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Why Founders Pack Exclusivity Is Hard To Defend


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I think that you failed to realize your statement is a double edged sword.

I didnt fail to realize anything, like i said, i use this forums to train my fourth language, that is all, do i want excalibur prime?Yes I do. Do I have arguments to support my claim?Yes I do.


Also, asking to be offered the option to buy something is far different from "they want to take what is rightfuly mine". Asking for something is different from blocking someone from something.


You don't want me to have it?Fine.


It's towards the aforementioned thought, a very petty one, that i point my attacks to.


So yeah, i fail to realize it is a double edged sword, when i couldn't care less about sharing and would glady not care if DE offered the package again, were i a fouder with my only conditions being : keep it under the same price tag.


Planet, badge and DC, would still be exclusive.


That's all.

Edited by (PS4)DanteVincent
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I do well enough in my life thank you for asking.  Well enough I had spare cash to support something that was very rough and unfinished.  Perhaps you did not?  I feel sorry for you now... DE please give him access to all the founders package for free since he obviously could not afford it at the time and we can't have things in life be unfair for those less fortunate that ourselves.


Are we done attacking each other now?


I don't whine when I miss out on concert tickets I could not buy at the time and others did.  I don't think it's unfair when they stop making some limited edition Blueray of my favourite movie just before I can get to the store to buy it.  I certainly don't think life is fair.  My solution to this problem would be to remove any and all exclusives from the codex of those that cannot get them.  Mastery points are a non issue as there are MORE than enough things to get/use to gain max mastery.


And a side note... you think I am not entitled to say that the founders package items are rightfully mine when I paid for them?  How odd.

You see, the issue here is that you are speaking the a PS4 player/ playerbase about real world examples, yet these examples dont apply. You are arguing that We had a cance to purchase them and we were too lazy/ slow/ poor to buy it. Where in reality. We did not have the opportunity to do so. I can think of various segregation examples, but i really dont want to bring them here. It existed, we have the funds, but were not allowed access.


I guarantee you that we have money. Its not like we are arguing "Put them into the drop table" or " give them to us for free". No,no, we are arguing to release it for the FIRST time on PS4. Your examples only apply to other PC players.



Even if there is no hope in hell of it happening, you have to agree that it is pretty dumb.

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I do well enough in my life thank you for asking.  Well enough I had spare cash to support something that was very rough and unfinished.  Perhaps you did not?  I feel sorry for you now... DE please give him access to all the founders package for free since he obviously could not afford it at the time and we can't have things in life be unfair for those less fortunate that ourselves.


Are we done attacking each other now?


I don't whine when I miss out on concert tickets I could not buy at the time and others did.  I don't think it's unfair when they stop making some limited edition Blueray of my favourite movie just before I can get to the store to buy it.  I certainly don't think life is fair.  My solution to this problem would be to remove any and all exclusives from the codex of those that cannot get them.  Mastery points are a non issue as there are MORE than enough things to get/use to gain max mastery.


And a side note... you think I am not entitled to say that the founders package items are rightfully mine when I paid for them?  How odd.

Wrong son, I just never knew about this game and am not blaming anyone on that, dont regret it either, by the way some of you talk about it, the game wasnt nearly as finished as it is today, despite how unfinished it still is, also i would never buy anything one the pc in hopes to transfer it over the ps4 cause we know thats not gona happen.So it is not like it was ever an option for me.


Feeling sorry for me?LOL I dont need your sentiments, on the contrary, so much sensitiveness here, guess i should move to the european boards, which is another matter.


Anyways, I am far from whining, the material things that matter, i can buy them.


Regarding your last phrase, do you even realize what you actually wrote?You said people want what is rightfuly yours, nothing wrong saying what you bought is yours, thats capitalism, i am talking about the way you said it, like people want to take it from you, jeez...People just want to buy the damn thing.Nobody is talking anything from you nor removing the shine of your shiny toys.

