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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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Zerrien, on 17 Mar 2014 - 4:31 PM, said: it best - 
 Just because you're afraid your exclusives are going to be re-released doesn't mean people cannot have a logical, sane discussion about whether or not they should return. 



And just because you think people should be free to break their written contracts when you want them to doesn't make it right.


And I haven't seen a lot of logic or sanity in this thread or any of the others about this topic. So I am simply adding a little humor to the mix.


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Or how about this:

An event goes live on PC and the reward is a special weapon.

After the update goes through Sony Cert, it hits PS4 and the event offers a different exclusive weapon than it did on PC. Or the same weapon with a different special skin. 

That way it's just a psuedo exclusive. Everyone has the gun, but the look is still exclusive to either platform. 


I'm against hard-exclusive content. It splits communities. My suggestion was an attempt to encourage cross-pollination between PC and PS4 accounts; not deepen the divide between the two.


I think that's the fundamental misunderstanding. It's not about you not getting our toys it's about DE keeping a promise. I know all you see is "aww cool stuff I don't get" and don't give 2 hoots about a promise made before you even knew about the game (could be wrong about that detail it's just for arguements sake). However, there are some reasons you should. Honesty is something that the game development industry seems to lack as a whole. I say seems here because its hard to filter out Internet rage vs. reality with this subject but it definately seems to swing towards the dishonest part. What you are asking is tantamount to demanding DE join the ranks of Activision/EA who are hated with some pretty solid reasoning. It's not something I want to see happen and I doubt is something anyone really wants to see happen.

The first deception is always the hardest, the ones that follow simply flow as water.

To bring it back to the OP's topic yeah it may be hard to defend now but there was a time when many of the issues that make it so didnt exist.


While it can be a virtue to keep your word, it can also be an albatross around your neck. Yes, you want people to try to keep their word; but sometimes people make mistakes and promise things that they shouldn't have. In those cases, being able to admit you made a mistake and recanting on your word is sometimes the best solution. It isn't necessarily deception - it can be the realization that you made a mistake.


(I'm not saying it is DE's best solution - I'm not making that judgement call. I'm pointing out that always sticking to your guns isn't always the right option.)




Entitlement and people being or not being left out



The game requires extra options,options that will not harm the gameplay outcome but add more out of the word Premium Access should be something that introduces an item to the free game in order to absorb it later.Soon the time will come that players will wonder about Vandal and Wraith Warframes as the next level after Prime 


Founders package role through time


Founders package was the Unique Prime access and as in all games it will change form to be available again the question is when will it be and what our expectation will be up to that date


I'm not fond of exclusives, for reasons I think I've made clear by this point. That said, I understand the reality of a F2P game might require putting some content behind a temporary pay wall. I don't think a permanent pay wall is a good idea. If I misunderstood anything you stated, I'm sorry.


So now you're resorting to petty insults? That's what people do when they no longer have an argument to stand on. 

Tokens will not be exclusive, although PS4 may see it's own exclusives in the future. As long as they aren't Founder items, I'm OK with this. De already stated that Founder items will never be released again, so the best you're gonna get is a completely different exclusive that is completely unrelated to the Founder pack. 


Plasmaface, you've been engaging in tons of ad hominem attacks in this thread. Even if the DE cat is incredibly cute.


-1 to everybody in this whole discussion.

To the founders and their "no you cant have my bling bling toy".

To the newer ps4 and pc player and their "i want your bling bling toy".

Both sides have shown how crap they can be in the forum. Cant even imagine how annoying both of you are for mods and devs of this game/forum.


I'm sorry that you feel that way about everyone in this thread. I've tried to make my feelings known in a constructive manner.

Edited by PoorCensored
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There have been arguments on both sides. So, seriously, posting random spam is your solution to this all?




There have been cogent arguments on both sides of this, yes.


There has been FAR MORE silly stupid stuff. Yes, I have been adding to the latter.


Sorry if that offends you. (Actually, I am about as sorry as some people are willing to stop beating the dead horse. Yes, I am going to keep posting random funny stuff. It makes more SENSE than most of the recent pages.)


