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So You Haven't Heard About The Boltor Prime? {Build}


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I have to say two things about the boltor prime... First of it is a pain in the butt to build, and second it is the best weapon I have used. I have been using it ever since I build it the day after it came out. There is alot of debate about it being overpowered and all that, but i thought that I would at least share my build.


Three Forma

Polarities V V V D - 





EDIT: I have been messing around with mods a little bit, and I wanted to use wildfire. So I removed hellfire, swapped out the rank 4 stormbringer for a rank 5 one, and added wildfire. Radiation damage drops by 60, but 12 rounds are added to the clip. Worth it!!



Also, don't forget that rag-dolled bodies do damage, increasing DPS like crazy.

Edited by Liverslices
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People without this weapon cannot fathom its power. It's not in the stats. It has 0 recoil.


Like, the reticule barely nudges when you fire. This puts the Soma etc to shame.


It has no drawbacks. Anyone who lists 'non hitscan' as a drawback hasn't used this gun.

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People without this weapon cannot fathom its power. It's not in the stats. It has 0 recoil.


Like, the reticule barely nudges when you fire. This puts the Soma etc to shame.


It has no drawbacks. Anyone who lists 'non hitscan' as a drawback hasn't used this gun.


Recoil is controllable; what about the Boltor Prime's spread?

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People without this weapon cannot fathom its power. It's not in the stats. It has 0 recoil.


Like, the reticule barely nudges when you fire. This puts the Soma etc to shame.


It has no drawbacks. Anyone who lists 'non hitscan' as a drawback hasn't used this gun.

Agreed, its the best gun in the game, hands down.



Spread is none existent even with a max heavy caliber.

As in no noticeable change or absolutely no change?

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well that settles it then, time for a nerf


we cant have all these deeps with no coils or spreadys it just wont do 

Honestly i doubt it will get nerfed. Without forma it is a superior weapon yes, but it is a prime weapon after all. And its bloody difficult to build. I used about 16 keys to get that freaking Blueprint... I deserve a powerful weapon.

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I agree-- they really need to give it some recoil to justify its huge damage... if they decide to change it. I was surprised that it didn't have any honestly.

But god dang did I have to farm for that gun.

Edited by HolidayPi3
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DE please stay away from these Boltor Prime threads


I thought MODS used to delete threads when people scream nerf buff and provide no evidence...and importantly....when they dont even have the $#%#$ gun

You obviously don't have the gun then.

I have it. And it is hands down the most combat effective rifle in game.

However it does not need a nerf. It needs a mastery rank and an OFFSET to its power such as aim time, reduced ammo cap, overheat mechanism etc.

I for one am frigging overjoyed that I can use a powerful rifle that is not the soma. Now I can put my Grakata down.

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Spread is none existent even with a max heavy caliber.

Do I really need to post screen shots easily disproving that?


Accuracy is a function of the zoom function and the size of the radius of the targeting reticle. It affects every weapon the same way and it cause deviation outside of the reticle. If you are at ranges that the reticle fits a target 100% within the boarder than it is hard to notice spread.  




This is with heavy caliber fired at 20 meters exactly at a wall.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Do I really need to post screen shots easily disproving that?


Accuracy is a function of the zoom function and the size of the radius of the targeting reticle. It affects every weapon the same way and it cause deviation outside of the reticle. If you are at ranges that the reticle fits a target 100% within the boarder than it is hard to notice spread.  


When I mean none existent, I mean that there is barely a noticeable change, even when hitting enemies at 50 meters or greater all my shots still hit. sure you can post a screenshot showing that there is a little spread but it doesn't change the fact that heavy caliber is a straight damage increase with little to no drawbacks.


Edit: Your screenshot seemed weird to me so I did them myself at 10, 20 and 30 meters.




10 meters




20 meters




you will have to open up the 30 meters and zoom to see the bolts correctly.


and here is the build.






I was doing a lot of void missions and I usually play mag so I like having massive corrosive damage on my weapons.

Edited by Cranial_Enigma
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You obviously don't have the gun then.

I have it. And it is hands down the most combat effective rifle in game.

However it does not need a nerf. It needs a mastery rank and an OFFSET to its power such as aim time, reduced ammo cap, overheat mechanism etc.

I for one am frigging overjoyed that I can use a powerful rifle that is not the soma. Now I can put my Grakata down.


He does, lol. I have played with him.


Anyway, Boltor is a superb crowd suppression bodyshot weapon. But unless it outperforms the Soma and the Synapse on headshots, it doesn't need a nerf. Those weapons might be able to outperform it on headshot since they're so crit-centric, whereas the Boltor's crits are far and few between. They are balanced among each other and just illustrate how far behind most of the arsenal is.


If the Boltor Prime does outdamage the Soma and Synapse on crit headshots, it should only receive very, very slight tweaks to bring it in line with the other top tier rifles. And I doubt they'll do that since they're using it to sell the $80 Prime Access pack.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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If the Boltor Prime does outdamage the Soma and Synapse on crit headshots, it should only receive very, very slight tweaks to bring it in line with the other top tier rifles. And I doubt they'll do that since they're using it to sell the $80 Prime Access pack.

The critical hit weapons have a safe margin of more damage/DPS on head shots over Boltor Prime. The most dangerous NPC in game have rather large hit-boxes for their heads, and this allows Soma to easily outpace Boltor prime.


If Boltor Prime was better than Soma on headshots I would call for nerfs. As is, Latron prime and the other critical hit weapons can do such massive crushing damage on head shots and it rewards people that want to carefully aim.


