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To Those Who Complain About 50Ish Invasion Runs For Brakk


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Remember how the people who got the Brakk had to run 100?


The only advantage we had was the guarantee of getting it after those 100.


to those of you who got all the parts before duplicates, congratulations.


To those of you who have done over 100 runs without getting them, I feel for you.


But just a friendly reminder.



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I'm not disagreeing with the viewpoint that the rng on the G3 is complete crap and needs fixing, but I am noticing a trend of people complaining over 50 runs and not having all three parts. Also,we did not have it easy. 100 runs is tough as S#&$ and takes a lot of time regardless of reward output

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100 runs for a GUARANTEED reward is Significantly better than the RNG clusterfuck we put up with now, Gradivus Brakk owners had it easy..

You could just as well had participated in the Gradivus if you wanted it 'easy'. Be grateful you get the chance to recieve it at all. That aside, most people i know got it in under 50 runs so...

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You could just as well had participated in the Gradivus if you wanted it 'easy'. Be grateful you get the chance to recieve it at all. That aside, most people i know got it in under 50 runs so...


perhaps you know where i can buy a time machine

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Remember how the people who got the Brakk had to run 100?


The only advantage we had was the guarantee of getting it after those 100.


to those of you who got all the parts before duplicates, congratulations.


To those of you who have done over 100 runs without getting them, I feel for you.


But just a friendly reminder.


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50 runs? lol I'm at 139 and only have the BP.


Gradivus players had it pathetically easy. Seeing them whining about 100 runs for a definite prize makes me laugh.


so the ones of us that got it in proper time doing the event should laugh at you fighting against RNG and not getting anything useful after 500 misions?


very constructive.


was not easy at all, was boring/grindy/repetitive as hell, and the way DE implemented the brakk release now is pathetic (after all this time more wild RNG? really?)


instead of fighting between us, everyone should notice the artificial gameplay DE is creating here, with moar and moar grind, again.


and the problem realy IMO is not the brakk, but the events rewards being distributed again (any event reward), why held events in that case, is useless.

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50 runs? lol I'm at 139 and only have the BP.


Gradivus players had it pathetically easy. Seeing them whining about 100 runs for a definite prize makes me laugh.


To those of you who have done over 100 runs without getting them, I feel for you.

Again, I did not post this topic with the intent of coming off as "whiny", and i can understand your anger for doing over 100 runs without getting the brakk, but 100 runs is 100 runs regardless of reward; I don't think 100 runs is pathetically easy regardless of how badly the rng gods have treated you. Also i was more specifically referring to people who rage for doing 50 runs and not having a few of the parts.

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50 runs? lol I'm at 139 and only have the BP.


Gradivus players had it pathetically easy. Seeing them whining about 100 runs for a definite prize makes me laugh.

Your correct. This whining is far superior...not a hint of seeming pathetic at all this is noble whining at its best... PLEASE allow me to sidestep the champagne falling from the sky....what was I thinking.. btw you really should have played those missions compared to the invasions you guys have now...DE has really stepped their game up..hush up and grind or better yet...play the game and just get it when you get it?





and BTW: YOU HAVE BEEN COUNTING YOUR RUNS TO KNOW YOU ARE AT 139? REALLY? Sure you are not just trying to throw out a high number to seem relevant? I smell the aroma of bovine excrement....

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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Remember how the people who got the Brakk had to run 100?


The only advantage we had was the guarantee of getting it after those 100.


to those of you who got all the parts before duplicates, congratulations.


To those of you who have done over 100 runs without getting them, I feel for you.


But just a friendly reminder.


So... because you had to suffer, everyone has to suffer? I'm sorry you were made to do 100 runs for the Brakk. That sucked for you. Please stop trying to make it suck for everyone else.


Note: I got the Braak from the Three over the course of *12* Corpus missions, and 4 boss encounters. (One encounter was bugged.) I got a new piece every time, I was marked 3 times. It was before the hot fix and it was awesome, and tons of fun. I feel bad that not everyone had the same amount of fun that I had. Hell, I wish the Stalker and Harvester were handled the same way the Three were handled pre-hot fix.

Edited by PoorCensored
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Again, I did not post this topic with the intent of coming off as "whiny", and i can understand your anger for doing over 100 runs without getting the brakk, but 100 runs is 100 runs regardless of reward; I don't think 100 runs is pathetically easy regardless of how badly the rng gods have treated you. Also i was more specifically referring to people who rage for doing 50 runs and not having a few of the parts.

Well, I'll agree, 100 runs is not easy, regardless of what side you're on, But Then compared to now? Then was much easier.


You did 100 runs during Gradivus, You got: Event Badge, Machete Wraith(Potato and slot), Brakk(Potato and slot)



You do 100 runs and you have the very real possibility of getting sweet f*ck all.

But wait, There's more, You can do 500 runs, 5x what was required during Gradivus, and again, You can get nothing.


So Sympathize with your fellow Tenno, They have it harder now, then you did 6 months ago.

I myself have given up, I refuse to allow this stuff to burn me out of a game I love so much.

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 The gradivus participants also had to worry about Detron fans trying to sway the event to corpus.  Imagine if we had gotten that instead.


 Still, whenever people complain about the number or runs they have done, you have to realize that there is probably someone out there that has done twice as many as you and they haven't seen anything for their efforts either.


 If you want the brakk, keep trying, you will get it, but keep working other secondaries while you are hoping.

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Well, I'll agree, 100 runs is not easy, regardless of what side you're on, But Then compared to now? Then was much easier.


You did 100 runs during Gradivus, You got: Event Badge, Machete Wraith(Potato and slot), Brakk(Potato and slot)



You do 100 runs and you have the very real possibility of getting sweet f*ck all.

But wait, There's more, You can do 500 runs, 5x what was required during Gradivus, and again, You can get nothing.


So Sympathize with your fellow Tenno, They have it harder now, then you did 6 months ago.

I myself have given up, I refuse to allow this stuff to burn me out of a game I love so much.

Now that I can understand. I grinded since the day of the Glaive prime release to get it and finally had to give in to trade chat to finish the build... MANY RUNS.  In the live stream following the Gradivus event DE_Scott mentioned that these encounters are not meant to be farmed they were supposed to just happen as you play the game. You received the rewards as a background prize while playing. If I was in the position to decide I would not have  any new encounter based enemies give any specific prize and especially not an already released weapon... I would remove the goal and then have it give a previously unannounced/unconfirmed reward be it an special mod or a specialized weapon. If we ever get another encounter based enemy I would definitely suggest DE not promise ANYTHING from it. When they do that too many vocal people feel entitled to it and then threads like these start.

Edited by Nkomo-Sama
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Now that I can understand. I grinded since the day of the Glaive prime release to get it and finally had to give in to trade chat to finish the build... MANY RUNS.  In the live stream following the Gradivus event DE_Scott mentioned that these encounters are not meant to be farmed they were supposed to just happen as you play the game. You received the rewards as a background prize while playing. If I was in the position to decide I would not have  any new encounter based enemies give any specific prize and especially not an already released weapon... I would remove the goal and then have it give a previously unannounced/unconfirmed reward be it an special mod or a specialized weapon. If we ever get another encounter based enemy I would definitely suggest DE not promise ANYTHING from it. When they do that too many vocal people feel entitled to it and then threads like these start.

I understand that they aren't to be farmed, but in game that is Entirely based around farming, It's a misplaced feature.

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