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What If 'players' Acted Out The Stalker Role.. Like In Dark Souls?


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In all of the instances where they've admitted they'll eventually look into a PvP mode they've almost immediately said "But that isn't happening any time soon."

This is even including the livestream. PvP is likely quite a long way off - which is good since the Warframe of right now isn't nearly ready for it. If they just slapped PvP into Warframe now it'd be a hardly playable, ugly mess. Even PvP enthusiasts likely wouldn't enjoy it as much as they've convinced themselves they would.

Which means that there is going to eventually be PvP :|

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This might have been mentioned but seeing as there is a Solo, Online, Private set of options then you could probably translate player based stalker modes into the PvP that people have been asking for. That way you can play the game like normal but allow players to invade your game but let others have their own seperate PvE mode. I think you would need to give the invader his/ her own character model too so not to confuse things when you have three friendsplaying with you and you are all Excaliburs hehe. Maybe a corrupt version that relates to the faction the level is based off to give it a unique feel.

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I'm not necessarily for this idea or against it, but honestly I forsee a ton of raging from both sides going on. Am I a carebear, I would say yes and yet I play a few pvp only games so I guess that would be a false statement really.

Players that didn't know what it was so didn't disable it.

People who rage just because they couldn't win (Yes I want to slap them too, one of the big things i HATE in pvp. Seriously someone has to lose, shut up and get over it).

Lagged out players from both sides

Players who simply weren't paying attention or forgot to disable it or hit private (I do this all the time...)

Non peak time players who want to play stalker and can't find a game from lack of particpation from those actually on (This complaint i hear alot in pve games that have pvp.)

Stalker players who get spammed with skills that stop them from attacking (Mag, Frost, Rhino, Banshee, possibly electric and fire effects on there as well depending how they made them work)

Strict NAT players (cuts down on the population that can connect to each other, not to mention possible kicking from que as a strict NAT stalker)

Honestly speaking I could exploit this system easy without even breaking a single rule. How? I'm a laggy host. You won't hear anyone swearing about my internet being crap more than me, BUT I can host a game with my husband on the same router and have zero lag, for us that is. He plays frost and I currently play banshee and we're both set up to spam those skills. If they act the same on the player stalker as they do on AI there is going to be some serious rage going on from being skill locked in place as we take turns getting them stuck and blasting away, considering the lag they'd be experiencing i doubt they'd ever be able to avoid them in time. If frost and banshee aren't able to lock them in place we have Rhino and Mag we can swap to before jumping into stalker accepted missions. Easy win. My net is bad enough that players get disconnected or have to quit because they can barely do anything, when the game decides to troll me and poof the squads i tried to join and toss me in as host before i can hit the back button, or if i once again have forgotten to hit private. Would I play it sometimes with zero lag? Maybe if I'm really in the mood.

I will say that I will get super annoyed if i forget to hit the right button in a mission I needed something from and BAM stalker especially if I have to listen to whining about it in the chat after. Pretty much kills my mood to play really. And no this last one isn't a reason why it shouldn't be in the game, it's a reason why I may not want it to be personally. Other than that I may actually get excited for some sort of Objective pvp in the game (deathmatch I really don't enjoy a whole lot even if I usually don't get facerolled completely, it just really stresses me out for whatever stupid reason and yes even if I am winning).

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It's a stripped down instance based dungeon crawler that still has piles of rpg elements. The minute you said it's not an rpg you have shown you're grasping for straws.

It won't interfere if people can opt out of it. It's like you haven't been reading this thread the whole damn time.

How does making a boss event more challenging not add anything?

Just because it has RPG like elements does not make it an RPG. That's like saying my dog is a cat because they share similar traits

It adds nothing that can not be added with additional PvE content. If they do impliment PvP content it will be direct PvP, or similar to the indirect system the devs are putting in place for clans.

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Just because it has RPG like elements does not make it an RPG. That's like saying my dog is a cat because they share similar traits

It adds nothing that can not be added with additional PvE content. If they do impliment PvP content it will be direct PvP, or similar to the indirect system the devs are putting in place for clans.

Like what? What can possibly compare to human interaction. Within the realm of AI?

WoW esque boss battles? Come on.