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The only thing that is hard to defend is not allowing the warframe and weapons to be discoverable. The badges and other swag should remain exclusive as it only available for and for the express purpose of being a founder.


Not that it is major, but there shouldn't be a difference of achievable mastery points between prime access, founder, and f2p.


I think this is consistent with prime access for the PS4 and would be fine. It would also keep with their obligation that the founders pack remains exclusive, the promise, but not nessicarily all the items in it.

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*sips drink*.....38 pages of whining and complaining about not having founders.


Thank you everyone who has valid points. I wonder if this thread will be on a live stream one day. Maybe DE can clear up the "NO" they have already given everyone, seems like a lot of people are having trouble understanding what i means.

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The only thing that is hard to defend is not allowing the warframe and weapons to be discoverable. The badges and other swag should remain exclusive as it only available for and for the express purpose of being a founder.


Not that it is major, but there shouldn't be a difference of achievable mastery points between prime access, founder, and f2p.


I think this is consistent with prime access for the PS4 and would be fine. It would also keep with their obligation that the founders pack remains exclusive, the promise, but not nessicarily all the items in it.



Oh look.




They specifically stated which items were exclusive. All of them.


What is an “Exclusive Founders Set”?

The Exclusive Founders Set is available for a limited time only and equips the user with the Excalibur Prime Warframe, and/or the Skana Prime Sword, and/or the Lato Prime Pistol. This special set is exclusively for Warframe Founders and available for a limited time only!


Edited by Seox
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Oh look.




They specifically stated which items were exclusive. All of them.


What is an “Exclusive Founders Set”?

The Exclusive Founders Set is available for a limited time only and equips the user with the Excalibur Prime Warframe, and/or the Skana Prime Sword, and/or the Lato Prime Pistol. This special set is exclusively for Warframe Founders and available for a limited time only!




ya know what else i noticed on that archived site? the lack of a "buy for PS4" button. 


I never questioned whether or not it was "exclusive to the founders program" because that would be pretty dumb to argue.


This is what people like myself are getting at. There was never the option. You guys keep spouting off like there was a option. 

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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ya know what else i noticed on that archived site? the lack of a "buy for PS4" button. 


I never questioned whether or not it was "exclusive to the founders program" because that would be pretty dumb to argue.


This is what people like myself are getting at. There was never the option. You guys keep spouting off like there was a option. 

Funny thing is, they could offer it as PS4 preorder on PS store. But they chose not to. And not to offer at all. But that's not what gets me. It was a very disrespectful move by DE, a spit in the face, yes, but it's not something completely outrageous.

What really gets me is that they had the audacity to not remove any items/art/codex entries related to those items from PS4 version. For which they never offered them.

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ya know what else i noticed on that archived site? the lack of a "buy for PS4" button. 


I never questioned whether or not it was "exclusive to the founders program" because that would be pretty dumb to argue.


This is what people like myself are getting at. There was never the option. You guys keep spouting off like there was a option. 


Will you always offer Founders Packages?

The Warframe Founder’s Packages are available for a limited time only, but the perks last forever! There is a limited supply of items, especially for the Grand Master—get yours while supply lasts!

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Love it hate it, people never miss the opportunity to embarrass themselves. It makes them proud to be horrible.


Why do people fight over shiny pixels on the internet makes zero sense to me. It does not make you special, it does not show your worth.


Unless you are a under 18 person who will forget about this game in a couple of months anyway (and you weren't legally allowed to purchase anything, in the first place), why would you rage over "exclusive" pixels? Why?


It does not show skill (such as it is with PVP games where the prize pool of shiny gadgets goes to the 1% of the player base who beat the game or the meta game and won against an extremely tough competition), it isn't even exclusive when thousands other people bought it, too. It was for sale, which makes it worthless. It is just a skin in a video game.


@internet lawyers pretends


Content in the game is licensed to the player, it isn't owned. There is no legal obligation to uphold "exclusivity" of anything.


