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Melee 2.0: Shiny, But Useless Toy.


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Coudln't agree more. All type of combat is viable in this game, with the lone exception of casting damage abilities in high levels. I've seen dudes clear rooms with sidearms faster than many people can with a primary. Also melee is good in this game, it just needed the block increase and strafe that they are introducing in u13. People saying, guns will always be better, well if the person has fun killing mobs in melee, and considering that guns can't block bullets and melee can, I think melee trades off pretty well range for the ability to block oncoming bullets, thus making a safe transition to the enemy, taking far less damage you would take with a gun and still be able to kill those mobs. And also, from the comments I read, few people have actually listened or even watched the last Devstream. First of all, there will be combos for melee, with which you can dispatch a group of enemies or a single heavier unit easily. Second, they removed those slow charge attacks that everybdoy used to spam, so now you have this charge mechanic that lets you channel your energy pool to increase your melee damage. Third, with the removing of charge attacks, there will only be normal attacks, which leads to frames being far more mobile than before, since the major problem of charge attacking was that while charging up, enemies could reduce you to a pulp if you're not careful. Fourth, new melee is going to help out warframes like Excalibur and especially Valkyr, who are melee based. Loki and Ash will be good as well if people choose to melee with them. I think the new Melee 2.0 will give melee lovers a chance at playing with only melee. One of the devs said that with the new system, he could pass all the levels in pluto with only a skana, which means that, given the skana is basically the weakest melee weapon in the game, better melee weapons are able to perform even more outstandingly.


Yes, damage will scale up on meele with the more combos you do. Technically, they will be even better than guns and I am afraid that people will QQ to make guns scale as well.

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@Momo93 (because the quote system going bonkers on me):


The balance issue between melee and firearms though is that melee requires a combo chain to get those insane damage values, which requires you to deal damage to multiple enemies. Whereas firearms can already deal insane amounts of damage right off the bat using only mods. We'll see how well the melee damage scaling does, but the fact that it'll take work to have melee weapon damage scale should be a balance factor enough to NOT have firearms do the same.

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You engaging Napalm 40 lvl. He's knocked you down with unavoidable AOE and finish fight with one-two shots.

rolling prevents the heavy slam from knocking you down.


I approach napalm, roll through the slam, then combo him to end the fight before moving onto the next few targets to dispatch them quickly with boosted combo counter.

Learn your stuff.

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Melee 2.0 comes out today.


Tomorrow, when the forums recover, there will be so many threads to delete about how "my [x] frame can't melee!  fix it now!"


You people sicken me.  Didn't you see what was happening to Scott in the devstream?  Can't you observe anything?

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Honestly, how does OP get so many upvotes?

Throughout the entire thread almost no one's agreed with him- yet almost every post, there's always 5+ upvotes.

Also, saying you have experience with other games holds no validity- we've ALL played other games in those genre's too.

Now if you were part of internal testing on a game, or were a in-house tester for DE, THEN you'd have some valid points.

Edited by Cepmosod
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Risk Vs Reward?

It's a game, and the number one reason people play games is to have fun. Penta and Ogris are the most efficient and hardest hitting weapons yes, but quite frankly, shooting a rocket or grenade at a Vortex for 60 waves is really boring.


So Risk Vs Reward? 

How about Risk Vs Reward Vs Fun?


Melee 2.0 looks fun and it's better than the old melee system by far, baby steps. It's a free game for crying out loud.

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Honestly, how does OP get so many upvotes?

Throughout the entire thread almost no one's agreed with him- yet almost every post, there's always 5+ upvotes.



Drone circlejerking, that's what it is. Sad but true.


People will jerk around for few hours and then return to current situation- primary and primary only. Melee for coptering.

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Drone circlejerking, that's what it is. Sad but true.


People will jerk around for few hours and then return to current situation- primary and primary only. Melee for coptering.

Because melee is short range and if you want to kill something before others, you will use range weapons or powers.



Melee will be same as Bladestorm. Shiny but crippled when compared with ranged weapons and powers.

