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Nyx: The Worst Warframe In The Game


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Nyx is my Fav Frame.  I have formaed her 4 times .... max shields, including Vigor mod max health, max print speed, she is the mother of all Tanks lol ..... Just give me 1 sec of distraction ( choas ) and I take out the entire enemy base lol.  Sometimes a frame level to 30 might not be good enough for you, but forma them and it's a different ball game :-D

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Nyx is one of the best and MOST useful frames in the game. You have got to be kidding me. If you actually have GOOD teammates (who don't shot everything around absorb) and you mod her right, absorb can do insane damage.

Once I racked up over 50k damage per target using it.

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XD XD XD Soooo close to crying. Your Nyx is obviously bugged or something, you rank her worst skill as best o.O? not sure what you are doing or how badly you are playing her but Nyx is REALLY awesome but its your opinion. I've seen the frames I despise shine when used by players who actually like them so maybe you're just woeful at playing Nyx because she just does not 'fit' into your playstyle *shrugs*

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  • 1 month later...

Best defense team comp Nyx, Loki, Rhino, and Banshee

Get Loki to mass disarm a entire room then when the all bunch up on his decoy cast roar followed by Sonar if done right you have 100% damamage buff with a 10X multi on body parts drop absorb get ir nice and primed and a switch TP before it goes boom. And you get a nice mini nuke in under 5secs if anything survives that then you did it wrong. With that combo scaling enemies become a mere play thing for nyx and her team why waste bulleets on a sponge when you can drop a mag on her and turn the room into a blood bath.

If anyone else tries it they'll see try team synergy with it.

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In My Opinion, your Opinion is wrong :)


It does seem like you haven't really played Nyx much or tested out the limits of her skills.



While I do sort of agree with some of the points.

Mind control (Nyx 1) is very situational, and its often easyer to simply shoot targets but it does give you access to ancient healers which can heal the team up.

Bolts (Nyx 2) have always felt a bit weak but then DE seems to hate all single target DD skills, and its not really the focus of this frame, you can spend 50 more energy on absorb and do more damage,


Chaos (Nyx 3), suffers from power in use issues, which makes Excal radial blind or Loki disarm better options in many cases, but when you consider it against Nekros 4, its pretty strong and still remains a decent Control.


Absorb (Nyx ultimate) becomes one of the strongest aoe powers in the game with Castanas and fleeting expertise doing a nice 40,000 aoe across 22m along with immunity to recharge shields and a really nice taunt that can save other players / Objectives.


You can also increase the duration to 25 seconds, jump off a cliff then run round, immune to damage and controls, and finally detonate, this can be pretty impressive on levels with lots of holes to..."Accidentally fall into"


The upcoming changes to Absorb mean that you can now use both Chaos and Absorb on the same build without being locked into a set absorb duration, which should be interesting.



With solid weapon based scalable aoe damage, and good control skills, I strongly disagree that Nyx is the worse frame in the game.

Consider Poor Saryn, or other direct damage caster frames like Ember

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  • 4 weeks later...


 Absorb. Never liked it. I like mobility. Getting stuck in place and get shot at is not really appealing to me. Used it once, did nothing outstanding, never used it again.


 To me Nyx has 2 skill that are not very useful. But she is far from being bad.


I freaking love Nyx - my favorite frame to play by far. And a recent patch makes absorb a lot better...you can toggle it on and off, and it will consume energy/second while she is in absorb. The aggro mechanic is much better now too...most of the time lol

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Especially with her most recent buff to Absorb, I she's most definitely not bad, in fact she's arguably broken OP good, although the rest of her skill set is admittedly very lackluster. Mind Control is practically a single target stun since players or enemies will most likely kill them before they even finish their animation, and even then the controlled enemy doesn't even follow you around or deal worthwhile damage. Psychic Bolts are kinda cool aesthetically but at the end of the day they're just a basic (and kinda pricy) direct damage skill. Chaos is just a better Mind Control, but without the enemy loyalty. Sort of interesting but it still feels like a panic button more than anything else.


She's okay, but the rest of her abilities (particularly MC and Psychic Bolts) could use some reworking to give them more "pizazz".

Edited by Paradoxbomb
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Note that this is entirely my opinion and my standpoints on the game.


Here's what I think about Nyx. She's just God awful.


