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Is Anybody Really Satisfied With The Ability System?


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I might be the esception here, but playing rhino I find I hardly use my powers at all. Might be the fact I was a heavy FPS player at one point and the fact i haven't bound them to my mouse yet but...

Here's how I user my skills atm..

Skill 1- That annoying large group of weak enimies.

Skill 2- Damn I am low on health.

Skill 3- Damn that's allot of infested.

Skill 4- Oh crap my team is dead and my tie is evil and is tryinbg to kill me.

Thats how I am using them at the moment. I like it this way.

Edited by BritishBob
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Eh, I'm pretty happy with the system, especially since they upped the number of power orbs dropping. So now I don't feel like I have to sit on my powers. As for them being too strong, I don't see it that way at all. Especially since update 7, the range on them has been incredibly nerfed. So I'm happy with the system as is. A cooldown timer would be a pretty drastic change, honestly I'm not sure if it would be for the better or not. Seems like some powers would have to be reworked if they did that.

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Yeah, cooldowns wouldn't do the trick at all

People could just wait rooms out for a cooldown and spam 4 again

Having to find 4 energy orbs is actually more difficult at times than it would be to kite for 60 seconds

This is a good point I hadn't thought of ^

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I enjoy how the current system works. If they want to modify it then perhaps the best way is to modify blue orb drop rates. Its fun to feel powerful by clearing a room with a skill but if a certain map is deemed harder than another, just ease up on the drop rates on that map. Maybe make it an additional map quirk like the randomly spawning ice or on fire maps ubt always on for some higher level maps. I would like to see some more interesting and possibly longer boss fights though that featured some sort of energy regen mechanic kind of like the Jackal has with the constantly dropping containers. It is not much fun to use up all your energy on a boss and then just resort to shooting especially if your warframe is built for heavier ability usage.

Also, someone mentioned that there's say not a lot of difference with the frost vs mag ult. It seems like an easy fix for this would be to adjust some damage numbers at the very least so that investment in the skill resulted in larger damage numbers. That way frost could be more tanky like it seems to be but with aoe utility that does not necessarily one shot everything (unless they specifically go for that) and mag could be more damage/support with heavier investments into power damage.

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Cooldowns would be a poor idea as it would just enforce the player base to carry said aoe frames en masse, so that someone can always have one ready to go. It additionally enforces "cheap" aoe abilities like excal's dash move because he could spam that a few times for the same effect, but without the cooldown. It would be a great way to make me free up some mod capacity though, because there is no way in hell I would carry my ultimate if I required 100 energy just to be able to use it every minute at most.

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I would assume killing with powers would not count toward the energy gain catalyst22? Also, no more energy orbs and what happens to energy siphon? Only one person can use it to promote the usage of other cards? Sorry to badger, I do find your idea intriguing.

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Killing with powers would be like a normal kill only with like 60% returns and a fixed total to prevent both the spamming of powers without using guns and the situation where multiple group members use their powers and suddenly you are all out (also it's more reliable)

Orbs would either be out to make the system stable or very rare and powerful to create these random fun moments where everything explodes all of a sudden

The first energy syphon would give you 25% more energy on death the second 18% the third 13% then 8%

This may look small and like diminishing returns but the thing is that you need some basic level of resources to make your warframe work and once you reach that threshold the additional amount can be spend more freely and basically fells like more

It must be useful for multiple people otherwise it wouldn't work with the drop in coop thing

Edited by catalyst22
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They used to have a cooldown system, and it was scrapped for the current system. I think the Devs should take a look at tthe moves and put "spammy" moves such as Ultis on cooldown while leaving the rest on the power system.

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I like the system, I just wish there was some kind of inherent passive energy regeneration. I don't mind hunting orbs but I dislike having to rely on luck.

There is, it's called the Energy Syphon artifact, something you can get from? alert missions. Almost everyone uses it unless they're in a group where they know someone else has one... as they don't stack. It's a reason to consider a basic energy recharge, if everyone is using it or feels obligated to use then it really isn't a 'free' system in that regard.

I don't cool downs are needed, not with a recharging pool as was suggested eaarlier. Currently Energy Syphon recharges 1 energy per 2 seconds. This means starting a 0 enegry it takes 50 seconds to be able to use a #1 power again.

If Warframes had a passive energy recharge up to 50% of their max Energy it wouldn't really break the game. Most frames... even with Flow... won't get more then 200 energy max. Which means 1 Ult every ~3 minutes. This doesn't break the game with Energy Syphon, but it can turn boss battles into a little of bit of a recharge game... save that even Ults don't always to such a hot job of breaking Boss shields. I don't think you can kill most end game bosses with 10 hits off Radial Javelin... so if you want to spend an hour just using Ults to try and beat a boss... feel free to try.