If anything, Phage is in direct competition with Boltor prime as they both are brute force weapons.

Edited by LazyKnight
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If anything, Phage is in direct competition with Boltor prime as they both are brute force weapons.


However, Phage has a number of built in quirks which justify its superior firepower. Time to focus, range, which are mitigated by its near infinite ammo and massive damage potential and abillity to spread fire.


Phage is an example of how DE needs to make powerful weapons. Boltor Prime needs more mitigating factors, not less damage.

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However, Phage has a number of built in quirks which justify its superior firepower. Time to focus, range, which are mitigated by its near infinite ammo and massive damage potential and abillity to spread fire.


Phage is an example of how DE needs to make powerful weapons. Boltor Prime needs more mitigating factors, not less damage.

Phage could have been moded to 25k DPS before that Accelerated blast nerf, thats absurd for the current game. Its the only primary that can have both Viral and Corrosive (or 3 elements combos) making it absolute beast for the void and have ONLY good procs, its anything but a good example of balance. It has longer range that Synapse and than effective range of shotguns, making focus time the only downide. Oh and also its one of the most boring guns once you get past novelty.

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Do you even have a Boltor Prime or a Phage?  Phage is only out done by Brakk on body shots. It is a Death-ray gun that can clear rooms and it is not hindered in the slightest by its focuses time or viscous spread. It is only out done by the explosive weapons in its ability to wipe rooms.


Boltor Prime does pitiful headshot damage and wouldn't even be in the top 5 DPS primary weapons on heads. It also has dart initial speed of 65 making sniping with it even more pointless. The accuracy value in game should be 16-18, because it is noticeably less accurate than Karak and Soma.


Saying it needs more gimmick would just make it a pointless unused weapons, like the good for nothing Supra. I already wouldn't use Boltor Prime for high level stuff already because of how quickly it stops being an effective weapon for body blows. It simply loses its luster when the NPC need the head to be target to drop them. 


Soma is not just a little better, it doesn't even need heavy caliber to out damage a Boltor prime with one on head shots. Boltor-P is only good at body shots and nothing else. If you do not know how critical damage works here is the short version.


White hit on head = 2x damage modifier

Yellow hit on head = 4x damage modifier.

Edited by LazyKnight
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Do you even have a Boltor Prime or a Phage?  Phage is only out done by Brakk on body shots. It is a Death-ray gun that can clear rooms and it is not hindered in the slightest by its focuses time or viscous spread. It is only out done by the explosive weapons in its ability to wipe rooms.


Boltor Prime does pitiful headshot damage and wouldn't even be in the top 5 DPS primary weapons on heads. It also has dart initial speed of 65 making sniping with it even more pointless. The accuracy value in game should be 16-18, because it is noticeably less accurate than Karak and Soma.


Saying it needs more gimmick would just make it a pointless unused weapons, like the good for nothing Supra. I already wouldn't use Boltor Prime for high level stuff already because of how quickly it stops being an effective weapon for body blows. It simply loses its luster when the NPC need the head to be target to drop them. 


Soma is not just a little better, it doesn't even need heavy caliber to out damage a Boltor prime with one on head shots. Boltor-P is only good at body shots and nothing else. If you do not know how critical damage works here is the short version.


White hit on head = 2x damage modifier

Yellow hit on head = 4x damage modifier.

Im about to test it

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Do you even have a Boltor Prime or a Phage?  Phage is only out done by Brakk on body shots. It is a Death-ray gun that can clear rooms and it is not hindered in the slightest by its focuses time or viscous spread. It is only out done by the explosive weapons in its ability to wipe rooms.


Boltor Prime does pitiful headshot damage and wouldn't even be in the top 5 DPS primary weapons on heads. It also has dart initial speed of 65 making sniping with it even more pointless. The accuracy value in game should be 16-18, because it is noticeably less accurate than Karak and Soma.


Saying it needs more gimmick would just make it a pointless unused weapons, like the good for nothing Supra. I already wouldn't use Boltor Prime for high level stuff already because of how quickly it stops being an effective weapon for body blows. It simply loses its luster when the NPC need the head to be target to drop them. 


Soma is not just a little better, it doesn't even need heavy caliber to out damage a Boltor prime with one on head shots. Boltor-P is only good at body shots and nothing else. If you do not know how critical damage works here is the short version.


White hit on head = 2x damage modifier

Yellow hit on head = 4x damage modifier.




"gimmicks don't hinder phage in the slightest", then "gimmicks would make the boltor p unused like the Supra."


Which is it?




Yes, I have both. I don't write about weapons I don't have.



"BP wouldn't even be in the top DPS weapons on heads"?


When I end a match, I don't know about you but with most players, their headshot kills are maaaaybe 5% of their total kills. That number is a little bugged, but people are landing headshots like 10% of the time.


Lets go back to what I said:


[boltor prime is ]  most combat effective rifle in game.



Highest DPS? Best weapon choice in a group of pro players who only land headshots? Nope.


Combat Effective = the ability for a weapon, unit, etc to perform its mission. Not some ideal case where enemies are all heads.


Common combat situations such as being surrounded by mobs on a pod, not being able to reliably land headshots all of the time, or shooting at enemies at the far end of a hall, where Soma's spread when ramped up doesn't land many headshots anyway.


The very high DPS for body shots + no spool up + not having to waste slots on crit mods + nearly zero recoil + high puncture damage + innate 'push back' of dead bodies which gives it a quasi built in AOE + low reload time + incredibly low spread even when wide open + barely affected by heavy cal = very, very combat effective. more so than Soma IMO.

Edited by notionphil
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