Since DE won't lock this, I will just keep trying to make people laugh.

Edited by Kalenath
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There is no good reason for DE to open themselves to false advertising claims. This means founders package exclusives will remain exclusive. Surprised this is such a hard topic to swallow. Can we get back to shooting things now?

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So now you're resorting to petty insults? That's what people do when they no longer have an argument to stand on. 

Tokens will not be exclusive, although PS4 may see it's own exclusives in the future. As long as they aren't Founder items, I'm OK with this. De already stated that Founder items will never be released again, so the best you're gonna get is a completely different exclusive that is completely unrelated to the Founder pack.

Well I didnt insult anyone, sorry if it came off that way.Anyways , seemigly, we are talking about different tokens, the hypothetical set of exclusive on the ps4 you talk about is what i am calling tokens, so we seem to be in agreeance, good!

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So all the work that was done PRIOR to the PS4 launch meant nothing. Good to know.


All the bugs, the holes in the floor, the weapons that didn't work right, the enemies with 1 hit kills (scorpion hitscan harpoon! ICK!), all those did not exist. They never happened before you got your hands on the game because you didn't see it happen, so it didn't happen.


All the work that was done prior to PS4 launch to make a stable game MEANS NOTHING to you.


Then I don't see how stealing what people paid for will make any more difference. I mean, it's not like it was YOUR rewards being stolen now is it? if it was, you might change your tune.


Then again, maybe not.


This come to mind...


Of course it means, I am being ironic, this is what i mean:

If we, ps4 players, that started playing this game in the same month many pc players got their founder's package, a week later mind you, are seemingly not as much of founders as those people are; we are, then, playing a different game.Which isn't true.Despite the fact that we took our own set of risks as well.


But I commend you on the good argument and the extra video lol, it is just that i don't mean that by any means.

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Wrong. Why do you think getting updates regularly to PS4 takes so long? Many would blame it completely on Sony Cert, but even a PS4 player like yourself knows that that's not true. A good amount of that time is spent with the build being bug screened on PC before it gets to PS4, so that when it does get submitted for cert, it isn't full of bugs that PS4 player would be stuck with for another month and a half. You're welcome by the way.




 That's still a choice. Sure it's a gamble, but it's a gamble many Founders have taken 10 fold. We invested in a half finished game. What have you invested?




If you truly feel that way, then actually say that. You keep stating your speculations as fact, and widely accepted no less. Stop. 


You want results? Warframe made it to PS4 and you had nothing to do with it. We did.

All of the things you said i should thank you for would be done with or without the ps4, but i wont complain, i sure am grateful for this fact.


I didn't throw my speculations as facts, I used the word probably, as in, the most likely scenario, which truly is, makes more sense than them being straight obnoxious and pulling the plug on purpose, but anyways let us not go off topic in here...


Results.Yes Warframe made it to the ps4, thanks to you guys and i have nothing to do with that, awesome, nor could i have.

What has to do with me, though, is the fact that this game is still on the ps4, it is profitable enough to still be there, and despite the risks, unfinished feel and much smaller player base i spent 150$ on its first week and kept spending.


But, you know, people like me, collectors, or whales like another fellow ps4 player says, the ones that make this a profitable business, not only for the money we spend, but because of our dedication to this game, dont like to be left out of things.

All this to say, you helped this to reach the ps4, but it's the ps4 player base and only that, that can make this game still be there, and i feel like i contribute to that taking the same risks if not more than someone who bought their founders status in october/november.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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In my opinion, if they spent hundreds of dollars for something, they earned it. Even if they grinded for the founders items I think you would still complain how you don't have them :p


DE rightfully chooses what Warframe is, and they did not choose it to be a 100% collectibles game. "Collectors" are looking into the wrong game.




This thread just spits on everything Founders did for this game. They did support Warframe from its earliest days and they di deserve their exclusive items. But some people dont understand that. They want Founder items just because. They need Founders items just because.


