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The Exclusives Megathread (The Eternal Struggle Of Giving A Damn And Not Giving A Damn About Event Items)


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What is this? Exclusives day?

Lol. So much exclusive..

Players are reasonably upset by something. Of course they are going to continue giving feedback and criticism on the matter.

"Sit down and shutup" is hardly a reasonable thing to expect on a forum - a place meant for discussion.

^Not to imply that you said or meant that.

Edited by FrissonSeeker
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In a sane world, only cosmetics would be exclusive. You'd always have them visible to know you're special, and it wouldn't F*** with game-play in any way.


I blame exclusives tending towards being better and still giving mastery, creating a noticeable gap in player potential.

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In a sane world, only cosmetics would be exclusive. You'd always have them visible to know you're special, and it wouldn't F*** with game-play in any way.


I blame exclusives tending towards being better and still giving mastery, creating a noticeable gap in player potential.

I am not holding out on Founders "exclusives"(the only place where DE ever said that)coming back. I am tentatively holding out they will remove Mastery and Codex completion for the actual "exclusives". 

Paying to "complete" the game is a real shame.

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Just. Stop.


Seriously, just stop with the damn exclusives and "bring this weapon back threads". DE already said that event weapons may come back at a point in future events. Thats all the info we have and all the info we really need at this point.


I understand that the forum is a place for discussion, but the exclusives argument has gotten  to a point where the discussion as been done to death. Pretty much everyone is sick of it so just stop bringing it up.

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Every single piece of gear should be able to be earned in the game, outside of the original Prime set. The ONLY reason the first Prime set needs to be off list is not for elitism, but because it was a reward for supporting DE with some pretty decent funds. 


My tiny opinion:


Original Prime set - give people a chance to still have it, however it needs to stay behind the 'pay-wall'. I don't care if new players can get it, what I care about out is that those items were made only for people actually supporting DE. No player playing the game for free should have access to that. 


All other special items in the game were event based - if you had free time, you could get the items. Simply keep them event-based, but yes, bring them back. I'm sorry you spent 20+ hours working to the Brakk, that doesn't mean you only get to have it that one time. Don't put the Brakk in the store, don't let people trade for it, but bring it out for new events. Everyone should have the chance to collect all the items, not just the few people that were able to play the game during normal work hours. The only reason the first Prime set should never be released (without the pay wall in place), is because that was a reward to those of us willing to help fund this game.

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I am not holding out on Founders "exclusives"(the only place where DE ever said that)coming back. I am tentatively holding out they will remove Mastery and Codex completion for the actual "exclusives".

Paying to "complete" the game is a real shame.

Implying completion is even achievable.

Also, gave you an accidental +1 'cause misclicks.

Edited by GottaGoFast
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We should also get Lato Vandal, Braton Vandal oh and Founders weapons and frame also as an event or whatever. 


Because exclusives should be brought up every single time a new player joins so he can have it just because they are good. I mean, obviously you need the old exclusive weapons to compete with other players in this PVE game. It's not like currently available weapons can help you beat high level enemies.



Edited by _Sokol_
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I'll be your exclusive. Too bad valentines day ending. Oh well. Maybe next year.


On Topic: I really hope they'll put in a skin instead. Then people can have their specials and eat it. (and then choke on it because it's stale and full of bugs.)

Edited by Sutherland
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If the Brakk is brought back I want a chance to get all the weapons I've missed like the Snipetron Vandal, Braton Vandal, Lato Vandal, etc.


BTW, I really don't want any of these weapons brought back, but if you're going to bring the Brakk back then you might as well bring back the rest.

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This isn't even a topic. They said explicitly that the only exclusives are Founder's Pack items and the Prime Access uniques.


Why is there even a discussion about this? Why is this so difficult for the community to grasp?


It seems to me like selfish people just want to feel special. I for one hope they release the Brakk with the Grineer Death Squad just so these entitled individuals can wake up.

Edited by Dominus_Tenno
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