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Founders Pack End-All According To De


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I would have to agree with PiMDX. One of the reasons why migration hasn't happened is because of this founders pack items. No one on PS4 wants to see people running around with items they are not able to get. I believe Sony will be harshly criticized for not being fair to its PS4 clients. DEMegan posted something about there being token items being released to PS4 customers so who know what might happen. I hope we get exclusive items to the PS4 to offset the balance between PC and PS4. Also the items in the founders pack are not even that good to begin with so the only reason why PS4 players care is because of rank points.


Have you ever considered that there may not have been a PS4 version without those same people running around with founder's items?


Just sayin'...


Warframe was brought over to PS4.  That's a game expanding to a new territory/platform...  It's still the same game.  It cannot be "founded" all over again.


Before anyone goes to try and flame me about how I want to be a special snowflake, blah blah blah..  Please read my posts earlier in the thread and in other threads like this.


I feel for you guys, but you guys also have to consider the other side.


This has nothing to do with Sony.  They don't care about Excalibur Prime.

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I would have to agree with PiMDX. One of the reasons why migration hasn't happened is because of this founders pack items. No one on PS4 wants to see people running around with items they are not able to get. I believe Sony will be harshly criticized for not being fair to its PS4 clients. DEMegan posted something about there being token items being released to PS4 customers so who know what might happen. I hope we get exclusive items to the PS4 to offset the balance between PC and PS4. Also the items in the founders pack are not even that good to begin with so the only reason why PS4 players care is because of rank points.


You gotta be kidding? PC players funded the game, it would never reach PS4 without our support, and then PS4 players get exclusives?


Releasing the exclusive PC items on PS4 is ok, but asking for exclusives for PS4 is ridiculous.

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You gotta be kidding? PC players funded the game, it would never reach PS4 without our support, and then PS4 players get exclusives?


Releasing the exclusive PC items on PS4 is ok, but asking for exclusives for PS4 is ridiculous.

I wouldn't say asking for PS4 only exclusives would be ridiculous. In fact I'm for that, just don't make it the same exlusives as the PC's version.

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There are NO FOUNDERS who WANT people to have access to founder's pack.


I want people to have access to the Founders' pack.  More specifically I want people to have access Excalibur Prime.  In game lore, Excalibur was the first and Excalibur Prime is the original Orokin tech build.  It is a dreadful shame that fans of the poster 'frame cannot get his Prime version.  Skana and Lato I don't care about.  I feel Excalibur Prime should be available to everyone because of what he represents.  I don't care how, it could be standard in game Void drops or a one day only anniversary re-release of Hunter level Founders' Pack or anything else that keeps people happy

but he should not be left to gather virtual dust, only owned by the early few.


Note:  I do not care about mastery points available from any of the exclusives.  If one mastery rank is going to make that much difference to end game then the end game needs serious changes.

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I wouldn't say asking for PS4 only exclusives would be ridiculous. In fact I'm for that, just don't make it the same exlusives as the PC's version.


Tbh, only cosmetics should be exclusive, then Id have no problems at all. Im against Excal, Lato and Skana being exclusive for founders, they should be released just like Prime Access frames and weapons are available to the general community, while cosmetics and those drones arent.


They should release our exclusives, give us some fancy cosmetics for being founders, and then done.

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It's all public relations, they are just making themselves look all nice and pretty.

I wouldn't worry about it, I am 100% certain they will never re-release it unless every single last grandmaster/master/hunter magically quit or died.

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Tbh, only cosmetics should be exclusive, then Id have no problems at all. Im against Excal, Lato and Skana being exclusive for founders, they should be released just like Prime Access frames and weapons are available to the general community, while cosmetics and those drones arent.


They should release our exclusives, give us some fancy cosmetics for being founders, and then done.

Well that was then when founders were open and Prime Access hadn't even been thought of yet. I guess only time will tell what will happen to the "founders" exclusives. 

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My MAIN problem isn't the itema. Its the credibility of the Design Council

Why's that? You know they are still bringing in new council members right? At least people would be paying to support the game and getting in the DC that way (same as we did). DC needs new blood anyway, it can't always just be the founding members - but regardless, the council is still growing. Not sure how new members are being selected, if it's random or what at the moment.

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Why's that? You know they are still bringing in new council members right? At least people would be paying to support the game and getting in the DC that way (same as we did). DC needs new blood anyway, it can't always just be the founding members - but regardless, the council is still growing. Not sure how new members are being selected, if it's random or what at the moment.