Edited by DirkDeadeye
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Like what? What can possibly compare to human interaction. Within the realm of AI?

WoW esque boss battles? Come on.

If I wanted PvP in my boss battles, I'd go play PvP. PvP and PvE should not be mixed in this game, it generates a host of problems and the value it adds through "human interaction" is debatable.

Whats been described here isn't even true PvP rather it's some sort or boss battle simulation that doesn't even fit within the framework already establised.

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If I wanted PvP in my boss battles, I'd go play PvP. PvP and PvE should not be mixed in this game, it generates a host of problems and the value it adds through "human interaction" is debatable.

Whats been described here isn't even true PvP rather it's some sort or boss battle simulation that doesn't even fit within the framework already establised.

You didn't anwser my question.

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More Jackel like bosses, bosses who use terrain and the map, improved AI and more advanced tactics, increased enemy diversity.

You mean pathetically easy bosses that you follow a set forumla for defeating every time? Sounds like fun. Not.

It would be a joke compared to a human controlled boss, AI can never compare, end of story. If you don't want it, you don't have to play it.

Don't know why you're bothering, even quite a few of the most steadfastly anti pve crowds are warming up to this concept after some discussion.

Just because it has RPG like elements does not make it an RPG. That's like saying my dog is a cat because they share similar traits

It adds nothing that can not be added with additional PvE content. If they do impliment PvP content it will be direct PvP, or similar to the indirect system the devs are putting in place for clans.

It's a @(*()$ dungeon crawler where you level up your character and look for loot. You may as well say diablo isn't a @(*()$ rpg. If the weak lore and story is your point, then I'd point out that stuff is coming, they're focusing on core gameplay first. Even the loot will become more complex with upcoming updates.

I'm not necessarily for this idea or against it, but honestly I forsee a ton of raging from both sides going on. Am I a carebear, I would say yes and yet I play a few pvp only games so I guess that would be a false statement really.

Players that didn't know what it was so didn't disable it.

People who rage just because they couldn't win (Yes I want to slap them too, one of the big things i HATE in pvp. Seriously someone has to lose, shut up and get over it).

Lagged out players from both sides

Players who simply weren't paying attention or forgot to disable it or hit private (I do this all the time...)

Non peak time players who want to play stalker and can't find a game from lack of particpation from those actually on (This complaint i hear alot in pve games that have pvp.)

Stalker players who get spammed with skills that stop them from attacking (Mag, Frost, Rhino, Banshee, possibly electric and fire effects on there as well depending how they made them work)

Strict NAT players (cuts down on the population that can connect to each other, not to mention possible kicking from que as a strict NAT stalker)

Honestly speaking I could exploit this system easy without even breaking a single rule. How? I'm a laggy host. You won't hear anyone swearing about my internet being crap more than me, BUT I can host a game with my husband on the same router and have zero lag, for us that is. He plays frost and I currently play banshee and we're both set up to spam those skills. If they act the same on the player stalker as they do on AI there is going to be some serious rage going on from being skill locked in place as we take turns getting them stuck and blasting away, considering the lag they'd be experiencing i doubt they'd ever be able to avoid them in time. If frost and banshee aren't able to lock them in place we have Rhino and Mag we can swap to before jumping into stalker accepted missions. Easy win. My net is bad enough that players get disconnected or have to quit because they can barely do anything, when the game decides to troll me and poof the squads i tried to join and toss me in as host before i can hit the back button, or if i once again have forgotten to hit private. Would I play it sometimes with zero lag? Maybe if I'm really in the mood.

I will say that I will get super annoyed if i forget to hit the right button in a mission I needed something from and BAM stalker especially if I have to listen to whining about it in the chat after. Pretty much kills my mood to play really. And no this last one isn't a reason why it shouldn't be in the game, it's a reason why I may not want it to be personally. Other than that I may actually get excited for some sort of Objective pvp in the game (deathmatch I really don't enjoy a whole lot even if I usually don't get facerolled completely, it just really stresses me out for whatever stupid reason and yes even if I am winning).

Have it disabled by default and eventually ask people if they want to have it activated.

The game is S#&$ if it's laggy regardless of whether stalker is controlled by a player.

As for BAM STALKER, that's how it works now anyways; you have no control over when stalker comes in.

