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Why Do People Hate Nova?


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In fact I'm asking myself if the Nova haters aren't just those who don't want to try harder.

Some people legitimately want the NPC to take a considerable amount of time to kill, and they want each engagement to be a bit drawn-out battle and have the distinct possibility of losing. This group wants the game to be high-risk all the time, or they just want a slow paced game, and it is hard to tell the difference.


I am not a nova hater in the slightest, and I do not hate any WF at this point. I just wonder why DE doesn't equalize warframes like Excalibur and the other that have pitiful AoE in comparison to nova.

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There are a few reasons why i hate Nova.

1. Nova players put no effort into killing anything. They don't even bother aiming. They only do something other than pressing "4" and running around when they run out of energy. But they don't. Why? Because corrupted builds are OP. And considering the amount of enemies they are nuking, they ALWAYS have alot of energy to spare.

2. They divide affinity. Some people might say "oh, that's great, you're leveling up your gear faster, what's the problem with that?", BUT they are terribly mistaken. Some people, like me, aren't carrying all 4 pieces of gear which need the leveling. I usually level my polarized weapons separately. And when you remember the fact that they divide the XP you gain, and distribute it to all pieces of your gear, you realize that you essentially lose 75% of whole XP you're supposed to be getting. That's annoying. That's pretty much slowing the process of leveling a single weapon by 4 times.

3. I don't like Nova players. They are always mean. :*( I've never met a human Nova player which wasn't mean to me. It's like every single one of the Nova players want to make me into a slave of their almighty Nova empire and steal my property. And kill me in process.

I won't deny the fact that Nova's pretty fun to play, though. But...it's not so fun when you watch someone besides you nuke all the stuff around you, though.

P.S. Love the Nova players which occasionally use the wormhole ability to create shortcuts of sorts tho...but still hate them, lol. :)

Edited by Harbinger777
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The only time I dislike partying with Nova, is when I'm trying to level weapons. Slows the process of leveling down greatly.


In higher level missions, I won't say no to her Molecular Prime. Besides, Nova is like nuclear launch codes, written on a paper napkin: Powerful, but very fragile.



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Like Cyrionn pointed out, the problem is not Nova, but players having a different expectation on how to play the game. What would solve the Nova issue would be to have matchmaking labels, like "speedrun" or "slow paced" or "no ability spam". That way players can specify how they want to play the game and everyone can be happy. 

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Nova, like the counterpart in real life (The death of a star) outshines a lot of other things, the specific things being any other damage frame. She has everything you could want and more for all enemy types. There is no situation she does poorly in, none. You can take her anywhere, to any place in the solar system and she'll excel, and that makes people kind of angry because one frame does the work of four or five others that are meant to play similar roles but flat out worse in every case. Really, its just the frame itself, was the product of an actual gratuitous amount of feedback from a lot of people, this made her very strong, as they really picked out her weaknesses and flaws and reduced them. She's supposed to be a glass cannon, and kind of is, but the cannon part outweighs the glass part so severely it's a bit silly.


So when people put their time and effort into carefully crafting another frame, and then Nova comes along and does it better at a lower rank without really formaing much, or even having a good mod build... people get kind of butthurt. Really, the issue has less to do with Nova, and more to do with a lot of other frames just really lagging behind in terms of relative power.

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Setting aside misconceptions, gold farmers, and other nonsense, all the "it's boring therefore nerf/buff" requests amount to "nerf it the TTK is too high" or "buff it, the TTK is too low".  Unlike DPS and other game stats, TTK is something that the player can FEEL.  So, it has a greater connection to fun than other game stats.


Based on TTK(Time to Kill), there are at least 4 different play styles:  Player High TTK + Enemy Low TTK, Enemy High TTK + Player Low TTK,  Player and Enemy High TTK, Player and Enemy Low TTK.  So, it seems sensible to me to have modes to accommodate all four of these play styles, and to normalize the rewards across all 4 of them so people play them for enjoyment, not to exploit the reward differences.  Of course, what constitutes high and low TTK is to be discovered.


So, that is why some people are bored with Nova and call for a nerf.  They feel her TTK is not right for their sense of fun, while others disagree and consider her great fun.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Setting aside misconceptions, gold farmers, and other nonsense, all the "it's boring therefore nerf/buff" requests amount to "nerf it the TTK is too high" or "buff it, the TTK is too low".  Unlike DPS and other game stats, TTK is something that the player can FEEL.  So, it has a greater connection to fun than other game stats.

