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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Oh, wait, really?


When did they say that?


Sorry, I didn't realize this... :)


It's there somewhere, I cannot remember where exactly but If I dig up the source I'll link it here.


I'm 99% sure that this will encompass some kind of PS4 'Supporters' Package

Edit: Source

Edited by Emeere
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It's there somewhere, I cannot remember where exactly but If I dig up the source I'll link it here.


I'm 99% sure that this will encompass some kind of PS4 'Supporters' Package

Edit: Source




Well, my bad for my ignorance, and thank you for showing me this, good sir!

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How was i to late when ps4 didn't release yet? Im not a PC player so you missed it how could i miss it when it was never available for us to buy it or get it in the game?  exclusive for PC only 

It doesn't matter, Founders is PC only.

Please, don't rekindle this thread.

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Randomly posting on threads with no desire to actually discuss anything and instead just bump the thread is against the rules of this forum.  If you continue this thread will be reported and potentially locked for bumping with no discussion going on.  So stop bumping this thread if you do not want to end up reported.

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Except the fact they extended it beyond the Closed Beta makes it otherwise.

There are plenty of valid defenses, that just isn't one of them.

it is that... its the perfect defense because they were being nice... Its like if your teacher extended the dead line, and therefore saying it wasn't originally due on said date, but now due on this date and therefore forever every class this teacher teaches that is the exact same class he/she will always have said homework due at said date when according to the schedule it is actually due on the original date. Thus making it a valid defense.

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it is that... its the perfect defense because they were being nice... Its like if your teacher extended the dead line, and therefore saying it wasn't originally due on said date, but now due on this date and therefore forever every class this teacher teaches that is the exact same class he/she will always have said homework due at said date when according to the schedule it is actually due on the original date. Thus making it a valid defense.

That's garbage and doesn't apply in the slightest to this circumstance.

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The reason founders has ended, is because DE no longer need the extensive funding from players they used to. As they are now on PS4, they are also supported by Sony, and have so many players paying for Platinum, and the Prime access, that they do not need players to "found" warframe.

Also, the items in the Founders pack were a small 'Thank You' for founding the game. All Beta games have exclusives in their Founders package, and none I have seen have released these items publicly.


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  I use to beta test lots of games, when I was younger, and all we use to get was a thank you for your support, that was pretty much it, and if we were lucky enough to test anything in closed beta, it was so it could possibly be ready for the waves of new people that would be coming when the game went open beta, and so fourth.


  To be honest, some people could argue the fact that when DE closed the founders program, that was basically all towards the PC Community, and thus no contract is binding towards the PS4 Community, so releasing something like that for them, isn't your call, its the Company itself, and anyone who threatens to take a company to court over such trivial matters, is no gamer in my opinion, but a plain and simple jerk, that acts like all these digital items are going to ruin their life, when in turn it all comes down to MONEY!!


  I read all these posts, from millions of different people, and the word MONEY, is the most used.  "We spent MONEY, lots of MONEY, we should be special", grow up people, you'll live, its not going to kill you.  Your players like everyone else, you don't own the company, try to show some maturity....  For those that have, Thank You, but all in all, if you leave because of something like this, then have fun, its not like the game will shutdown if The Design Council/Founders all left because they were mad, they took your money, DE is good now, and using terms like "They Made Promises, They Said this, and That", is just a scapegoat, when all and all it comes down to MONEY!!


  Some others said they should just remove the Codex's for Exclusive Frames, Weapons, etc, but in truth, you can't really do that, because if you remove a codex for something, you'd have to remove the item from the game/people, as you can't have something that doesn't exist, and on another note I even think I seen someone mention that there's only suppose to be one Excalibur Prime in existence, as he's the first, well, if you have like roughly 20+ founders in the game with it, then that kind of blows the only one in existence idea.


  Frankly....  Games, and Gamers got lost somewhere down the line, as I remember when games use to be simple, use to be fun, it wasn't always about who spent the most money, who got the most kills, and all this wonderful drama that magically has developed over the years.  It use to be about Sociability & Recreation, and games were complete, they were whole, if something was added, everyone got to try it, and gave their opinions, and just had fun.


  Now days there's just to much segregation between different communities, and I use to turn to gaming to escape reality, and the drama, but now I can't even come here without hearing something negative etc, and whoever came up with the idea of Limited Time & Exclusive, ought to be dragged down an alley, and be beat up by the Boondock Saints, but oh wait....  I forgot......  Because it was about MONEY!!!! 


  In conclusion....  Everyone just needs to get over it, and stop worrying about items.  If it exists, it should be available, simple as that, and I'll gladly slap anyone in the face if they want, if it gets people to wake up, and get back to being a gamer, and just enjoying the ride....  Jeez people....

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This thread...


Son: Oh cool look at that car! It's like Dukes of Hazzard

Father: Oh Son. Why, that's an old Mustang

Son: I want it

Father: Oh son. They stopped making them ages ago

Son: But i want it

Father: But son, they're expensive 

Son: Look, I have money... i want it, I Want It, I WANT IT

Father: Look here you little C***, if you want it so bad and you have so much money, go buy it off that guy. Pay for his account, no has to know, no will be the wiser


I could've got the lato prime+skana prime, but didnt because they are skins

I payed to support DE

This badge proves i believe in them, but you dont need a badge to prove you helped someone

isnt simply supporting them enough? Doesnt it just feel good to support the underdog?

Plus if I payed any more it would've been much more than a retail game


PS4 players will prolly get something cool on release


Why isnt anyone complaing about the PROVA VANDAL? that is what we should be fighting for


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