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Founders Pack End-All According To De


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So basically what i can sum of from this thread.

Founders- Are selfish players that dont want any weapon/frame to return in any case at all. They want all there exclusive gear and nobody else to enjoy the same fun they had with that gear. Even if that person is willing to pay the same amount of $$$.

Sad, selfish, people maybe im better off not being a founder because at least i know how to share.

and because of this the founders in this community arent respected but the exact opposite
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Yeah.  Us greedy, selfish founders.  I mean, wow, you'd think we spent a big hunk of change in the early stages of Warframe, doing quite a bit to fund further development of this free to play game.  And then the nerve we have, expecting to actually receive what we was advertised. 

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If one mastery rank is going to make that much difference to end game then the end game needs serious changes.


It might, or it might not. We don't know enough about Focus--such as if it will still end up playing off your Mastery rank when it goes live--to tell for sure. If it provides an imbalance in either PvP or competitive PvE in any way, however...


Founders- Are selfish players


Don't tar all Founders with the same brush. I've talked with a few in similar topics who actively encouraged Excal Prime, etc, being made available to everyone, and had sensible discussions with those folk as to what the best way of reintroducing those items could be.

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Honestly, to me, it isn't even that I don't want people to have Excal Prime.

It's the fact that they made a promise. The Founders 'deal' specifically stated that the items would never return, ever. That they were 100% exclusive.

If they back out on their first customers, why should anyone trust anything they say?

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So what - frost was exclusive aswell.

Yes they used that word - then claimed otherwise.

You didn't pay money for Frost Prime.

Edit: Also, this individual believes lying is okay, and is also apparently taking on a 'Well, it happened to me, so it's only fair...' attitude. I'm ashamed to be a part of this community sometimes.

Edited by Emeere
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You didn't pay money for Frost Prime.

Edit: Also, this individual believes lying is okay, and is also apparently taking on a 'Well, it happened to me, so it's only fair...' attitude. I'm ashamed to be a part of this community sometimes.

Why so serious ffs, it is a game let it go,it is not like people will get it for free or farm in the voids, they will pay 150$ for it, more than what you did judging by the lack of grand in your title.


I dont know a single game that kept content exclusive, not.a.single.one., they must all be broke now right?


Oh yeah, they are not, corporate world is different from monopoly.


All this melodrama the 4 of you are doing, threateing to quit, LOL, just LOL, it is embarassing.

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Why the hell is this still being discussed? People don't want Excalibur/Lato/Skana Prime because they actually want to use them; people want them purely because they're exclusive. Nobody would actually use those items if it weren't for their vanity factor. Just look at how many people (That aren't new players) actually use Excalibur nowadays. Exclusives are exclusives.


If Founders items are really re-released into the Void, then for all fairness, Primed Chamber should be added into the common mod pool, and the exclusive Prime Access syandanas should be craftable in some way. All this talk about wanting the Founders items is pure jealousy speaking (Except for maybe Primed Chamber, since it's pretty much a requirement for a truly maxed out sniper build, but that's an argument for another day.).


When Brakk was re-released (Note how it was never even mentioned by DE to be exclusive), so many people just threw up a huge crapstorm all over the forums. I'd be willing to bet that many people who defended the Brakk's "exclusivity" also want the Founders' stuff to be re-released. In the end, it all boils down to jealously at others who have them.


I'll bring up an old argument for example. Back before the Snipetron was removed from the game, and still available for Credits in the shop, it was continually lambasted as one of the worst primary weapons in the game. It was virtually never used, and had the same status as weapons such as the Strun or Lex now. However, the moment it was removed, suddenly, SCORES of people threw up massive hissy fits, culminating in DE doing the Grineer Informer event. The motivation for this example and the current Founders argument is the same; people want these items not for their power or fun factor, but simply because due to their exclusivity, they make for nice vanity pieces.


On an ending note, for people who want Founders items released so badly, ask  yourselves this question=

If Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime were never exclusives, but were available in the Void since the days when Latron/Reaper/Frost Prime were still new, would you actually want them nearly as much as you do now?


Edit=Allow me to reword the above question. If Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime were never available in the Founders Packs, but were available in the Void since day one when Latron/Reaper/Frost Prime were still new, would you actually want them nearly as much as you do now?

Edited by ArdentSky
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As a PS4 player, I hope I NEVER get any part of the Founders Pack. As the OP said, exclusive is exclusive. Stupid people do not realize(Hell I probably don't even realize the magnitude since I wasn't around) the loyalty and respect that is coated on the Founders Pack. No amount of money will equal the respect DE had for the Founders. The Founders stand out as supporters of the game since the beginning and if they started handing out Excalibur Prime like cookies I'd feel betrayed, too, if it was me.


And for real who cares? You get, what, a trashy(my opinion) frame and a few weapons? Personally all I would benefit from that is mastery points.

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Why the hell is this still being discussed? People don't want Excalibur/Lato/Skana Prime because they actually want to use them; people want them purely because they're exclusive. Nobody would actually use those items if it weren't for their vanity factor. Just look at how many people (That aren't new players) actually use Excalibur nowadays. Exclusives are exclusives.


If Founders items are really re-released into the Void, then for all fairness, Primed Chamber should be added into the common mod pool, and the exclusive Prime Access syandanas should be craftable in some way. All this talk about wanting the Founders items is pure jealousy speaking (Except for maybe Primed Chamber, since it's pretty much a requirement for a truly maxed out sniper build, but that's an argument for another day.).


