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Boltor Prime Build



What is the best combination of mods to put on the boltor prime? 

I hear people saying how they have forma`d their boltor 7 times and honestly i dont see why, could someone explain to me the different damage combinations like corrosive for example? thanks.

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You need Serration, Split Chamber and Shred, after that its whatever dmg mods you can toss on there.  I went Radiation and Viral personally but I'm sure just swapping the dmg mods around for certain factions work just as well.

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i forma 5 times. only because i didnt want the d polarity. i also mostly do voids but heres my build. everything maxed..serration,heavy cal,shred,splitchamber, stormbringer,infected clip,malignant force and high voltage. status is just under 40% like this and im getting about 1400 ish corrosive dmg. very powerful

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i forma 5 times. only because i didnt want the d polarity. i also mostly do voids but heres my build. everything maxed..serration,heavy cal,shred,splitchamber, stormbringer,infected clip,malignant force and high voltage. status is just under 40% like this and im getting about 1400 ish corrosive dmg. very powerful

Don't you find the accuracy suffers too much with a maxed heavy calibur?  The accuracy already sucks pretty hard and I imagine with one of those it would just be all over the place... I may as well bring a shotgun?

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Don't you find the accuracy suffers too much with a maxed heavy calibur?  The accuracy already sucks pretty hard and I imagine with one of those it would just be all over the place... I may as well bring a shotgun?

not at all...it is so strong that 1 shot kills just about everything evin into t3. sometimes 2 shots. if you spray and pray accuracy is terrible. if you burst a round or too it is accurate. its nice because when the situation gets nasty you hold the mouse button down and you basically cutting the grass. other than that you use it like a latron...

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not at all...it is so strong that 1 shot kills just about everything evin into t3. sometimes 2 shots. if you spray and pray accuracy is terrible. if you burst a round or too it is accurate. its nice because when the situation gets nasty you hold the mouse button down and you basically cutting the grass. other than that you use it like a latron...

So long as your enemy isn't strafing, that's to say running directly towards you, then this is true.

Maxed Heavy Cal turns Boltor into a bad Gorgon practically. With the projectile drop off and maxed Heavy Cal you're not hitting any mobile targets past 15 meters without loss of ammo efficiency. And forget hitting anything past 30 m without emptying a clip unless they're stationary. Maxed Heavy Cal on a Boltor excels in one situation:

- High Level defense where there's ample CC to essentially make everything stationary.

And in no way could you treat a Boltor like a Latron. The fact one is semi-auto and the other full auto negates that principle entirely. Using Soma as a comparison would be far more accurate.

Edited by Trickshaw
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I hear people saying how they have forma`d their boltor 7 times


Perhaps they don't have a catalyst installed.  5 polarised slots seems to be the most I need on any weapon, 4 on a few.  This is what I run on the BP:



Heavy Calibre

Split Chamber

Point Strike

Vital Sense

Infected Clip

Cryo Rounds
Edited by kadun
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So long as your enemy isn't strafing, that's to say running directly towards you, then this is true.

Maxed Heavy Cal turns Boltor into a bad Gorgon practically. With the projectile drop off and maxed Heavy Cal you're not hitting any mobile targets past 15 meters without loss of ammo efficiency. And forget hitting anything past 30 m without emptying a clip unless they're stationary. Maxed Heavy Cal on a Boltor excels in one situation:

- High Level defense where there's ample CC to essentially make everything stationary.

And in no way could you treat a Boltor like a Latron. The fact one is semi-auto and the other full auto negates that principle entirely. Using Soma as a comparison would be far more accurate.

i agree... as far as the latron comment. im not comparing the accuracy. i was comparing the semi auto firing. i mostly do high level void missions and i dont seem to need to snipe as there are way too many enemies around, usually. i find running around one shotting enemies inside 20ish meters very effective. and like i previously mentioned.. its nice to have the option to hold down the trigger and shred a mob if need be. i think this just fits my game style. i like getting right in the middle of the thick, not standing40 meters away sniping. just preference....

