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Is Loki A Master Race?


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doesn't matter what frame you think is master race, my penta and/or ogris would take you down instantly.

You mean, in the conclaves?


You admit aloud that you use such a no-talent weapon to kill other players in PvP?


In a thread discussing the merits of skill on a frame that has no dps abilities?


Hmm... Interesting...


Take my +1 

You have given me my lol for the day!


Had you been named ICHIGO111 or LegolasMasta or some such I'd have laughed harder.

Think about that if you ever decide to pay for a name change.

Edited by Padre_Akais
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>Using 'herp derp'

What are you, ten?

>Thinks direct damage abilities matter.

>Ignores the fact that damage falls-off later on.



>"in short: Lrn2Read"

What are you, ten?


>Thinks I said direct damage abilities matter



>Incorrectly interprets things in order to give him any sort of footing in an argument by insisting something was said when it wasn't.


Lol no.


>Implies I don't play respectable levels because I don't like Loki, doesn't seem to consider it attacking the player and not the argument

>Only defense against attacking the player is "Like you're doing right now?"


I never said direct damage abilities matter. That's where your reading comprehension (or lack thereof) comes into play. I stated a fact that invisibility is its only ability capable of doing damage, other than disarm. Point out where I said "Damage is so important." It was a fact. I was mentioning the abilities, and their advantages, and usefulness.. Other than being invisible, Invisibility boosts melee damage. That's a fact. Imply incorrectly what you want.


But hey, keep on misinterpreting things and twisting details in a vain effort to mask the fact that you can't hold your own in an argument any more than your Loki could hold its own in a mission of respectable level. Hey look, I can make sweeping passive aggressive statements too! Oh wait, he can hold his own though. Invisibility and Disarm master race awaaaay.


"I never said anything about having a problem with who you do and/or do not like. I don't even know how you managed to get this much out of two sentences."


Sort of like how you gathered that I think damage abilities matter more than anything else, and how you implied I didn't know damage falls off in later levels out of ONE sentence? Does that mean you win the prize or something?


Jesus Christ, you're your own worst enemy. Your only footing in this argument is trying to crucify others, wrongfully, of mistakes you yourself made. Sad. Go trim your own branches before you even think about pruning someone else's argument, buddy. Talk about me using "herp derp" while you use "Lrn2Read", telling others they can't read when you can't read, etc.


You act like I'm honing the edge of your argument, but all you're doing is giving me endless ammunition. And sir, you're bringing a knife to a gun fight right now. I suggest you step down. Next time somebody says something you don't like, stop trying to grasp at straws for a reason to insult them, whether passive-aggressively or not. You never know what you're getting into.


See you later. Or wait, you're a Loki. Guess I won't. (Get it? Because so many of them use perma invisibility as a crutch!)

Edited by Sokina
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>"in short: Lrn2Read"

What are you, ten?


No, but maybe you should take my advice.



>Thinks I said direct damage abilities matter --Lrn2Read


It was implied by your all caps rage when I pointed out that (frame)damage doesn't matter at higher levels.



>Incorrectly interprets things in order to give him any sort of footing in an argument by insisting something was said when it wasn't. --Lol no.


It was implied. How should I have interpreted your all caps rage about damage?



>Implies I don't play respectable levels because I don't like Loki, doesn't seem to consider it attacking the player and not the argument

>Only defense against attacking the player is "Like you're doing right now?"


Wrong. I implied you didn't play enemies of a respectable(read: High) level because you talked about damage. I didn't actually attack you, but rather than go directly into that I chose to point out the irony.



I never said direct damage abilities matter. That's where your reading comprehension (or lack thereof) comes into play. I stated a fact that invisibility is its only ability capable of doing damage, other than disarm. Point out where I said "Damage is so important."


It was implied by the very fact that you even mentioned damage as if it matters.



But hey, keep on misinterpreting things and twisting details in a vain effort to mask the fact that you can't hold your own in an argument any more than your Loki could hold its own in a mission of respectable level.


If we're comparing my ability to 'hold my own' in an argument to my Loki's ability to hold his own you're basically saying that I'm dominating. Why? Because Loki dominates in solo missions. He's not the only frame capable of this, but that doesn't really matter.



