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Response To Recent/upcoming Updates For Ps4. :}


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So I started playing Warframe on my PS4 early December and ended up loving it. It's lots of fun and is a mmo so it keeps me busy while I patiently wait for more games on the PS4.


However.. The more I see updated get pumped out the easier this game seems to get. I mean I started playing and eventually farmed Tower 3 missions endlessly to get things like Orthos Prime, Boar Prime and Fang Prime. But now I see DE adding Boar receiver in ODD and having ODD drop NOTHING but CAP and DEFF keys. I mean I get that they were hard to obtain but you are talking about the 3 most notable prime weapons here! Me and my friends spent DAYS farming MD, CAP and DEF keys for this stuff!


And to make it worse I see people in region chat saying "Man, that Boar Prime barrel was a pain getting." SERIOUSLY?! I doubt he really knows just how many barrels I got farming MD keys.


THEN you go ahead and make "Prime components tradable via update 12.2.0." So first we didn't have to work for our mods and now we don't have to work for the best weapons in the game. Thanks for rendering my countless farming hours useless.


I love ya DE and I could play this game for the next 3+ years no matter how many crapy updates come my way. However this is just getting ridiculous. You can now quite literally buy the stuff that makes ANYONE powerful with platinum. It's unfair and frankly is just craping on those of us who farmed LIKE YOU SHOULD HAVE TO IN MMO GAMES.


In conclusion.. I just broke rank 14 and plan to master any weapons/frame/seintinel you dare throw at me. Mastering stuff keeps me busy which is what I want. Besides that I typically run my clan, help people and farm for fusion cookies.


PS: Me and my buddies are still looking forward to both the bad and the good of update 12.0.5



Without wax,


Edited by (PS4)natek_morzy
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I have yet to see how trading of prime parts invalidates the farming you did to get them. How does the fact that some random person (who has NO affiliation to you)who decides to trade/buy his prime stuff have an affect on your game? How do you know that the players in your game did not farm for their prime gear?  Are you just gonna assume that all the prime stuff you see is traded?


I hear a lot of people complaining that the trading of prime parts invalidates all the farming they did and I understand who it can be frustrating to grind like a mofo to get stuff, only to see some n00b at rank3 running around with all prime gear, but if you really think about it, who cares?


Personally, I would only allow trading of prime parts within a clan. Say your clan mate needs a latron prime barrel and despite multiple runs in T3 Surv. he's getting RNG'd to death. You have a spare barrel that you can trade to him. That's how I see it.  No selling to randoms for plat.

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Thank you, Tiger. I am fairly new here.


More than you know. This Prime stuff was suppose to be so hard to get that they even threw some of it in a bundle with platinum and dubbed it Prime Access. I can see people not working for the mods they want but seriously why let them get this much with just the swipe of a credit card? When I started playing this game it seemed to revolve around farming for the best things in the game. Now it instead revolves around paying and doing nothing.


And what about PVP? Do you think it's very fair if the most used melee weapon switched from Galatine to Orthos Prime? Do you think that will make PVP better? I don't.


Farming. Doing something over and over to get what you want. It's not easy, it's not fun, but it is rewarding. And now it means nothing. The only thing in this game you really cannot get is my mastery rank 14.


I may be biased, I may be across the fence from the rest of the PC/PS4 players. But A lot of my friends are here with me and feel the same way. If you want to chat sometime you have my PSN.




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So I started playing Warframe on my PS4 early December and ended up loving it. It's lots of fun and is a mmo so it keeps me busy while I patiently wait for more games on the PS4.

However.. The more I see updated get pumped out the easier this game seems to get. I mean I started playing and eventually farmed Tower 3 missions endlessly to get things like Orthos Prime, Boar Prime and Fang Prime. But now I see DE adding Boar receiver in ODD and having ODD drop NOTHING but CAP and DEFF keys. I mean I get that they were hard to obtain but you are talking about the 3 most notable prime weapons here! Me and my friends spent DAYS farming MD, CAP and DEF keys for this stuff!

And to make it worse I see people in region chat saying "Man, that Boar Prime barrel was a pain getting." SERIOUSLY?! I doubt he really knows just how many barrels I got farming MD keys.

THEN you go ahead and make "Prime components tradable via update 12.2.0." So first we didn't have to work for our mods and now we don't have to work for the best weapons in the game. Thanks for rendering my countless farming hours useless.

I love ya DE and I could play this game for the next 3+ years no matter how many crapy updates come my way. However this is just getting ridiculous. You can now quite literally buy the stuff that makes ANYONE powerful with platinum. It's unfair and frankly is just craping on those of us who farmed LIKE YOU SHOULD HAVE TO IN MMO GAMES.

In conclusion.. I just broke rank 14 and plan to master any weapons/frame/seintinel you dare throw at me. Mastering stuff keeps me busy which is what I want. Besides that I typically run my clan, help people and farm for fusion cookies.

PS: Me and my buddies are still looking forward to both the bad and the good of update 12.0.5

Without wax,


Primes are not that much better than regular frame. It's nothing that a few Forma cannot fix. I cannot believe you are upset about trading of Prime parts, which are so easy to get as it is right now. Just go on Wiki and it tells you where they drop. Geez, do you need a bib for your frame?