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i agree... as far as the latron comment. im not comparing the accuracy. i was comparing the semi auto firing. i mostly do high level void missions and i dont seem to need to snipe as there are way too many enemies around, usually. i find running around one shotting enemies inside 20ish meters very effective. and like i previously mentioned.. its nice to have the option to hold down the trigger and shred a mob if need be. i think this just fits my game style. i like getting right in the middle of the thick, not standing40 meters away sniping. just preference....

Any content you can "run around one shotting" enemies in can be accomplished just the same without wasting drain on Heavy Cal.

The only time you need Heavy Cal to "one shot" enemies is the same situation I stated earlier which would be a situation where you would likewise be getting one shot yourself and you would not be "running around" in that case. So, again, Heavy Cal is a waste unless you're high level grinding ODD.

The other 99% of the time you're better off using that drain for anything really.

** NOTE: I use the term "one shot" in reference to tapping your fire key as it's highly unlikely anyone is running around accurately and consistently spitting out one bolt at a time.

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Perhaps they don't have a catalyst installed.  5 polarised slots seems to be the most I need on any weapon, 4 on a few.  This is what I run on the BP:



Heavy Calibre

Split Chamber

Point Strike

Vital Sense

Infected Clip

Cryo Rounds


Why are you using Point Strike and Vital Sense?

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Gas is toxic and fire. Toxic and cold is viral

Yeah, I realized that a little late. That said, viral + electric still isn't a very well optimized elemental combo, especially on a weapon with mediocre proc chance.

Edited by rapt0rman
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i forma 5 times. only because i didnt want the d polarity. i also mostly do voids but heres my build. everything maxed..serration,heavy cal,shred,splitchamber, stormbringer,infected clip,malignant force and high voltage. status is just under 40% like this and im getting about 1400 ish corrosive dmg. very powerful

same, otherwise 4 probably would've been alright, but I didn't want to be forced to use cryo rounds. but it's certainly worth the 5 forma, this thing is beastly. my mods are pretty much the same. whoever is using point strike and trying to make a crit build, boltor's base crit chance is 5%, which is awful


I don't use a status build, pure damage for me: Serration, Heavy Cal, Split Chamber, Shred, then in some order: Wildfire, Stormbringer, Hellfire, Cryo Rounds/Infected Clip/Bane of Grineer (just checked my loadouts, those are the only 3 mods that change). my secondaries are my status guns (akmagnus, akbronco prime, marelok)

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I prefer boosted damage over status effects for this weapon.

But you aren't boosting your damage in any noticeable way by bumping your crit chance from 5% to 12.5%, regardless of crit damage.

Also the viable status chance mods aren't just status anyways, they're status + 60% electric or toxin which would be a MUCH higher damage gain, but once again, even then you'll only be getting a minor status chance boost so your best bet is sticking with the full 90% elemental mods.


If you want more damage based on the build you currently have, your best bet is actually upping the fire rate, so I'd say replace point strike and vital sense with shred and a utility ammo mod (like ammo mutation) to counter the ammo consumption. Stick with the three element build but use a double element that plays off the weaknesses of the strongest enemies you'll be facing in whatever content ( for example, radiation for heavy grineers), and then your third element to help with the weaker guys (in this case to continue the grinner set up, toxic).


You can also use bane instead of the ammo mod to REALLY max out your damage.

Edited by rapt0rman
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Maxed Heavy Cal turns Boltor into a bad Gorgon practically. With the projectile drop off and maxed Heavy Cal you're not hitting any mobile targets past 15 meters without loss of ammo efficiency. And forget hitting anything past 30 m without emptying a clip unless they're stationary. Maxed Heavy Cal on a Boltor excels in one situation:

- High Level defense where there's ample CC to essentially make everything stationary.

You're talking about the Boltor in a thread about the Boltor Prime.

Maxed Heavy Cal on the Boltor Prime is awesome. As it is on most weapons.

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