"I never said anything about having a problem with who you do and/or do not like. I don't even know how you managed to get this much out of two sentences." --Sort of like how you gathered that I think damage abilities matter more than anything else, and how you implied I didn't know damage falls off in later levels out of ONE sentence?


I never claimed you said/thought/ the underlined. You really need to get better at this. You're taking what I said (something to the affect of "damage doesn't matter in higher level missions") and twisting it into me accusing you of various things. Take my advice from earlier.



Jesus Christ, you're your worst enemy bro. Your only footing in this argument is trying to crucify others, wrongfully, of mistakes you yourself made. Sad. Go trim your own branches before you even think about pruning someone else's argument.


lol no. I'm doing perfectly fine here. You bringing up damage implied that you thought (even remotely) that it mattered, then your all caps rage further reinforced this. I pointed out that damage didn't matter in higher level missions (by saying bringing up damage implies you don't play anything of a respectable level (read: high level). And you've now begun to twist this into an attack on me. Shingeki no SquirmyBurrito.




As for your actual ignorant statement. I mentioned damage in a passing breath, because it's the truth. Everybody knows Loki's skills are for utility, but Warframe is a game of checkers and Loki's in the back with a chessboard thinking he's intelligent. When in the end, it's the same goddamn board and he's no more special than anyone else. I've done end game with Loki, I've done it without Loki. His presence can make some things easier. But in the end, I'd rather have just about every other frame. Because most Lokis are just one trick ponies who go invisible and think they're hot stuff.
Loki is just like the goth kids in South Park who pretend like they're non-comformists just because he's "utility" and "Difficult to use..."
Which he's not.
Also, from your previous post, since you like to use broad, generalizing statements...
"-Can be modded for perma invisibility (if you want to have an easy time)"
This leads me to believe you've played nothing of a respectable level if you have to resort to perma invisibility.
(Hey look, I can be ignorant and make inaccurate statements too!)
Enjoy your delusions of thinking Loki is the master race, or that it requires a genius to play, just because his abilities are utility.
1, 4, 2, Melee till dead. Refresh abilities as necessary. Or if you're a bad Loki like 90% of people... 2, Melee, 2, Melee, 2, Melee.
Have fun White Knighting though.
1. I didn't make an ignorant statement.
2. You mentioned damage, the implications were clear. I pointed them out, you reinforced my suspicions.
3. Hate/dislike Loki all you want, I don't see why you're even bringing it up. I never expressed a problem with your personal feelings about liking or disliking Loki.
4. 'because most lokis are just one trick ponies' --care to explain where you acquired the data to accurately make this statement? 
5. Yeah, no. He isn't the only frame sporting utility. And the more accurate phrase would be 'Easy to use, Difficult to master'
6. That doesn't make sense as using (or having a reliance on) a perma invisibility build would not prevent you from playing higher level missions. Relying on frame damage would.
7. Never said anything about needing a genius and the bit about utility didn't even remotely tie in to the bit about skill making Loki better.
8. Melee doesn't work all that well in higher level missions. Why are you bringing it up?
Edited by SquirmyBurrito
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This is the answer, sort of.^

The Master Race sings in the glory, the Master Race is an art that one will never fathom.

Basically... I just caught on on this "Master Race" thing.

Playing Loki is not like playing other frames. Playing Loki is an art. An art that you can determine with YOUR creativity. Loki is a frame that is unique; no other frame plays like Loki. His bunch of random powers put together, they look unimpressive, yes.

On paper that is.

While a power's effectiveness is limited, combinations of powers casted simultaneously multiplies its effectiveness to a great extent; Not like 4,4,4,4 (quadrapost, LOL)

Except for the stupid Permavisibility Lokis out there (that needs no skill, just like other frames, except its not 4,4,4 but its 2,2,2) if you play Loki with the four powers, it is an art. One that needs actual skill to use, actual planning, strategising, etc. to master Loki is like mastering Warframe; thus Master Race is derived.

Would you need skill to use the BEST frame? No. Does how hard it is to obtain warframe X determines if its Master Race? No.