Edited by Aggh
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Have it disabled by default and eventually ask people if they want to have it activated.

The game is S#&$ if it's laggy regardless of whether stalker is controlled by a player.

As for BAM STALKER, that's how it works now anyways; you have no control over when stalker comes in.

Having it disabled by default would be great for people who don't want to accidentally do it, but that goes right back to the issue of there not being enough people participating. Sometimes it doesn't matter how great the rewards, many people won't bother after a few tries and losing, won't look up info as to what it even is so won't try it, or just have zero interest and some will complain if some of the rewards are exclusive to it. I'm not even saying don't implement it, just be very much ready for the mass rage/whining etc posts and chat that will surely flood and follow.

As for the laggy bit, as I explained I won't lag but the human stalker will. Oddly enough I don't have lag issues for me very often even when I host enough to be a major issue, but other players who join me do. It wouldn't ruin my game one bit, but that human stalker is probably going to be raging big time about it since it would be a "cheap win".

As you've said previous the AI stalker isn't a challenge (hence why this discussion even exists) so why would I care about a slightly tougher non challenging AI popping into my game? Have I ever encountered him? Nope, not even once. If it wasn't for the forums I wouldn't even know he existed. The whole point of this thread was to make stalker at times a challenge and basically interupt a pve dungeon run to make things more entertaining because the current AI stalker isn't cutting it. If AI Stalker was a big pain in the behind with good rewards if you killed him and was an opt in or out and I forgot to opt out and he popped in and ripped apart my team I'd be just as annoyed as if it was a player because I forgot to change it. But as I had stated it was a personal annoyance and not a reason why it shouldn't be implemented, wich as you stated can be fixed with a default opt out. It's just unfortunate that the solution may just cause bigger problems for another issue that can arise.

A part I did want to comment on was the revive tokens bit. Sure you don't need them if you have a good team either through not dying or your team mates actually reviving you, but how many people already complain that their team speed runs and won't revive them already? I know I've seen a few threads about this.

Basically in a nut shell what I'm saying is regardless of the system you put in place, the players are going to make or break it, like any other pvp type system. and sadly I see them breaking things more often than not, which is rather unfortunate. Just look at this thread. A discussion can't even be had without it blowing up. Personally I'm 50/50 on it. If they put it in cool, if they don't meh. It really makes no difference to me in the end. Will there be some awesome players who will make it a blast while having a great time? Absolutely. It's just sad that these days those seem to be few and far between. I run into far less players who just want to have a good time regardless and so many who will scream and yell if I don't treat a GAME like it's my job. It's actually really the only thing that turns me off PVP or even team based games, regardless if I do well at it or not. I have zero tolerance or interest in being lectured/yelled at because I'm playing for fun in a Casual game or lobby (no I don't play ranked ever for this exact reason) and playing how I want (not even saying a word to anyone else how they should play). And yup I've seriously had to deal with this situation before in a completely pve team based game that gave no rewards for beating a map, which led to rather special "flaming" because we said we play for fun and they "Don't play games for fun". Basically if they put it in, be prepared for the threads of rage that will follow.

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Having it disabled by default would be great for people who don't want to accidentally do it, but that goes right back to the issue of there not being enough people participating. Sometimes it doesn't matter how great the rewards, many people won't bother after a few tries and losing, won't look up info as to what it even is so won't try it, or just have zero interest and some will complain if some of the rewards are exclusive to it. I'm not even saying don't implement it, just be very much ready for the mass rage/whining etc posts and chat that will surely flood and follow.

That's where rewards come in, and actually, if they are good enough, people will do it. Keep in mind that the stalker event is pretty infrequent, it's not something that's going to mess with you on a daily basis. I've seen maybe 3 of them since u7 went up. It will not ruin every run for you and plenty of people will likely opt for it. There has been a constant request for PvP and in this case, even some of the anti pvp crowd is backing this up.

You're applying your interests to people that you don't even know and clearly haven't taken the time to look at the discussion in detail. You're part of a small, vocal, butt hurt minority who just wants to kill this off before it could possibly ruin your day because of your incompetence.

