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You Know How In Some Games


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the combat system is set is if you kill a guy near certain environmental spots such as cliffs or traps, your character will knock them off the cliff or throw them in the trap?


I want that for melee 2.0.



Some of these levels have incredible potential with electrical hazards, exploding barrels, long falls, fans, and other such thingy majigs that I just want to stab a guy and throw him in there.



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I'd rather they not since these kinds of things tend to force me to sit through an animation that may or may not be long but either way removes me from the normal flow of combat. This could then lead to a fair number of issues (I get swarmed while doing the animation, I'm not invincible while I do the animation and get killed, etc).

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I'd rather they not since these kinds of things tend to force me to sit through an animation that may or may not be long but either way removes me from the normal flow of combat. This could then lead to a fair number of issues (I get swarmed while doing the animation, I'm not invincible while I do the animation and get killed, etc).

Maybe have them trigger only if you want them to.


Battlefield's knife takedowns (you can still slash wildly if you want) come to mind.

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I'd rather they not since these kinds of things tend to force me to sit through an animation that may or may not be long but either way removes me from the normal flow of combat. This could then lead to a fair number of issues (I get swarmed while doing the animation, I'm not invincible while I do the animation and get killed, etc).



That can apply for almost all animations, not just these environmental ones I mentioned.  Also if they're smart then the designers will make it so that the animations can be canceled out of if you see someone else trying to attack you, a bunch of bad guys about to swarm you, or you're just impatient and don't want to see it again.  When done right they're very enjoyable.


It'd be nice to at least have the option.


Maybe put an option in the settings to disable if you're really against them.

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Maybe have them trigger only if you want them to.


Battlefield's knife takedowns (you can still slash wildly if you want) come to mind.


Perhaps if it's optional it will be okay.


But I still need to support the other player's motion: as long as it doesn't interrupt the flow of action. We already have too many things doing that. I just took the Mastery 9 test (the stealth one) and I can't fathom why my Loki cuts in the middle of a sliding slash attack animation to execute a stealth attack. It makes no sense at all, it's slower, it's unwanted. EDIT: What happened to me in the test, not your ideas OP.

Edited by Guest
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Maybe have them trigger only if you want them to.


Battlefield's knife takedowns (you can still slash wildly if you want) come to mind.


If it is optional then I have no problem with it.


That can apply for almost all animations, not just these environmental ones I mentioned.  Also if they're smart then the designers will make it so that the animations can be canceled out of if you see someone else trying to attack you, a bunch of bad guys about to swarm you, or you're just impatient and don't want to see it again.  When done right they're very enjoyable.


It'd be nice to at least have the option.


Maybe put an option in the settings to disable if you're really against them.


Most animations aren't long/don't force me to sit through them.

I'd rather them being incorporated via specific combos and/or a 'press e/mmb' prompt such as what is seen with the assassination moves.

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If it is optional then I have no problem with it.



Most animations aren't long/don't force me to sit through them.

I'd rather them being incorporated via specific combos and/or a 'press e/mmb' prompt such as what is seen with the assassination moves.



That's kind of what I meant but it would be more environmental based.  Such as instead of pressing E "to stab guy in face" you'll press E to "shove guy in that area of spinning fans down below and watch him get cut up into little pieces"


The closest thing that comes to mind atm is the newer Assassins Creed games where if you fight people near certain areas such as walls or cliffs then Connor/Edward will do things such as throw them off cliff, throw them into wall, or the super cool, run and jump off wall and finish off enemy.  Also all of those animations can be canceled out of with a block or dodge so if you really don't want to sit through them or risk getting hit by another bad guy you can skip them. 


Everybody wins! 


I'm surprised so many people seem to be against this.

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the combat system is set is if you kill a guy near certain environmental spots such as cliffs or traps, your character will knock them off the cliff or throw them in the trap?


I want that for melee 2.0.



Some of these levels have incredible potential with electrical hazards, exploding barrels, long falls, fans, and other such thingy majigs that I just want to stab a guy and throw him in there.



So pretty much you want Mortal Kombat.  Once you do kill someone like that, the lotus should say "fatality".  You know, that would be cool for bosses lol.

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That's kind of what I meant but it would be more environmental based.  Such as instead of pressing E "to stab guy in face" you'll press E to "shove guy in that area of spinning fans down below and watch him get cut up into little pieces"


The closest thing that comes to mind atm is the newer Assassins Creed games where if you fight people near certain areas such as walls or cliffs then Connor/Edward will do things such as throw them off cliff, throw them into wall, or the super cool, run and jump off wall and finish off enemy.  Also all of those animations can be canceled out of with a block or dodge so if you really don't want to sit through them or risk getting hit by another bad guy you can skip them. 