Loki earns his kills. How he plays determines if he will be your greatest ally, or the most annoying troll. Kills are earned when you play Loki. You have to work to make every kill, aim, plan, so many things you can do with him. Endless possibilities. You can make every kill scored by Loki an Art.

You cannot expect to give a new player a Loki and expect him to perform incredibly with it.

Volt? :v

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If you don't play LOKI all the time you won't get it, it's art personified and more like a strategic battle. Every other frame doesn't use stealth and strategy as much as loki it's just smash and dash in most matches. This is why LOKI master race, most fragile frame with a unique set of powers, that's why I play LOKI, because it's not easy and keeps gameplay fresh, but I play and have all frames but him and zephyr are my favorite "LOKI MASTER RACE"

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Is Loki the best warframe? No.

Are Loki players somewhat more skilled just because they use Loki? No.

Loki is good for some situations. This whole master race thing is stupid, a good player will have all warframes and be good with all of them.

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...That's why?


I thought the reason he was deemed the "Master Race" was due to all his abilities being unhindered by enemy level.

- Decoy attracts all. Nothing is immune to it. (well placed Decoys will not die while keeping aggro)

- Invisibility speaks for itself

- Switch Teleport was great for movement or ally/enemy replacement, and was a great combo with-

- Radial Disarm turning enemies into Infested-like behaviors.


I don't know much about that player skill deal, but I remember being told Loki was the MR due to his abilities.

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Wow. This topic is a big shock to me.  I expected Loki to be nerfed soon or at least invisibility.  Loki is so OP.  No other frame really compares.  


Either I am an uber, GOAT player with universally mad skills or a lot of you are rather poor players respectively (unfortunately I think it's the later).  Which means a lot of you find it tough to learn to watch your invisibility timer and hit refresh when needed?


I think the nerfing is coming.  Every day I see more people playing an aggressive Loki, emulating my style.  Mark my words... the nerf is on the horizon.

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a good player will have all warframes and be good with all of them.


I agree, unfortunately I was stupid with how I purchased platinum. So I'm stuck having every frame except three (regular frost, Rhino prime, and Excal prime), I don't mind though.


Wow. This topic is a big shock to me.  I expected Loki to be nerfed soon or at least invisibility.  Loki is so OP.  No other frame really compares.  


Either I am an uber, GOAT player with universally mad skills or a lot of you are rather poor players respectively (unfortunately I think it's the later).  Which means a lot of you find it tough to learn to watch your invisibility timer and hit refresh when needed?


I think the nerfing is coming.  Every day I see more people playing an aggressive Loki, emulating my style.  Mark my words... the nerf is on the horizon.


I really hope DE doesn't nerf Loki, primarily because I doubt they'd do it right. They're much more likely to overnerf him.

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I agree, unfortunately I was stupid with how I purchased platinum. So I'm stuck having every frame except three (regular frost, Rhino prime, and Excal prime), I don't mind though.



I really hope DE doesn't nerf Loki, primarily because I doubt they'd do it right. They're much more likely to overnerf him.

Loki took a big nerfs already. Decoy was perma aggro back in the day, on whole map. And mobs didnt shoot at your position when you used Invisibility.

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This is the answer, sort of.^

The Master Race sings in the glory, the Master Race is an art that one will never fathom.

Basically... I just caught on on this "Master Race" thing.

Playing Loki is not like playing other frames. Playing Loki is an art. An art that you can determine with YOUR creativity. Loki is a frame that is unique; no other frame plays like Loki. His bunch of random powers put together, they look unimpressive, yes.

On paper that is.

While a power's effectiveness is limited, combinations of powers casted simultaneously multiplies its effectiveness to a great extent; Not like 4,4,4,4 (quadrapost, LOL)

Except for the stupid Permavisibility Lokis out there (that needs no skill, just like other frames, except its not 4,4,4 but its 2,2,2) if you play Loki with the four powers, it is an art. One that needs actual skill to use, actual planning, strategising, etc. to master Loki is like mastering Warframe; thus Master Race is derived.

Would you need skill to use the BEST frame? No. Does how hard it is to obtain warframe X determines if its Master Race? No.

Loki earns his kills. How he plays determines if he will be your greatest ally, or the most annoying troll. Kills are earned when you play Loki. You have to work to make every kill, aim, plan, so many things you can do with him. Endless possibilities. You can make every kill scored by Loki an Art.

