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The Dojo (Open Rp)


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(I might just move Nylocke somewhere else, say it was a time warp and the dinner happened already. Possibly say that Nyvynai is just wandering, see if I catch in some people.)

Nylocke was in a simple black hoodie with rolled up sleeves, black fingerless gloves, and dark grey jeans and black sneakers, her blonde hair is messy and swooped to the side, thin glasses adorn her face contrary to before. She seems to be walking with Rodney through the dojo.

(Here ya go Bras.)

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Zephyr walked into the bar, noticing the rather dim lighting and the rather thickish, yet alluding air that helped to create part of the atmosphere in the bar. She chose one of the barstools near the counter, and sat down, ordering a glass of water for now, as she did not like to drink anything alcoholic (the last time she did it [and got drunk], she fell off a cliff, so she still has that phobia). 


As she waited for the water to come, she looked around her, and saw a man with a floating star-shaped robot, or something along those lines. As she viewed the both of them, she squinted her eyes, feeling that the man looked familiar. When she narrowed them, even under the dim lights, she saw a few features that she could recognise somewhere, as well as his wolf pelt draped over his shoulders. As she flipped through her memory to remember where did she see him, it hit her: It was the leader from the Scarlet Claw. 


Zephyr did a double take on that realisation, lost her balance on the bar stool, and fell down with a crash. 

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"I'm...", Zephyr started to speak, then saw the same man that she viewed on prior, and now here he was, in such close proximity that she could smell the spirits in his breath, and saw all the details in his face to confirm that this person was Hound. She shivered at the thought that this is the leader of the group that captured Zarine, then continued with her reply, "fine.". She picked herself up, and briskly walked away, hoping that he would not follow. 

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Hound just shrugged and turned back to the bar, taking another sip. Then he sighed, and said to himself:"Well. I think i should be going." He got up, and went to the hangar bay, to get back on his ship.


"Welcome back, murderer." His ship's cephalon said to him, as it opened the hatch.


"I already told you... I tried to save her... It wasn't my fault..." he loudly called, as he got in the Liset.


The ship departed, and took on a course for Earth.


(OOC: Hound is moving to Crashed Pod)

Edited by Psychotoxin
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Zephyr continued to walk quickly away from the bar, until she arrived at the docking bay, and saw a Liset take off and leave The Dojo. 


"[size=2]That was close...[/size]", she muttered to herself, hugging her hands around her body as she walked past the security checkpoint and to her ship, "[size=2]If he got me...[/size]". She shivered again at the hypothetical situation that played in her mind as she boarded the ship, greeting Titra with a promise that she'll wipe the long congealed blood on the ship, and set the course back to the abandoned holes on Earth. As the ship took off from the magnetic landing clamps and taxied to fly out of The Dojo, Zephyr swapped out her Cierzo helmet with her original one, and remembered that her cloak was still on Yngvette's Liset. 


"I'll ask her for that once I see her again.", she thought in her mind as she grabbed a bucket and mop, stuffed in the corner of the room, filled it with a bit of water, brought it to the main hub and started cleaning the blood, while the ship flew off towards its intended course. 


(OOC: And Zephyr will now be back at Crashed Pod.)

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(I might just move Nylocke somewhere else, say it was a time warp and the dinner happened already. Possibly say that Nyvynai is just wandering, see if I catch in some people.)

Nylocke was in a simple black hoodie with rolled up sleeves, black fingerless gloves, and dark grey jeans and black sneakers, her blonde hair is messy and swooped to the side, thin glasses adorn her face contrary to before. She seems to be walking with Rodney through the dojo.

(Here ya go Bras.)

Rodney laughed, in the middle of a story he was telling to Nylocke.  "Turns out, Lennie was trying to access the artifact without directly interacting with the Corrupted, so he tried going through the air ducts.  Meanwhile, I'm taking out large groups of them, when I hear a sound above me.  I look up, and down Lennie falls, straight through the ceiling!"

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Nylocke chuckles at Rodney's story, her hands casually are slipped into her pockets, her face is calm and relaxed, as well as the rest of her body language. She and Rodney had been walking alone together and exchanging stories and conversation.

"From what I've heard, you got a pretty interesting friend... Heheh..."

She smiled and chuckled further at the thought of his misadventures.

"What're you doing here anyway?"

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After an entire night of "activities" with Droben, Kate left the bed. Wandering around the Druid with nothing but a shirt on, she found the Foundry sparking as it worked on a new project, the nanomachines altering the molecular composition of the materials into something new.

"Ooo. What's cooking?"

With a ping, the Foundry opened and revealed what was inside.

"An Oryx helmet. Seriously? Abra wasted a potato on the $&*&*#(%& deer accessory?"

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Droben lay on his side on the bed, silent but thoughtful. The only signs that he was alive were the slow raise and fall of his chest, and the occasional dart of his eye off in another direction.




Miranda reached the gate to the arena that she had been looking for and leaned against the wall, straining to hold back a smile.

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Assuming that he had fallen asleep, Droben ignored the creature. He was in no mood for games, oddly enough.


((I'm sorry, what? Am I missing something, or did your Oracle just straight up leave a rather heated situation and just sorta appear in the Druid?))

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Nylocke chuckles at Rodney's story, her hands casually are slipped into her pockets, her face is calm and relaxed, as well as the rest of her body language. She and Rodney had been walking alone together and exchanging stories and conversation.

"From what I've heard, you got a pretty interesting friend... Heheh..."

She smiled and chuckled further at the thought of his misadventures.

"What're you doing here anyway?"

Rodney thought for a second.  "Honestly... just sort of hanging out I guess.  I'm in between missions, so I don't really have anything else to do.  I also realized it might be a good idea to get some non-work friends, so it's not just listening to and telling stories like the one I just told you for hours on end.  They get boring after a while, you know?"

Edited by Braslazer
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Rodney thought for a second.  "Honestly... just sort of hanging out I guess.  I'm in between missions, so I don't really have anything else to do.  I also realized it might be a good idea to get some non-work friends, so it's not just listening to and telling stories like the one I just told you for hours on end.  They get boring after a while, you know?"

"Makes sense."

Nylocke simply shrugs.

"I'll say it pays to have a sister. Gives me someone to keep in mind wherever I may be, I didn't expect to come and make any friends here in honesty."

She swats her faux-hawked hair slightly to straighten it back up. It's visible that there are red highlights at the tip of her black hair.

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