You people dont miss anything by not having exclusive items, and you want them because they are shiny and unobtainable.

Edited by RoboDoge
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All of the things you said i should thank you for would be done with or without the ps4, but i wont complain, i sure am grateful for this fact.


I didn't throw my speculations as facts, I used the word probably, as in, the most likely scenario, which truly is, makes more sense than them being straight obnoxious and pulling the plug on purpose, but anyways let us not go off topic in here...


Results.Yes Warframe made it to the ps4, thanks to you guys and i have nothing to do with that, awesome, nor could i have.

What has to do with me, though, is the fact that this game is still on the ps4, it is profitable enough to still be there, and despite the risks, unfinished feel and much smaller player base i spent 150$ on its first week and kept spending.


But, you know, people like me, collectors, or whales like another fellow ps4 player says, the ones that make this a profitable business, not only for the money we spend, but because of our dedication to this game, dont like to be left out of things.

All this to say, you helped this to reach the ps4, but it's the ps4 player base and only that, that can make this game still be there, and i feel like i contribute to that taking the same risks if not more than someone who bought their founders status in october/november.


You're not taking the same risk. I'd understand your argument perfectly if two things were true:


1) PC money only went to PC, and


2) PS4 money only goes to PS4.


But that's not the case. The money the Founders put in helped both the PC and PS4 games come to fruition. It's not your money that helps the game remain on PS4. It's both PC and PS4 money that do so, and it wouldn't have been on either if Founders hadn't supported the game early on. It's PS4 players actually playing the game that will help the game remain on PS4. If PS4 had separate resources, separate dev teams, separate money pool, then I'd understand this idea that PS4 players like you are founders of the PS4 version. But that's not the case.


For your argument that PS4 is still profitable. Well, so is the PC version, and those players who missed the Founders pack aren't getting them either, even though it could have been extended 1 more week or 2 more weeks or however many more weeks to accommodate whoever. The fact of the matter is that people missed it and it wasn't intended for PS4 (if they'd stuck to the original end date, it would have ended far before PS4 came out).


At the end of the day, Founders is not coming back.

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It's not coming back, ever. Get over it.


-Waves my exclusive Founders gear around!-

and you know is all well and good to wave what we got in peoples faces, but theres no need to be so rude, we found the game and had the money to get it before it left. the others were just unlucky in their timing and/or not having money

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and you know is all well and good to wave what we got in peoples faces, but theres no need to be so rude, we found the game and had the money to get it before it left. the others were just unlucky in their timing and/or not having money

but i do agree, its done, no more founders and they need to get over it, maybe de well do something for them to do the same stuff we can...

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Honestly, I do hope that the PS4 gets it own "Founders" program with a redesigned Excal and whatnot. This would probably make the PS4 base happy. This would make PC guys mad, but someone is always complaining. Naturally, PCTenno who migrate their accounts over would be unable to get this stuff since having both sets would just be unfair.

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Honestly, I do hope that the PS4 gets it own "Founders" program with a redesigned Excal and whatnot. This would probably make the PS4 base happy. This would make PC guys mad, but someone is always complaining. Naturally, PCTenno who migrate their accounts over would be unable to get this stuff since having both sets would just be unfair.


Excalibur Vandal

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Ugh, why are poeple so intent on having the Founders pack reinstated.


The answer to your desires is in the very pack name itself, FOUNDERS.


There was plenty of time to aquire the packs, and plenty of warning was given to people as to when it would end. That time has passed.


Stop winging and whining and just get some other Primes, go buy some Plat.


"But I want a Master title and Lato/Excal/Skana Prime!"


Then take a sleeping pill and dream about it, because it's never going to happen.

I joined warframe very close to the Founders pack deadline, and I gave it a solid lookover, And I didn't care. And now that I know I can never ever get Excal/Skana/Lato Prime and a fancy title, I still don't care. I am MORE than happy prancing around with my non-Founder Prime stuff, and I don't understand what the big kerfuffle about it is.


TL;DR : Stop crying about the fact you can't get a limited edition thing because you missed the deadline.



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