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Should De Provide An Auction System?


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What he said ^

It's what happened to diablo 3 and now they are closing it

Diablo 3 is the only known case where an Auction house has failed... People should really stop using it as an example.

Maybe, just maybe in the world of gaming the developers have heard of D3 and what happened to their auction house and like every other game out there have thought of a way to prevent the same issue...


Face it, #Tradespamchat only caters for maybe 5% of the community of this game... most people dont want to be harassed by 500 messages when they ask to buy something and sure as hell dont want to read 500 lines per second looking for the best deal on something.


If people dont want to use an Auction house then so be it... Dont use it... But I bet you the other 90% of the community will just because blatantly more user friendly than #tradespamchat.


Yes the economy would suffer slightly at first while the initial rush is on of people getting rid of their access duplicates but just like recently when Primes became tradable it will level itself out again.


Also the sellers get to choose the price... So if things are selling cheaper than you would like then thats your own fault for selling them that cheap.

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Yes, they should implement an Auction house.


It would end the spaming in the Trade Channel and also people being scammed. The market would develop much more balanced prices nearly nobody would complain about. The only people complaining would be those who already demand outrageous prices for their stuff.


On the other hand to prevent overinflation/overpricing, people making profit by buying and reselling and other economy problems they should make items Mastery Rank dependend. Prime parts should not be tradeable for low ranked players. That's already a major flaw that allows most players to bypass the whole gameplay. The same should be done with Mods. You should only be able to trade/use certain mods if you've surpassed a certain Mastery Rank, because otherwise new players will continue to buy most mods, being overpowered way too fast and then feel bored because there's nothing else to achieve. I've seen way too many players complaining "I've played 2 weeks, I'm bored because I bought everything with Plat in the trade channel".


That's the major reason why the Auction house in Diablo 3 failed... People did not have to play the game in order to get decent gear - on top of a flawed Item-system forcing people to do that in first place. It should be supplemental but not a gameplay replacement.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Diablo killed auction house because it is crap. It is an imbecile idea to create a virtual economy in a game in the first place. Limited trading is better.

Are you kidding me...





Taking D3 as the 1 example out of the thousands of games that use an Auction house system just proves your own ignorance...

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Diablo killed auction house because it is crap. It is an imbecile idea to create a virtual economy in a game in the first place. Limited trading is better.


Blizzard killed it in D3 because people were spending more time in the Auction house than playing. At some point you can't advance any further without relying on the Auction House, because the game keeps on dropping crap and the enemies getting too hard. Buying stuff and gold with real money inflated the worth of items, but the perfect ones kept on becoming more and more expensive because of people buying and reselling them. The only way to make enough gold to get some of those perfect items is either to invest real money of your own or to lure on the Auction house and abuse foolish players who don't know the worth of an item and start to resell yourself.


The same is already happening in Warframe even without an auction house. People buy stuff because the limit of trades per day is just a band-aid. If it takes a Rank 5 player one week more to get all the mods and Prime items or not doesn't matter. A new player will find the game to be boring sooner than later anyways, because that's what's happening when you allow new players to obtain endgame items right away without longer experience.


Blizzard shutting down the Auction house of Diablo 3 was their only viable solution because of the way their Itemsystem works. You'll never get near to perfect items other than through trading. Droping a perfect item yourself is like to wait for the planets to align. It's typical Blizzard-RNG-horsesh*t. Always was, always will be.


Warframe is different because the item-stats are fixed. Every Boltor Prime has the same stats. Every Split Chamber has the same stats. So there's no battle for "perfect items".


1) Making Prime items and rare mods available to lower ranked Players is like giving them the endgame-gear right away. There should be mastery-rank dependend items, because for that reason.

2) There should also be a way to trade those items with other players in a civilized manner and auction houses proved themselves to be viable.


That's two different things but very related to each other because they cause problems in the game economy.

Edited by MeduSalem
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Diablo killed auction house because it is crap. It is an imbecile idea to create a virtual economy in a game in the first place. Limited trading is better.

Does that mean every game including TERA, Guild Wars and every other online game should destroy their A House?

Edited by XDeathCoreX
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i cant see any reason why not.

if you sit in the trade chat for hours (there are people who dont have time for that) or if you open the Auction interface and buy it there.

The only difference is time.


No more rip-off prices, because the cheapest one wins etc etc

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Or a broker system where people list the price they want to buy an item at and the sellers can then sell item for the highest listed price right away.


