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Thoughts On Rhino Build



Hello guys! This is my rhino build:

1.Rifle Amp (Aura)

2.Iron Skin

3.Rhino Stomp



6.Fleeting Expertise




10.Blind Rage

11.Vitality / Vigor

What mod should I choose, Vitality or Vigor? Arguments please. And what do you think about my build?

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I would say as long as you have a spammable rhino skin, go for vigor to boost the shields.  The increased shields over health give you a regenerating buffer to incoming damage that gives you another second or two to put your iron skin back on.  Vitality is a must for certain frames, but for me, it does not make sense for rhino when using an iron skin build.  Others may disagree, but this is my opinion.  Other than that, I would say that your build is pretty good for a tank.  If you want to try a more advanced build, go for a roar power strength and duration build.

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I'd Forma the aura slot to a dash polarity and put energy siphon on, since on high levels you will need as much energy as you can get for spamming Iron Skin and sometimes those blue orbs aren't dropping.


Other than that it looks good for a good "Stomp" build.


I myself usually use a balanced Power Efficiency build for slot A, a Power Strength/Range "Stomp" build for slot B, and a Power Duration Roar build for slot C.


EDIT: I find that Vitality is better if you don't intend to buff Armor, since Iron Skin can drop fast under heavy damage and you're shields drop faster than you think. When that happens you're health and armor need to hold out. But it depends on the situation. If you find that you are doing fine with Vigor, then go for it.

Edited by Splatter_Puppet
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exchange flow with roar, take a rank 2 blind rage and max fleeting expertise/streamline. use roar before you use stomp to buff your damage. the trick behing this is that roar may be short with this build, but long enough to  use your stomp. roar buffs your damage by 76% with the mods describe while you're keeping a maxed efficiency, your stomp is hitting for 2140 damage with roar active for a collective cost of 44 energy. maximizing powerstrength without roar would do 1792 damage on stomp while using 65 energy. with maxed power efficiency you're also getting the most iron skin out of your energy and energy pickups are netting you more effective skill usages. also, when using stomp for cc, you don't need to use roar, saving you another 19 energy, stunning the whole room for a mere 25 energy. those stats slightly change when you're not using vanguard, but i assume you're using it. also take redirection and rush or a defensive mod of your choice, maybe even something like equilibirum, you could even use masterthief. here's a link: http://goo.gl/BMtQRd

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exchange flow with roar, take a rank 2 blind rage and max fleeting expertise/streamline. use roar before you use stomp to buff your damage. the trick behing this is that roar may be short with this build, but long enough to  use your stomp. roar buffs your damage by 76% with the mods describe while you're keeping a maxed efficiency, your stomp is hitting for 2140 damage with roar active for a collective cost of 44 energy. maximizing powerstrength without roar would do 1792 damage on stomp while using 65 energy. with maxed power efficiency you're also getting the most iron skin out of your energy and energy pickups are netting you more effective skill usages. also, when using stomp for cc, you don't need to use roar, saving you another 19 energy, stunning the whole room for a mere 25 energy. those stats slightly change when you're not using vanguard, but i assume you're using it. also take redirection and rush or a defensive mod of your choice, maybe even something like equilibirum, you could even use masterthief. here's a link: http://goo.gl/BMtQRd

This might be interesting. I'll try using roar instead of flow.

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Rush and Vanguard.

Zorens compulsory.


My 0 forma Rhino P.

I use this to stun enemies in place. 

Flow and Stretch are inter-swappable.

Can swap Quick rest for Vigour, but with Rhino Prime that tough and THAT fast, I am not even sure why you need Vigor or Vitality.

Over-extended if you are a hard baller and pure CC support Rhino but that affects Roar.


Move in fast, stun them in place, hose them down with my guns then "fly off" to another location and repeat the same.




Edited by fatpig84
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Ditch Flow and Redirection.


Use Vitality, Rage, and Roar.


Roar can buff Stomp by +78.5% damage, bringing it up to ~2250 damage, and will also provide a couple of seconds of amplified damage to take out the surviving targets (which are conveniently hovering there for you to kill). You can also use it to buff teammates right before they nuke.


Vitality + Rage will ensure the only way you die is to be knocked down (and you cant be knocked down while IS is active, so gotta be hit by a knockdown between casts, or a knockdown has to break IS)


Try it out and see.

Edited by Darzk
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