As for the laggy bit, as I explained I won't lag but the human stalker will. Oddly enough I don't have lag issues for me very often even when I host enough to be a major issue, but other players who join me do. It wouldn't ruin my game one bit, but that human stalker is probably going to be raging big time about it since it would be a "cheap win".

Only if the matchmaking is crappy. They could also preclude people that aren't suited to be hosts from talking part.

As you've said previous the AI stalker isn't a challenge (hence why this discussion even exists) so why would I care about a slightly tougher non challenging AI popping into my game? Have I ever encountered him? Nope, not even once. If it wasn't for the forums I wouldn't even know he existed. The whole point of this thread was to make stalker at times a challenge and basically interupt a pve dungeon run to make things more entertaining because the current AI stalker isn't cutting it. If AI Stalker was a big pain in the behind with good rewards if you killed him and was an opt in or out and I forgot to opt out and he popped in and ripped apart my team I'd be just as annoyed as if it was a player because I forgot to change it. But as I had stated it was a personal annoyance and not a reason why it shouldn't be implemented, wich as you stated can be fixed with a default opt out. It's just unfortunate that the solution may just cause bigger problems for another issue that can arise.

This is probably why you shouldn't bother taking part in this discussion. You don't have an interest in it and you don't seem to understand how easily all the problems you're talking about can be mitigated. The fact that you might screw up an incredibly simple system is not the fault of the system, but your fault alone and is not a good reason for it to not be implemented.

In all likelihood it would be a pvp match making region or something of the like that you could pick in settings.

You would have to try incredibly hard to F*** that up since there are all sorts of ways that they could make you aware of what region your in.

Why should your inability to click a button or two preclude people from enjoying a system like this?

A part I did want to comment on was the revive tokens bit. Sure you don't need them if you have a good team either through not dying or your team mates actually reviving you, but how many people already complain that their team speed runs and won't revive them already? I know I've seen a few threads about this.

You shouldn't need them for solo either if you're sticking to right system that your set up can carry you in.

People speed run so they can get to the boss level and the defense missions. If you want to play slow and inefficiently (speed running is actually fun for some people) is your problem. This game is incredibly easy and some people like to get to the end game content so they can enjoy at least a bit of a challenge. If you're dying in the back that just means that your team mates were probably carrying you :|

Basically in a nut shell what I'm saying is regardless of the system you put in place, the players are going to make or break it, like any other pvp type system. and sadly I see them breaking things more often than not, which is rather unfortunate. Just look at this thread. A discussion can't even be had without it blowing up. Personally I'm 50/50 on it. If they put it in cool, if they don't meh. It really makes no difference to me in the end. Will there be some awesome players who will make it a blast while having a great time? Absolutely. It's just sad that these days those seem to be few and far between. I run into far less players who just want to have a good time regardless and so many who will scream and yell if I don't treat a GAME like it's my job. It's actually really the only thing that turns me off PVP or even team based games, regardless if I do well at it or not. I have zero tolerance or interest in being lectured/yelled at because I'm playing for fun in a Casual game or lobby (no I don't play ranked ever for this exact reason) and playing how I want (not even saying a word to anyone else how they should play). And yup I've seriously had to deal with this situation before in a completely pve team based game that gave no rewards for beating a map, which led to rather special "flaming" because we said we play for fun and they "Don't play games for fun". Basically if they put it in, be prepared for the threads of rage that will follow.

By this logic they should never have made this game in the first place. Or any of the later levels for that matter.

As for this thread blowing up, if you had actually read it, you'd realize that many of the people opposed it have changed their mind after discission and that many of the people actually backing it up have long been in the anti pvp crowd.

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The devs have said there will eventually be some forum of PvP in this game. People just like to perpetuate the myth that they don't want to do it so that they can rage at any remotely pvp related thread.

Just so you know, the Devs have said some details of their ideas for PvP and stated it would likely be more meta competition than direct combat. So while you are correct in that there will be systems pitting players against one another, there's nothing saying it's going to be in the way being discussed, or anywhere near.

I like the PvE in Warframe. I think it is very fun, and in the understanding that it is a Beta, I am very happy with how it is. That stated, I would be fine participating in friendly competition between players, and will accept any features that are put in. Just watch out with overzealous speculation.