Yeah, a slider to change durability of NPC would be one way to fix this. There is no one sized fits all solution, as some people like arcade style shooters, and others want a slow-motion tactics game. There is no way to make both groups happy, without an ability to customize the difficulty setting.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Yeah, a slider to change durability of NPC would be one way to fix this. There is no one sized fits all solution, as some people like arcade style shooters, and others want a slow-motion tactics game. There is no way to make both groups happy, without an ability to customize the difficulty setting.


Actually, that might be a really good option for DE down the line. Make things more resilient to add more challenge, or (hopefully, if changes to stealth ever come around) be more stealthy and acquire something special or really any other sort of added challenge or unique modifier you can think of, at the player's discretion. Making your own fun is really rewarding, and if there's something to be gained from it, most people will try out fiddling with the sliders and things to find their sweet spot.


I'm always an advocate for difficulty that the player gets to choose. Custom nightmare modes would be pretty crazy cool. (Or even go hog wild, and allow players access to the tools used to build the game so they can make tilesets and creat additional content that way.)

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So, that is why some people are bored with Nova and call for a nerf.  They feel her TTK is not right for their sense of fun, while others disagree and consider her great fun.

Something I guess I will never understand is why people think pressing 4 every couple seconds is good gameplay. I am really betting that people don't find her fun per say, but rather they get into the farmville (actual game) - esque trap where the only reason they play her is because they are obsessed with efficiency, either that or they love to feel like they are doing something with as little actually doing something as possible.


One thing that also irks me is why people think they are entitled to such power with so little effort. I am all for the player possessing power, but they need to earn the hugely powerful things, not get lucky and get a lot of mod drops.

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Something I guess I will never understand is why people think pressing 4 every couple seconds is good gameplay. I am really betting that people don't find her fun per say, but rather they get into the farmville (actual game) - esque trap where the only reason they play her is because they are obsessed with efficiency, either that or they love to feel like they are doing something with as little actually doing something as possible.


One thing that also irks me is why people think they are entitled to such power with so little effort. I am all for the player possessing power, but they need to earn the hugely powerful things, not get lucky and get a lot of mod drops.

I'm one of those players who likes Nova/MPrime. I don't quite know why, but it's extremely satisfying to see everything explode with the press of a button and a few shots. Actually, it's interesting that you think it might be an efficiency thing...While I don't mind playing slowly, seeing a bunch of enemies grouped together just seems like the perfect opportunity to take them out all at once. And it's not just Nova who can destroy everything with the press of a button, most of the frames have at least one ability that will kill everything instantly (this obviously doesn't work at higher levels). And so I always put max energy and power efficiency mods on all my frames because it's somehow really fun to see everything die in one ability. 


I guess feeling overpowered is just satisfying. Although a tough mission is equally as fun...so I guess with all the grinding we have to do in Warfarme it just feels nice to be able to grind quicker.

Edited by kuliise
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because they hate nova 1-hitting enemies before their pride and glorious warframe/ 5 star forma-ed weapon does. and starts crying about KS in a co-op PvE

It annoys me so much when playing survival with a Nova who DON'T push 4. I want them sweet delicious exp.....

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Can´t remember how many times the combo of Nova´s MP and MAG´s Pull saved the entire team.


Love Nova although as Sniper, team assist and enemy nuker when the team is about to wipe.


Kill stealing ? This is a Team game !


You want ego ? Its called "Solo" in-game .

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Can´t remember how many times the combo of Nova´s MP and MAG´s Pull saved the entire team.


Love Nova although as Sniper, team assist and enemy nuker when the team is about to wipe.


Kill stealing ? This is a Team game !


You want ego ? Its called "Solo" in-game .

More misguided people who think it is about ego.


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Nova is the frame that highlights enough of the games fundamental issues or failings by making use of them or having them as her key focus.
Nuke Hard, Run Fast, Not enough scaling abilities, Maximizing on one ability is too beneficial compared to a more complex and balanced build, enemies are too simple, enemies have no defence against our powers.  
You name a problem with Warframe, Nova probably is on the favoured side of it. 
Which just translates through peoples heads as a problem with Nova. 

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Which just translates through peoples heads as a problem with Nova. 

Nova is also a symptom of another problem: AoE is too effective, and it renders groups of Ai units as a trivial challenge. The fact that people call the single target damage powers "useless" and "pointless" points to AoE as the problem.