I could see it now. Geoffxcalbiur holding a Branton to someone's head saying you have to Vote or DIE to a new player in Design Counsel.

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Why's that? You know they are still bringing in new council members right? At least people would be paying to support the game and getting in the DC that way (same as we did). DC needs new blood anyway, it can't always just be the founding members - but regardless, the council is still growing. Not sure how new members are being selected, if it's random or what at the moment.

If everyone in the world had the power to vote to nuke a country for example america. What do you think would be the end result?

I know that the council is growing. Every month 30 members are selected to join the council. There is your new blood.

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"There is continued talk from players about bringing it back, or some aspect of rerelease, but it’s very unlikely to occur."


Does this not bother anyone else? I think it was made very clear several times that Founders Program Access was completely cut off indefinitely. Why now, all of a sudden, DE isn't so stern about it. This used to be a confident "No, exclusive is exclusive, this will NEVER be released" even clearly stated in a livestream.


Now in hot-topics thread, there's a sense of uncertainty and doubt.

That doesn't sit well with me. "Very unlikely to occur" should say "it WILL NOT happen, period"


Because things change, and snowflakes melt eventually, if you know what I mean.

This has always been business and DE is not your mother. No love here dude. Cash rules everything.

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Because things change, and snowflakes melt eventually, if you know what I mean.

This has always been business and DE is not your mother. No love here dude. Cash rules everything.


I don't agree with this statement.  Especially on how you portray the game devs.  They're honorable people.


While there's certainly enough QQ here on the forums about RNG, etc. they are more than generous, by allowing people to play this game completely free.  They've even allowed players to farm platinum now.


So no...  Cash is important, but it doesn't rule everything.  I'd really be pinning that kind of thing on a company like EA, but not DE...

Edited by sushidubya
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Implying the design council has any weight at all (hint: it doesn't)


There's an idiom in English language saying "Two heads are better than one".

The Design Council was an awful idea. And it's irrelevant unless you refuse to take feedback and suggestions from the main forums.

Edited by Phantasmo
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They bring it back: I ask refund. Because and I quote

So if they do bring it back which they won't. I believe I am entitled to a refund.

edit: Apparently i can't express my disgust for people's sensitiveness otherwise i get warned, so, I'll limit myself to : nobody would miss someone like you.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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Well, its logic Founder stuff have a chance to come back at some point, maybe 1 year, maybe 2. Now, Warframe has many founders playing, 25-30% maybe, but in 2 year, when founder are the 2-3% of the playerbase and the rest(97-98%) want to collect all, we will see what happen. DE are lossing costumers with this exlusive decision, i know more than 10 paying player who don´t want to play this game because they can´t obtain all the playable content in it. Everyday more and more player will come and, many of them, want to collect all. And finally, what is the point of a in-game currency if you can´t buy everything? Plat lossing value everyday, Why i should buy plat, if the X thing i want maybe will be unobtanable with it? I bet, in the future, DE will accept this, and all playable content will be buyable with plat.

Edited by Superkoco
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Well, its logic Founder stuff have a chance to come back at some point, maybe 1 year, maybe 2. Now, Warframe has many founders playing, 25-30% maybe, but in 2 year, when founder are the 2-3% of the playerbase and the rest(97-98%) want to collect all, we will see what happen. DE are lossing costumers with this exlusive decision, i know more than 10 paying player who don´t want to play this game because they can´t obtain all the playable content in it. Everyday more and more player will come and, many of them, want to collect all. And finally, what is the point of a in-game currency if you can´t buy everything? Plat lossing value everyday, Why i should buy plat, if the X thing i want maybe will be unobtanable with it? I bet, in the future, DE will accept this, and all playable content will be buyable with plat.

Same on the ps4 end pal, same here.

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So basically what i can sum of from this thread.

Founders- Are selfish players that dont want any weapon/frame to return in any case at all. They want all there exclusive gear and nobody else to enjoy the same fun they had with that gear. Even if that person is willing to pay the same amount of $$$.

Sad, selfish, people maybe im better off not being a founder because at least i know how to share.

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So basically what i can sum of from this thread.

Founders- Are selfish players that dont want any weapon/frame to return in any case at all. They want all there exclusive gear and nobody else to enjoy the same fun they had with that gear. Even if that person is willing to pay the same amount of $$$.

Sad, selfish, people maybe im better off not being a founder because at least i know how to share.


We didn't create this situation. DE did.


neener neener neener

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