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Is There A Story?


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It's a "sorta" thing. It's more "sandboxing" concept.


The main "story" is the ongoing saga of the events. They chain together in an actual story of the gameplay, but there's no pre-written novel.


Story so far:


Once upon a time, there were Orokin and sentients. The Orokin made the tenno to fight the sentients. This worked. The tenno apparently didn't appreciate their slave-like relationship, and eventually ended up ending both sides. They then somehow entered cryo sleep.


The origin system, the sun and planets around it, was abandoned by what civilization was left, as the debris of the war ran wild--between the infestations and the murderous tenno, it wasn't a place to live.


Some large number of years later(estimates can be made from 100's to billions, with some evidence supporting each), the grineer empire headed back to the burned out shell of a solarsystem, in search of power.


The Grineer began rummaging through the wastelands of the origin system, and found tenno in cryopods, and started hacking them up as trophies. The corpus have started hunting them to sell to the grineer as well.


Then, one day, the Lotus appeared, and began waking up the Tenno before they could be killed, and began gathering them to counter-attack. We're now somewhere in the midst of that.


As this was being done, the corpus began using their technical knowhow to get more mileage out of what they were finding in the orokin ruins. First they began making fusion moas by rudimentary plastering of orokin tech to their standard moa designs. The tenno fought back against this, and in the process discovered the towers that the corpus were raiding. Devoid of any actual civilization, the tenno raid them as well.


The grineer then attempted to conquer the entire system at once with their new "fomorian" super ships, things long in design and hard in labour. These would let them control all of the ships in the sector.The tenno used the infestation to sabotage them all, destroying them.


Unable to gain ship dominance, the grineer started getting creative, and trying to actually re-inhabit the long-lost origin system, rather than just keeping flotillas there. The corpus noticed, and the grineer paid them off to keep it quiet from the tenno. The tenno found out anyway, and began raiding and destroying the cities, whilst building their own hidden in pocket dimensions.


Things went on like this for some time, until the king of mars discovered that an inventory mistake meant they could keep a newly discovered cache of warframes for themselves, rather than forking them over to be hacked up by the grineer--a tiny, exploitable contract loophole.


Unfortunately, both the tenno and the grineer found out about this. The grineer declared war on the corpus, and the king of mars was forced to flee in disgrace. The war did not cease with his departure, though.


The tenno then teamed up with the corpus to hunt down the king of mars, each for their own reasons, and in the process eradicated the source of the permanent infestations in the process.


The grineer began trying to colonize earth, but were again met by the attacks of the tenno, while the infestation, being without a direct pipeline to the derelicts from whence they came, died off across the rest of the solar system, resurging only when their random ships collided with unwary vessels.


The grineer found they could win through open warfare, and quickly expanded across the solarsystem, wiping out the corpus quickly. They used their newly acquired resources to begin a second fomorian fleet. However, with their attention and resources depleted by this, the corpus counter-attacked, reconquering most of what they'd lost.


Ultimately, the tenno destroyed the fomorian fleet pre-emptively, and an uneasy return to "normal" has begun whilst scouts try to find if more permanent shipyards have been hidden somewhere in the decaying rail systems.

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cool, but you missed Informator event and details

Yeah, but that one sorta doesn't fit in the central narrative. I mean, it happened, but the actual plot advancement on it was null sum--a few events are like that. I guess it's like TV episodes. Some are stories that go together and build on eachother, forming a coherent history. Others are like an episode of the simpsons, which has a great deal of events every week, but is still in the same place it was 20-something years ago. I skimped on a few events that were kind of like that--fun, but relatively meaningless in historical value.

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Yeah, but that one sorta doesn't fit in the central narrative. I mean, it happened, but the actual plot advancement on it was null sum--a few events are like that. I guess it's like TV episodes. Some are stories that go together and build on eachother, forming a coherent history. Others are like an episode of the simpsons, which has a great deal of events every week, but is still in the same place it was 20-something years ago. I skimped on a few events that were kind of like that--fun, but relatively meaningless in historical value.


Brilliant history of the events of Warframe thus far. DE should really have someone compiling a Lore-specific codex based on major turns of events. Kudos.

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