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It's not about who get's most XP or anything- ranged is just a lot safer and easier way to fight. Melee is a important part of fighting system but in any way crucial. Even when carrying something people focus on using secondary instead of melee. Why charge, why stop when you can blast your way with Brakk or any other powerfull sidearm.


I could see a reason in missions where primaries are unavailable, for conserving ammo alone.



I don't feel a need to use melee more often. I want endgame, less grinding, more lore, better stealth. It's great that DE wants to improve melee but some people have unreasonable expectations. It's melee. How often do you use it now?

Ask yourself why would you use it more often after U13.

Edited by JjForcebreaker
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rolling prevents the heavy slam from knocking you down.


I approach napalm, roll through the slam, then combo him to end the fight before moving onto the next few targets to dispatch them quickly with boosted combo counter.

Learn your stuff.

You rolling and lose some time (maybe combo meter). After that Shield Lancer or Scorpion just knock you down from behind.

Edited by letir
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Risk Vs Reward?

It's a game, and the number one reason people play games is to have fun. Penta and Ogris are the most efficient and hardest hitting weapons yes, but quite frankly, shooting a rocket or grenade at a Vortex for 60 waves is really boring.


So Risk Vs Reward? 

How about Risk Vs Reward Vs Fun?


Melee 2.0 looks fun and it's better than the old melee system by far, baby steps. It's a free game for crying out loud.

For you "fun" is enough. But for me "viable" is crucial. I love gameplay choices and diversity - REAL choice.

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It's not about who get's most XP or anything- ranged is just a lot safer and easier way to fight. Melee is a important part of fighting system but in any way crucial. Even when carrying something people focus on using secondary instead of melee. Why charge, why stop when you can blast your way with Brakk or any other powerfull sidearm.


I could see a reason in missions where primaries are unavailable, for conserving ammo alone.



I don't feel a need to use melee more often. I want endgame, less grinding, more lore, better stealth. It's great that DE wants to improve melee but some people have unreasonable expectations. It's melee. How often do you use it now?

Ask yourself why would you use it more often after U13.

To answer your questions; a lot, and because it has become more viable and is fun. That is why I will use Melee more often after u13. There are actually a lot of people who do use Melee a lot already.

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stop raining on peoples joy!!! we can be excited and you can sit quietly in the corner of "i hate change" land. So what if guns are better....duh!!! But its still fun and its still a game so if people wanna be excited for melee 2.0 and everything just clam it kill joy!!!! I for one have been waiting for this since December when the first 1min clip was shown so no number of people like you will be ruining my excitement for melee 2.0 and everything else.  Besides, be respectful of the devs hard work and efforts. 

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stop raining on peoples joy!!! we can be excited and you can sit quietly in the corner of "i hate change" land. So what if guns are better....duh!!! But its still fun and its still a game so if people wanna be excited for melee 2.0 and everything just clam it kill joy!!!! I for one have been waiting for this since December when the first 1min clip was shown so no number of people like you will be ruining my excitement for melee 2.0 and everything else.  Besides, be respectful of the devs hard work and efforts. 

It is ok to be hyped, but being real about this change is a must. Lets say you use any frame with melee weapon, and i use Saryn with ranged weapon. Mobs are level 35.



If i spam Miasma ( as my Saryn is Miasma spammer ), you wont have anything to melee. Simple as that. And that is the biggest issue of melee now, and will be biggest issue with melee after U13.




You cannot melee something that is dead already.

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It is ok to be hyped, but being real about this change is a must. Lets say you use any frame with melee weapon, and i use Saryn with ranged weapon. Mobs are level 35.

If i spam Miasma ( as my Saryn is Miasma spammer ), you wont have anything to melee. Simple as that. And that is the biggest issue of melee now, and will be biggest issue with melee after U13.

You cannot melee something that is dead already.

If you spam miasma there will also not be anything for gunners to shoot, so it's clear it's time to stop improving/balancing gunplay. Edited by NevanChambers
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