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Getting Real Sick Of Everyone Saying Frost Is Worst Frame Now...


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First lets go over stats...


100 Health

100 Power

190 Armor

150 Shield capacity

0.9 Sprint speed

1 D polarity and 1 "-" polarity With D aura


Stat wise, he is better than rhino with that utility slot and D aura in defense. I can't tell you how many time regeneration saved me from those annoying as all hell bleeds. Not only that, there are many more useful mods with a dash than a D slot. Frost is meant to be a CC Tank with a good mix of offensive and defensive abilities. His stats are slightly better for defense, but that is much more viable endgame. And it's not really fair to compare him to valkyr because they fill mostly different roles, valkyr being almost pure damage


Abilities, while in need of fine tuning, aren't the horrendous mess everyone exaggerates.


Freeze does ok-ish damage, but that's not its main attraction. You can, as the name implies, freeze enemies for some seconds extendable by duration. This can be very useful end game when your soloing up to level 60 waves on ceres where you can freeze those heavies, sweep trash mobs, then take out all those heavies with your OP Galatine. That utility is can be pretty good.


Ice wave does double the damage of Freeze and has an insta-proc cold damage that slows down enemies. This, mixed with a well placed Snowglobe, is spectacular at defending a cryopod or ressing your teammates. This also goes back to the level 60 arguement only this is a bit more useful since it isn't one target.


Avalanche was BUGGED. That thing that kept all the enemies frozen for 16 seconds? THAT WAS A BUG. Not much more to say, since it does need some improvement.


And finally, why everyone now hates DE and frost now...


Snowglobe. This bull really sets me off on rants when others ask me about it.

3500 health is low?? Enemies, standing at point blank, won't even do 800 in 20 seconds on Ceres STANDING STILL! And before you complain about how "IT'S IMMOVABLE" or "ITS A LOT BIGGER" let me say re-say STANDING STILL and POINT BLANK. Thats without an armor mad as well. The only case I saw snowglobe breaking was it above level 40 enemies with like 10 heavy gunners. Stop saying its flatout useless because your an idiot with your placement and mods.


And I know everyone is gonna disagree, insult, and hate for me saying this, but I don't care and I believe everyone is over dramatizing. Frost isn't your Rhino, get over it.

Edited by Xamuswing
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Abilities, while in need of fine tuning, aren't the horrendous mess everyone exaggerates.


Freeze does ok-ish damage, but that's not its main attraction. You can, as the name implies, freeze enemies for some seconds extendable by duration. This can be very useful end game when your soloing up to level 60 waves on ceres where you can freeze those heavies, sweep trash mobs, then take out all those heavies with your OP Galatine. That utility is can be pretty good.


Ice wave does double the damage of Freeze and has an insta-proc cold damage that slows down enemies. This, mixed with a well placed Snowglobe, is spectacular at defending a cryopod or ressing your teammates. This also goes back to the level 60 arguement only this is a bit more useful since it isn't one target.


Avalanche was BUGGED. That thing that kept all the enemies frozen for 16 seconds? THAT WAS A BUG. Not much more to say, since it does need some improvement.


And finally, why everyone now hates DE and frost now...


Snowglobe. This bull really sets me off on rants when others ask me about it.

3500 health is low?? Enemies, standing at point blank, won't even do 800 in 20 seconds on Ceres STANDING STILL! And before you complain about how "IT'S IMMOVABLE" or "ITS A LOT BIGGER" let me say re-say STANDING STILL and POINT BLANK. Thats without an armor mad as well. The only case I saw snowglobe breaking was it above level 40 enemies with like 10 heavy gunners. Stop saying its flatout useless because your an idiot with your placement and mods.


And I know everyone is gonna disagree, insult, and hate for me saying this, but I don't care and I believe everyone is over dramatizing. Frost isn't your Rhino, get over it.


Freeze only keeps the enemy frozen as long as they do not take more than 300 damage.

Ice Wave only lasts for 4 seconds, much of which you are locked down.

Snow Globe barely lasts 15 seconds against a decent squad of level 30 enemies.

Avalanche is basically Rhino Stomp with 10 meters less radius, a quarter of the CC time, longer cast time, and 100 less damage.


How are these not awful?

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since his 4 has no duration effect then Fleeting expertise works..

this makes his 1 pointless


his 2 is....  a bit "meh".... 


his 3 requires you to use increased duration instead of fleeting...  so you choose between 4 or 3... and snow globe simply doesn't scale at higher levels.


so yea, his 4 is not that bad, 25 energy.. spammable 5s aoe Control button,  with pretty decent frost damage.

but it can't be recast with a target frozen, unlike Saryn's 4  which can be mashed regardless of mobs already stunned, it also deals corrosive damage, and more of it.



Fleeting expertise has changed the way most powers warframes function... eg Banshee is now better that vauban at controlling infested because of fleeting expertise.  Nova can spam c4 for 25 energy,   but the problem with frost is, it has 1 Duration based skill and 1 skill that needs to be reduced to 25 energy to compete with all the other frames.

