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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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Darn it everytime I see this I want to cry remembering all the steel charge aura alerts I ignored because it was a rescue mission and I thought I only needed 1.

What stopped you from going to trading channel prior to the update and buying every steel charge you could get your hands on?

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Well we knew that legendary mods were coming anyway. A legendary fusion mod being a part of the game is only natural if there are other legendary mods due. Only I'd expect it to be a reward for future high level end-game content. Like, the the most hardcore of the end-game content. And it would have a pretty low drop chance. Considering you could just use it to instant max other legendary mods, it probably would be one of the hardest to get of the bunch.


that's basically saying because there's are rare mods in the game, it's only natural primed chamber gets put in the game as a obtainable reward, because primed chamber is also a rare mod. which obviously hasnt happened yet, after months of primed chamber being implemented.

Edited by leonvision
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You sure? 

Cause you know, it's not like there are any other serration mods out there that are of incredibly high rank hornet strike and make a lot of players feel they unbalance the game.  

Likely this is just their test to see how 'legendary' cores work as compensation for the nerfing of mods like that. 

You forgot Redirection, Vitality, Equilibrium, and Blind Rage. Maybe some other corrupt mods.


Either way, Legendary Cores aren't as "op" as people make them out to be. They're just convenient. They accomplished a few things, and I don't even mind the people who exploited to get 10-20-30 of them. They reduced the value and difficulty of max level serration/hornet strike, without actually reducing the level of those,although at this point, they set precedence of dropping the level on those rank 10 mods and giving legendary cores for everybody.


If they got added, I'd like to see them rewarded for completing larger challenges, such as completing the star map, or getting certain achievements.

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No, forget you. I'm enraged.


Maxing out two cards takes an ETERNITY. HUNDREDS of hours of play to max out something like Serration. And these people get to do it instantly, for TWO mods - OR MORE, if they exploited it.


You can't downplay that. Nothing you say will convince me that this isn't ridiculous, because clearly the people who only had rank 6 Steel Charges got essentially the equivalent of hundreds of hours of free gear for NO EFFORT AT ALL.

And your point is? Who cares if a bunch of players have two more maxed mods? I mean the end result is the same. People runnin missions and killing enemies at the end of the day.


Does someone else having a maxed mod ruin your fun? Has your effort been devalued as others have been rewarded for far less work? If that bothers you, then you see the game as more of a job than a game, and I feel sorry for you.


1. Like currency inflation, power-creep HARMS EVERYBODY

2. Go tell that to all the people who were about to sell their maxed serration.

Power creep? I'm sorry, but this isn't power creep in the usual definition of the word. Power creep is when some options a player has become more powerful than others, which necessitates the other options into being buffed, creating a cycle of inflating power numbers as buffs get doled out. Giving out maxed mods to people is not power creep, since the maximum power a player can posses hasn't changed one bit. The only thing that has changed is the average power per player, which doesn't matter a bit in a cooperative team game.


As for the joke of an economy that exists in game via trading, it's a temporary blip in the radar. There's a finite source of legendary cores, and eventually they'll leave the market as old players quit and new players join. SO those sellers will just have to wait until fresh blood who don't have the cores join the game.

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Does someone else having a maxed mod ruin your fun? Has your effort been devalued as others have been rewarded for far less work? If that bothers you, then you see the game as more of a job than a game, and I feel sorry for you.

I am angry that my effort has been devalued. I played a lot and really focused on looting cores all these months. All that work to achieve something in the game, then all of a sudden they handed these out like they're nothing.


I don't see playing this game as a job. I merely play it for fun and I WAS proud of what I accomplished so far. It is infuriating to have put in so much time and effort, and then it all seem so meaningless.


If you put in months of effort and time in something and then someone found a way to achieve the same thing you did in a day, I expect you to be bothered. If not, then you're a dumbass. I know it's just pixels, but damn, I wouldn't have put in the extra effort to accomplish more and played casually if I knew this was coming. By casually, I mean not spending money or much time on it.

