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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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Their wording already made it clear that only 2 cores per account is the deal.

This is the direct quote from the Mod's thread. It's per SC, not per account:


" Will I get 2 Legendary Cores per Steel Charge rank 6 and above? 

Yes, you will get 2 Cores per Steel Charge."
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Only real problem in my opinion is how it screws up your entire loadout. Got 0 mod points left before i was using Steelcharge. Got like 5+ now. Ranked up Redirection once, because i was able to get it now for my Rhino and some other Frames. Steelcharge gets "nerfed" so it wont give more than other Auras now. I have a difference of -1 mod points. 


So i have to pull up a different Redirection now, or have to get my hands on some Forma, which i dont even have BP's for, because.. well lets say im not to lucky to get like 3 Formas at once for this.


So in my opinion. If this nerf really has to hit Steelcharge (It will, i know) DE should at least give 2 or 3 Forma in addition, so i can at least use my Redirection again.


Or maybe add a way of tone down mods, so they can be used as well. 

Seriously dood? Your asking more, in a post, about people asking for more. You can make forma, I figuring you know..


Your kidding me right, you can max a serrnation and wait until the price rises in a month or two and make a profit. I would sell my Legendary Cores for a ton of plat, people would kill for those who don't check Reddit/Fourms.

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Their wording already made it clear that only 2 cores per account is the deal.

Can i get a source here please?


As for this moment OP on tread says:


Will I get 2 Legendary Cores per Steel Charge rank 6 and above? 
Yes, you will get 2 Cores per Steel Charge. 
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I don't have to sit with calculators or anything else to see a difference in such things.


But lets do some math. A comparison between Streamline + Fleeting Expertise and Streamline + Flow. 75% power efficiency and 30% power efficiency + double max energy (I know Flow is +150% but it works only on base energy so it doubles any rank 30 frame's energy pool).


There are limited ways of getting energy, the most common two are energy siphons and energy orbs.


-With 75% power efficiency every ultimate you cast costs 25 energy. So you can use your ultimate once per energy orb or once in about 42 seconds for one maxed energy siphon in squad (21/14/10.5 for 2/3/4 siphons).

-With only 30% power efficiency your ultimate costs 70 energy so you'll need 2.8 energy orbs per one cast or 117 seconds of energy siphon (58.5/39/29) 


The ratio of 1:2.8 casts per energy gained is the same for cheaper abilties as well. This ratio is most relevant for play styles that use energy all the time and never get full energy.


What if you don't use abilities so often and let your energy stay at max and suddenly need to spam a lot?


-With 75% efficiency and 150 energy, you can cast 6 ultimate abilities.

-With 30% efficiency and 300 energy, you can cast about 4.3 ultimate abilities.


So going from max energy to 0 gets you 40% more ability casts with 75% efficiency. (Again, these ratios would be the same for any other ability or if you use a frame with 225 base energy pool.)


These comparison should be enough to convince that Fleeting Expertise and Flow aren't "fighting for the same slot" and the former is more important.


But I don't feel like Flow is useful even when combined with both Streamline and Fleeting Expertise. Getting double energy pool and 75% efficiency.


If you use the three and use abilities so often you always stay below 150 energy (or 225 depending on frame), then Flow is doing absolutely nothing for you.


If you don't use abilities so much and always stay above 150 energy, then Flow is doing absolutely nothing for you.


Unless you need to use more than 150 energy in such a short time window that you can't get more energy, Flow is doing nothing for you.




There isn't really any scenario where using Flow instead of Fleeting Expertise is the BETTER option, sure using Flow might be enough but not better.


The scenarios where using Flow with both Fleeting Expertise and Streamline would be beneficial are so rare that they're practically nonexistant, there are plenty of ways of getting more energy and needing to cast more than 6 ultimate abilities or lesser abilities for the same cost before getting that energy doesn't really happen.


There is although one "good" use for Flow. Combining it with Quick Thinking and/or Rage, those two are currently the only mechanics in game that benefit from a bigger energy pool. Quick Thinking is obvious, Rage does it because you usually take so much health damage at one time that the 150 energy pool isn't enough to hold it all, giving you actually more energy. I said "good" use because using all those slots for essentially more hp isn't very useful, good players shouldn't need more than 0-1 slots for hp/shield mods.


If a frame with channeling abilities was released that drained energy as you channel it AND channeling them for more than 150 energy would be beneficial, Flow could be more useful.


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Plz de, only allow one upgrade per account.

Everyone with more then one above lvl 5 is just doing it because of the compensation.


Dont allow this stupid kind of progress...



Also NICE CHANGE! And a sneak peak at high level content reward? THX!

Yep you're right. Everyone with more than 2 steel chambers just maxed them for the reward. There was NO reason to have more than 2 maxed to begin with.

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Because there was no reason to have more than 1 maxed steel charge to begin with. Everyone that has 2 or more just made it because of DE's announcement. DE should see through this and not let some guy with 20 steel charges exploit the hell out of it. (even tho I have 5 myself)

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Their wording showed clearly in the original thread that it was to be two cores per account.  Having multiple steel charges and expecting multiple core deliveries is an obvious exploit and DE people aren't dumb.

Edited by Lediard
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Yep you're right. Everyone with more than 2 steel chambers just maxed them for the reward. There was NO reason to have more than 2 maxed to begin with.


"Steel Charge", and no point in maxing them when rank 6 nets you the same "compensation".

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maybe you have multiple so you could sell them? and I picked up an extra today as well, but that's only because I realized I didn't have 2 already (I like to have unranked extras of auras in case someone needs them. also because I'm not sure if I can get extra legendary cores out of it)

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Agreed. I still ranked them all to 6 though.


Their wording showed clearly in the original thread that it was to be two cores per account.  Having multiple steel charges and expecting multiple core deliveries is an obvious exploit and DE people aren't dumb.


Their wording? Lemme quote.

Will I get 2 Legendary Cores per Steel Charge rank 6 and above? 

Yes, you will get 2 Cores per Steel Charge. 
Edited by Guest
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I think two cores per SC is a bit crazy, but since I don't use or believe in trade channel so don't care at all about the economy, I won't complain either. Sure, some people are going to be easily OP within a day of maxing out all their good cards, but ehh...it's a co-op game, I don't really care about other people's builds, only my own. I understand other people being upset, but I'm totally cool with just getting 2 cores for myself. 

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