But hey. At least you are guaranteed to be several thousand bucks poorer and getting laughed out of court, if you ever get there.


The bottom line. I am noticing this is not a matter of "supporting the developers". It is a matter of "I do not anyone else to play with the same toys as I am" chest pumping. Cross-platform, no less!


I wouldn't pay 250 bucks on a reskinned model if my life depended on it. To go up in arms because other people would dare(!) do set 250 bucks on fire like you did is plain nuts.


Enjoy yourselves, people! You can only go up from where you are now. Unironically LOL

Edited by HansJurgen
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Actuallty, at this point I kinda want them to come out and officially announce that Founders items will never be released on PS4 and their codex entries will remain on PS4 and PS4 will not get any exclusive warframes or weapons. Then I can uninstall the game and never go back to it again. 3 people on my friends list who played quit already, because Dead Nation and some other stuff came out. I'm kinda still checking on it because I dumped a bunch of money in it before realizing all this founders BS was a thing. It's really more of a problem with Sony, who are not as trustworthy as they were. 5 years ago they wouldn't even be on Sony platform without substantial exclusive content.


And yes they need to announce that because anything that was mentioned about PC pack is hardly relevant. PS4 version is a separate product.

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ya know what else i noticed on that archived site? the lack of a "buy for PS4" button. 


I never questioned whether or not it was "exclusive to the founders program" because that would be pretty dumb to argue.


This is what people like myself are getting at. There was never the option. You guys keep spouting off like there was a option. 


There didn't need to be an option because the ps4 version wasn't around then.  The ps4 came later after it was closed, so pc players who started it after it was closed and all ps4 players won't get it.  But that's what happens when a limited time offer ends people who come after it ends don't get it.  (i recommend you to read the definitions of both 'limited' and 'end')


The circular logic and pedantry in this thread are both epic and epicly wearisome.  


Step 1 Limited time offer with included exclusives.

Step 2 Offer ends for everyone, and the exclusive become unavailable


There is no step 3 that's all the defense there needs to be.


If you want to justify this extended complain fest in any kind of even plausible way here is what you have to do: Make the convincing argument that every single player regardless of platform for the entire length of the games lifetime should have access to the founders gear without exception.  Because anything short of that bears out a self-interested and entitled attitude.  There is no middle ground it you want an exception to this case it either has to remain unchanged or become open to everyone all the time... there is your 'fair'.



Again i really don't care what DE does here but a man can only take so much vacuous self interest before he is compelled to say something.

Edited by Agent_of_Change
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Will you always offer Founders Packages?

The Warframe Founder’s Packages are available for a limited time only, but the perks last forever! There is a limited supply of items, especially for the Grand Master—get yours while supply lasts!


Wanna know how much stuff in this world is labeled as limited time only, and ends up being released 6 times with that label before coming mainstream?


And before you go and say "never to be released again" bs (again) nowhere doews that say it aplies to a console where it never was released in the FIRST PLACE.


releasing for the first time =/= rereleasing


I could care less at ths point, but your arguments aren't rooted too well. Im just stating the obvious counter argument that you keep managing to try and counter with a poster made by a sales promotion team.

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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Actuallty, at this point I kinda want them to come out and officially announce that Founders items will never be released on PS4 and their codex entries will remain on PS4 and PS4 will not get any exclusive warframes or weapons. Then I can uninstall the game and never go back to it again. 3 people on my friends list who played quit already, because Dead Nation and some other stuff came out. I'm kinda still checking on it because I dumped a bunch of money in it before realizing all this founders BS was a thing. It's really more of a problem with Sony, who are not as trustworthy as they were. 5 years ago they wouldn't even be on Sony platform without substantial exclusive content.


And yes they need to announce that because anything that was mentioned about PC pack is hardly relevant. PS4 version is a separate product.


They have said that the Founders items will never be rereleased, and they said that PS4 was going to get SOMETHING to make up for it.


However, from what I've seen, they've said nothing about the codex entries.