Doing that would let Energy Syphon either increase the rate of recharge or max amount passively regained, or both. If the Max recovery was reduced to say 25% base at 1/4 per second (1 Energy ever 4 seconds), then you could let up to 3 syphons stack.

Keep in mind this suggestion still needs orbs to fill you past 50% max energy.

My ember with the alternative power boost helm is sitting at something's like 235 energy, and that is what I would call a very power spam heavy class.

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There is, it's called the Energy Syphon artifact, something you can get from? alert missions. Almost everyone uses it unless they're in a group where they know someone else has one... as they don't stack. It's a reason to consider a basic energy recharge, if everyone is using it or feels obligated to use then it really isn't a 'free' system in that regard.

Are you sure? If I'm not wrong, Energy Siphon Stacked... If they didn't chenged of course.

Edited by PhantomWay
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Killing with powers would be like a normal kill only with like 60% returns and a fixed total to prevent both the spamming of powers without using guns and the situation where multiple group members use their powers and suddenly you are all out (also it's more reliable)

Orbs would either be out to make the system stable or very rare and powerful to create these random fun moments where everything explodes all of a sudden

The first energy syphon would give you 25% more energy on death the second 18% the third 13% then 8%

This may look small and like diminishing returns but the thing is that you need some basic level of resources to make your warframe work and once you reach that threshold the additional amount can be spend more freely and basically fells like more

It must be useful for multiple people otherwise it wouldn't work with the drop in coop thing

Sorry if I sounded rude, I was just was wondering if you had any elaboration to your idea.

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I am happy no matter what lol... I liked old... I love new more then old but hey... I love all leveling systems for all kinds of games. The only kind of level system I hate is the ones they give you no option what so ever in what you want as you level up such as skills and passive abilites... Warframe allows maximum customization and requires more skill with this new system the last system got boring... I mean I had a sick hardcore Excalibur prime that could solo and massacre anything that got in his way... I got so bored that trying to beat every planet became a chore and I hated it... Now with this new system I am finally challeneged and forced to try harder now...

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I think the leveling system is good. It just needs to not be 100% random and so damn expensive. If they can reduce the costs to a reasonable level and allow me to get the mods I need in a different way, everything will be fine.

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While a BMW is cheaper than a Ferrari, it's still not cheap.

Maxing a mod is still expensive and I still don't get enough credits or useful mods for each mission. I'll still have to spend a week farming credits to get my mod to 10. It wouldn't be so bad if I were on a new warframe but I have all level 30 infused gear and nothing worth a damn to put on any of it. I log in and go, meh... and log out after one difficult run because I don't have one armor, health, power or shields mod to farm armor, health, power or shield mods and the credits I need to infuse them. Playing is nothing but a chore now.

At this point I'm waiting on the reset or a new way to get the mods that I actually need (even after spending a couple hundred plat on RNG mods). I won't be playing until then. Why should I play a game that gives me so little advancement for such a long time investment when I have other games that I can play?

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  • Each faction has a higher chance to drop certain mods, while having a small chance to drop other mods as well. The following is what each faction drops most often.
  • Infested: Power Abilities, All types of Freeze damage.
  • Corpus: Fire/Electricity/Armor Pen. Mods, Power Max, Power Efficiency, Power Range, Melee Charge Speed, Loot Radar and Enemy Radar, Puncture Mods. (Tactic Polarity: the line-shaped symbol)
  • Grineer: Critical Hit Chance, Critical Hit Damage, Multishot, Basic Damage Mods, Power Duration, Power Strength. (Attack Polarity: the V-shaped symbol)
  • Universal: Fusion Cores, Sentinel Mods, and Stun.
  • Raid/Spy/Capture missions offer a mod upon completion normally being Stamina Regen, Stamina Max, Vitality, Sprint Speed or a Ammo/Magazine/Reload mod.

Doing fast running Raid mission at Mercury take about 2-3 minute at max if ignoring units. If you are lucky, you can get Vitality. (I got 1 after 10 run).

Artifact do STACK each others. (me and another friend with Energy Siphon = Recover 1 Power at Second).

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I like the idea of cool down timers. It punishes players less for combining their Active Abilities (like Loki usin his Decoy and Switch Teleport to bait and switch with ranges enemies, or Mag using his Bullet Attractor and Ultimate to maximize accuracy), and discourages Ultimate spam. The current system encourages using your best ability - your ultimate - whenever you can, because your other abilities won't be as good 99% of the time.

I suggest we just flat out remove energy and replace it with Cooldowns. Except maybe for Mage-like characters.

Another thing that could be done is using Stamina for some character's abilities, like Rhino and Excalibur.

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