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 But then you have high level games .


That is not "high level games" but very, very long games, one hour or more.

In fact, "high level" and Nova in the same sentence is a joke.


A game should not demand players to sit for one hour before it starts to get interesting. The game is not difficult enough for players who have multi forma weapons, max rare mods etc.

And that too is a problem of balance, balance of veteran players vs the enemy. The game fails there too.

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I feel that the game lacks group content. Save for certain defense missions, most of the content seems balanced for solo play. Often times, I feel that people could easily complete even Void and OD missions on their own. Grouping with other people is merely for the sake of having company. (or if you accidentally kill yourself with a Penta or Thunderbolt). I have yet to see any bosses or encounters where people have to communicate or coordinate to overcome an enemy.


This has become more apparent to me since joining a clan. Regardless of what events are occurring, no one actually needs help to complete them. Everyone is pretty much self sufficient. There's no motivation for actual discussion about game elements, and most exchanges are just casual banter.


The devs have been very good on adding new content in the form of tilesets and items, but none of it has really changed the dynamic of the game. Even enemies start to feel like little more than reskins after a few runs, as there is no real difference in how you effectively engage them. They may have minor variances in behavior, but none of that variety matters because it doesn't affect the players.


i.e. Corpus Techs fire spin-up plasma guns and deploy a shield drone when they're fired on. Grineer Heavy Gunners fire a spin-up machine gun and can do a ground pound to defend themselves from melee. By design and description, they are very much unique from one another. So what do you do when you see one? Put 20-30 rounds into their heads and watch either of them drop dead. Does it matter which of the two you're shooting at? No. You engage both of them the same way; shoot it in the head, shoot it dead.


Enemies like Lech Kril and Sagras Ruk are a good example of encounters that promote teamwork, but are by their status, too infrequent an occurrence to have a notable impact on the general game experience. 

Edited by Ryme
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As far as new players, I got the game the the day before update 12. This game is not very kind to new players, the mod and fusion system desperately needs a tutorial. I still see people struggling in higher systems that are rank 0 and obviously never learnt to fuse redirection and vitality. It also needs to tell people about potato's and I dare say your starting frame should come with a potato, not everyone knows that 50p you get is best spent on a potato.


The other problem is it's so hard to get an upgrade for new players your stuck with that horrible braton for days and days and the same frame. Wich is in no way how the rest of the game is, after a certain point you can easily farm new warframe everyday and get multiple new weapons building, so why is so hard to get new gear for new players, when it's so easy when your about a week in the game.


As far as higher rank players I think they just want higher level and harder content. After you can solo outer terminus, got all the corrupted vault mods,nightmare modes, done all the t3 voids to the point it's not very challenging then theres not much left to do, except taxi people and wait for nightmare alerts (I do enjoy those)


Give us t4 void (with the amount of new primes coming out it would help desaturate the loot tables), another planet that has lvl40-60 mobs to give people something challenging to do until badlands, proxywars etc comes out

..That's actually really really clever. Making their first warframe be upgraded from the very start. I mean, it's not like they'll be able to use it to its full potential when they lack any good mods to actually put into the warframe but still it's going to let them know how powerful a warframe can actually be if they invest time into it.


And it's true, the game how it is from the beginning is nothing like how the game is later on. It's a massive change.

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Other games have no loot and no levels but they are fun for years.  The only thing you need to do with those games is play them.  The game mechanics have to be right for there to be fun, i.e., Customer Satisfaction.  But, what constitutes Customer Satisfaction is a matter of individual Customer's opinion.  Therefore, DE has to make multiple game mechanisms to satisfy multiple opinions on Customer Satisfaction.  This is indisputable.  It is a time tested business strategy and the proof is at your nearest business.  It's right there every time you open your wallet.


DE seems to be recognizing this with their stealth/rescue rewrite.  But, they do not appear certain of and committed to the idea.  Yet, the idea proves itself every time they buy a cup of coffee.

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It's most certainly the repetition and the subsequent boredom. 


The game can only keep players captivated with it's initial ninja charms for so long until the recycled tilesets, limited customization options (most requires plat), and numerous balance issues kicks in. 

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Are you sure it tracks only Active a/cs and not used and binned ones too? These sort of stats always raises an eyebrow .


i cant be that skeptical if i can join in a game at 0400 in the morning on a weekday in east coat.

besides that, ive roamed regions just for kicks, we have quite the following for Warframe in other countries (You can change region in the options menu, i did it just to see if i can play with Europeans).


Sure, i dont beleive we have 7 million active acounts (accounts that log in at least a few times a month)

i wouldnt be shocked if it was closer to 2.5mil, but thats still a huge number

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after looking at that


please tell me what you're basis is that we are losing members steadily over the last few months.


That's interesting.  Compare the number of forum accounts to game accounts.  607,668  vs.7,818,888.  The number of weapons crafted is interesting too, it's about 2 weapons per registered account.  But, I've crafted them all.  Lots of interesting stats.  The number of registered accounts seems to dominate over the stats that imply activity.

Edited by ThePresident777
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Is it the grind? the repetitiveness of the game? the bad experience for new people

I don't know it seems like people in my experience with my clan at least they pick up the game and really like it, they have fun on it, then just kinda fizzle out and don't come back.  


One of the reasons I made a clan was to recruit some new people and help them out, to get them started in the game.


I don't know I have played a lot of games but this one just seems to have a larger amount of people who pick it up then quit.





does it seem like a lot of people join then leave or is this game around average for it?

Also what kind of things should change to keep more people interested for longer.

I could point you to my latest thread.

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  • 3 months later...

I don't think Warbros leaving is a herald of death for the game. The impression I got was that, as a clan, they gave heart and soul to Warframe and felt it wasn't reciprocated by DE.  Besides, being top Clan in every event has to take it out of them pretty fast.  That's a lot of hard work.


Kind of sad I never got the chance to run with any of them. 


Found this by searching "Top Clan"   I'd like to point out that besides this last event EGT was the only clan to be #1 in every event.  Warbros is not.  Any event that required quantity over quality put Warbros at #1.  Oh wait, that's nearly every one of them.......

(edit) well after the hotfix that is =P

Edited by Capitulate
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Warframe is a game that you can put down and return to often. I think until more game mechanics are added and refined, this will remain true.. 


The SECOND it ever feels like work, stop playing. Poke around once a week, see if there is a patch you like, try it out, rinse repeat. 

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My brother and I only made it to MR4 before only playing alerts with good rewards. The problem is that the game just drops you in and gives you absolutely zero direction. I feel like I'm just killing the grineer/corpus/infested for absolutely no reason. The both of us are hoping that the quest system with U14 will gives us a reason to play again. I want to be given a reason to kill them and unlock the star chart, I don't want to have to look for a reason in the codex or some other out of the way place.

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My brother and I only made it to MR4 before only playing alerts with good rewards. The problem is that the game just drops you in and gives you absolutely zero direction. I feel like I'm just killing the grineer/corpus/infested for absolutely no reason. The both of us are hoping that the quest system with U14 will gives us a reason to play again. I want to be given a reason to kill them and unlock the star chart, I don't want to have to look for a reason in the codex or some other out of the way place.


Agreed. A buddy of mine and I equate it to starting a television show in the second season. 

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