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so yea, his 4 is not that bad, 25 energy.. spammable 5s aoe Control button,  with pretty decent frost damage.

but it can't be recast with a target frozen, unlike Saryn's 4  which can be mashed regardless of mobs already stunned, it also deals corrosive damage, and more of it.


It was supposed to only keep enemies frozen as long as the casting animation, it lasting longer was a bug. The most recent outcry was due to that bug being fixed yesterday. That makes Avalanche useless, leaving him with one duration based skill that doesn't scale well.

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Some nice stuff for ya to think about.


1. Why is your runspeed at 0.9? Crippling you for every run?


2. Tankish you say. How much of a tank is valkyre?

    Her stats are all above yours. How tankish are you then?!


3. CC you say. You can freeze everything for 1second. You call that cc?


4. Avalanche can not even kill a single lvl 30 heavy.

    Your most powerfull dmg spell can not kill a single lvl 30 heavy!

    Did you ever see a nova in action?


You wannabe Tank, CC or Dmg dealer?...




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~SNIP~I don't care and I believe everyone is over dramatizing. Frost isn't your Rhino, get over it.


So you posts a thread expecting us to care about what you say, while you don't care about what anyone else says.  


And even in your own posts you keep eating your own words saying frost does need rework on his abilities.  Wake up sunshine, Frost current CC is as long as his CC on HIMSELF.  When Frost is casting, he himself is CC'd.

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You obviously dont or have never played Frost if you think Freeze is useful.


Freeze doesn't work on bosses, and dissapears if they lose so much as 1 hp.


I honestly dont even have it slotted because I can kill most mooks faster and never need to gimp-freeze them. Its damage is pretty garbage too. Ice damage in general is bad.


Ice wave only works in narrow hallways with no elevation. Its pretty rare for enemies to charge you single file, even the infested tend to take multiple directions. Its damage is OK, but I honestly kept it unslotted.


Avalanche stuns Frost longer than it stuns enemies.  Its damage is pretty OK now, but theres no reason to play frost for damage. There are far better frames for it, and their ults dont get me shot at.


Snowglobe, well its garbage right now. When they apply armor to it I'll like it more. But its not on yet. So its still garabge.


And For Stats.





100 Health (Oberon beats this)

100 Power ( Vauban Beats this)

190 Armor (Valkyr Curbstomps this)

150 Shield capacity (Rivaled by Volt)

0.9 Sprint speed (Slowest in Game)

1 D polarity and 1 "-" polarity With D aura. Polarties shouldn't be part of serious balancing. Forma says hello.


So, what do we do? Frost has the best shield stat. Thats it, what is he good for? Shields drain pretty fast. And he's not the BEST at it, Volt rivals his only shining stat now.


So are we supposed to build frost for Ice wave and max Shields now?




Now D2.0 made base element damage...kinda lack luster.  And Frost obviously has to use Ice damage. Which gives him a buff against.... 1/4th of the Grineer and Shields.


Shields are incredibly easy to whack off, they're just raw numbers, armor has no bearing on it. So... he's damage is ok with 1/4th of the grineer.




You know for the powers of ICE, Frost really cant freeze jackS#&$.


So tell me OP. If you don't agree Frost is the worst, who is the worst to you?

Edited by Oizen
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One quick correction here. The only real buff he has gotten from U12 is that Ice Wave now can actually handle variable elevation.

Oh it doesnt randomly clip through stairs/ go off into the sunset in midair anymore?



Still, my point still stands, very rarely do enemies line up for it.

Edited by Oizen
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Ash is the Worst, Frost isn't.

Frost can be used for a Tank build and with the Recent change for Snowglobe to use Armour, A Tank build Frost benefits the team.


That was a proposed change, but it hasn't been implemented. Additionally, it wouldn't really solve much since they would probably have to nerf health to compensate. His armor isn't very good to start with anyway.


At least Ash has stealth and teleports, which are both useful. His stealth is better CC than any of Frosts skills, even without the invisibility.

Edited by egregiousRac
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At least Ash has stealth and teleports, which are both useful. His stealth is better CC than any of Frosts skills, even without the invisibility.

I love Ash to death, but a stagger then dropping aggro on your team isn't very good CC to me. I enjoy slow reducing enemy attacks and turning them into sitting ducks far more.

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Ash is the Worst, Frost isn't.

Frost can be used for a Tank build and with the Recent change for Snowglobe to use Armour, A Tank build Frost benefits the team.


I'm sorry but this is not in the game yet.  There is a reason for all the QQ on the forums.  But a staff has recently said he will take it up to Scott, we'll just have to see what happens.  

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I'm sorry but this is not in the game yet.  There is a reason for all the QQ on the forums.  But a staff has recently said he will take it up to Scott, we'll just have to see what happens.  

Oh, That sucks.

Still, Ash is useless, Frost has the Cold Utility to his abilities. 

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LMAO what kind of argument is  "Frost is not the worst frame ... its better than some other weak frame"  so its second worst? gee what a relief 


What is DE balancing designer doing? Where are reworks for useless skills?  No buffs to weak frames, no nerfs to OP frames. Already average frame - Frost - gets another nerf, Nova gets a buff.  What the hell is going on? 

Edited by Monolake
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