Or the game informs the player that his bid was accepted and then both players can begin the trade process in the trade room to complete transaction.

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I play spiral knights which is basically a childish version of this game...or i used to until they started  focusing more on making money than actual content..


anyway. We had a AH, it works pretty well. You select how long you want to put things up for, minimum bid price, and if you want a buyout price. It had filter categories and allows you to search for a specific item. You could even filter by rarity, which in this game would allow you to find a mod ranked to a certain level easier.


This allows you to sell things at non peak hours, and allows you to play the game instead of staring blankly at pages of spam-text. or using the forums that the vast majority of players don't use.

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Oh yeah sure like people DON'T! do that already! And auction house would be really nice for people such as my self who can't type very fast. And besides doing 50+ runs on T3 MD and not a single Boltor Prime BP and not a single person will trade for one. Every one only wants plat. So I still have to farm for the BP's I want any way. So take your "Their ruining my gameplay! like OMG!" some place else.

Its your problem if you are trying to buy it for 5 plats or trade for bronco BP. I sold like 10 boltor BPs without any problem and without spending ,, hours'' in trade channel. You got forums to sell stuff.

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Blizzard killed it in D3 because people were spending more time in the Auction house than playing. At some point you can't advance any further without relying on the Auction House, because the game keeps on dropping crap and the enemies getting too hard. Buying stuff and gold with real money inflated the worth of items, but the perfect ones kept on becoming more and more expensive because of people buying and reselling them. The only way to make enough gold to get some of those perfect items is either to invest real money of your own or to lure on the Auction house and abuse foolish players who don't know the worth of an item and start to resell yourself.

The same is already happening in Warframe even without an auction house. People buy stuff because the limit of trades per day is just a band-aid. If it takes a Rank 5 player one week more to get all the mods and Prime items or not doesn't matter. A new player will find the game to be boring sooner than later anyways, because that's what's happening when you allow new players to obtain endgame items right away without longer experience.

Blizzard shutting down the Auction house of Diablo 3 was their only viable solution because of the way their Itemsystem works. You'll never get near to perfect items other than through trading. Droping a perfect item yourself is like to wait for the planets to align. It's typical Blizzard-RNG-horsesh*t. Always was, always will be.

Warframe is different because the item-stats are fixed. Every Boltor Prime has the same stats. Every Split Chamber has the same stats. So there's no battle for "perfect items".

1) Making Prime items and rare mods available to lower ranked Players is like giving them the endgame-gear right away. There should be mastery-rank dependend items, because for that reason.

2) There should also be a way to trade those items with other players in a civilized manner and auction houses proved themselves to be viable.

That's two different things but very related to each other because they cause problems in the game economy.

These are the things I worry auction house may bring to warframe. A market center, I am ok. Auction? Nope. Trade shouldnt be the main point of a game. In fact I believe it should be optional.

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The current trade set-up does need some level of modification to allow ease of use.


I don't think an Auction House is the right route to go, but many of you do.


I wonder if you have considered what happens next though...


RMT and Re-sellers will infest the game space. That's not an "if" scenario with games that have Auction Houses. That's been consistent for the last 12 years.

It's why the initial version of FFXIV didn't have one.

It's why the current version of FFXIV banned and culled so many High Rollers soon after the game launched.


I, personally, think trading for Plat is distasteful and begging for issues long term. But with the entrance of an AH, it won't be a long-term issue anymore.

Once re-sellers hit the game, and they will with an AH. DE will remove the ability to trade for Plat, they'll have to in order to keep making a profit.


That's not conjecture but merely applied logic.


My personal outlook is to come up with something closer to a website emulating a flea market or swap-meet that allows for buying, selling,and trading. It would allow the offering agent to be rated, and tracks the number of sales/trades they make.

This allows DE the analytics to catch nefarious outliers with relative speed.

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People already use Trading in auction like fashion. As long as the auctions are blind, meaning you can't see other peoples offers, it's pretty much exactly like the way it is now but 100 times more convenient and efficient. 


EDIT: Damn typos

Edited by DJ_Redwire
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The current trade set-up does need some level of modification to allow ease of use.


I don't think an Auction House is the right route to go, but many of you do.


I wonder if you have considered what happens next though...


RMT and Re-sellers will infest the game space. That's not an "if" scenario with games that have Auction Houses. That's been consistent for the last 12 years.