When Brakk was re-released (Note how it was never even mentioned by DE to be exclusive), so many people just threw up a huge crapstorm all over the forums. I'd be willing to bet that many people who defended the Brakk's "exclusivity" also want the Founders' stuff to be re-released. In the end, it all boils down to jealously at others who have them.


I'll bring up an old argument for example. Back before the Snipetron was removed from the game, and still available for Credits in the shop, it was continually lambasted as one of the worst primary weapons in the game. It was virtually never used, and had the same status as weapons such as the Strun or Lex now. However, the moment it was removed, suddenly, SCORES of people threw up massive hissy fits, culminating in DE doing the Grineer Informer event. The motivation for this example and the current Founders argument is the same; people want these items not for their power or fun factor, but simply because due to their exclusivity, they make for nice vanity pieces.


On an ending note, for people who want Founders items released so badly, ask  yourselves this question=

If Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime were never exclusives, but were available in the Void since the days when Latron/Reaper/Frost Prime were still new, would you actually want them nearly as much as you do now?

Excalibur shouldnt be exclusive you can keep your petty weapons.

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Why so serious ffs, it is a game let it go,it is not like people will get it for free or farm in the voids, they will pay 150$ for it, more than what you did judging by the lack of grand in your title.


I dont know a single game that kept content exclusive, not.a.single.one., they must all be broke now right?


Oh yeah, they are not, corporate world is different from monopoly.


All this melodrama the 4 of you are doing, threateing to quit, LOL, just LOL, it is embarassing.

I never threatened to quit. 

And why am I 'taking it so seriously'? Because it's my money, 

And because of the fact that changing your mind after the fact and yanking the rug out from beneath the primary supporters of your game is morally wrong?

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I am down for founder gear getting released when the drop the beta tag on this game.  We had it exclusive long enough.  On the same note the braton, lato vandal and primed chamber remaining more protected than the Founder Gear or Prime gear is a joke.  There really needs to be a way to complete collections in this game especially for folks who continually support the game with their wallet.  Exclusivity in a game that only has little else for active use content is kinda cheap.

Edited by Nickeltoe
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"There is continued talk from players about bringing it back, or some aspect of rerelease, but it’s very unlikely to occur."


Does this not bother anyone else? I think it was made very clear several times that Founders Program Access was completely cut off indefinitely. Why now, all of a sudden, DE isn't so stern about it. This used to be a confident "No, exclusive is exclusive, this will NEVER be released" even clearly stated in a livestream.


Now in hot-topics thread, there's a sense of uncertainty and doubt.

That doesn't sit well with me. "Very unlikely to occur" should say "it WILL NOT happen, period"

well its could be partial my fault for having suggestion on related forum post of how other founder felt if excal, skana, etc prime was re-released and we founder get something else which was posted by a GM or a Master (forgot username)

also your forgeting something

DE say they do 1 thing

give them a week or 2 they do the exact opposite

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If Excalibur Prime, Lato Prime, and Skana Prime were never available in the Founders Packs, but were available in the Void since day one when Latron/Reaper/Frost Prime were still new, would you actually want them nearly as much as you do now?

Of course. I took full advantage of Prime trading to get all the stuff I could for Mastery purposes that I hadn't managed to trick the RNG into giving me, and if the current Founders' stuff were in there, I would have done the same with them as well.

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If we'll be honest, the Founder's gear is basically a set of really shiny badges, and the difference between Excalibur and Excalibur Prime is one forma.

By this logic, I would be fine with releasing identical gear with different names, or changing the names of the Founder's gear so that they can be differentiated. The same would apply to Braton and Lato Vandal - make new versions of these weapons that are publically available but change the names of the originals so that their purpose as a badge of honor remains intact.


Perhaps make it so that the new versions don't earn Mastery if you have the 'original', but the amount of Mastery you can earn by having these items really is a trivial factor - at the time of this posting it is possible for everybody to reach Rank 15, and the Mastery gap will only become more trivial as more and more Mastery is required to rank up.

As regards event gear (Strun Wraith et. al.), I don't see why they shouldn't become available again later.

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People don't want these to support DE. They want them just for the cool stuff that comes with supporting DE. Bring it back and not only does founder lose meaning, but the items these people crave to have will just be as common as the next thing. If you really wanted to support DE you would support the Prime access that is around now.


There is no point in debating this subject. It's beating a dead horse that wasn't alive in the first place. 


Excalibur shouldnt be exclusive you can keep your petty weapons.

What are you talking about? Regular Excalibur is still obtainable to my understanding. If the weapons mean nothing in their prime form to you, then neither should Excalibur in his prime form.

Edited by Darkmoone1
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You know, it's this kind of controversy that will change the gaming market in the future. From a sensible POV, I think it's proper to put DE on the spot for this issue. Not many companies pull this kind of stunt on its users (I don't think EA has ever done this either, did they?) Though I could be wrong. Either way, if they do bring it back, there will definitely be an uproar and DE will have to measure the balance between the respect of their player-base and profit.

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I'm a newer player (signed up for closed beta and never got it) but I've been around since before all the 2.0s were added. And I'll say this: I dont think founder's pack should be released into the void. At all. It really does seem like a bit of a slap in the face to founders, to me. I'm not one, but I don't see the benefit to that. These are the players that got this game out of closed beta, and made this game available to the public. It was their money that allowed people to join, like me. I think they should keep their exclusivity.


...anyways, the Skana Prime, Lato Prime...those weapons aren't even that good even as primes...or even that fancy...

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