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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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His liver strengthened by previous... "experiences" involving excessive alcohol and drug intake, Droben was quickly recovering from his dose of whatever-it-was-he-had. However, he was still a bit thrown off by the sheer absurdity of the situation that he found himself in. Drugged in somebody else's ship with his girlfriend of one day.


And so, knowing not what else to do, he simply followed the motions.







Miranda's face fell as she looked at Ruth, contemptuous and disgusted. Children, she thought. She looked at the other adults. "What is this?"

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(Derrrrrrp, sorry Azreal, I totally got lost and completely forgot they were dueling, let's just say Halcyon got thrashed ehh? Prolly what would've happened anyway. My bad, won't happen again.)

Halcyon stepped from the room, rubbing his shoulder where the cybernetic arm was attached, it worked fine, but he's tried to throw a punch earlier that had nearly ripped it from its shoulder. He waved goodbye to the Loki Prime and walked over to the gardens. He found the group of tenno, it looked like an Oberon, a zephyr, and a few others. Even a youngling Tenno, and last, the oracle. He watched it with interest, and walked over, examining the strange, floating, robot thing.

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A slightly damaged Liset arrived at the hangar, and a man came out. He looked around his forties and was wearing a suit of armor, reminiscent of the old times. He wore Volt gauntlets and shoulder pads, as well as Volt greaves. Over one of his shoulders a wolf pelt was strapped on, and it hung loosely on his back.


"Ah... Out of that ship, finally..." He silently said to himself and took a look around, trying to orientate.

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A Liset flew past Jupiter, and soon approached The Dojo. An Ash named Elog, outwardly working for the Lotus, but actually uses the organisation to get new clients and customers to sell off stolen goods, walked towards the controls as the Liset flew near The Dojo, and announced over the radio, "This is Elog, requesting a landing in The Dojo.". 

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"That. Is. My. Niece." Abra narrowed his eyes but pulled the Zephyr closer. "Her parents were killed by antimatter fission bombs back at Stickney crater, in Phobos. As her only family member left, I've taken custody of her. At least until she's of age."

His grip on her shoulder tightened. "I trust you won't do anything rash..."

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Elog's Liset landed in The Dojo without waiting for a reply, and Elog soon stepped out of the Liset when it landed, rolling his arms and looking around. 


"This place must've gotten renovated, ", he thought in his mind as he walked past the security checkpoint, "last time someone showed me some images of here, it wasn't that nice.". He walked around the docking bay, waiting for Zephyr, until he got bored of it, and contacted her, "Zeph, where are you now? Time is money, and I don't intend to stay long here.". 

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Rose had started strolling around the place and saw Elog at the docking bay. "Hi." was her only word as she waved at him.

"Oh... hello.", Elog replied to the female that had come up and greet him. 


Meanwhile, Zephyr's Liset flew out of Earth's orbit, and soon approached The Dojo floating in space. Without much of a hitch with the security checks, she landed in the docking bay, but almost sideswiped another Liset as she did so, since she misaligned the landing, but corrected at the last moment. Once the ship has landed, she contacted Elog, "I'm here. Come check the goods, see how much you can sell them for. I feel generous today, so I'll give you a 50-50 cut.". 


Elog received the transmission from Zephyr, and said to the female, "Sorry, have to pick up a call.". He walked away from her, and once he felt that she was out of earshot, he replied to Zephyr, "Where are you?". 


"Right here.", she replied, and set a quick waypoint on his comm link HUD, allowing him to find her ship and board it. 


"So, what is this cargo you wanted to sell?", he questioned, crossing his arms. 


"These.", she pointed, and opened the box, revealing an assortment of brand new Corpus weaponry, from a few Amprexes, to a couple of Cestras, and to a dozen Spectras. There was also two Glaxions inside the box, an experimental weapon that the Corpus developed, and she stole them on one of her missions assigned by the Lotus. 


Elog peered at the contents, nodding his head in satisfaction, and said, "You never fail to give me a good cut of the things you steal. Sometimes, I think I could just live off your stolen goods, if not for the fact that I have to pay my constant debts.". 


"You've been drinking a lot again, have you?", Zephyr grumbled, tapping her foot, "You know, that'll be the end of you.". 


"Says the girl who often overextends herself, ", Elog chuckled, and continued, "so, you want me to haul off the goods now?". 


"Sure. You did bring your own kinesis module?", she questioned.


"Never leave home without one.", he replied, then closed the box and started hauling it off Zephyr's ship. 

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"Who want's to know...?" The man growled. Then he turned his head, and sighed. "No... My comrades... umm... abandoned me five years ago... I am in no way related to them. Besides - what is an Oracle doing on this station? Shouldn't you be out, scouting things or something?" He asked in a flat voice, not showing any kind of emotion.

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Rose looked around and then back at her. "Uh... I don't know you..." She said with a confused look.

"Then, what are you doing on my ship?", Zephyr asked again, a hint of a growl in her tone, while Elog proceeded to continue moving the cargo off the ship and into his ship. Once he had done so, and tied down the cargo so that it does not move around while the Liset is flying, he disengaged the magnetic landing clamps, taxied his Liset, and flew off towards Saturn. 


(OOC: Elog will now be back at the Crashed Pod IC thread)

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The figure looked at him. "Hmm... Well they are going to Mars. Incase you bump into them... if you wish to help us. Tell Onyx." The figure then disappeared and Onyx was left. "Hi..." It said in a British accent.



"Not my business, not my war. Unless someone pays me to hunt down a few whatevers, I'll remain here enjoying whatever intoxicating drink i can consume." The man said, turning back towards the bar.


"Onyx is it?" He asked the Oracle after a while. "So you guys just pop up where ever and start asking people about groups that are more or less too dangerous to know about?"

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(Winged, Halcyon's story is that he'd never gone to sleep, his cells warped a Millenia ago by the voids strange properties, allowing them to self replicate at a much reduced DNA corrosion factor than that of other tenno. As for referencing the Matrix, I didn't start it did I? I don't wanna make waves tho, so if it bothers you I can take it out or make another excuse)

Halcyon looked at the Oracle floating nearby,

"So... What's your purpose then?" He asked, stepping closer to poke the object.

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Frowning, Halcyon watched the Oracle float away, miffed at still being no closer to knowing what it was. He debated walking after it, but decided not to, it would probably just warp away if it noticed him, and Frost Prime wasn't the most stealthy warframe. He looked back around, noticing the others, making a note or two each of their personalities. He looked at the youngling, and crouched, opening a hand and concentrating,

"Do you like snow?" He asked, making a snowball in his hand and handing it to the young tenno."

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