through and through. Hell, this is my favorite PC game as of now. But this... 


Just no. 


I spent many, many months just farming for Uncommon 5 Cores, and I only have one maxed mod, which is Serration!


But this is just toooooo ridiculous. A core to fully max a mod with no cost?


That is just poor judgement, by far.


DE, I guess the exploiters got your back. It's rather unfortunate that people who were at work for the longest time have to come home and read up on this $%&^. This is super depressing. 

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True. But it at least wouldn't be as bad as now, with all those people who farmed up multiple steel charge mods in an obvious economy exploit, fully endorsed by DE_Steve.


Exactly - this is what I was getting at. No matter what DE decided to give, be it a lesser reward for only having a rank 6 vs. a rank 10, for example, there should not have been a window of opportunity for exploit like there was. The cutoff for whatever reward it was going to be should have been the time of the announcement.


It's just baffling that DE ignored the obvious exploit window between the time of the announcement and the script being run.

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IMO what would have been great (admittedly I am quite in a butthurt) is:

each player gets 1 or 2 legend cores regardless of steel charge.

Then, add the cores like just now.

This way, each player will have at least 1 legend core.


Yeah, no. 



The cost to rank a mod to 6 is:

50 rare cores, and about150k credits.


The cost to rank a mod to rank 10 is:

800rare cores, and about 2.5 million credits.


If you think you, having done nothing at all, should get the same compensation as someone who invested 800 rare cores and 2.5 million credits, I'm going to say you're insane.

Edit: i re-read and see that you're saying everyone should get one of these regardless, and then those than did put in the work get extra. The problem is that just shafts those of us that put in the serious work even further (that is, rank 10 people getting the same compensation as rank 6 people). And we do get shafted. I can't sell mods I've put hard work into now because mods that were selling for 800 plat are going for 250 now, becuase instead of taking weeks of effort, it takes 5 seconds. I would be even further shafted with your suggested fix.

Edited by harly
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My bad, I thought Serration is pretty high. My actual worth is just about a maxed corrupted mod rank 10 and I saved all these months worth of fusion cores just to be able to do that.


The point is, a rank 6 steel charge being compensated with millions of credits and thousand of fusion core worth is ridiculous.

I was agreeing with you that this was absolutely ridiculous.

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