Her health and shields, while yes, may be higher than some of the other "caster" 'Frames ( Vauban, Nova ), her armor is completely lacking. Yes, I know that there has to be some falloff in a Warframe's abilities, but giving her higher health and shields while lower base armor, a HUGE amount of a difference, is just depressing. She even moves slower than some of them while having a slimmer physical appearance.


Her powers? I do see the uses in them but I hate them, except for Psychic Bolts, the only actual fun one I think she has.


MIND CONTROL : Worthless. It targets one enemy and is a weaker/stronger form of Chaos. Weaker in the sense of being limited to one target out of every single enemy out there, and stronger in a sense of where the enemy shouldn't attack you ( bugs may cause it to attack you ). Targets die too fast to make this even worth using, and on higher level missions ( 40+ ) you may as well just use Chaos.


PSYCHIC BOLTS : You can make these potentially very powerful but at the cost of using up a ton of energy per cast, which makes this her only power even worth using for direct damage-dealing due to that concept being balanced. Yet, still, even if you try to make it a full-on damage build for these only, you lack completely in every other department if you plan on using any of her other powers. The targeting on them is very limited: tracking, but still, the game is a beta, so that can be forgiven, even though they still don't track all too well at all.


CHAOS : God... this power, it causes me stress to no end. I can see its uses. It makes enemies attack their allies/their enemies at random. It prevents the team from being attacked more. It causes enemies to react to their former allies as now enemies, causing them to run about and take cover, causing even more stress being pulled off the players.


I personally think this is one of the two worst abilities in this game, the other being Absorb.


It was very badly done. It has strengths and weaknesses, balanced, but not something Warframe should use. The ability itself does not give anyone XP if killed while under the status effect ( possible bug ), and the ability itself cannot be used again until the effect wears off or if all enemies under the effect dies, being a "balance" in on itself. The ability is only useful at higher levels, much like Mind Control ( 50+ ), and is pretty much a stronger version of Mind Control, though you can compare many abilities to one another easily. No matter what you try to completely max out on the ability, it suffers somehow ( duration against range against efficiency ). If you try to max range as well it takes away from being able to physically see where enemies are at, easily losing potential drops, and still losing XP.


ABSORB : The worst ability in this game, even worse than Chaos. It has no use at all, unless the person playing as Nyx is about to get downed. The meditation state where you're actually absorbing damage either lasts far, far too long, or far too short. I would assume that players would max their power cards out for a Warframe on abilities they want to use, but even so, a 10 second long duration just with the power itself maxed out and no other effects against duration is way too long. By that time other enemies are killed very, very easily. You cannot use the argument of it's only good at higher levels here due to other far more useful powers being able to be used instead, INCLUDING Chaos ( Bastille, Vortex, Radial Disarm, Stomp, ect. ). 


Duration, high or low aside, if maxed, causes the ability a lot more harm than good. Its max base damage, modded correctly, is high I would say, but the strength it has against that base range ( maxed power card range ) if you ignore everything else is awful. Even the max range the ability has, modded correctly, is horrible, and makes the base damage it has almost as low as Psychic Bolts. An ultimate ability should not be that weak, even though it reflects damage back at enemies. 


I've probably forgot to list some of my key points here but I think that my statement has been made: Nyx is the worst Warframe in this game and needs a complete overhaul.




People seem to be missing my point of that her powers are outclassed, far outclassed in what they're supposed to do, by other 'Frames.


This is not a troll thread.




I HAVE played as her and I HAVE leveled her to 30. I have tried many different builds on her, and no matter what, it seems underpowered and not really useful in many situations at all. Underclassed, underpowered. I do not need to "L2P" her.


This is still not a troll thread.

Though you seem to be serious i have to say


You are absolutely wrong


Nyx is amazing and always useful aside from extremely low tier things where it doesnt matter

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i... think he is trying to protect Nyx by saying she is badcuz she is quite op now.... i mean range chaos and absorb build is quite powerful... nice try on distracting the nerf bat there

Quite OP now? She's been like that since than. Except Chaos last time didn't have a duration.
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people saying late game frames like nyx are overpowered and need to get nerfed make me vomit in my own mouth, its disgusting how many people *@##$ and moan cause someone has a frame that is stronger at manipulating the dumb AI in the game than they do.

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You should sell her as obviously she is not what are you expecting of her to be.


Mind Control- great. If you know what which type of mob is capable of, it is great power.


PBolts- horrible. Shouldnt even be part of Nyx power set.


Chaos- best cc power in game. Should i even explain how useful Chaos is.


Absorb- 2 000 000 damage isnt enough for you?

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