I cannot believe you are not upset about the coming PC and PS4 merge. And instead are talking about Prime parts. Who cares. Primes are not overpowered. Just slightly stronger. I have both Mag, Prime and Frost Prime. And they are not much better, just a few better polarities. Just get some Forma and stop wining.

Edited by (PS4)PD_33
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your annoyed about other people trading prime parts when you farmed them and earned them.....


simple solution continue to farm prime gear and don't worry about what or how other people get gear, i myself will just farm the gear.


in the end you forget most ps4 players are casual gamers, there will be other games taking them away from warframe eventually.

by trading prime parts this makes the casual new crowd pay for platinum and get stuff....that means DE gets money. money they can use to improve the game, add features and support it for the rest of us.


i say let them all spend platinum and buy things so it gives us a more quality and immersive game :)


the games industry is a business they need to make money somehow. no money, no game

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It's a coop third person shooter, not a MMO. It already has more than enough grinding as it it imho, and any effort in streamlining the game and making it less of a chore at times is welcome.


Grinding is not really a fun gameplay mechanic anyway. Grinding exists solely because it's actually easier to program minimal content and force you to repeat it over and over than to provide new, exciting content that's always fresh. Grinding in games is basically a way to make you come back to the same content over and over without spending the man hours to provide exciting new content . Warframe is often guilty of this excess grinding and padding, as there are only like 10 tilesets and three factions, meaning you're essentialy playing the same gameplay over and over already.. So any decrease in grind is imho a good thing ,whereas having you repeat the same mission 5 times in a row like in current PS4 invasions accounts basically to wasting everyone's time with useless grinding that's neither fun nor rewarding.


I know most people disagree with such a view. People think grinding makes a game and that grinding is what's great, but it's not. People love getting good stuff, but honestly, any game that provides said stuff without having you repeat the same thing over and over is superior in that regards to a game with less content, but forcing you to redo the same thing over and over again for the same result. MMOS hook you for months because they are rooted in the obsessive compulsive addiction to grind and getting better loot, but that does not make them better games because of it.

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You can now quite literally buy the stuff that makes ANYONE powerful with platinum. It's unfair and frankly is just craping on those of us who farmed LIKE YOU SHOULD HAVE TO IN MMO GAMES.


DE don't care about other MMO games.


People who farm everything, like me and many others, don't make them money; people who pay plats for everything do. 

Edited by (PS4)RocketPunch1221
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Primes are not that much better than regular frame. It's nothing that a few Forma cannot fix. I cannot believe you are upset about trading of Prime parts, which are so easy to get as it is right now. Just go on Wiki and it tells you where they drop. Geez, do you need a bib for your frame?

I cannot believe you are not upset about the coming PC and PS4 merge. And instead are talking about Prime parts. Who cares. Primes are not overpowered. Just slightly stronger. I have both Mag, Prime and Frost Prime. And they are not much better, just a few better polarities. Just get some Forma and stop wining.


Easy? EASY?! Do you know how long I have been farming non-stop for Ember Prime?! Since she came out! I just got her less than a week ago! THAT'S TWO MONTHS!! I don't know about you, but I don't call that easy.


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Imagine you just won a gold medal in the Olympics. You display it in your house, for all to see. You feel proud. Then, you look online, and see that another gold medal winner is just selling his medals on Ebay, and the buyers are showing them off saying "Look what I got!" They didn't do anything to earn the exact same thing you earned. They just happen to be richer, and now their flaunting it around! Your gold medal doesn't feel that special anymore, because others in the world are getting them, just because they have the money. You put in YEARS of work to EARN that gold medal, and now, someone who just so happens to be rich, BUYS them off EBAY! You could have skipped all that training and hard work you put into your Olympic talent, if you just happened to be blessed with more money. Doesn't feel all that special now, does it?

Edited by (PS4)Octodog
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Imagine you just won a gold medal in the Olympics. You display it in your house, for all to see. You feel proud. Then, you look online, and see that another gold medal winner is just selling his medals on Ebay, and the buyers are showing them off saying "Look what I got!" They didn't do anything to earn the exact same thing you earned. They just happen to be richer, and now their flaunting it around! Your gold medal doesn't feel that special anymore, because others in the world are getting them, just because they have the money. You put in YEARS of work to EARN that gold medal, and now, someone who just so happens to be rich, BUYS them off EBAY! You could have skipped all that training and hard work you put into your Olympic talent, if you just happened to be blessed with more money. Doesn't feel all that special now, does it?

Nonsense post.

If you earn a gold medal, you've earnt a gold medal.

If you buy a gold medal, you've bought somebody else's gold medal.

It doesn't change the fact that the the one you earn is yours and the record books say it's yours, and then one you buy is someone else's and the record books say it's theirs as well.

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Nonsense post.

If you earn a gold medal, you've earnt a gold medal.

If you buy a gold medal, you've bought somebody else's gold medal.

It doesn't change the fact that the the one you earn is yours and the record books say it's yours, and then one you buy is someone else's and the record books say it's theirs as well.


Ok, well then maybe an Olympic Gold Medal wasn't the best example, but the point was to help people realize what it means to at least some of us, to have the thing that we find special because we've actually put in the time and effort to earn these items. To know that others are just getting these weapons and warframes without really spending much time OR effort, just a lot of money, really takes the "specialness" out of the prime gear for me. because now they aren't hard to get.

Edited by (PS4)Octodog
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