You cannot expect to give a new player a Loki and expect him to perform incredibly with it.


Pretty much this.


Remember, kids, spamming Invisibility 24/7 is no different than spamming M. Prime - except you're doing it 90% slower!


[size=1]This post was sponsored by The Master Race™ shadow clan[/size]

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All this talk of Loki Master Race and Lord Booben... Meh.  ASH MASTER RACE!  That's right!  While Loki goes invisible and hides because he can't take a hit, Ash goes invisible, stuns and stabs them in the face.  While Loki switch teleports and goofs around, Ash teleports, stuns and stabs them in the face.  While Loki erects a statue to HIMSELF, Ash throws insta-hit guided shuriken and stabs them in the face.  Lastly, while Loki takes away their guns, makes them angry and gives them something to hit you with, Ash teleports around becoming invincible and stabs ALL of them in the face!  Yes that's right Ash is THE Master Race.  Not that narcissist Loki that makes statues to himself.

If you play vs low level enemies (up to 30lv) than you're right. But if you play vs high lv enemies (40+) than Ash Shurikans and Blade storm are useless, while Loki disarm lv100 enemy like its lv1. Loki is truly master race because he is only warframe with you can complete all game mods on all difficulty alone, and he is ultimate frame who is best in all aspect (defense, survival, speed run, assasination, stealth...). Some says that Rhino is better, his iron skin is useless vs lv60 enemy, with Nova same thing. Only at low level missions there are better warframes than Loki but at high lv only one is truly master race - Loki.

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Is Loki the best warframe? No.

Are Loki players somewhat more skilled just because they use Loki? No.

Loki is good for some situations. This whole master race thing is stupid, a good player will have all warframes and be good with all of them.



The Master Race disapproves of such message.

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sooooooo many biased Loki players Loki is joke bad the only reason he is good is bicous the Overpowered Stealth it has 




just Spam Invis thats what the whole Frame is about......

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loki doesn't require more skill than rhino or nova, just a little more attention due to his low hitpoints. he's definitely an asset in endless modes. to be honest, right now nothing in warframe requires skill, it's a game about numbers. know your numbers and how to build your frame and you will always succeed until the enemies outscale you.


PS: loki is my starter and my most played frame right now

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Loki took a big nerfs already. Decoy was perma aggro back in the day, on whole map. And mobs didnt shoot at your position when you used Invisibility.


I kinda agreed with their changes, but what other changes could they make that wouldn't basically nerf into uselessness? I'd really like to hear people's ideas on changes they feel could be made to 'balance' Loki without overnerfing him.


sooooooo many biased Loki players Loki is joke bad the only reason he is good is bicous the Overpowered Stealth it has 




just Spam Invis thats what the whole Frame is about......


I have a build on one of my Lokis that uses a full fleeting expertise. That's ~4 seconds of invisibility. And I do great with that build. It is (in fact) my go to build. 

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sooooooo many biased Loki players Loki is joke bad the only reason he is good is bicous the Overpowered Stealth it has 




just Spam Invis thats what the whole Frame is about......





Pretty much this.


Remember, kids, spamming Invisibility 24/7 is no different than spamming M. Prime - except you're doing it 90% slower!


This post was sponsored by The Master Race™ shadow clan

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I finally, after over a year of playing this game, obtained a Loki and began using him.


I gotta say, with a balanced build that focuses on ALL of his skills (not just invisibility or radial disarm), he's pretty fun to play.


Mixing Decoy with Disarm, or using switch teleport in mid air over a pit on an unsuspecting heavy Grineer, or going invisible to flank a huge group of enemies and cut them down from behind while my team battles in front of them is all certainly an enjoyable experience. I've always figured Loki was a hard character to play (which sucks because a friend of mine picked him first since she thinks she needs to play hardmode in every game in existence, and quit because she kept dying too much; among other things), and I was right. But very fun as well. Melee 2.0 will make him even moreso I think.


But would I call him "Master Race"? Hell no. For one, that phrase's origins came from both racism and the Holocaust. People who say it might think it's funny, or just enjoy being egotistical, but in reality that phrase means far, far more than what they're using it for. And those meanings are very volatile. Frankly I doubt Loki himself would be happy knowing his name is tied with that sort of racism.