This issue extends to the AoE weapons as well, and their effectiveness at clearing groups of NPC makes single target weapons pointless. There is just too much incentive to just use AoE, and the only thing that limits these weapons is self-suicide.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Most damage frames trivalize anything thats not endless. If this wasn't the case we wouldn't need an endgame. I can easily get every kill with any ultimate or warframe that does damage. Eg: Oberon, Ember, Mag, (Insert name here).  


You guys say that nova is taking away gameplay, but does it matter that she's killing enemies with abilities? If you want to kill enemies with just your weapon that any frame can use then don't feel bad when a damage dealing warframe "steals your kills".


Despite this I know and agree with what most of you guys are saying. You shouldn't be forced to run a damage frame if you want to enjoy gameplay. 


If this is really bothering you, there are a few options


1: Run endurance and speed mods plus a dual zoren. You will easily outrun anyone and using a good weapon will ensure you get the kills.

2: Play a game mode where there are enough enemies and go the opposite direction of Nova or any other damage dealing warframe. Example: survival. 

3: Use a different warframe.

4: Beg DE to make damage abilities useless at all levels (already mostly useless at high levels, but all are very effective at low levels)

5: Only play with friends/ people you know not to play like D bags. (Spamming ults etc)

Edited by (PS4)ballin12345
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Something I guess I will never understand is why people think pressing 4 every couple seconds is good gameplay. I am really betting that people don't find her fun per say, but rather they get into the farmville (actual game) - esque trap where the only reason they play her is because they are obsessed with efficiency, either that or they love to feel like they are doing something with as little actually doing something as possible.


One thing that also irks me is why people think they are entitled to such power with so little effort. I am all for the player possessing power, but they need to earn the hugely powerful things, not get lucky and get a lot of mod drops.

Some people like 'press X to win' and hate anything that requires skill and effort... casuals ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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Can´t remember how many times the combo of Nova´s MP and MAG´s Pull saved the entire team.


Love Nova although as Sniper, team assist and enemy nuker when the team is about to wipe.


Kill stealing ? This is a Team game !


You want ego ? Its called "Solo" in-game .

Just because a game is co-op, doesn't make it any less competitive. They give you a reward/result screen at the end of every mission showing off the performance of each individual player, this is plenty incentive for any player to give it their all. 



Some people like 'press X to win' and hate anything that requires skill and effort... casuals ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I concur. 

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It's because of M-Prime.  If you look at the power and compare it to other similar ones, it's pretty obvious that it isn't well balanced.  The damage is comparable (when you factor in the exploding mobs are going to hit things that take 2x damage), the radius is huge (25m compared to 15m for powers like World on Fire or Miasma, and 15m on the explosions), and it debuffs as well, with a long duration debuff so that -duration means nothing, making certain corrupted mods painless to use.  Of course, M-Prime should be better than Miasma due to being on a squishier frame, but not that much better.  And World on Fire?  Well, that's just underpowered ;)


That said, while I feel that both the radius and duration of M-Prime are too high, I don't hate Novas.  Stuff dies faster and the xp gets split to the crappy weapons I don't want to use but have to carry around for mastery levels.  So nuke away, Novas!

Edited by Axterix13
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Nova is also a symptom of another problem: AoE is too effective, and it renders groups of Ai units as a trivial challenge. The fact that people call the single target damage powers "useless" and "pointless" points to AoE as the problem.


This issue extends to the AoE weapons as well, and their effectiveness at clearing groups of NPC makes single target weapons pointless. There is just too much incentive to just use AoE, and the only thing that limits these weapons is self-suicide.


Horde mode makes no sense without effective AOE because a Horde is inherently advantaged against a squad.  So, the problem is expecting something, single target attacks, to be effective when it is not meant to be.

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Just because a game is co-op, doesn't make it any less competitive. They give you a reward/result screen at the end of every mission showing off the performance of each individual player, this is plenty incentive for any player to give it their all. 



No, that's not true.  Coop means cooperation, which is the opposite of competition.  So, it was a huge mistake to include FORCED competitive elements in the game rather than a separate mechanism for competition.  Competitive people have no business playing against people who are not competing against them in return.  There should be a way to separate the competitive players from the non-competitive players.  It cheapens competition if all the parties involved are not competing.

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Horde mode makes no sense without effective AOE because a Horde is inherently advantaged against a squad.  So, the problem is expecting something, single target attacks, to be effective when it is not meant to be.

Correct me if I am wrong, but warframe is a game about ninjas.

It isn't a zombie drone horde killer, or at least it wasn't always this way. I remember when AOE didn't really exist. 


Fast paced doesn't mean having the capacity to kill every bloody thing (within intended levels) in a matter of milliseconds, it means fast paced.

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