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A Cowboy Warframe!? O_O*


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         Anyways, this frame will be equipped with a Flaming Lasso. The lasso lights on fire cooking its enemy's as it is wrapped around their neck, or when they are hog tied.


         This frame also comes with its own personal DUAL boomerang GUNS. These guns are in fact "boomerangs". However they come with an extra "boom". They have 2 functions... Number one throw them like a regular boomerang, or throw them like a boomerang and detonate them via right click, and have it shoot targets(or explode) as it passes by, or (threw) enemies.


         The third weapon would have to be a hunting rifle. I'm thinking about steampunk. This gun is old fashioned, but dangerous. It comes with its own personal kick. It shoots out glowing hot energy that look like mini bear traps. These traps can chomp threw your enemy's, or even stick your enemy's legs, arms, or ect to the ground. Making your enemy's unable to move for a short duration. Just like the boomerang this one also has a right click detonation. Press right mouse button to electrocute your enemy.


       As for customization aspect, this frame comes with a personal syandana. It's a cloak like thing with a hood to cover his face(think of starwars mixed with deaths cloak). It's long and drags on the floor. Default color is blood red, or desert brown.


What the frame "looks" like:

Excuse my crappy drawing haven't drawn anything in a while..






1.) Whistle

          The frame begins to whistle a song, which causes near by targets to fall

          asleep or become unaware of your teammates.


2.) Round Up

          He crouches down on the ground one hand touching the floor, and the other pointing high into the air,

          a beam shoots out in a huge circle, causing whatever is in the radius, to be pulled to the

          center, and slammed on the ground like a giant whip.


3.) Distraction

          This skill brings your past movements to life. Lets say you are running in a circle around an enemy,

          every step you take is recorded and then replayed as holographic clones. It would be perfect for

          Distracting the enemy, and getting away from huge crowds safely.


4.) Wild Ride

          This ability is used to take over enemy's body's and use them as explosives. It picks 3-6 random enemy's

          within your radius, which then a countdown timer begins, in which the 3-6 selected rush to other

          nearby enemy's and blow up.


Well, whatcha think? I'mma draw out more later, but for now this is my concept. I totally want a freaking cowboy in this game.

Edited by pandaf00l
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There are some guslingers frames right now in the forums that arew better than this one of yours, go check them out.




A cowboy frame concept with no cowboy-like abilities.. Is this a troll post or something?


Maybe... But that is something you have to decide. LOOK INTO YOUR SOUL TO FIND THE ANSWER!! :D

Edited by pandaf00l
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