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Just so you know, the Devs have said some details of their ideas for PvP and stated it would likely be more meta competition than direct combat. So while you are correct in that there will be systems pitting players against one another, there's nothing saying it's going to be in the way being discussed, or anywhere near.

I like the PvE in Warframe. I think it is very fun, and in the understanding that it is a Beta, I am very happy with how it is. That stated, I would be fine participating in friendly competition between players, and will accept any features that are put in. Just watch out with overzealous speculation.

You're mixing up PvP with clan competitions and the kind of meta competition that they want to focus on now. DE_Steve has said multiple times that the first implementation of PvP will most likely be some kind of 1v1 duel.

Edited by Aggh
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We are definitely entirely focused on rocking PvE, but this is a cool idea! We only added the Stalker in Update 7 and the reception has been awesome. The dev team has their work cut out for them in the meantime, but love to see innovation and suggestions on new gameplay elements.

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We are definitely entirely focused on rocking PvE, but this is a cool idea! We only added the Stalker in Update 7 and the reception has been awesome. The dev team has their work cut out for them in the meantime, but love to see innovation and suggestions on new gameplay elements.

Well here we go. Words from the Overlord herself.
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We are definitely entirely focused on rocking PvE, but this is a cool idea! We only added the Stalker in Update 7 and the reception has been awesome. The dev team has their work cut out for them in the meantime, but love to see innovation and suggestions on new gameplay elements.

Thank you very much. I don't expect any sweeping changes, or my suggeston to be implimented right away. But just telling me that this is a good idea is validation enough in itself.

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Venarge, I haven't been really following this topic at all (and can't be bother reading all posts because I'm not even that interested in it), but I scanned a couple of pages, and just felt the urge to reply to a few statments that you made. (sorry for late reply btw)

First of all, we ALREADY are getting invaded by an npc stalker which interupts your "epic OP flow", reason for that being that DEs just want to spice things up, and also make this game less "speed run in auto pilot mode" for the veteran players out there. So maybe you should start complaining about that as well.

Also, when it comes to lore, you said "So tell me, why should I want to be invaded. There is no reason for that. Nor is there a reason for attacking other Tennos. The stalker obviously isnt a normal Tenno. hes a brainwashed whatever. Hes an Enemy." well allow me to say that you may even be quite naive. Think about it, is it really so? is stalker the brainwashed 1? or could it be the other way around? just take a look at this, and consider the possibility.. https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/16597-a-try-at-fan-fiction-about-stalker/ Something has been smelling quite fishy about this whole thing all along. Maybe we should be a little more skeptical about the way we perceive (in-game) reality and take nothing for granted..

And just for the record, I don't even really like pvp (and especially the kind of pvp demon souls has) or think it would be a good idea to implement it into this game, at all, even if that would make the people that crave it stfu. I just gave my 2 cents on OP's idea instead of flaming about whether this game should stay pve only or implement pvp and getting off-topic. You said your opinion once, we all got it, why spam it?

And as Aggh said, "Wow, so much butt hurt in one thread."

Stay frosty guys.

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The whole point to be a invader is to kill the target before to get spoted and facerolled. it can be like C9 (poor dead game) you pay a fee or every intrusion and you get a reward for every kill.

And if people dont like that they can put the intrusion as a option (Like getting a higher drop chance if you play with intrusion ON )

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I like the idea.

But definitely needs a lot of tweaking. From how the player is chosen to how the stalker abilities and weapons. Perhaps we'd have a specific assassination mission for this.

Wild idea, feasible, needs lots of work though.

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Wow it's like nobody here has ever played Left4Dead 2 or has and is withholding it's legitimacy. Why? because it's has a working system that's a functional and enjoyable fusion of PvE and PvP.

You have your four survivors, hordes of infected (zombies), and six special infected (elite zombies with special abilites).

Now lets take this same equation and apply it to warframe.

You have your four Warframes, hordes of Enemy Units, and (insert number) Special Units. Wow it's like somebody took matching puzzle piece shapes from Left4Dead and through em onto Warframes super complex no room for pvp *blah* *blah* puzzle.

- Special units are npc/player controlled, premade for the mode, and meant to be played a certain way.