Edited by ZT0100
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im going to say that this is BS by the higest standards, i have been around since around the launch but have not spended so much time in WF since life obviosly, but giving this kind of benefit to just random ppl who just happened to be around just at the right time or just happened to do the right thing by sheer dumb luck is just stupid.


Thats just ludicruos to just to pick a mod, weather individual ppl actualy use it or not and according how high you ranked it get you bonus, WHAT KIND OF LOGIC IS THAT!


i have been reading the https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/182094-steel-charge-update/ and tryed to wrap my head around the logic but i have still failed doing so.


Seriously, compensation for time you put in our game we give for those some who like using just this one specific mod we give you free ticets to get eny other mod to max, redirection, serration, vitality... just to name few which olso take the time, cores and credits to rank to 10 as did steel charge.


Why don't i get compensation for putting my time in your game, which is great game don't get me wrong, but this kind of decision to compensate other ppl while others, who may or may have not spended equal or greater time and resources to other places and objectives in your game is wrong and discriminating

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Sadly I did not happen to rank up steel charge and I also had to do real life stuff at the time where they let people know in ADVANCE before the patch hit about this change.

Essentially, I missed out on the best reward ever. These cores are going for a min of 250 per, I hear tell theres people with 40+ of these things.

It seems this game is all about being at the right place at the right time and or exploiting b/c you get REWARDED for it.

I am not a happy camper; this is an ugly trend if you ask me.

Should have not announced this prior to patch and most certainly made them untradeable. I mean ranking SC to 5 is dirt cheap and you give people TWO these things for each one? And you think no ones gonna abuse that? Seriously?



Edited by fizbit
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I've read all this thread because I wasn't sure on my opinion. Part of me doesn't care (the part that doesn't trade mods or mind if others get more powerful) but part of me is exceptionally p****d off!


The trouble is that there are very very obvious things wrong with this "compensation":


1. They announced it prior to the distribution of the cores so it could be abused by anyone who saw the announcement.


2. The cost of a rank 6 steel charge (minimum to get cores) is nothing compared to a rank 10 steel charge and yet both are "compensated" the same.


3. The cost of any rank of steel charge is much lower than the gain even one of these cores gives on a rare rank 10 mod.


4. Given that there is basically no reason to have more than one ranked Steel Charge (aside from limited trading), 99% of people with 2, 3, 4, 10, 20 etc rank 6 versions of this mod would be people who ranked it in the 4 hour window. Why reward this?


Point 1 is just ridiculous. I'm sorry but DE do not think anything through for more than 5 minutes these days. Communication has become terrible (from poor) to the extent that even when they do communicate, it has negative consequences.


I'm not sure they could have done much about point 2 in their defense. There are so many different levels of fusion that your rank 6 to 10 steel charge could have been in that an even compensation would have been pretty hard. Sorry, just realised they could have simply given each person equivalent fusion points in cores to refund what was spent. Yeah, they could have made it fairer.


The third point is why this is a reward. Someone earlier argued it was compensation (hence my use above) but it isn't. Compensation would have been resetting things back to how they were you'd not maxed it. Compensation would have been giving you cores and credits equal to what it cost to get your steel charge to whatever level it was at. This would have been more than a refund as by giving out cores, they're giving out a more flexible fusion power than that which was used to level the mod in many cases (or at least equally flexible).


This is a reward, plain and simple. It is so vastly disproportionate to the "cost" players incurred leveling the mod that to view it any other way is simply blind.


My final point may insult a few people but I think it is fair to say that very very few player would have had more than one rank 6-10 steel charge prior to the announcement as there was simply never a reason to. The couple of people with one waiting to trade might have lost out slightly but no solution is completely perfect. What is the betting the the person who asked the question (within 5 mins of the post going up) saw the opportunity to abuse this and did so?


I've defended DE on a number of points in the past (even been called a fanboy when defending Zephyr build times) but this is disgusting.

Edited by Teorina
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I think it should be one mod level up for 0 credits, but not a whole mod, this is unfair towards other players who did not have the aura at level 6-10. Would have been better if DE paid it back in rare 5 cores.

Well that is your opinion, but i like Legendary Cores idea more, sorry my opinion.

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