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The Steel Charge/Legendary Cores Discussion Megathread


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I didn't see the second one.  I retract my statement, apparently they do enjoy being played for suckers.  


I know mate... not to mention everyone is ranking their SCs to 6 because the compensation is the same no matter the effort.

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Their wording showed clearly in the original thread that it was to be two cores per account.  Having multiple steel charges and expecting multiple core deliveries is an obvious exploit and DE people aren't dumb.

They updated it to allow for exploiting. Each Steel Charge now produces 2 Legendary cores.


OT: I agree entirely. Nobody would've considered having two high-ranked Steel Charges in their inventories until the thread was posted.

Unfortunately, with the updated thread, people are going and hoarding as many Steel Charges as possible. Changing it back to 2 cores per account is going to cause an influx of "OMFG I SPENT SO MUCH ON THIS HALF AN HOUR AGO DE U SUX"-esque rage on the forums from people who didn't know better than to exploit something silly that was decided on a whim.


I honestly think it's better to take the rage than to completely screw over the game's economy, though. Fusion is pretty much the only way for new players to generate plat, but if DE lets the SC hoarders hoard their SCs, then Fusion Cores are going to be worth so little that new players will be pretty much screwed.

Edited by SortaRandom
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Not going to do it.


You can all call me crazy for sticking with principles, but I'm not going to exploit a compensation gift from DE.


Not saying you're wrong, but... can it be called an exploit if they know the consequences full well?

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I'm aware.  This will tank the trade market for months to come.  

I honestly don't know what was going through their heads when they made that decision. Nobody had multiple R6+ Steel Charge mods prior to the announcement anyways, so allowing for multiples will sacrifice the economy in order to accomplish... nothing.

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Not saying you're wrong, but... can it be called an exploit if they know the consequences full well?


Especially given they posted this after several hours of discussion about how it could be exploited.  This was a nod clear and free to everyone who can to go ahead and do it.


I'm against cheats and exploits, but this, this looks like a giveaway to me based on the reaction from DE.  It wasn't until DE explicitly satated in an in thread FAQ that multiple mods would be compensated for knowing full well what it would mean did i decide to help out a clan mate and level his extra mods for him. 


worse comes to worse i burn 180k credits, whatever. best case i can know max out mods for my clan mates in addition to the mods for my steel charge, bonus

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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Are you a communist?


By using that as an insult you voided everything you said afterwards.


Is Wall Street a scam too?


Politics? Oil Barons?


Where do you draw the line as acceptable or not? Call it pride, call it stupidity, but to willingly take more than you need is akin to piracy.


I understand this, but still it's only a game we're playing, we don't exactly need anything in it. And in real life, how much is "need", anyway? Depending on the definition, there is a sizable portion of humanity that has way more than they need... and I'm not even talking about the "rich" people.

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It's a shame people on this forum are trying to take away what is rightfully other player's.


Can you believe, someone would level up an aura to give to their friends? Can you believe someone would actually partially level up a set of mods, just to maintain a '0' extra mod score? Can you believe someone, would randomly, decide to do another alert with a duplicate aura as their reward?


Everyone used auto-fuse, and want to punish everyone else. That's a shame.

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It's a shame people on this forum are trying to take away what is rightfully other player's.


Can you believe, someone would level up an aura to give to their friends? Can you believe someone would actually partially level up a set of mods, just to maintain a '0' extra mod score? Can you believe someone, would randomly, decide to do another alert with a duplicate aura as their reward?


Everyone used auto-fuse, and want to punish everyone else. That's a shame.


Oh hi mate. Fancy seeing you again. Do we have to repeat the argument we had in the other thread, about how a progressive compensation instead of "rank6 = rank 10" would have been more fair?

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Oh hi mate. Fancy seeing you again. Do we have to repeat the argument we had in the other thread, about how a progressive compensation instead of "rank6 = rank 10" would have been more fair?


DE considers rank6 = rank10. DE considers each rank6+ Steel Charge to be worth 2 Legendary Cores.


This is guaranteed, and you're just trying to take it away from other players.


A grandmaster that doesn't care about the people around him? Can we strip someone's badge for being so atrociously anti-community?

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hmm can someone link me or tell me what is going on with the steel charge?


on other note i for example have 8 energy siphons maxed from before u could snap same mod on every frame (same with other basic mods like continuity,focus etc) ,i was simply too lazy to switch the aura (mod) every time  i switched frame, so i don't see why others couldn't have more than 1 steel charge

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