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Wanna know how much stuff in this world is labeled as limited time only, and ends up being released 6 times with that label before coming mainstream?


And before you go and say "never to be released again" bs (again) nowhere doews that say it aplies to a console where it never was released in the FIRST PLACE.


releasing for the first time =/= rereleasing


I could care less at ths point, but your arguments aren't rooted too well. Im just stating the obvious counter argument that you keep managing to try and counter with a poster made by a sales promotion team.


When they said "never to be released again," I'm pretty sure they meant for Warframe in general.


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They have said that the Founders items will never be rereleased, and they said that PS4 was going to get SOMETHING to make up for it.


However, from what I've seen, they've said nothing about the codex entries.


See? What is this hogwash? They need to bloody make up their mind and give us a complete answer.


By the way, very few things can make up for it. Essentially only weapons and warframes exclusive to PS4. So that both PC and PS4 version has items that are impossible to obtain. And therefore they're both on the same level.

Edited by (PS4)Lord_Gremlin
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Wanna know how much stuff in this world is labeled as limited time only, and ends up being released 6 times with that label before coming mainstream?


And before you go and say "never to be released again" bs (again) nowhere doews that say it aplies to a console where it never was released in the FIRST PLACE.


releasing for the first time =/= rereleasing


I could care less at ths point, but your arguments aren't rooted too well. Im just stating the obvious counter argument that you keep managing to try and counter with a poster made by a sales promotion team.


Items labelled exclusive that are released anyways hurt loyalty to developers. Just because others jump on that bandwagon doesn't mean DE has to, and they've worked incredibly hard to maintain the loyalty of their player base.


Releasing for the first time != rereleasing? What? If they formally ended the founders pack, and they release it on any platform at any time ever again, I don't care what it's called, that's not exclusive. You're trying to pull some semantic gymnastics about how "releasing it on one console isn't the same as rereleasing so it isn't TECHNICALLY...."



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Items labelled exclusive that are released anyways hurt loyalty to developers. Just because others jump on that bandwagon doesn't mean DE has to, and they've worked incredibly hard to maintain the loyalty of their player base.


Releasing for the first time != rereleasing? What? If they formally ended the founders pack, and they release it on any platform at any time ever again, I don't care what it's called, that's not exclusive. You're trying to pull some semantic gymnastics about how "releasing it on one console isn't the same as rereleasing so it isn't TECHNICALLY...."


The founders pack makes you a founder, and these items are exclusive to founders, therefore the items are exclusive to the founders pack. *mind blown* That doesnt take a whole lot of brains to figure out. Where did they promise that they couldnt put it on another console? Your making the assumption that it says that, yet im telling you what is obvious: it doesnt.

Edited by (PS4)MyTagForHalo
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Except you would be complaining for something no1 had to pay for. And complaining about free stuff makes you look dumb.

I had to pay for groceries and events. I had to forgo some to save up to buy founders packs.


I'm not complaining about free stuff. I'm complaining about I scrimped and saved up to get this, and if everyone else is getting a chance to buy it after having 5 additional months to do it in, I deserve something for the sacrifices I had to make to afford this.


To me, it wasn't cheap. For me, it wasn't easy. However, they insisted it was for an exclusive offer available for a limited time only, so I did it.


If I had 5 more months to do it, it would've been very, very easy. I did not.

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The founders pack makes you a founder, and these items are exclusive to founders, therefore the items are exclusive to the founders pack. *mind blown* That doesnt take a whole lot of brains to figure out. Where did they promise that they couldnt put it on another console? Your making the assumption that it says that, yet im telling you what is obvious: it doesnt.


And I'm giving you something better than obvious - a page where the people responsible for the pack say they're gone once it's over.


In other words,


1. When it's over, the items are gone forever

2. It's over


So logically, it's gone forever. 


In the future, probably not a good idea to claim your logic is "obvious." If it were obvious, I don't think you'd be in the place you are now with no option to buy a founders pack.

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