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A Collection Of Ideas Around Mods.


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The reason the powers are mods instead of being always actie is so that in the future alternative powers can be made and added seamlessly. 

No way that is happening. Not when they replace powers instead of adding new ones, and certainly not while powers have tiers.



The game is in beta, most of what has been discussed in the devstreams  has yet to be implemented the game is full of place holders that will one day be updated and given the love they deserve.

"Beta" isn't some magical word that immediately excuses everything - There are no promises, just ideas that will, more likely than not, never see the light of the day. Ideas that were discussed 4+ livestreams ago are in the limbo as far as everyone's concerned.

Edited by Incursum
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No way that is happening. Not when they replace powers instead of adding new ones, and certainly not while powers have tiers.


Two things - The first being about tiers. He addressed that in the OP.


Second, why is it not doable with generic powers? When generic powers become a reality, you will still only be able to equip 4 powers altogether at a time. (ie. 3 powers from the frame and 1 generic power, 2 powers from the frame and 2 generic powers, etc). So why can't we have a little power menu on which we simply switch out a frame power for a generic one the same way we will do so in the future? The only thing the OP shouldn't have put in his post was saying powers should be "permanently" installed. But rather, just removing their play in the mod system and have them be their own system altogether.

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No way that is happening. Not when they replace powers instead of adding new ones, and certainly not while powers have tiers.

Sure and when it does it will hardly be a bad thing.



also one power got replaced because it did not fit the theme of the warframe.

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while the idea is awesome when you're thinking about frames like nekros that need very different modsets for their abilities to shine (terrify and shadows of the dead need range/strength and duration while desecrate needs efficiency/range and maybe castspeed), it would horribly imbalance some frames who can already fit in all the mods to maximize their skills. suddenly you'd have max duration invisibility lokis with max range radial disarms, rhinos with a maxed efficiency/strength iron skin and a maxed strength/duration roar alongside a maxed range or strength stomp. also suddenly you'd gain 4 more slots per frame, and while nekros again might need those slots, rhinos, novas and lokis will suddenly grab all those defensive mods which, due to their already very good skillsets are not really needed for them. that would in turn lead to even easier missions. DE needs to create better enemies first, enemies that are worth all the power we would gain through that system.

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Reminds me of Diablo 3's Rune system, except that you can't change it mid-game (and doing so doesn't cause you to lose you droprate buff). I like it.


The reason the powers are mods instead of being always actie is so that in the future alternative powers can be made and added seamlessly. 


True. But we can still have a separate loadout screen for powers where we can modify them. Then we can choose which ones we have 'active' in a game without taking up slots on your Warframe's standard loadout page.


I'd actually like to see Intensify, Blind rage, etc. moved to this new modding screen. Say you have four slots for each ability. You'd be able to mix and match Power mods for that ability only, meaning that the Fleeting Expertise you slap on your Sonic Boom won't affect your Sonar's duration. Meanwhile, you could max out Sonic Boom for efficiency and range while your Sonar could focus on strength and duration. This could allow for more player customization when making builds.


One problem with this kind of system would be for abilities like Blessing, which only care about Duration and Efficiency; there is no reason to equip Strength or Range mods for Blessing, so players would always use the same 'build' for Blessing.This is where the OP's idea would come in more handy. Or heck, maybe even combine the two for even greater ability customization. The other issue is that by removing the Power mods on the Warframe page, you'd be left with just Defensive mods. This sheds light on how incomplete Warframe mods are, and it would mean that we need more mods to creatively alter our Warframe's characteristics.


In short, cool changes like these are certainly welcome. But they also reveal the current mod system's flaws. That's where DE and the players can work out solutions to refining the mod system.

Edited by Noble_Cactus
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also one power got replaced because it did not fit the theme of the warframe.

And that's also another reason we won't get new powers. They're picky about it even though a lot of the power designs are pretty bad. Nekros is a loot machine, Paladin frame has terrible damage and healing powers, Berserker is barely a berserker if she can't survive without relying on her ultimate, Ember's fire damage is nothing in front of Shields and Armor, Ash is a frame for those who want to feel cool and useless at the same time, etc etc. Replacing a power that people like for one that just throws the frame's ranking among the others down is hardly a good decision even if the power doesn't fit their vision of the frame. But enough about that I guess, this isn't what the thread is about.


