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Pubbing Kappa, Or How I Learned To Hate Hallway Heroes.


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We have all been there, pubbing Kappa or other mobile defense missions for XP and resources.
Everything is going great, and then it happens, The hallway heroes show up.

A hallway hero is a player who abandon the console room to go camp the newly spawned enemies, depriving the good, honest, decent and hardworking players who stay by the console, to share xp and to ease resource gathering.
Now if you don´t know why its important to stay by the console, other than to make sure it does not get destroyed, is to concentrate enemies, making killing them easier, faster and incredibly efficient.

But none of this matters to the hallway hero, the player who runs out of Xp share range because they think they are carrying the team, and think that they are doing good. And worse enough, once one hallway hero show up, other people tend to follow, leaving just one player to stay by the console, to guard it against the occasional enemies that show up.
Not only is this player, this honest, decent, hard working, noble and generous player forced to gather the few scraps of xp that trickles his way, that player is also INCREDIBLY BORED and FRUSTRATED at the lack intelligence, compassion and basic common sense of the hallway heroes who think they are the cream of the crop, when they are nothing more than damnably dumb individuals who think they are gods gift to the grind.

So please, i beg you, whomever reads this thread, Don´t be a hallway hero, be a team player, or just pretend to be a team player and stay by the console.

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I couldn't care less about hallway heroes to be hones farming kappa is soul crushing I couldn't care less about the lost XP if I wanted to actually level stuff up I would do it on a mission I enjoy. 


As long as they can actually kill the ospreys before they blow up they can do what ever they want I will just sit next to console and watch youtube on my xbox.

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I couldn't care less about hallway heroes to be hones farming kappa is soul crushing I couldn't care less about the lost XP if I wanted to actually level stuff up I would do it on a mission I enjoy. 


As long as they can actually kill the ospreys before they blow up they can do what ever they want I will just sit next to console and watch youtube on my xbox.

Having such a defeatist attitude is exactly why the hallway heroes exist.

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Here's one: One time, I actually had a group of two or three of these guys. At one point during the cryopod defense they flat out left the entire objective area to farm ospreys or whatever, leaving me alone to defend the cryopod.

I let it die to teach them a lesson. Maybe you should try it sometime :)

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I have been in lobbied where I was the only one defending the objective. Sometimes I just let the objective die. If they don't want to play as a team, I'm not going to humour them. They need to change it so that you have to all be in the room for it to continue counting, that would sort the problems.


Here's one: One time, I actually had a group of two or three of these guys. At one point during the cryopod defense they flat out left the entire objective area to farm ospreys or whatever, leaving me alone to defend the cryopod.

I let it die to teach them a lesson. Maybe you should try it sometime :)



Edited by H3dsh0t
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I tend to follow a pretty decent strategy: If it is a low level hallway hero, I don't revive him/her if they keep going out and keep getting taken out. I just give them one shot. If they don't take it, sucks for them.


If it's a high level hallway hero, I simply say "shame on you" and then exit the game and then play some Battlefield.

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I'm generally the random burk left by the console since I usually play defense CC (Nyx or Frost). I usually just Chaos/Globe and alt tab to a movie or something until the timer ends. Or I let the  console die if I'm being lazy, or it's early morning, or I'm in a bad mood, or it's Thursday. 

But yes they are annoying. 

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Here's one: One time, I actually had a group of two or three of these guys. At one point during the cryopod defense they flat out left the entire objective area to farm ospreys or whatever, leaving me alone to defend the cryopod.

I let it die to teach them a lesson. Maybe you should try it sometime :)

Yep don't put your trust in anyone from this heartless community.

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Here's one: One time, I actually had a group of two or three of these guys. At one point during the cryopod defense they flat out left the entire objective area to farm ospreys or whatever, leaving me alone to defend the cryopod.

I let it die to teach them a lesson. Maybe you should try it sometime :)


Yeah, pretty much also with the inflow of lowbies. Leave the pod alone, and when it's about to die, Alt + F4. Fails their mission, no scoff at your own stats. Better if you're the host 'coz they just migrate to a failed mission.

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What OP fails to mention,

is that if a player leaves the room with the console/pod, he will eff up the spawn rates,

thus less enemies are spawning altogether, and thus less XP for everyone,....


So yeah,  DONT play Door heroes, be a teamplayer and stay close, and ALL will benefit..

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What OP fails to mention,

is that if a player leaves the room with the console/pod, he will eff up the spawn rates,

thus less enemies are spawning altogether, and thus less XP for everyone,....


So yeah,  DONT play Door heroes, be a teamplayer and stay close, and ALL will benefit..

There needs to be an actual thread/video either confirming or denying this as the enemies spawn is based on how many enemies are alive if more are dead more will spawn.

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so long as the doors stay shut and eyes arent everywhere, enemies will spawn. the more that spawn, the more XP and drops.

i fail to see the problem. ultimately youre there for XP and drops, and if you have a decent player, they will take notice when the defense targets are being damaged and will do something about it. this is something i do all the time.

theres no sense crying over what other people do. i maned up and did everything. the other people are there to keep spawn rates up, nothing more.

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so long as the doors stay shut and eyes arent everywhere, enemies will spawn. the more that spawn, the more XP and drops.

i fail to see the problem. ultimately youre there for XP and drops, and if you have a decent player, they will take notice when the defense targets are being damaged and will do something about it. this is something i do all the time.

theres no sense crying over what other people do. i maned up and did everything. the other people are there to keep spawn rates up, nothing more.

Ever heard of working with teammates rather than enduring them?

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Yeah, pretty much also with the inflow of lowbies. Leave the pod alone, and when it's about to die, Alt + F4. Fails their mission, no scoff at your own stats. Better if you're the host 'coz they just migrate to a failed mission.

That. They $&*^ you over, it's only common courtesy to return the favour.


It's so much better playing with clanmates and voice chat. You all stay on the pod and the dull parts are much better when you've got a constant stream of banter going.

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so long as the doors stay shut and eyes arent everywhere, enemies will spawn. the more that spawn, the more XP and drops.

i fail to see the problem. ultimately youre there for XP and drops, and if you have a decent player, they will take notice when the defense targets are being damaged and will do something about it. this is something i do all the time.

theres no sense crying over what other people do. i maned up and did everything. the other people are there to keep spawn rates up, nothing more.



Ever heard of working with teammates rather than enduring them?


Well apparently, he "manned up". I'd like to see this guy "man up" if DE implements friendly fire.


I think he doesn't understand that though teammates are there to "keep spawn rates up", spawn camping decreases spawn rates in turn, defeating the purpose. Finally, yes, all of us are here to gain XP and drops, but hallway heroes and lowbies don't care about you, so you don't get said XP and possibly drops too (ex. because it's outta the way to extraction). Man up, yep, more brawn I see.

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i love when i happen to have my corrupt nova build on when finding hallway heroes.i simply just run out into whatever room they are camping and hit 4. then run back to console. i repeat this over and over and over until they complain so that they can understand what it feels like when someone takes away the fun and xp.

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The unspeakable horrors that happen in those hallways were not meant for tenno eyes.

Today I walked in on a Nekros swimming in about 35 Oxium on the ground while 4 Shadowy Corpus Techs were circling around him.

I backed away slowly and went to save the objective. 

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