Also, to people toting him as the best "ninja" character...No. Ash is, and that's simply because he's directly built to be a "Ninja". Loki is a Trickster character. He uses "tricks" to confuse and disorient his enemies. Plus...Loki doesn't have innate shurikens. Ninjas need shurikens, guys.


Oh and to add..Loki looks terrible. No wonder he tends to stay in the shadows. No matter what color scheme or helm I give him, I'm just..no. Not to say the artists are bad, of course. His appearance just isn't my cup of tea.

Edited by SoulEchelon
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defense master race


"Loki made another widow, then promptly dipatched her before she could spin up her Gorgon. As he began firing what would be one of thousands of magazines, He began back pedaling to stay ahead of the onconimg hoard. Unfortunatly, his weapon simply could not out-pace the growing numbers, and he soon found himself nearly surrounded. This is normally a non-issue for Loki, who could easily have escaped unscathed, but crypods are notably reluctant when it comes to switch teleport. His options were limited.


'Alright, Bring it', thought Loki, as he channelled his energy, vaporizing the firearms of the surrounding Grineer.


The Grineer, however, had apperently been trained for this eventuality, as they promptly abandoned combat formation Bravo, drew batons, and charged the crypod. Loki barely had time to ponder at his misfortune before he felt an all-to-familiar cord around his ankle and was pulled to the ground by a Scorpion. Now he had plenty of time to ponder as he was dragged across the ground, but upon his arival he was suprised to find the machete he had expected to fall on him lodged in the torso of a now furious Lancer. Loki righted himself and, with the Grineer apparently preocupied, easily made his way back to the pod. Standing on the Orokin device for a better veiw, he scanned the area, and his gaze fell upon a figure sitting cross legged atop a broken container,  passively watching the chaos unfold.


'Master race indeed', said Nyx."

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>"in short: Lrn2Read"

What are you, ten?


>Thinks I said direct damage abilities matter



>Incorrectly interprets things in order to give him any sort of footing in an argument by insisting something was said when it wasn't.


Lol no.


>Implies I don't play respectable levels because I don't like Loki, doesn't seem to consider it attacking the player and not the argument

>Only defense against attacking the player is "Like you're doing right now?"


I never said direct damage abilities matter. That's where your reading comprehension (or lack thereof) comes into play. I stated a fact that invisibility is its only ability capable of doing damage, other than disarm. Point out where I said "Damage is so important." It was a fact. I was mentioning the abilities, and their advantages, and usefulness.. Other than being invisible, Invisibility boosts melee damage. That's a fact. Imply incorrectly what you want.


But hey, keep on misinterpreting things and twisting details in a vain effort to mask the fact that you can't hold your own in an argument any more than your Loki could hold its own in a mission of respectable level. Hey look, I can make sweeping passive aggressive statements too! Oh wait, he can hold his own though. Invisibility and Disarm master race awaaaay.


"I never said anything about having a problem with who you do and/or do not like. I don't even know how you managed to get this much out of two sentences."


Sort of like how you gathered that I think damage abilities matter more than anything else, and how you implied I didn't know damage falls off in later levels out of ONE sentence? Does that mean you win the prize or something?


Jesus Christ, you're your own worst enemy. Your only footing in this argument is trying to crucify others, wrongfully, of mistakes you yourself made. Sad. Go trim your own branches before you even think about pruning someone else's argument, buddy. Talk about me using "herp derp" while you use "Lrn2Read", telling others they can't read when you can't read, etc.


You act like I'm honing the edge of your argument, but all you're doing is giving me endless ammunition. And sir, you're bringing a knife to a gun fight right now. I suggest you step down. Next time somebody says something you don't like, stop trying to grasp at straws for a reason to insult them, whether passive-aggressively or not. You never know what you're getting into.


See you later. Or wait, you're a Loki. Guess I won't. (Get it? Because so many of them use perma invisibility as a crutch!)


u went through alot just to prove he isnt master race.....which mean he is.....so your logic is flawed #LOKIMASTERRACEFURLYFE

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