It's why the initial version of FFXIV didn't have one.

It's why the current version of FFXIV banned and culled so many High Rollers soon after the game launched.


I, personally, think trading for Plat is distasteful and begging for issues long term. But with the entrance of an AH, it won't be a long-term issue anymore.

Once re-sellers hit the game, and they will with an AH. DE will remove the ability to trade for Plat, they'll have to in order to keep making a profit.


That's not conjecture but merely applied logic.


My personal outlook is to come up with something closer to a website emulating a flea market or swap-meet that allows for buying, selling,and trading. It would allow the offering agent to be rated, and tracks the number of sales/trades they make.

This allows DE the analytics to catch nefarious outliers with relative speed.

I assume what you are saying is that with the addition of a AH, then people who play this game sheerly for profit will buy up things, and sell them for plat.


The problem with websites is that it is just that: a website. It is no more convenient than the forums. The AH offers a convenient solution for those who dont want to bother with the trade chat spam and typing up huge posts on the forums that just end up getting covered up. 


I dont see what the issue is, lowest prices alwasy win in a auction. There is no way for another player to gain the advantage other than offering a better price.


So what if they buy out the smaller seller in a chance to resell. That is their problem, they just spent plat in order to make 10 plat, while the seller got the full value.

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" "

I also cant stand resellers *spit* and am aware that lots of people think its hilarious to grief the general public by doing it.

Its already happening in the spam chat trade system...


But anything is better than the current tradespamchat thing that is in place...


I dont think that trading is or should be an important factor in any game but when it is a factor it would be great to be able to do it in a comfortable, controlled and relaxed environment...

Not spammed with a million messages when I post WTB nor reading 500 lines per second looking for the best deal on what I want.


Put money in and item comes out... Put item in and money comes out... This is trading.

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What are you referencing? The livestreams can be long so, no, I personally don't usually watch much of them.


In one of the streams they hinted at a better trade system/mentioned that in the "planetary hubs you can buy or sell a weapon before going on a mission".

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In one of the streams they hinted at a better trade system/mentioned that in the "planetary hubs you can buy or sell a weapon before going on a mission".

Oh yeah, the PSO style thing.... 


If they went as far as this it would make sense to have a AH really. It would be chaotic having a hundred people with kiosks.. Oh the trade invite spam.. xD Thiws is ofc assumeing that they would allow us to do such things..

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Its your problem if you are trying to buy it for 5 plats or trade for bronco BP. I sold like 10 boltor BPs without any problem and without spending ,, hours'' in trade channel. You got forums to sell stuff.

Forums with threads that mostly consist of zero replies.

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im all up for an auction house system... place your items in the market at the price you want and if people want it they can just click and get it, and yes usually in all games with auction houses, prices go down when theres to much materials of the same type being offered... 


this currently happens in trade chat, if someone is selling rhino systems for 15 .. .your not going to sell yours for 15... usually you sell it for 10 or 5.... people can choose the best prices and if the price is fair on the spot, they dont need to stare at a chat all day to see if someone sells cheaper... 

people wont play the game bla bla bla... well if you look at the trade channel ... HOW MANY PEOPLE ARE THERE SPAMMMING THE CHAT TRYING TO SELL STUFF INSTEAD OF PLAYING... thats right your reasoning is flawed, because its much worse right now, than it would be with and auction house... there are hundreds of people in the chat channel trying to sell stuff, or trying to buy it... 


you guys are just afraid you wont be able to sell your stuff at the overpriced rates your asking for... the only downfall with this system is that you wont be able to ripoff new players like youve been doing until now...

Edited by warthain
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I assume what you are saying is that with the addition of a AH, then people who play this game sheerly for profit will buy up things, and sell them for plat.


The problem with websites is that it is just that: a website. It is no more convenient than the forums. The AH offers a convenient solution for those who dont want to bother with the trade chat spam and typing up huge posts on the forums that just end up getting covered up. 


I dont see what the issue is, lowest prices alwasy win in a auction. There is no way for another player to gain the advantage other than offering a better price.


So what if they buy out the smaller seller in a chance to resell. That is their problem, they just spent plat in order to make 10 plat, while the seller got the full value.

You are assuming wrong.

I'm not talking about item resellers.


I'm talking about platinum re-sellers.


If you have played an MMO with an AH, you know what I am talking about.

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