Everybody wins! 


I'm surprised so many people seem to be against this.


The first thing that popped into my mind was the grapple attacks from Vindictus. But unlike Vindictus (well, what I've played of it), Warframe doesn't offer players huge amounts of invulnerability without the use of abilities. So the last thing I wanted to do was get mowed down while I was stuck sitting through some animation I've seen a dozen times already. You also made it sound like they would be automatically activated just by melee killing an enemy within the proximity of certain environmental hazards. This led me to think about how annoyed I'd be if I had to carefully watch where I killed enemies just so I could avoid having to watch an animation play out. It is already annoying enough when lag causes me to preform a stealth attack rather than a charge attack. 

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What if your teammates don't want to see that? This isn't a single player game and I think you wandered off with your imagination. You can't 'cancel' the animation unless you cancel the kill and you'd need different animations for backing off. And that is visible to fellow players too.

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What if your teammates don't want to see that? This isn't a single player game and I think you wandered off with your imagination. You can't 'cancel' the animation unless you cancel the kill and you'd need different animations for backing off. And that is visible to fellow players too.

What if your team mates don't want you to use soma, or Melee at all, or use abilities. Just like in those cases they will simply have to deal or leave.

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The first thing that popped into my mind was the grapple attacks from Vindictus. But unlike Vindictus (well, what I've played of it), Warframe doesn't offer players huge amounts of invulnerability without the use of abilities. So the last thing I wanted to do was get mowed down while I was stuck sitting through some animation I've seen a dozen times already. You also made it sound like they would be automatically activated just by melee killing an enemy within the proximity of certain environmental hazards. This led me to think about how annoyed I'd be if I had to carefully watch where I killed enemies just so I could avoid having to watch an animation play out. It is already annoying enough when lag causes me to preform a stealth attack rather than a charge attack. 


You would be able to disable them and if you do keep them they would be fairly quick.  A good example would be a "This is Sparta!" kick.  Fast, effective, and never gets old.  Any drops from the enemy would appear up on the cliff on the edge. (The Witcher 2 does this if a bad guy falls or gets blown off a high ledge and it works great).  


And maybe you could be invulnerable during the animation.  


I think this would be a cool feature to add and if people really don't want it then they can disable it in their options.

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I want to grab enemies with Rhino and slam them into walls.



I wanna do that and rip them apart like in the trailer where the frames fight Zanuka and Salad V


What if your teammates don't want to see that? This isn't a single player game and I think you wandered off with your imagination. You can't 'cancel' the animation unless you cancel the kill and you'd need different animations for backing off. And that is visible to fellow players too.



I appear to have forgotten about the part where all your teammates would have their controls locked out and be forced to sit through and watch every single second of every single animations.  Please point out where I said that.   


Seriously bro think about all the special skills and animations used now.  From sneak attacks, to skills such as Ashe's Bladestorm, or Zephyr's mile high dunks.  If you see a teammate do them and want to stop and watch them you can, if not then you can ignore them and just go on doing your own thing.  I see no problems here.

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If it's the kind of thing that happens without an animation sequence that would be great, think how in bulletstorm (or Dark Messiah of Might and Magic if you were fortunate enough to enjoy that game), kicking enemies into things... it if was meant to be, the game kind of guides them into a more awesome death, but doesn't really stop the flow of gameplay with a long or even relatively quick animation.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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The first thing that popped into my mind was the grapple attacks from Vindictus. But unlike Vindictus (well, what I've played of it), Warframe doesn't offer players huge amounts of invulnerability without the use of abilities. So the last thing I wanted to do was get mowed down while I was stuck sitting through some animation I've seen a dozen times already. You also made it sound like they would be automatically activated just by melee killing an enemy within the proximity of certain environmental hazards. This led me to think about how annoyed I'd be if I had to carefully watch where I killed enemies just so I could avoid having to watch an animation play out. It is already annoying enough when lag causes me to preform a stealth attack rather than a charge attack. 


Watch the trailers and see the "fatalaties" there.   Such as Frost, and Loki and and the other frames with the melee.  I'm thinking finishing moves like that.  Quick, effective and they won't bog you down with some overused slowass animation while other enemies gang up on you.

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