- They can either spawn once or multiple times (debatable)

- Normaly they're anti-units meant to control aspects of the battle in ways that counter the pushing side (still combatable by pushers but there's a challenge)

I'd go into more detail however i'm sure you all know how to use youtube. But trust me it's a tried and proven concept, pvp actualy does fit into this game, and for the closed minded i'm sorry but i cannot see how pvp doesn't fit into this game. You can always design a work around......

Just look the game up and check survivor and survivor versus (pvp)

@Devs if you need a copy hit me up i'll buy one copy of Left4Dead 2 for your company and will personally play it with you to show you that your current game can have pvp with little change to the core game excluding adding the content and mechanics of the special units.

Edited by Carper
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Venarge, I haven't been really following this topic at all (and can't be bother reading all posts because I'm not even that interested in it), but I scanned a couple of pages, and just felt the urge to reply to a few statments that you made. (sorry for late reply btw)

First of all, we ALREADY are getting invaded by an npc stalker which interupts your "epic OP flow", reason for that being that DEs just want to spice things up, and also make this game less "speed run in auto pilot mode" for the veteran players out there. So maybe you should start complaining about that as well.

Also, when it comes to lore, you said "So tell me, why should I want to be invaded. There is no reason for that. Nor is there a reason for attacking other Tennos. The stalker obviously isnt a normal Tenno. hes a brainwashed whatever. Hes an Enemy." well allow me to say that you may even be quite naive. Think about it, is it really so? is stalker the brainwashed 1? or could it be the other way around? just take a look at this, and consider the possibility.. https://forums.warfr...ker/��Something has been smelling quite fishy about this whole thing all along. Maybe we should be a little more skeptical about the way we perceive (in-game) reality and take nothing for granted..

And just for the record, I don't even really like pvp (and especially the kind of pvp demon souls has) or think it would be a good idea to implement it into this game, at all, even if that would make the people that crave it stfu. I just gave my 2 cents on OP's idea instead of flaming about whether this game should stay pve only or implement pvp and getting off-topic. You said your opinion once, we all got it, why spam it?

And as Aggh said, "Wow, so much butt hurt in one thread."

Stay frosty guys.

Spam my opinion xD Oh boy.....

In the end, there might be PVP and as long as they seperate it from the main game, I couldnt care less....

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I think the idea of adding an invasion system for pvp would be an awesome idea. It'd be completely fair since it'd be one against four. They could make it so no other enemy's spawn or something similar while the player controlled the mob. Also when you're in private make it so players can't invade your game. I think that this would be a great way of adding pvp without breaking the pve aspect of Warframe. Cheers to you OP for thinking of it.

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Sounds interesting, here's my tenative formula for a credit bounty that the Stalker can claim for a successful hunt.

[((Warframe Rank * 1000) * Current Mastery Rank)+(Total Sentinal Level Ranks*20)+(Main Weapon Rank * 100)+(Sidearm Rank * 100)+(Melee Weapon Rank*100)] * (Number of Players currently in the game).

So let's say that our target is a Level 4 with a Rank 30 Rhino. He has a Maxxed out Hek, Rank 30 Lato Vandal, and some kind of Rank 30 Melee Weapon (any will do). His Wyrm is also maxxed out in both aspects (rank 30 in Wyrm and its weapon). And currently he's messing around in Neptune with three other pubbies.

(30*1000)*4 = 120,000

(60*20) = 1,200

(30*100) = 3,000 (x3 for 9,000 total).

"Come at me Bro"'s current bounty = 130,200 Credits.

Since he's travelling around with three other pubbies who can contribute extra firepower as well as their powers this bounty is increased by a multiplier of x4. So this means that our example has a bounty worth of 520,800 credits.

Of course this means that every Stalker worth his salt would come pouncing on this poor guy (even if he stacks enough of them to make a bonfire). Until finally one lucky Stalker manages to get the kill through a combination of skill, environment and luck. He can claim the bounty but now for the others its worth is now being reduced.

For every successful bounty claimed on a certain Warframe within a period of XYZ, its base worth (not the final) is reduced by 10%. So five guys successfully getting the kill knocks the base value down to 65,100 Credits which is still a lot. But even with a x4 multiplier (worth 260,400 credits) after a certain point it's probably not worth gettin ot up a Hek loaded to the grills with Multishot and some combination of CC mods.

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