Sure and when it does it will hardly be a bad thing.


And yes, it will be a bad thing. Everyone will slap all ultimates they can on their build and spam them with 75% energy efficiency. Think of a Rhino Stomp, plus a "Rhino Blast", plus a "Rhino Quake" and a "Rhino Crash". All dealing thousands of damage at the same time for just 100 energy.

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And yes, it will be a bad thing. Everyone will slap all ultimates they can on their build and spam them with 75% energy efficiency. Think of a Rhino Stomp, plus a "Rhino Blast", plus a "Rhino Quake" and a "Rhino Crash". All dealing thousands of damage at the same time for just 100 energy.

With simple restriction you can easily prevent this, use the current system of having powers be in four categories and you can only have a max of one power from each category.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but this seems more like a roundabout attempt to gain four more mods slots for your frame. Something that while I admit I would like, I do not agree with overall due to the balancing issues it could create from what certain already powerful frames could do with those slots (loki, nova).


And yes, I read the diagram on affecting individual abilities and such. Since each ability has individual needs for maxing it that can at times contradict with the others, being able to mod one ability positively without negatively affecting other abilities can also end up being very bad.

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And yes, it will be a bad thing. Everyone will slap all ultimates they can on their build and spam them with 75% energy efficiency. Think of a Rhino Stomp, plus a "Rhino Blast", plus a "Rhino Quake" and a "Rhino Crash". All dealing thousands of damage at the same time for just 100 energy.


All I got from this was that you have no idea what you're talking about. That is not how the generic power system will work. Simple as that. If you think the Devs will be so lazy as to not pre-balance every single generic power they put into the game AND test each and every one of them with each and every frame prior to implementing them, then you really need to take a second look at they way you perceive game design on such a scale.

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All I got from this was that you have no idea what you're talking about. That is not how the generic power system will work.

That's because I wasn't talking about generic powers, I was talking about warframe-specific powers, if you didn't notice.

Edited by Incursum
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All I got from this was that you have no idea what you're talking about. That is not how the generic power system will work. Simple as that. If you think the Devs will be so lazy as to not pre-balance every single generic power they put into the game AND test each and every one of them with each and every frame prior to implementing them, then you really need to take a second look at they way you perceive game design on such a scale.

I'm pretty sure most people think that. If you think that DE tests their updates, you must've missed pretty much every big (and some small) update.

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That's because I wasn't talking about generic powers, I was talking about warframe-specific powers, if you didn't notice.


Congratulations, you have done the impossible and made even less sense then you were previously. Rhino Stomp is the only thing you listed that actually exists. There's no such thing as "Rhino Blast", plus a "Rhino Quake" and a "Rhino Crash" and nor will there be in the future. So what is it exactly that's bothering you?

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Congratulations, you have done the impossible and made even less sense then you were previously. Rhino Stomp is the only thing you listed that actually exists. There's no such thing as "Rhino Blast", plus a "Rhino Quake" and a "Rhino Crash" and nor will there be in the future. So what is it exactly that's bothering you?

They were put into quotation marks for a reason. They don't exist, and if they ever were to exist, that's what would happen.


And I'd say you're the one who isn't trying to understand what I'm saying.

Edited by Incursum
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They were put into quotation marks for a reason. They don't exist, and if they ever were to exist, that's what would happen.


Fear not, because as I just said, there will not be more frame specific powers on top of the ones that already exist. If you give me a moment, I will even find the portion of a livestream where they said this. 

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well ill agree that something needs to be done with powers, since im guising im not the only one that have only 1-2 powers equiped.


most powers are complete crap compared to better ones


I personally would like to have all my warframe powers ready for use at all times. And I would like to see some way to customize your warframe abilities so that you can work out different strategies.


The fact that the game as it is would be far too easy for an upgrade of power such as this is a good point to counter with but I would like to ask this.


Take your standard survival mission. Your powers are over powered up until about 20 minutes into the survival anyway. Adding more power to those already overpowered abilities won't change anything.

The only difference it may produce is that instead of the average team capping out at 40-50 minutes in a survival, they would probably be able to cap out more around level 70-80 if even that.


The rate at which enemies SCALE and become damage sponges hits a vertical cliff after 35 minutes. This new modding concept would just allow you a little bit more breathing room, and allow you to be more stylish as you slaughter.

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